Currently, I have 3 datasets each 1368 rows of data points.
a <- sample(0:10000,1368, rep=TRUE)
Df <- data.frame(obs=c(1:1368),
Dataset 1
col1 col2 col3
1 7878 8130 3924
2 5781 4375 6232
3 9324 9066 1734
4 9754 8796 2047
5 3462 4930 7381
6 7379 8103 3404
7 7355 5212 4505
dataset 2
col1 col2 col3
1 7878 8130 3924
2 5781 4375 6232
3 9324 9066 1734
4 9754 8796 2047
5 3462 4930 7381
6 7379 8103 3404
7 7355 5212 4505
8 5599 6887 5775
9 2321 7948 3553
10 3717 1248 5818
11 6276 5528 206
12 1328 1158 8681
13 4470 3009 1332
14 6472 9018 606
An example of one of the datasets that is being used with the expected outcome, I left out the excess rows.
My intention is to split each dataset sequentially into subsets, each with 90 observations. I am aware of the divisible issue, but the last subset having more entries isn't a problem, the main concern is just splitting the observations into either different datasets or different columns to perform specific statistical tests such as a T-test on each subset of data. The end result should a data frame with 14 columns.
The end goal is to have all 3 datasets of 1368 observations split into equal subsets.
What would be the best way to split the dataset into these subsets?
This should get you started, but without reproducible data, it is impossible to adapt a general method to your specific data:
n <- 1368 # rows
subsets <- n %/% 90 # 15 subsets
extra <- n %% 90 # 18 extra
grp <- c(rep(1:subsets, each=90), rep(subsets, extra)) # group numbers for each row assuming the extra goes in the last group
# grp
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
# 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 108
Then use grp to split() your data frame into a list of groups.
I would like to know how to use NSE (Non-Standard Evaluation) expression in fct_reorder() in ggplot2 to replicate charts for different data frames.
This is an example of data frame that I use to draw a chart:
travel_time_br30 travel_time_br30_int time_reduction shift not_shift total
1 0-30 0 10 2780 3268 6048
2 0-30 0 20 2779 3269 6048
3 0-30 0 30 2984 3064 6048
4 0-30 0 40 3211 2837 6048
5 30-60 30 10 2139 2007 4146
6 30-60 30 20 2159 1987 4146
7 30-60 30 30 2363 1783 4146
8 30-60 30 40 2478 1668 4146
9 60-90 60 10 764 658 1422
10 60-90 60 20 721 701 1422
11 60-90 60 30 782 640 1422
12 60-90 60 40 801 621 1422
13 90-120 90 10 296 224 520
14 90-120 90 20 302 218 520
15 90-120 90 30 317 203 520
16 90-120 90 40 314 206 520
17 120-150 120 10 12 10 22
18 120-150 120 20 10 12 22
19 120-150 120 30 10 12 22
20 120-150 120 40 13 9 22
21 150-180 150 10 35 21 56
22 150-180 150 20 40 16 56
23 150-180 150 30 40 16 56
24 150-180 150 40 35 21 56
1 45.96561
2 45.94907
3 49.33862
4 53.09193
5 51.59190
6 52.07429
7 56.99469
8 59.76845
9 53.72714
10 50.70323
11 54.99297
12 56.32911
13 56.92308
14 58.07692
15 60.96154
16 60.38462
17 54.54545
18 45.45455
19 45.45455
20 59.09091
21 62.50000
22 71.42857
23 71.42857
24 62.50000
These are the scripts to draw a chart from above data frame:
g.var <- "travel_time_br30"
go.var <- "travel_time_br30_int"
test %>% ggplot(.,aes_(,"share"), +
geom_line(size=1.4, aes(
As I have several data frames which has different fields such as access_time_br30, access_time_br30_int instead of travel_time_br30 and travel_time_br30_int in the data frame, I set two variables (g.var and go.var) to easily replicate multiple chars in the same scripts.
As I need to reorder the factor group numerically, in particular, changing order of travel_time_br30 by travel_time_br30_int, I am using fct_reorder function in ggplot2(., aes_(...)). However, if I use aes_ with fct_reorder() in geom_line() as shown as an example in the following script, it returns an error saying Error:fmust be a factor (or character vector).
geom_line(size=1.4, aes_(color=fct_reorder(,order(
Fct_reorder() does not seem to have an NSE version like fct_reorder_().
Is it impossible to use both aes_ and fct_reorder() in a sequence of scripts or are there any other solutions?
Based on my novice working knowledge of tidy-eval, you could transform your factor order in mutate() before passing the data into ggplot() and acheive your result.
