How to draw a binary linear equation in R? - r

Now I have a binary linear equation z = wx1 - (1-w)x2, and w varys from 0 to 1 in 0.1 intervals. With two variables x1 and x2, I want to plot this equation with R.
With constraints x1<=19266669.5, and x2<=52575341.065
I tried the code below, but it didn't work.
z = w*x1 - (1-w)*x2
plot(w,z,type="l",lwd=2,col="red",main="z = w*x1 - (1-w)*x2")
How should I improve the code? Thank you in advance!

Your are assigning values so, it is an assignment error, you should use first (based on your snippet) the operator <-
Then to plot use <=, or whatever relational operator you want.
Assignments operators:
x <- value
x <<- value<="" code="">
value -> x
value ->> x
x = value


what does this line of code do with the lm() and poly() function create column P$Y

So I have been trying to decipher some code but have hit a roadblock.
can someone please explain to me the what is being done to P$L to get P$HY to get column Y.
I need to understand Functionally (visually how the data frame changes) and from a Mathematical point of view.
Thanks in advance
# create sample data frame
L <- c(15,12,9,6,3,0)
HY <- c(0,0.106,0.277,0.641,0.907,1)
P <- data.frame(L,Y)
# constants
d <- 5
Y <- lm(P$HY ~ poly(P$L, d))
So it re-iterate the question I´m trying to figure out, mathematically and functionally, what Y <- lm(HY ~ poly(L, d)) is doing.
You are building a linear model with HY as the dependent variable and L as the independent variable using a polynomial of degree 5 for L, so 5 terms for this variable. You are saving this model in the variable Y.

get a derivative by knowing two numeric vectors

I know two vectors x and y, how can I calculate derivatives of y with respect to x in R ?
I want to caculate derivative of y with respect to x: dy/dx; suppose I don't know the underlying function between x and y. There can be a value in derivative scale corresponding to each x.
The only problem with your data is that it is not sorted.
y = y[order(x)]
x = sort(x)
Now you can take the y differences over the x differences.
The result agrees well with the theoretical result d(x) = 2x+1
If you want to get you hands on the function for the derivative, just use approxfun on all of the points that you have.
deriv = approxfun(x[-1], diff(y)/diff(x))
Once again, plotting this agrees well with the expected derivative.
To find the derivative use the numeric approximation: (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) or dy/dx. In R use the diff function to calculate the difference between 2 consecutive points:
#find the average x between 2 points
#find the numerical approximation
#plot numeric approxiamtion
plot(x=avex, dydx)
#plot analytical answer
lines(x=avex, y=2*avex+1)

R: interaction between continuous and categorical vars in 'isat' regression ('gets' package)

I want to calculate the differential response of y to x (continuous) depending on the categorical variable z.
In the standard lm setup:
lm(y~ x:z)
However, I want to do this while allowing for Impulse Indicator Saturation (IIS) in the 'gets' package. However, the following syntax produces an error:
isat(y, mxreg=x:z, iis=TRUE)
The error message is of the form:
"Error in solve.qr(out, tol = tol, LAPACK = LAPACK) :
singular matrix 'a' in 'solve"
1: In x:z :
numerical expression has 96 elements: only the first used
2: In x:z :
numerical expression has 96 elements: only the first used"
How should I modify the syntax?
Thank you!
At the moment, alas, isat doesn't provide the same functionality as lm on categorical/character variables, nor on using * and :. We hope to address that in a future release.
In the meantime you'll have to create distinct variables in your dataset representing the interaction. I guess something like the following...
N <- 100
x <- rnorm(N)
z <- c(rep("A",N/4),rep("B",N/4),rep("C",N/4),rep("D",N/4))
e <- rnorm(N)
y <- 0.5*x*as.numeric(z=="A") + 1.5*x*as.numeric(z=="B") - 0.75*x*as.numeric(z=="C") + 5*x*as.numeric(z=="D") + e
lm.reg <- lm(y ~ x:z)
arx.reg.0 <- arx(y,mxreg=x:z)
data <- data.frame(y,x,z,stringsAsFactors=F)
for(i in z[duplicated(z)==F]) {
data[[paste("Zx",i,sep=".")]] <- data$x * as.numeric(data$z==i)
arx.reg.1 <- arx(data$y,mxreg=data[,c("x","Zx.A","Zx.B","Zx.C")])
isat.1 <- isat(data$y,mc=TRUE,mxreg=data[,c("x","Zx.A","Zx.B","Zx.C")],max.block.size=20)
Note that as you'll be creating dummies for each category, there's a chance those dummies will cause singularity of your matrix of explanatory variables (if, as in my example, isat automatically uses 4 blocks). Using the argument max.block.size enables you to avoid this problem.
Let me know if I haven't addressed your particular point.

Julia Linear Regression

I was trying to fit a linear regression in Julia.
I have a data frame with 10 columns. The first 9 columns are the predictors
I call it X and the last column is the response variable I call it Y
I typed linreg(X, Y) But I get an error message saying
linreg has no method matching DataFrame and DataArray Float.
I was wondering how I could fix the issue.
I was thinking of converting X to a data Array
I tried convert(X, Array) But that threw an error as well:
'Convert has no method matching convert'
Does anyone have any suggestions
If you already have your data in a DataFrame, you should take a look at the GLM.jl package.
Specifically the lm function should do what you want and feel very familiar if you are an R user.
If you post more code (maybe which columns in your DataFrame store X and Y) we could help you further.
update: have to use dot operator in Julia 1.0 while performing scalar addition on arrays. i.e. y = m*x .+ b
You can also do linear regression using simple linear algebra.
Here is an example:
# Linear Algebra style
# For single linear regresion y= mx .+ b
m = 3.3; b = 2; x = rand(100,1)
y = m * x .+ b
# add noise
yn= y + randn(size(y)) * 0.5
# regression
X = zeros(100,2); X[:,1] = x; X[:,2] = 1.0
coeff_pred = X\yn
slope = round(coeff_pred[1], 2)
intercept = round(coeff_pred[2], 2)
println("The real slope is $m, and the predicted slope is $slope")
println("The real intercept is $b, and the predicted slope is $intercept")
You are just using convert wrong. The correct syntax is convert(T, x) it reads: convert x to a value of type T.
so basically you need to do:
and it should work.

How to do ma and loess normalization in R?

Attempting to do loess on two variables x and y in R using MA normalization ( like this:
> x = rnorm(100) + 5
> y = x + 0.6 + rnorm(100)*0.8
> m = log2(x/y)
> a = 0.5*log(x*y)
I want to normalize x and y in such a way that the average m is 0, as in standard MA normalization, and then back-calculate the correct x and y values. First running loess on MA:
> l = loess(m ~ a)
What is the way to get corrected m values then? Is this correct?
> mc <- predict(l, a)
# original MA plot
> plot(a,m)
# corrected MA plot
> plot(a,m-mc)
not clear to me what predict actually does in the case of loess objects and how it's different from using l$residuals in the object l returned by loess - can someone explain?
finally, how can I back calculate new x and y values based on this correction?
First, yes, your proposed method gets the corrected m values.
Regarding the predict function: yes, l$residuals , m - fitted(l) , and m -
predict(l) all give the same result: the corrected m values. However, the predict function is more general: it will take any new values as input. This is useful if you want to use only a subset of the data to fit the loess, and then predict on the totality of the data (for example, when using spiked-in standards).
Finally, how can you back calculate new x and y values based on this correction? If you transform your data into log-space, by creating two new variables x1 <- log2(x) and y1 <- log2(y), it becomes easier to see. Since we're in log-space, calculating m and a is simpler:
m <- x1 - y1
a <- (x1 + y1)/2
Now, for correcting your data based on the fitted loess model, instead of updating the m variable by your mc correction, you can update x1 and y1 instead. Set:
x1 <- x1 - mc / 2
y1 <- y1 + mc / 2
This update has the same effect as updating m <- m - mc (because m will be recomputed as the difference between the updated x1 and y1) and has no effect on the a value.
To get your corrected data out, transform them by returning 2^x1 and 2^y1.
This is the method as used by the authors of the normalize.loess function in affy package, as originally described here (and includes the capability to cyclically look at all pairs of variables as opposed to a single pair in this case):
