I need to connect to terada db with reactive spring, but I can't find r2dbc driver for this, the only thing that we already see possible is to wrap jdbc in reactive behaviors, what suggestion does the community give me?
I am new to Redis and trying to create a new database. Also, How to write a connecting string to Redis database with C#.net? Please somebody help me how to implement this.
In general, all use StackExchange.Redis, you will find all you need in documentation
I am trying to create Hive connection in airflow to point to specific Database. I tried to find the params in HiveHook and tried the below in the extra options.
{"db":"test_base"} {"schema":"test_base"} and {"database":"test_base"}
But looks like nothing works and always points to default db.
could someone help me to pointout what are the possible parameters we can pass in extra_options ?
I'm referring to SQLite-PCL tutorial here: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/an-introduction-to-xamarinforms-and-sqlite--cms-23020
I'm very new to SQLite, so I'm lacking in knowledge in lots of basic things - I have tried Googling, can't understand most of it.
Is the call to new SQLiteConnection actually opens up the database or just saying that "the road to the database has been established, whether you access it or not is up to you"?
How do I check if there's already existing database in the devices? And if there is, how do I access it? I have Googled this, but it all seems to be a bit extreme - can't I just call simple OPEN the database?
Is it okay to have multiple SQLiteConnection instances to the same database, if I can be sure that I'm not going to do multiple transaction at the same time?
After I have INSERT into the database, close the app, open up the app back - how do I make sure that there is database created in previous session? Any way to debug this? Because I have no idea if the database is there or not, and I don't know how to access it either..
SQLiteConnection returns a connection object that is used to make subsequent queries
use File.Exists to see if the db file is already present
Again, use File exists to see if the db file is physically present
Xamarin's ToDo sample provides a good overview of using SQLite with Forms.
Try to be more clear, I'm in lack of ideas in this problem, even it sounds like a classic.
My application is running on weblogic 10.3.3 application server, and for database I am using Oracle database 11g. My problem is that there is table in db, let's say "user.", there is column, let's say "columnA", in this table. This table is updating by some module of application.
What I want if when value of column is "abc.", then I have to show alert to console(IP). {IP can be retrieved from DB as it is configured in DB. this ip will be other linux system other than linux machine where oracle database is installed.} Updating is continuously done on my table from module of application. Please tell me from where should I start?, what should I read. I am not able to understand what should be approach. Any help is much appreciated.
Can u provide me any begginner.s link of oracle db listener?
You probably want to look at setting up a Trigger in the database
An alternative to a trigger would be to log update queries against the table (to a log file) and have a process monitor the log, sending out alerts when something happens.
How to connect to DSN created by SQlite Driver using SQL anywhere APIs from C++ code?
I am using db_string_connect() to connect to sybase adaptive server anywhere. I want to use the same function to connect to the DSN created by SQLite Driver as well but db_string_connect() API is returning sqlcode -103 ["You supplied an invalid user ID or an incorrect password."].
I have this somewhat weird requirement because I want to abstract the connection to different databases at ODBC layer. And the code to connect to sybase is already written and I want to minimize the changes in the code. Hope I am making some sense.
You will not be able to use a function from SQL Anywhere client library to connect directly to some other database. Typically, if you need to be able to connect and manipulate different types of database systems, you have to introduce a database layer that sits between the vendor specific client libraries and your code. This could be something you write yourself or use an existing one.