Command "make:entity" is not defined. Symfony 4.4 - symfony

when I run
php bin/console make:entity
the output is
[critical] Error thrown while running command ""make:entity"". Message: "Command "make:entity" is not defined.
Did you mean one of these?


ParameterNotFoundException has been removed, but I still get the error?

I had this error while running phpunit on a symphony project
Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ParameterNotFoundException: You have requested a non-existent parameter "secret_parameter".
The parameter was in a .html.twig file. I attempted to suppress the error by removing the line with "secret_parameter".
The string "secret_parameter" is no longer in my project.
However, if I try to run phpunit, I still get the same error.
Why is that?
I have tried running this line to clear the cache but it has not helped:
php bin/console cache:clear
The full stacktrace of my error is:
When you do
php bin/console cache:clear
you are clearing the cache for the dev environement.
Phpunit use the test environnement.
You should do
php bin/console cache:clear --env=test

Oro Platform Error

I am trying to generate a new bundle for the OroCRM (Symfony2), but when I am trying to run the following
php app/console cache:clear
this error occur
Fatal error: Call to a member function getProperties() on null in /var/www/platform-application/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Tools/SchemaValidator.php on line 239
try this:
sudo php app/console cache:clear
or this:
sudo php app/console cache:clear --force

Please help me debug this error message I get at the console

When I run this command php app/console translation:update es GWDAdminBundle --force --prefix="__" at the terminal I get the following error message:
Unexpected token "name" of value "View" ("end of print statement" expected) at line 31
I don't which file is throwing this error, when I look at the log there is nothing remotely close to this, I suspect that it is one of my view files but how do I begin looking? Any ideas?
Many thanks to kix! I was able to debug all of my twig files with the following command:
php app/console twig:lint src/

Symfony console error

I have a symfony project. Whenever I run the build command using doctrine keyword I am getting the following error.
Task "doctrine" is ambiguous (doctrine:create-db, doctrine:clean).
Please do tell me, what I am getting this error and how can it be resolved
Somewhere you must executing
$ app/console doctrine
which causes this error. You have to explicitly run task(s), eg.
$ app/console doctrine:create-db
$ app/console doctrine:clean

An error occurred when executing the "'cache:clear --no-warmup'" command

An error occurred when executing the "'cache:clear --no-warmup'" command.
i like to upgrade my symfony2.0 project to symfony 2.3 .
i followed above one to upgrade my project .But i'm facing following errors
An error occurred when executing the "'cache:clear --no-warmup'" command.
run sudo php composer.phar update --no-scripts
I had the same error. I tried to run
php app/console
and got another error. I fixed this error and afterwards I could update without this unspecific error.
