How can I access the variable from a function? For example:
def get_data(self):
var = "I am a variable"
Then I would like to get the data of var from that function and put it to my report.
And this is what I did:
<span t-esc"o.get_data(var)"/>
But I am facing an error like TypeError: get_data() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given.
Any idea on how to achieve this?
I just got the answer.
I just put a return to var.
def get_data(self):
var = "I am a variable"
return var
then put this on a report:
<span t-esc="o.get_data()/>
you can also pass the params in xml,
<span t-esc="o.get_data(a)/>
and in python
def get_data(self, a):
name = a
return name
How I can make alias (call the same handler) for similar url/routers like https://myapi/users/5 and https://myapi/users/me (my id placed in token and it's 5).
#router.get("/{employee_id}}", status_code=200, response_model=schemas.EmployeeOut)
async def get_employee(
employee_id: int = Path(default=..., ge=0, description='Id получаемого сотрудника.', example=8),
token: str = Depends(config.oauth2_scheme),
postgres_session: AsyncSession = Depends(database.get_db)):
token_payload = services.get_token_payload(token=token)
if token_payload['role'] in (config.OPERATOR_ROLE, config.OPERATOR_ROLE, config.CLINIC_ROLE):
return (await postgres_session.execute( == employee_id))).fetchone()
raise config.known_errors['forbidden']
except Exception as error:
# Just as example!
#router.get("/me}", status_code=200, response_model=List[schemas.TicketOut])
async def get_me(
token: str = Depends(config.oauth2_scheme)):
token_payload = services.get_token_payload(token=token)
These functions is almost identical, the one difference is that in the second function no path parameter employee_id, but it's anyway are present in the token.
You can wonder why you need me url - it's just for convenience
It is possible. You can specify multiple decorators with API path specifications.
If you look closely at, say, implementation, you will see, that the decorator returns not the wrapped function, but the original function, so you can safely pass it to another decorator.
Something like this:'/api/action1')'/api/action2')
def do_action():
The /me endpoint needs to be above the /{employee_id}
Check out this link:
I want to get possible combinations of two sets of lists in google earth engine, but my code did not works.
var Per1= ee.Array([[0.1,0.5,0.8],[0.4,0.5,0.2]])
var pre = PercFin1.toList()
var CC=ee.List([1,2,3]);
var ZZ ={
var Per11 = ee.List(pre).get(hh);
var out =;
return out;
print (ZZ)
The error I get is:
List.get, argument 'index': Invalid type. Expected: Integer. Actual: List.
Thanks in advance
I don't know if this is what you want, but it looks like you've got the right idea but made an incidental mistake: hh is not an index into pre but an element of it.
I modified and simplified the last part of your code (along with changing PercFin1 to Per1, which I assume was a typo):
var ZZ ={
The result of this is
which is what I understand you want — each row in Per1 individually zipped with CC.
I am creating an RC class and while trying to print(.self$something) within a class method I am getting:
Error in print(.self$something) : unused argument (.self$something)
I am sort of new to R, so am I missing something here?
This is for an assignment which asks us to use RC classes, using R6 is not an option.
myclass <- setRefClass("myclass",
fields = list (
formula = "formula",
data = "data.frame",
something = "numeric"
methods = list (
initialize = function(formula, data) {
print = function() {
a <- myclass$new(formula,data)
> Error in print(.self$something) : unused argument (.self$something)
Edit: Extra info, if I try a$something I get what I should get.
Try to use cat in your print function, you are now in your local print function environment and trying to call your system "print" function. I suggest you use cat as follows:
It will do the job
As #Mohammed mentions, this happened because I was in printing within my own print environment. Though cat() could be an option, later I faced other issues in which cat did not print the object (that could be a thread on its own so I will not go deeper on that here).
What I ended up doing was calling the print function for that specific data type. For instance, if something was a data.frame I called$something) and worked as expected.
I have written the following spec. Surprisingly it passes even though the result doesn't match
code snippet
val controller = new UserController(mockUserRepository,mockControllerComponents,mockSilhouette)
//val request = FakeRequest[AnyContentAsJson]("POST", "/ws/users/signup").withJsonBody(Json.parse("""{"bad": "field"}"""))//FakeRequest(POST,"/ws/users/signup").withJsonBody(Json.parse("""{"bad":"field"}"""));
val request = FakeRequest("POST","ws/users/signup")
println("sending request",request)
//val result = controller.someMethod()
val result = controller.signupUser(request)
Await.result(result,Duration("10 secs")) => {
println("response from controller:"+response)
response mustBe play.api.mvc.Results.BadRequest
console prints
(sending request,POST ws/users/signup)
print in controller. (received request,POST ws/users/signup)
Controller returns 200OK but I am matching it with BadRequest. Still the test passes!
response from controller:Result(200, Map())
I suspect that I am not matching the result correctly. I am doing response mustBe play.api.mvc.Results.BadRequest. I know that response is Results but BadRequest is Status. But I don'w know how else to match and also why the test doesn't fail. I also tried following and can see the the values are different but even then the test passes.
println("response from controller:"+response.header.status+" compared with "+play.api.mvc.Results.BadRequest.header.status)
response.header.status mustBe play.api.mvc.Results.BadRequest.header.status
console print - response from controller:200 compared with 400
Importing members of Helpers object like so
import play.api.test.Helpers._
gives access to various utility methods to extract results from Future[Result] in tests. For example, Helpers.status can be used to extract status code like so:
val result: Future[Result] = controller.signupUser(request)
status(result) mustBe BAD_REQUEST
Another option is to use whenReady from ScalaFutures:
val result: Future[Result] = controller.signupUser(request)
whenReady(result) { _.header.status mustBe BAD_REQUEST }
Another option is to extend AsyncWordSpec and then you can map over the Future like so:
val result: Future[Result] = controller.signupUser(request) mustBe BAD_REQUEST)
Hei guys! I need help in a python program. I wanna make a method which returns the sum of the keys as a dictionary. But I get a error "object is not iterable".
def totaltAntallSalg (dic) :
s = sum (dic.keys)
return s
call_function = totaltAntallSalg({"Ahmed":2,"Nada":1, "hala":3 })
How can I solve this problem?
thanks in advance
How can you add strings ? It might be values that you want to add.
To add values you may use following code:-
def totaltAntallSalg(dic):
return D