How to disable Ctrl + R refresh function when using react to develop plug-ins - reload

Starting debugging under extension.js will launch a new vscode window, and CTRL +R will refresh the page of this window


Shortcut to toggle between R console and the Editor within Intellij/Pycharm

I am using the R console in Intellij. This is started automatically when invoking Run or Debug from within the Editor
From within the R console we can return to the Editor by hitting ESC. How can we then go back to the R console from the Editor via a shortcut (and without hitting Run or Debug again)?
Note: CMD-6 does open the R Tool
But that is not the R console instead some kind of messages window:
Update Here are the Run menu options
Problems and R Console tool windows have the same shortcuts, changing the shortcuts for the tool windows should help:

Is it possible to save a console command as a favorite or a keyboard shortcut, so I can run it multiple times in a row quickly?

I have a script I need to run multiple times in a row, with a few seconds in between. However, I need to keep reopening the f12 menu after I switch to a new page that I need to run it on. Is there a way to program it as a favorite or a keyboard shortcut so I can just click that instead of f12 then up then enter?
As far as I know, the developer tools don't have this option to save the console command as a favorite or a keyboard shortcut.
Here are some DevTools Keyboard Shortcuts, you could try to copy the command to the clipboard, then using the keyboard shortcuts to open the console command, and paste the command and run it.
To open DevTools, press the following keyboard shortcuts while your cursor is focused on the browser viewport:
Open whatever panel you used last: F12 or Control+Shift+I
Open the Console panel: Control+Shift+J
More detail information about the keyboard shortcuts, please check these links:
Microsoft Edge DevTools Keyboard Shortcuts
Get Started With Running JavaScript In The Console

Can i terminate debugging session in Qt with a shortcut

That's a nuisance to always go to the menu or close debugging application manually. Can i do it with a shortcut like Ctrl + F5 in VS?
Would be nice also to be able to terminate and restart debugging session with a single shortcut like Ctrl + Shift + F5 in VS, but that's a secondary ask?
In QtCreator go to menu Tools->Options...->Environment in Keyboard tab find Debugger section, select Stop or Reset, double click on it and set your keyboard shortcuts

How to launch qt application with the command window in minimized state, without any flicker?

I am working on VS2005 sp2, with qt3.3.7. I have set the linkers>system>subsystem to Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE) as I need the command window to check runtime status of my project at runtime.
I want to launch my application with the command window minimized. The problem is, whenever my application launches, the command window comes in maximize state.
If I minimize this window using :
HWND hWnd = GetConsoleWindow();
ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE );
still I get a flicker, ie for a split second the command window opens and then minimizes.
How can I launch my qt application with the command window in minimized state, without any flicker?
The only thing I can think of is launching your own console process using CreateProcess() with startupInfo.wShowWindow=SW_SHOWMINIMIZED, and startupInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; setting startupInfo.hStdOutput to a handle you can use for output. I've tried launching cmd.exe like this, and while I can get it to start minimized, I haven't managed to write to it. I don't have any more time to play with it tonight, if you manage it I'd like to see the solution!

Controlling the output window in Flex

Every time i compile or run, the flex builder opens a browser showing the output... is there anyway we can destory the older window when newer ones open... i mean a setting in flex.
no. but i think if your pressing debug test and that opens a new browser and starts debugging your app, when you hit stop on the debugging, the app will terminate and close the browser as well. this if the debugging app is the only tab you have opened in the browser. other than that, you can't really do anything about it.
If you have flex builder set up to build automatically then you just need to save the file that you have changed and then when flex have finished building (you can see the status down in the right corner of the screen) reload your browser.
That is pretty much the workflow i have when i develop in flex. This way i only get new browser windows opened when i debug.
