WordPress: Images and other assets not loading on localhost - wordpress

First of all, a cordial greeting, friends! I have a problem, I am working with the design of a web page using WordPress via localhost with XAMPP. I have tried to view the project from different devices (cellphones, tablets) and by configuring the file httpd-XAMPP.config I have managed to enter the address correctly of the project.
The problem is that no image, icon, or logo that I have placed on the page loads (as seen in the attached image), the menu button does not work either.
With nothing more to add and thanking you in advance for any help you can provide, I say goodbye.

Have you checked the image path to see if it's correct?
Are you able to access the image from the full path in a browser for example
domain.com/wp-content/uploads/image.png like this?

Probable solution 1:
Most of the cases, it can be the permalink issue.
Please try to check by changing the permalink, first make it Plain Text and check, if it's not working then make it Post Name and then check. (To do it go to Admin dashboard > Settings > Permalink)
Probable solution 2:
Sometimes, if the image and CSS do not exist in the correct location then happen this kind of issue. Please check it.
Probable solution 3:
Put it in the config.php file
Thank you


CSS file on FTP and in browser are different

I'm really confused as to why my browser is not updating my CSS? I've viewed it on other computers/browsers and cleared the cache but the CSS doesn't seem to update in the browser even if it is already updated via FTP.
Here's the link to the github environment that displays correctly:
Here's the link to the url where it doesn't show the changes:
the "image.css" file is not updating in the browser even if it looks updated in the FTP?
What could be the problem? I updated the files together with my index.html but the css files are the ones that does not seem to update.
I attached screenshots of the difference in the css file that does not seem update on the browser. This is what displays via FTP (I use Forklift which I think is similar to FileZilla)
and then here is what the browser displays (the css code that links the image to the blank div is missing)
Hope you can help!
I found out that this was a CloudFlare issue and purging their cache would solve the css mismatch. Hope this helps anyone encountering the same problem.

How to delete kibana logo during loading?

Do you know how to delete or replace the kibana logo during loading as shown in the following picture ?
Indeed, I am importing through iframe links some graphs in my page web and I want to disable this feature.
For all those searching for the solution in Kibana 6.1, Here it is
Display Message Part:
Navigate to src/core_plugins/kibana/translations/en.json file
Change value of UI-WELCOME_MESSAGE to what you want it to be.
The Logo Part:
Navigate to src/ui/views/ui_app.jade file
Change background-image of the css class named .kibanaWelcomeLogo to the image url of your own.
Save your edits and restart Kibana and you are done.
Have a good day!
Here is a reference to the markup for the loading indicator: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/blob/master/src/ui/views/ui_app.jade#L26
You will need to do this within Kibana unless it's on the same domain do to the cross-origin policy. A plugin would most likely be the easiest/cleanest route.

Meteor xolvio:md-blog: Site title is changed to "name"

I have finally successfully installed the Meteor package md-blog from xolvio. The only thing that is bothering me, is that the title of the site is changed to "name". Where can I remove this?
Also on some blog entries my logo in the navbar disappears. Does anyone know what this could be?
If you're basing your blog on the example app (https://github.com/xolvio/md-blog/tree/master/app), the strings used in the app are defined in the internationalization directory (https://github.com/xolvio/md-blog/tree/master/app/i18n). You can edit the en.i18n.json file as you see fit. The site_title property is what you need to edit to change the title of the blog.
Without seeing your blog, I can't evaluate why your logo disappears. Inspect the page to see if it's there but not visible. It's likely a css issue.

Displaying / Linking To A PDF

i have just finished building a new website (wordpress), and i have a very strange problem linking to a PDF file.
I've uploaded a file to my website - http://goo.gl/tNxXYc - however when i enter the link in my browser it says that the page cannot be found, instead of showing the pdf.
Can anyone suggest what the problem might be? Thanks in advance for your help.
well, the given google.gl shortcode forwards to https://www.grasshopperlanguagecentre.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/hello.pdf
and that file does not exist.
So find the correct location of hello.pdf and link to that.
Please check permission of folder where pdf stored. Also try if any of following plug can solve your issue :

Css background Wont work?

I have a question.
I am currently building a "blog" website. Not that it matters but..
I am trying to set my background to be a specific image that i have.
And it used to work! Until recently and I just don't know why it wont.
It works when i am on my computer, everything works fine.
But i am using 000Webhost as the hoster for the website.
So if u go to "http://pontuslundhblogg.uphero.com/"
You might see that the website is completely white. Cause the picture wont load for the background.
In my css sheet, i am using:
body {
background-image: url("bakgrund.jpg");
And yes, i did name the picture bakgrund.jpg and uploaded it to 000webhost. Its the exact same name etc. I wondering.. Could two different css stylesheets make so it gets weird or something? Cause I added a second css style sheet to be able to have a drop-down menu in a different sheet, and i added the drop-menu. Around that time it started messing with me..
Is it me doing something wrong.
Or is it 000Webhost?
(Might add that none of my pictures is working now, i can also contribute with more code if needed!)
If you go to pontuslundhblogg.uphero.com/bakgrund.jpg you get a message
"The image pontuslundhblogg.uphero.com/bakgrund.jpg cannot be
displayed because it contains errors".
If you go to pontuslundhblogg.uphero.com/bakgrund1.jpg you get 404 page, which means that the first path (bakgrund.jpg) is correct - but the image itself isn't good.
Try to upload it again or contact the hosting service.
If you use FTP maybe you need to change something in your FTP program settings - maybe change from ASCII to Binary transfer.
