Gremlin : Get total count of a label and project the count - graph

I am trying to perform a query where I can retrieve all the total count of a label , say 'user' and I have a property known as 'type' having value of label name.
Query :
Output :
Expected :
Need help on the query for getting the prescribed output.

The fold() step assures that a projection on a single object is carried out. The unfold() step makes that the individual elements of the list can be counted.


MDX error trying to compare one hierarchy level to another one

I have an MDX issue that I really don't understand with a 5 level hierarchy "SEGMENTATION" : AFFAIRE/NIVEAU 1/ NIVEAU 2/NIVEAU 3/NIVEAU 4
I want to compare "NIVEAU 1" sub-levels weight to "Niveau 1".
For instance, I want to know for each 'NIVEAU 3' members its contributions part for its "NIVEAU 1".
I've tried a bunch of things, but nothing works properly. I don't get the trick and is stucked to :
iif(ISEMPTY(([Segmentation].[Niveau1], [Measures].[Total])) OR ([Segmentation].[Niveau1],[Measures].[Total]) = 0
,[Measures].[Total] / ([Segmentation].[Niveau1], [Measures].[Total])
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[TEST],[Measures].[Total]} ON COLUMNS
, NON EMPTY { [Segmentation].[Niveau2]}
ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Segmentation].[Niveau1].&[8589934592]&[1|DESC111] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM [CUBE]) // Only one "Niveau 1" focus
And I get :
<Niveau 2> TEST Total
SF - C... #Error 25143658
SF - M... #Error 1638913,5
ZZZ ... #Error 90468628
#Error : The EqualTo function expects a string or numeric expression for argument 1. A tuple set expression was used.
The expected result is :
<Niveau 2> TEST Total
SF - C... 21,44% 25143658
SF - M... 1,40% 1638913,5
ZZZ ... 77,16% 90468628
21,4% = 25143658/(25143658+1638913,5+90468628)
What's wrong with my MDX?
Is there a mistake among the dimension or hierarchy set up?
Tuples are written as comma separated lists of members. What you have is a dimension.
Instead of
On your measure definition.
[EDIT] As mentioned in a comment, the goal is a solution that works on all levels. The solution is to use
Ancestor( [Segmentation].CurrentMember, [Segmentation].[Niveau1] )
in the Tuple used in the custom measure definition.
Thanks to nsousa, I'm now using :
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Total Niveau1] AS'
,(Ancestor([Segmentation].CurrentMember,[Segmentation].[Niveau1] ),[Measures].[Total])
,([Segmentation].CURRENTMEMBER, [Measures].[Total])
MEMBER [Measures].[TEST] AS'
DIVIDE([Measures].[Societe],[Measures].[Total Niveau1])
',FORMAT_STRING = 'Percent'
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[TEST],[Measures].[Societe],[Measures].[Total]} ON COLUMNS
, NON EMPTY { [Segmentation].[Niveau3]}

Kamailio - get first occurrence value of a param in a string

I need to get the value of first tgrp param in this string using Kamailio :
$var(x) = <sip:xxxxxxxxx;tgrp=0001000;trunk-context=xx.xx.xx.xx#xx.xx.xx.xx:5060;transport=UDP;user=phone;tgrp=237>
I’m trying $var(y) = $(var(x){param.value,tgrp}); but it’s getting the last value of tgrp which is 237>.
Noting that first tgrp is not always in the second index , some other parameters can be added to the string.
How to get the value of first occurrence of tgrp param ?
param.value string operations designed to work with unique params names.
You can loop over all params using for loop and checking {,index}
Try a solution based on xavp_params_explode():
Something like:
xavp_params_explode("$(var(x){s.unbracket})", "x");
xdbg("$xavp(x=>tgrp[0])"); # <- print the value of first parameter tgrp
The index [0] can be omitted, without it first value being returned, but if you want the second param value, then use [1] as index.

How to traverse all vertex and get nested objects

I want to get nested objects in the form of
{ country :
MY graph is in format
vertex: country ---> states ---->cities ---> mallls
edges: (type:'state') ('type','city')
ex: inE('typeOf').outV().has('type','state') move to next vertex "states".
next same inE('typeOf').outV().has('type','city') moves to "city" vertex. then "malls" vertex .
And tired to write the code, some vertex has no cities i have an error that situavation."
The provided traverser does not map to a value: v[8320]->[JanusGraphVertexStep(IN,[partOf],vertex), HasStep([type.eq(city)]), JanusGraphPropertiesStep([code],value)]
Thats why i am using coalesce because some state has not an edge 'inE('partOf').outV().has('type','city')' means no city
My query
But the result is
{country={code=IN, states={code=DD, cities=0}}}
here i am getting one state 'DD' and that state is no city,so it gives 'cities = 0".
the above result is only one state is coming, i want all states, cities and malls in each city.
Please update query or change query
In order to collect all the results you should use .fold() traversal which returns a list of the collected traversals. without fold you will get only the first traversal like in your example.
In order to keep the types the same I changed the constant to [] instead of 0.
It was also not clear if the "type" property is on the edge or the vertex. I find it more appropriate to have it on the edge, so I fixed it as well by moving the has('type',...) between the inE() and outV().
Last, you don't need to "store" the traversal using "as" and then "select" it.
This query should give you the required result:

How to get the passed and failed test cases count from Extent Report html

How to get the passed and failed test cases count from Extent Report html and display the counts in the Console after Selenium test execution
In your TestLister you can set on methods:
the next variables:
int failTC = 0;
int passTC = 0
and then in the methods add +1 and onFinish print the results.

How do I extract the value 72 from this string

How do I extract the value 72 from this string?
{'rssi' : '+' , 'source_addr' : '\x00\x02' , 'samples' : [{'adc-0' : 72}] , 'options' : '\x00'}
.get('samples') gives me [{'adc-0' : 72}] but I do not know how to extract the value 72 from this?
What does the [{a:b}] type structure signify?
It's unclear what language you are using and what is it all about, but if an input is JSON then [{a:b}] is a list of objects.
.get('samples') gives you a list [{'adc-0' : 72}] which has one element: {'adc-0' : 72}, you need to take this first element of the list (or iterate the list), and I suppose you will call .get('adc-0') on the list element to get a value of 72.
