Tmux name window at creation and use the name in zsh command - zsh

Currently, in my tmux.conf I have the following binding which allows me to name a window when I create a new one. Then the window opens in the same directory I was in the last window:
# Name windows before you create them
bind-key c command-prompt -p "window name:" "new-window -c '#{pane_current_path}'; rename-window '%%'"
I want to achieve the following instead:
When I type the name, it will create the window and execute a bash command like z <TYPED_NAME> - the idea is that it will use the name I typed to search for the most relevant directory (using the z command for example) and cd into it. Can that be achieved?
If no relevant directory is found with z it will use the current behaviour which is to cd into the current path.

One problem is that only the first %% in the template is replaced. The other is that a cd command done in a subshell will be lost when you return to the parent shell. For bash you can try a binding something like this:
bind-key c command-prompt -p "window name:" \
"new-window -c '#{pane_current_path}' 'myfn \"%%\"'"
This runs a bash script myfn that must be in your PATH to do the work. It contains:
tmux rename-window "$name"
cd ../"$name" || echo "failed to cd to $name" >&2
exec bash -i
Remember to chmod +x the script. It calls tmux to rename the window, and then you would have your z code to find and cd to a directory. In this example, I just look in ../ for it. The final exec ensures we replace the current shell by an interactive one.
For zsh, you can do something similar, but if you want myfn to be found in your fpath you need new-window to run zsh with the -i option, as zsh only does this for interactive shells. So use a binding like
bind-key c command-prompt -p "window name:" \
"new-window -c '#{pane_current_path}' 'exec zsh -ic \"myfn %%\"'"
Here I've added an exec to avoid having a pointless parent shell, and since -c must be followed by the command as a single string I've put myfn and %% inside the same double-quotes. You'll need to add more quoting if your name can contain whitespace etc.
The myfn zsh script can be the same, with bash replaced by zsh.
I don't know enough about zsh to avoid the final exec zsh -i which is needed to stop the zsh -ic shell from terminating.


Tmux remap prompt for command -- Ctrl-b + :

The goal is to be able to type Ctrl-b + ; instead of Ctrl - b + : to activate the tmux command prompt.
I can't figure out how create this particular binding.
I know how to use bind-keys to have a shortcut to execute commands to creating new windows etc.
via shell:
tmux bind-key -T prefix "\;" command-prompt
In .tmux.conf configuration or tmux command-prompt:
bind \; command-prompt
For explanation, see tmux bind semicolon. It's escaped because it's a command separator in tmux commands.

disable history substitution "preview" in zsh

in bash, if i enter:
mkdir /tmp/foo
cd !$
bash substitutes /tmp/foo for the bang-dollar, and executes the command
if i do the same in zsh, zsh fills in /tmp/foo for the bang-dollar and shows me the resulting command, pausing to let me again hit before executing:
mkdir /tmp/foo
cd !$
cd /tmp/foo # command prompt at the end of this line
but i don't want to do see a preview, i want it to do what bash did.
is there a way to un-preview in zsh?
It sounds like you have the HIST_VERIFY option set; you can disable it with

How to send a command to all panes in tmux?

I like to call :clear-history on panes with a huge scrollback. However, I want to script a way to send this command to all the panes in the various windows.
I know how to send a command to all the windows, courtesy of this question, but how do I send a command to all the panes of which window as well?
send-keys and synchronize-panes from the tmux manpage come to mind, but I'm not sure how to marry them together. But maybe there is a simpler way to do this.
Extra Observations:
Thinking about this a little bit, tmux list-panes -a seems to list all the panes in the current session. Pretty useful to start off with. Where do I go from here?
Have you tried following in tmux window with multiple panes
Ctrl-B :
setw synchronize-panes on
clear history
A bit late to the party but I didn't want to set and unset synchronize-panes just to send one command so I created a wrapper function around tmux and added a custom function called send-keys-all-panes.
_tmux_send_keys_all_panes_ () {
for _pane in $(tmux list-panes -F '#P'); do
tmux send-keys -t ${_pane} "$#"
I also create a wrapper around the tmux command to simplify calling this function (for convenience). The wrapper and the above code are all here.
This allows me to run tmux send-keys-all-panes <command> or tmux skap <command to send <command> to all panes.
Note that tmux is aliased to my wrapper function tmux_pp.
Update June 2019
Quick illustration on how to configure your own binding for synchronize panes.
Added the following into my tmux.conf (the comments certainly apply to my overall configuration):
# synchronize all panes in a window
# don't use control S, too easily confused
# with navigation key sequences in tmux (show sessions)
unbind C-S
bind C-Y set-window-option synchronize-panes
Now, I can toggle the ability to synchronize commands across multiple panes with <C-a><C-y>.
(Yes, I remapped the bind key to Ctrl a).
my tmux version is 1.9a, and this works for me, one key is enough for both on and off
bind-key X set-window-option synchronize-panes\; display-message "synchronize-panes is now #{?pane_synchronized,on,off}"
None of the above answers worked for me (tmux v2.3), but this did, from the bash command line:
for _pane in $(tmux list-panes -a -F '#{pane_id}'); do \
tmux clear-history -t ${_pane} ; done
A more generalized script, for tmux commands other than 'clear-history' would just replace that element with a parameter, eg. $1. Do be careful if you intend to write a script to handle a series of tmux commands, as "-t ${_pane}" will need to be applied to each.
Note that the -a parameter to tmux list-panes is required to cover all panes in all windows in all sessions. Without that, only panes in your current tmux window will be affected. If you have more than one tmux session open and only want to apply the command to panes within the current session, replace -a with -s (It's all in the tmux man page).
I haven't the mod points to comment directly on each of the above answers, so here's why they weren't working for me:
The problem that I had with #shailesh-garg 's answer was that the sync affected only commands issued within the panes, not tmux commands issued using Ctrl-B : which are outside the panes.
The three problems that I had with #kshenoy 's answer were that:
it sends keystrokes to within a pane, not to the tmux operation
of that pane, so for instance, if one had a bash shell running in
the pane and one used the script to send "clear-history", those
would be the keystrokes that would appear in the bash command-line.
A work-around would be to send "tmux clear-history" or to pre-pend
"tmux " to "$#", but I haven't edited the answer because of my other
problems with the answer;
I couldn't figure out how to send a
new-line character without literally breaking the line;
Even when I did that, sending "tmux clear-history" had no effect.
If you want to send your command to every pane in every window in every session, add this to your .bashrc:
send_command_to_every_pane() {
for session in `tmux list-sessions -F '#S'`; do
for window in `tmux list-windows -t $session -F '#P' | sort`; do
for pane in `tmux list-panes -t $session:$window -F '#P' | sort`; do
tmux send-keys -t "$session:$window.$pane" "$*" C-m
You can then use it like this:
send_command_to_every_pane source ~/.bash_profile
Change "$*" to "$#" if you want that behavior, but in my experience this is what you want.
tmux send-keys -t <session id> <command> C-m
Replace the "session id" and "command" accordingly.
This is my utility function to do it, only executing the command when there there is nothing running in the pane.
_send_bash_command_to_session() {
if [[ $# -eq 0 || "$1" = "--help" ]] ; then
echo 'Usage: _send_bash_command_to_session $session_name what ever command you want: '
for _pane in $(tmux list-panes -s -t ${input_session} -F '#{window_index}.#{pane_index}'); do
# only apply the command in bash or zsh panes.
_current_command=$(tmux display-message -p -t ${input_session}:${_pane} '#{pane_current_command}')
if [ ${_current_command} = zsh ] || [ ${_current_command} = bash ] ; then
tmux send-keys -t ${_pane} "${input_command}" Enter
tmux_set_venv() {
_current_session=$(tmux display-message -p '#{session_name}')
_send_bash_command_to_session ${_current_session} workon $1
Example targeting a session called dev, enabling a python virtualenv in all panes that are in bash or zsh, avoiding executing the command in panes with vim or any other executable:
_send_bash_command_to_session dev workon myvirtualenv
or easier to remember: to do it in the current session:
tmux_set_venv myvirtualenv
Find my configuration file with this function.
You can combine synchronize-panes and send-keys in a single shortcut to send commands to all the panes:
Predefined tmux command clear-history:
bind-key C set-option -w synchronize-panes on\; clear-history \; set-option -w synchronize-panes off
Prompt an arbitrary tmux command:
bind-key p command-prompt -p "Panes command: " "set-option -w synchronize-panes on; %% ; set-option -w -u synchronize-panes"
Prompt an arbitrary shell command:
bind-key p command-prompt -p "Panes command: " "set-option -w synchronize-panes on; send-keys %%\\n ; set-option -w -u synchronize-panes"
By default, byobu uses tmux as backend. It's a wrapper that make things much easier:
Admittedly only semi-related, I found I could make the status background red when I toggle synchronize-panes so it's obvious when I switch back to a window with an unknown synchronize-panes state:
bind-key C-x setw synchronize-panes on \; set-window-option status-bg red \; display-message "pane sync on"
bind-key M-x setw synchronize-panes off \; set-window-option status-bg default \; display-message "pane sync off"

How to always have the same current directory in VIm and in Terminal?

