I developed an extension to Visual Studio to generate SSIS package.
Now, I want to display the command in the menu "SSIS Packages" :
But I can't find the GUID and ID of this menu to complete ".vsct" :
<Group guid="guidVsixHideCommandPackageCmdSet" id="MyMenuGroup" priority="0x0000">
<Parent guid="???" id="???"/>
Can you tell me the GUID/ID of the menu "SSIS Package"?
I am trying to develop a photo app using the PictureChooser plugin. I see that the sample uses Xamarin.iOS. I've googled for examples where the plugin uses Xamarin.Forms but can't find any. I understand how binding works for labels, text editors, and buttons; however, the binding btw the page's image control and the viewmodel's byte[] has got me stomped.
DAA.UI project:
In CameraPage.XAML:
<Image x:Name="MyImage"
Source="{Binding Bytes, Converter={StaticResource InMemoryImage}}"
HeightRequest="{OnPlatform iOS=300, Android=250}"
WidthRequest="{OnPlatform iOS=300, Android=250}"
HorizontalOptions="Center" />
In App.XAML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- Application resource dictionary -->
<resources:Colors />
<nativeValueConverters:NativeInMemoryImageValueConverter x:Key="InMemoryImage"/>
Value Converter file:
using MvvmCross.Forms.Converters;
namespace DAA.UI.NativeValueConverters
public class NativeInMemoryImageValueConverter : MvxNativeValueConverter<MvxInMemoryImageValueConverter>
The compiler can't find MvxInMemoryImageValueConverter in the value converter file.
If you are using MVVMCross you should find an example that works with Xamarin.Forms, in which case a good place to start it's their Github.
Or you have to implement it in each platform and use a DependencyService to get the implementation
Other Alternatives
Xamarin Community Toolkit
Another alternative for a camera App is Xamarin Community Toolkit Camera View. In that same link there is an example. But there are more examples in their Github. This is fully compatible with Xamarin.Forms and brings a little more control over the CameraView
Xamarin.Essentials offers the MediaPicker that let's the user upload a photo from the gallery or take a new one. But the action of the photo in handled by the OS, so for you it's like a black box. You call the function, and get the photo.
I have a Xamarin Forms Shell Application with a flyout. My entries are defined like this:
<FlyoutItem Title="{x:Static resources:Strings.DashboardTitle}" FlyoutIcon="ic_dashboard_black">
<dashboard:DashboardPage />
This works so far as the icons is shown. But to support light and dark theme I would like for example to be able to bind that with an AppThemeBinding. Is that possible? Or how would I theme the icons in the flyout?
You can use AppThemeBinding markup extension to define image source under light/dark mode:
<FlyoutItem Title="{x:Static resources:Strings.DashboardTitle}" FlyoutIcon="{AppThemeBinding Light=lightlogo.png, Dark=darklogo.png}">
The following requirements must be met for Xamarin.Forms to respond to a system theme change:
Xamarin.Forms or greater.
iOS 13 or greater.
Android 10 (API 29) or greater.
UWP build 14393 or greater.
Responding to a system theme change is currently experimental, and can only be used by setting the AppTheme_Experimental flag.
Refer: Enable flags in platform projects
I am working with a task right now which I need to display the existing features of a "table" plugin. However, I am having a hard time enabling it. When using this code below, I only get to have the table properties feature. That's the only displayed tool/icon I have on my richtext editor. Can somebody help me enable/display other features/icons such as (insertcolumn, insertrow, etc)?
<tableField jcr:primaryType="cq:Widget" xtype="richtext">
<rtePlugins jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
<table jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" features="*" />
I have tried doing this (below) but I still failed.
<tableField jcr:primaryType="cq:Widget" xtype="richtext">
<rtePlugins jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
<table jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" features="[insertcolumn,insertrow]" />
That's the only toolbar button that the table plugin provides. To use the other features, right-click on the table itself:
I have a requirement where I need to show a an alert/popup when an editor clicks on the Unpublish menu command. I will show the popup with an Yes/No Button, if Yes is selected we proceed and show the existing UnPub screen. If No is selected No activity happens and the user return back to the screen.
How this can be achieved ?
Can we extend/override the existing CME command's without creating a new Command for ourselves?
I just learned how to do this yesterday (Thank to Nuno Linhares) - you need to be familiar with making a new Editor for the GUI first.
Next step is to find the name of the command that you want to overwrite (Probably "UnPublish" in your case). The easiest way to do that is to use "inspect element" with Chrome or FieFox in the GUI, and look for something like c:command="UnPublish" on the button you wish to extend.
Once you have a basic editor set up, you need to add your new command to overwrite your existing one something like this:
<ext:dataextenders />
<ext:editorextension target="CME">
<ext:editurls />
<ext:listdefinitions />
<ext:taskbars />
<ext:commands />
<ext:command name="UnPublish" extendingcommand="CustomUnPublishCommand"/>
<ext:contextmenus />
<ext:lists />
<ext:tabpages />
<ext:toolbars />
<ext:ribbontoolbars />
Add all your dependencies (JS and CSS etc) and command references in the normal way.
Then write your JS execute function as you would any other GUI command, and call the existing command after you have worked on your popup, something like this:
CustomUnPublish.prototype._execute = function CustomUnPublish$_execute(selection, pipeline) {
//Insert some logic to make a popup and confirm
blnOkToProceed = true;
if (blnOkToProceed) {
//EDIT: Original code
$cme.getCommand("UnPublish")._execute(selection, pipeline);
//EDIT: Or using the suggestion from #Peter below
$commands.executeCommand("UnPublish", selection, pipeline);
//End Edit
Once again back with a Plone question.
I have Plone 4 installed and I need to show the Document action icons at the top instead of bottom. having trouble in getting this to work. can someone help.
If you just need to move that viewlet (with same class and template), first you have to register a viewlet with same class to your desired viewletmanager (let's say for ex. plone.app.layout.viewlets.interfaces.IAboveContentBody):
and then add this in your genericsetup profile (file viewlets.xml) :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<order manager="plone.abovecontentbody" skinname="Plone Default">
<!-- this will place your viewlet before all the others.
you can also use a viewlet's name for a relative position -->
<viewlet name="plone.abovecontenttitle.documentactions" insert-before="*"/>
<hidden manager="plone.belowcontentbody" skinname="Plone Default">
<viewlet name="plone.abovecontenttitle.documentactions"/>
More info: