How to use content page from Android Project in Xamarin forms - xamarin.forms

I was making a cross-platform app and I wanted a page from android project on tabbed page
I tries using
And showing me error
XLS0414 The type localu:page1 not found you are missing an assembly
reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built


Can't find "Use .NET Standard" when creating a Xamarin.Forms project with Visual Studio for Mac

I am trying this tutorial as I want to create a simple Xamarin.Forms project to plugin to my other project. The parent tutorial is here. In the parent tutorial it stated:
You can see most of this code is boilerplate - and it's the only thing
you really need to do in the MacOS project. All of your app's UI and
business logic code can happily reside in the shared Xamarin.Forms
project. Xamarin.Forms code in a shared project simply points to a
start page with minimal XAML, like so:
It gives sample code. That was why I was trying to setup a project with Xamarin.Forms. But when creating this XAML project, in the tutorial is shows:
Yet in my Visual Studio for Mac all I see is:
It is missing the Use .NET Standard options. Ultimately I want to create a simply XAML form so I can use it with the other project. And I am wanting to run this GUI on MacOS.
If I go ahead a create a empty project then, and add it as a referenced project, I still don't know how to get my appDelegate file to fire up an instance of that xaml window:

How to add app icon badge in xamarin forms wpf application

I need to show unread notification count on a badge in xamarin forms wpf app icon. I have tried with 'xam.plugin.badge' and 'xamarin.badge.plugin' NuGet packages but no luck. I am getting below exception:
Exception :
This functionality is not implemented in the portable version of this
assembly. You should reference the NuGet package from your main
application project in order to reference the platform-specific
Please suggest any idea to add badge count in app icon in xamarin forms wpf application.

Visual Studio App Center - Duplicate 'EmbeddedResource' items were included when building Xamarin Forms app?

When building a Xamarin Forms app in Visual Studio App Center it complains about the embedded xaml-files when using netstandard2.0.
Locally with updated Visual Studio and Xamarin Forms it works perfect to build and run.
(CheckForDuplicateItems target) ->
error : Duplicate 'EmbeddedResource' items were included. The .NET SDK
includes 'EmbeddedResource' items from your project directory by
default. You can either remove these items from your project file, or
set the 'EnableDefaultEmbeddedResourceItems' property to 'false' if
you want to explicitly include them in your project file. For more
information, see
How should xaml-files be added to the project if not as embedded?
The same error is present using VSTS and Hosted Mac Agent
Edit your .csproj file and remove the ItemGroup that contains the EmbeddedResource.
This resolved the issue from me but the original answer came from Xamarin Forums

An IOS Application project must reference the project containing this xaml file in order to render in the previewer

In Previewer below error is shown An IOS Application project must reference the project containing this xaml file in order to render in the previewer.
PCL reference is added in IOS project and Xamarin.forms latest nuget package is also added .
The solution is simple. This works for me in android project. The error message is self explanatory. Solution: Check your android project and make sure the dll of your PCL/.net standard project is reference. In my own case, its referenced but shows a yellow color. I deleted the reference and re-reference by right clicking on the android project=>projects=>solution=>select the PCL/.net standard project => ok ..

Using Grial UIKit with Xamarin Forms

I am trying to use Grial UIkit with my existing Xamarin forms App, but I am facing some issues, can anyone tell me what steps I need to follow to use this kit with an existing project. Currently I am following this link
But I am getting this error
Field 'Xamarin.Forms.ContentPage.ContentProperty' not found.
I resolved this issue. This issue was coming because of the different versions of xamarin forms used in my project and Grial UI kit.