Sorry I couldn't easily read in your table above, because of the line return so I made a new example off of mtcars that I think captures your intent. (let me know if it doesn't)
mtcars2 <- mutate(mtcars,
gear_int = 6 - gear,
gear_intrev = rev(gear_int)) %>%
mutate_at(vars(cyl, gear), as.factor)
gg_reorder <- function(data, col_var, col_order) {
eq_var <- sym(col_var) # sym is flexible and my novice preference
eq_ord <- sym(col_order)
data %>% mutate(!!quo_name(eq_var) := fct_reorder(!!eq_var, !!eq_ord) ) %>%
ggplot(aes_(~mpg, ~hp, color = eq_var)) +
And now put it to use plotting...
gg_reorder(mtcars2, "gear", "gear_int")
gg_reorder(mtcars2, "gear", "gear_intrev")
I didn't specify all of the aes_() variables as strings but you could pass those as text and use the pattern. If you want more tidy-eval patterns Edwin Thoen wrote up a bunch of common cases.
Suppose i have two dataset
NO ID DOB ID2 count
1 4083 2007-10-01 3625 5
2 4408 2008-07-01 3603 2
3 4514 2007-07-01 3077 3
4 4396 2008-05-01 3413 5
5 4222 2003-12-01 3341 1
loc share
12 445
23 4
10 56
1 1
23 34
I want "share" column of ds2 to be added to ds1 so that it would look like
NO ID DOB ID2 count share
1 4083 2007-10-01 3625 5 445
2 4408 2008-07-01 3603 2 4
3 4514 2007-07-01 3077 3 56
4 4396 2008-05-01 3413 5 1
5 4222 2003-12-01 3341 1 34
i tried merge as
dsmerged <- merge(ds1[,c(1:5)],ds2[,c(2)])
But what it does is it duplicates the dataset (5*5=25 rows) while it does add "share" column. i dont want that duplicate values obviously. Thank you
If you know that the rows represent the same id then you can just cbind
ds3 <- cbind(ds1, share = ds2$share)
but it would be better if you had an id to join on.
Using dplyr
bind_cols(ds1, ds2['share'])
Or with data.table
setDT(ds1)[, share := ds2[["share"]]]
Hello i hope this is not a duplicate question, but probably a very simple one. I couldn´t find the answer and i can´t solve it by my self.
i have a dataframe like below and i need to make a random selection of one row within each "id_lote". "id_pix" are unique but "id_lote" are repeated and the size of the groups (id_lote) are different. My result should be a subset dataframe with many rows as id_lote but randomly selected. I´m using sample command for other random selections but i can´t make it work for this issue. If i use unique command it won´t be a random subset...
thanks in advance!
id_pix id_lote clase f1 f2
45 4 Sg 2460 2401
46 4 Sg 2620 2422
47 4 Sg 2904 2627
48 5 M 2134 2044
49 5 M 2180 2104
50 5 M 2127 2069
83 11 S 2124 2062
84 11 S 2189 2336
85 11 S 2235 2162
86 11 S 2162 2153
87 11 S 2108 2124
With only base R you could use ave for example:
> DF[!!ave(seq_along(DF$id_lote), DF$id_lote, FUN=function(x) sample(x, 1) == x),]
#id_pix id_lote clase f1 f2
#3 47 4 Sg 2904 2627
#6 50 5 M 2127 2069
#7 83 11 S 2124 2062
Or with dplyr, you could use sample_n:
> DF %>% group_by(id_lote) %>% sample_n(1)
#Source: local data frame [3 x 5]
#Groups: id_lote
#id_pix id_lote clase f1 f2
#1 46 4 Sg 2620 2422
#2 48 5 M 2134 2044
#3 85 11 S 2235 2162
data.table works pretty well here
setDT(data) #Convert data to a data.table
data[, .SD[sample(1:.N,1)], by=.(id_lote)]
within(df[sample(1:nrow(df), size = nrow(df)), ], !duplicated(id_lote))
I am new to R and I really got stuck on stuff, which may seem easy to you. I have a dataframe which have a huge amount of data like AGE, which is related to a particular person so is repeated. I had to divide it into ranges and see how many people are in each group. So I have this
(1,23] 5912
(23,26] 5579
(26,28] 3314
(28,33] 6693
(33,37] 4682
(37,41] 4514
(41,46] 5169
(46,51] 4812
(51,57] 4236
(57,76] 4031`
Now I have another column G/B which indicates if the person is BAD or GOOD (as 1,0, respectively)
It is required to calculate how many of 1s and 0s, i.e 'bad's and 'good'sin each group of people of different ages.
So data should be something like
Total Bad Good
`(1,23] 5912 2912 3000 `.
Hope to get help with this one.