I would like to my terminal current directory follows my VIM one.
> pwd
=> /Users/rege
> vim
Then in VIM
:cd /Users/rege/project
<Ctrl-z>(for suspend)
In terminal
> pwd
=> /Users/rege/project
I`m using MacOS, zsh, tmux.
I need this because when Im trying to use tags in VIM, tags are check in project from my terminal directory not vim one.
So I need to change terminal current directory always when I change VIM current directory.
What kind of command do you issue in your shell after you suspend Vim? Isn't Vim's :!command enough?
With set autochdir, Vim's current directory follows you as you jump from file to file. With this setting, a simple :!ctags -R . will always create a tags file in the directory of the current file.
Another useful setting is set tags=./tags,tags;$HOME which tells Vim to look for a tags file in the directory of the current file, then in the "current directory" and up and up until it reaches your ~/. You might modify the endpoint to suit your needs. This allows you to use a tags at the root of your project while editing any file belonging to the project.
So, basically, you can go a long way without leaving Vim at all.
If you really need to go back to the shell to issue your commands, :shell (or :sh) launchs a new shell with Vim's current directory. When you are done, you only have to $ exit to go back to Vim:
$ pwd
$ vim
:cd Projects
$ pwd
$ exit
In bash or zsh and on Unix you can do this: current working directory of the process is represented in /proc/{PID}/cwd as a symlink to a real directory. Speaking about zsh the following code will do the job:
function precmd()
emulate -L zsh
(( $#jobstates == 1 )) || return
local -i PID=${${${(s.:.)${(v)jobstates[1]}}[3]}%\=*}
cd $(readlink /proc/$PID/cwd)
. Note: with this code you won’t be able to pernamently switch directories in terminal anymore, only in vim or for duration of one command (using cd other-dir && some command).
Note 2: I have no idea how to express this in bash. The straightforward way is to get PIDs of all children of the shell (using ps --ppid $$ -o CMD), filter out the ps process (it will be shown as a child as well), check that there is only one other child and use its PID like in the last line above. But I am pretty sure there is a better way using some shell builtins like I did with zsh’s $jobstates associative array. I also don’t remember what is the analogue of precmd in bash.
Another idea would be making vim save its current directory into some file when you do <C-z> and make shell read this in precmd:
" In .vimrc:
function s:CtrlZ()
call writefile([fnamemodify('.', ':p')], $CWDFILE, 'b')
return "\<C-z>"
nnoremap <expr> <C-z> <SID>CtrlZ()
# In .zshrc
function vim()
local -x CWDFILE=~/.workdirs/$$
test -d $CWDFILE:h || mkdir $CWDFILE:h
vim $#
function precmd()
local CWDFILE=~/.workdirs/$$
test -e $CWDFILE && cd "$(cat $CWDFILE)"
. It should be easier to port above code to bash.
you can open a new terminal like this
:!xterm -e bash -c "cd %:p:h;bash" &
actually I write this in my .vimrc
nmap <F3> :!xterm -e bash -c "cd %:p:h;bash" &<CR> | :redraw!
For bash users coming by:
Vim: Save pwd at <c-z> (with map and getpwd()).
Bash: Before prompt command, goto directory indicated by vim with PROMPT_COMMAND.
PROMPT_COMMAND='read -r line 2>/dev/null </tmp/cd_vim'\
'&& > /tmp/cd_vim && cd ${line##\r};'$PROMPT_COMMAND
function! s:CtrlZ() call writefile([getcwd(),''], '/tmp/cd_vim', 'b')
return "\<C-z>"
nnoremap <expr> <C-z> <SID>CtrlZ()
This is ZyX answer edited for bash

run zsh script in specified folder

How to run zsh script in specified folder? How to specify a folder to run a script:
Documents said that: "-s Force shell to read commands from the standard input. If the -s flag is not present and an argument is given, the first argument is taken to be the pathname of a script to execute." but it does not work.
What is the difference between zsh -c ~/path1/ (2 parameters) and zsh -c ~/path1/
You should just open a subshell, Execute the following from zsh or bash (including the parentheses):
(cd ~/path1 && source
Note: If your script is written for zsh, name it script1.zsh instead, since zsh syntax is not retro-compatible with old sh's.
This should work:
zsh -c "cd ~/path1 && ./"
