How Can i Download this video? Encrypted m3u8? - encryption

Hello everyone For almost a whole month now I have been trying to download a file from a specific site
This is the link to the video
The M3u8 files are split into 2 parts.
Video file
And an audio file
As far as I know there is a Key that needs to be entered in order to download the file.
And when I run the command in ffmpeg
I encounter many errors like:
Unable to open key file
Anyone who can download it.
I would be very happy if he would write me a code that works and explain to me how to do it
These are all the codes I have already tried
ffmpeg -decryption_key -i -vcodec libx264 {output_file}
ffmpeg -decryption_key {key} -i {file} -max_muxing_queue_size 9999 d.mp4
ffmpeg -allowed_extensions ALL -protocol_whitelist data, file, http, https, tcp, tls, crypto -i "" c copy -bsf: a aac_adtstoasc test.mp4 -decryption_key C:\ ffmpeg\enc.key
hlsdl -K "1a9625fb34a4afe0d5446138e9543563"
enter image description here


ffmpeg -decryption_key "" -i "" -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -vcodec copy -c copy -crf 50 file.mp4


Streaming video in a folder with ffmpeg

I have configured RTMP to work with Nginx on ubuntu server following the guide from
I have tested the setup and everything is working perfectly to the end but then I have a folder containing movies and I want them to be streamed or played independently via a web player, for example, JWPlayer and I have failed to get that implementation online. Is there anyone with an idea of how to go about it?
Do you get a folder contains a set of movies, and you want to stream them as a stream, or each file as a stream?
Whatever you could do this by FFmpeg:
for file in $(ls movies/*.mp4); do
ffmpeg -re -i $file -c copy -f flv rtmp://server/app/stream
If want to stream each file as a stream, try to start multiple ffmpeg to do this.

FFMPEG encrypt & decrypt Video offline

I want encrypt & decrypt Video file With FFMPEG oflfine mode in hard disk.
I encrypt a Video File (mp4 Extention) by ffmpeg.exe Tools by this Command:
ffmpeg -i SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy
-encryption_scheme cenc-aes-ctr -encryption_key
76a6c65c5ea762046bd749a2e632ccbb -encryption_kid
a7e61c373e219033c21091fa607bf3b8 SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb_encrypted.mp4
for decryption :
i want decrypt and play video file (encrypted.mp4) in my player source c++
(ffmpeg base) and *now i dont wnat use decrypt file with command line with
ffplay.exe *like this :
ffplay SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb_encrypted.mp4 -decryption_key
how i can do decrypt with Write programing code that use FFMPEG api?
thanks in advance.

Sometimes HLS chunks does not generate in /tmp/hls directory

I am working on an adaptive HLS solution using Nginx RTMP module as a streaming server and VideoJs as a client. I have completed the setup i.e. NGINX configurations and client sample in VideoJs.
NGINX Configurations:
I am using this Ffmpeg command to generate stream:
ffmpeg -re -i /home/user/Downloads/test.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -vprofile baseline -g 30 -acodec aac -strict -2 -f flv rtmp://
My problem is that sometimes the Nginx does not generate .ts and .m3u8 files in /tmp/hls directory when I issue the above ffmpeg command. I have also enabled the nginx-rtmp module logs but they are only giving me access information and I am not getting any logs in error logs.
Do let me know if more information is required. Any help will be appreciated.

How do I change a website video to m3U8 format?

Can anyone walk me through the steps of taking a video from our website and changing it to a m3U8 so we can then insert it to our app dashboard to have video on our app?
Download FFMPEG
then download a http segmenter e.g. apple's one or the google one
Now run the command prompt using cmd.
Go to bin directory of the FFMPEG from the command prompt.
Type ffmpeg –h to find various option of the ffmpeg.
This sample code converts a mp4 to a ts file:
ffmpeg -i myvideo.mp4 -acodec libfaac -ar 48000 -ab 64k -s 320x320 -vcodec libx264 -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts myvideo.ts
then run the segmenter to break up the ts file into smaller segments
segmenter -i myvideo.ts -d 20 -o la -x test/myvideo.m3u8
add the following to your htaccess file if you are running on apache
.M3U8 application/x-mpegURL
.ts video/MP2T
that's about it
Use gstreamill, which can transcode video to m3u8 format.

How to stream with ffmpeg via http protocol

I'm currently doing a stream that is supposed to display correctly within Flowplayer.
First I send it to another PC via RTP. Here, I also checked with VLC that the codec etc. arrive correctly, which they do.
Now I want to expose this stream to Flowplayer as a file, so it can be displayed, via something I used in VLC:
for example.
The full line I got is: ffmpeg -i input -f mp4 http://localhost:8080/test.mp4
However, no matter how I try to do this, I only get an input/output error. Is this only possible with something like ffserver or another?
What I think is this doesn't work because ffmpeg can't act as a server; on VLC it works since it can. (Though VLC ruins the codecs I set and it can't be read afterwards for some reason)
A (sort of) workaround I can use is saving the RTP stream to a file, and then letting flowplayer load it. This, however, only works once the file is not accessed anymore; I get a codec error otherwise.
To have FFmpeg act as an HTTP server, you need to pass the -listen 1 option. Additionally, -f mp4 will result in a non-fragmented MP4, which is not suitable for streaming. You can get a fragmented MP4 with -movflags frag_keyframe+empty_moov. A full working command line is:
ffmpeg -i input -listen 1 -f mp4 -movflags frag_keyframe+empty_moov http://localhost:8080
Other options you may find helpful are -re to limit the streaming speed to the input framerate, -stream_loop -1 to loop the input, and -c copy to avoid reencoding.
you need this command line
ffmpeg -f v4l2 -s 320x240 -r 25 -i /dev/video0 -f alsa -ac 1 -i hw:0 http://localhost:8090/feed1.ffm
make sure that your feed name ends with ".ffm" and if it's not the case, then add "-f ffm" before your feed URL, to manually specify the output format (because ffmpeg won't be able to figure it out automatically any more), like this "-f ffm http://localhost:8090/blah.bleh".
