Is there any option to make my curves more smooth? - scilab

I used Scilab to get this output. Is there any option in Xcos simulation parameters to make my curves more smooth?
[1]: [Scilab's figure][1]

This may not be of much help, but it, as a whole, depends on the time interval you are choosing. Is there a way to change the time scale? Maybe put 1E-5 instead of 0E0. I suspect that writing 0 is making the program choose a default time scale.


Making a base R plot larger

I am not sure if this is possible, but I was wondering if I could expand the parameters of a base R plot. I am aware you can change the resolution/sizing of the graphs when you go to save them, but this isn't what I want to do. I was wondering if there is a command to stretch out the x/y-axis without increasing the range. I attached a picture of the graph I produced, which I feel is quite cramped and small. Below is also my code, which I don't think is an issue but wanted to attach anyways just to be safe. I'd appreciate any help, thank you so much!
plot(O2water, -1*O2rate,xlim=c(19,21.25))

How to change the scale of the plot in R

I have been trying to perform some of the raster related operations using R and whenever I am loading raster files in R in the plot window it is being displayed at a different scale which is hard to notice. I'm a little confused about how to bring it back to a standard size. As I'm new to the R language I'm not able to figure it out. Little help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
It was due to the default values set in par() function. By changing the "mar" parameter in the function I was able to resize it to my own convenience.enter image description here

Plotting the normal quantile function with R

I would like to make a graph of the quantile function of the standard normal distribution using R. I use the command
and I get this graph
However, the graph that I get is truncated at around $-2$ and around $2$. I would like to see something like this picture
The last picture was generated using the command
but it is inefficient and slow.
Why is R making the truncated graph? What command should I use to make a graph without truncation?
Any help is much appreciated!
This should be sufficient:
If you'd like it a bit smoother where the radius of curvature is small, I'd suggest increasing the n parameter a little, e.g.:
see ?plot.function and ?curve

making an interrupted plot with ggplot2

I am trying to make the following plot (which I made in R) using ggplot2. How do I go about doing this? (The plot has a finer resolution from 0 to 10, but coarser resolution from 10 onwards.) know how to do this in R, but I am not sure how to proceed with this in the case of ggplot2. Here is the figure obtained using base R.
To make things useful, note that i don't have that much interest in hanging on to the right-hand y-axis.
Also, I would like to do a similar task on a pair of barplots (have the same scale, and only one y-axis. I am hoping that that approach is similar.
I would also be open to other suggestions that would make a similar plot conveying the information similarly or better.
Many thanks for suggestions!

How to set minimum for Jenkins Plot Plugin

I use Jenkins and its Plot Plugin to generate statistics.
For every Build I plot the line of codes. Lets say I have like 500.000 lines and it changes about +-100 lines per build.
Since the plot y-axis always starts with 0 the whole plot is meaningless. It looks like 1 straight line.
Same goes for other metrics, if the value is too high.
Question: is there any configuration to set minimum y-axes to the minimum value?
Unfortunately, I think the answer to your question is currently 'no'.
First of all, the documentation does not give any hints towards such an option.
Secondly, Given that the Jenkins Plot Plugin uses JFreeChart for the plotting, the setting of a range for the Y-axis should be done using the 'getRangeAxis' function. A search in the source-code does not reveal a call to this function.
Lastly, you do not seem to be the only one that has this problem. Issue JENKINS-2841 asks for the same functionality, but appears not be solved yet.