May be you could try
setDT(dat1)[,list(Total=.N, Bad=sum(GB), Good=sum(!GB)), keyby=range]
# range Total Bad Good
# 1: (0,1] 16 7 9
# 2: (1,23] 257 132 125
# 3: (23,26] 29 16 13
# 4: (26,28] 19 8 11
# 5: (28,33] 60 34 26
# 6: (33,37] 52 30 22
# 7: (37,41] 41 19 22
# 8: (41,46] 56 25 31
# 9: (46,51] 65 27 38
#10: (51,57] 57 28 29
#11: (57,76] 196 110 86
#12: (76,85] 101 44 57
#13: (85,100] 51 24 27
Or using dplyr
dat1 %>%
group_by(range) %>%
summarise(Total=n(), Bad=sum(GB), Good=sum(!GB))
Or using aggregate from base R
res <-`data.frame`,aggregate(GB~range, dat1,
FUN=function(x) c(length(x), sum(x), sum(!x))))
dat <- data.frame(AGE= sample(1:90, 1000, replace=TRUE),
GB=sample(0:1, 1000, replace=TRUE))
dat1 <- transform(dat, range=cut(AGE,
When I run the command:
H <-length(table(data$Team))
n.h <- rep(5,H)
strata(data, stratanames=data$Team,size=n.h,method="srswor"),
I get the error statement:
'Error in sort.list(y) : 'x' must be atomic for 'sort.list' Have you called 'sort' on a list?'
Please help me how can I get this stratified sample. The variable 'Team' is 'Factor' type.
Data is as below:
zz <- "Team League.ID Player Salary POS G GS InnOuts PO A
ANA AL molinjo0 335000 C 73 57 1573 441 37
ANA AL percitr0 7833333 P 3 0 149 1 3
ARI NL bautida0 4000000 RF 141 135 3536 265 8
ARI NL estalbo0 550000 C 7 3 92 19 2
ARI NL finlest0 7000000 CF 104 102 2689 214 5
ARI NL koplomi0 330000 P 72 0 260 6 23
ARI NL sparkst0 500000 P 27 18 362 8 21
ARI NL villaos0 325000 P 17 0 54 0 4
ARI NL webbbr01 335000 P 33 35 624 13 41
ATL NL francju0 750000 1B 125 71 1894 627 48
ATL NL hamptmi0 14625000 P 35 29 517 13 37
ATL NL marreel0 3000000 LF 90 42 1125 80 4
ATL NL ortizru0 6200000 P 32 34 614 7 38
BAL AL surhobj0 800000 LF 100 31 805 69 0"
data <- read.table(text=zz, header=T)
This should work:
H <- length(levels(data$Team))
n.h <- rep(5, H)
strata(data, stratanames=c("Team"), size=n.h, method="srswor")
stratanames should be a list of column names, not a reference to the actual column data.
Now that example data is available, I see another problem: you are sampling without-replacement (wor), but your samples are bigger that the available data. You need to sample with replacement in this case
smpl <- strata(data, stratanames=c("Team"), size=n.h, method="srswr")
BTW, you get the actual data with:
sampledData <- getdata(data, smpl)
This doesn't really answer your question, but a long time ago, I wrote a function called stratified that might be of use to you.
I've posted it here as a GitHub Gist.
Notice that when you have asked for samples that are bigger than your data, it just returns all of the relevant rows.
output <- stratified(data, "Team", 5)
# Some groups
# ---ANA, ATL, BAL---
# contain fewer observations than desired number of samples.
# All observations have been returned from those groups.
# 2 5 4 1
# Team League.ID Player Salary POS G GS InnOuts PO A
# 1 ANA AL molinjo0 335000 C 73 57 1573 441 37
# 2 ANA AL percitr0 7833333 P 3 0 149 1 3
# 9 ARI NL webbbr01 335000 P 33 35 624 13 41
# 7 ARI NL sparkst0 500000 P 27 18 362 8 21
# 8 ARI NL villaos0 325000 P 17 0 54 0 4
# 3 ARI NL bautida0 4000000 RF 141 135 3536 265 8
# 6 ARI NL koplomi0 330000 P 72 0 260 6 23
# 12 ATL NL marreel0 3000000 LF 90 42 1125 80 4
# 13 ATL NL ortizru0 6200000 P 32 34 614 7 38
# 10 ATL NL francju0 750000 1B 125 71 1894 627 48
# 11 ATL NL hamptmi0 14625000 P 35 29 517 13 37
# 14 BAL AL surhobj0 800000 LF 100 31 805 69 0
I'll add official documentation to the function at some point, but here's a summary to help you get the best use out of it:
The arguments to stratified are:
df: The input data.frame
group: A character vector of the column or columns that make up the "strata".
size: The desired sample size.
If size is a value less than 1, a proportionate sample is taken from each stratum.
If size is a single integer of 1 or more, that number of samples is taken from each stratum.
If size is a vector of integers, the specified number of samples is taken for each stratum. It is recommended that you use a named vector. For example, if you have two strata, "A" and "B", and you wanted 5 samples from "A" and 10 from "B", you would enter size = c(A = 5, B = 10).
select: This allows you to subset the groups in the sampling process. This is a list. For instance, if your group variable was "Group", and it contained three strata, "A", "B", and "C", but you only wanted to sample from "A" and "C", you can use select = list(Group = c("A", "C")).
replace: For sampling with replacement.