How to change language of more link text in fullcalendar 5 - fullcalendar

I am using fullcalendar 5 with Spanish locale. All texts appear in Spanish but when a n more link appears. That text still appears in English.
I was searching in the docs but I did not find how to change the language of that text.
And the big problem with the Demo page that I hope it should be fixed is that it shows what can the plugin do, but it does not show how to do it.
For example, in this page: when selecting Locales menu option I can see that text was translated to Russian, but when click on more info, no info about that is found.
Any hint?


Translate link destination with WPML for Elementor Text Editor links

After having been given the task of translating a whole "document" from german to english, I am really glad that WPML's Translation Editor makes it so easy to keep the structure intact and only change the actual text inside it.
That said, I've been running into an issue when the text comes from an Elementor Text Editor and contains links: WPML's Editor doesn't seem to offer a way to also translate a link's destination. It provides a way to mark where the text of a link is in the translation, but that's it.
And some links are language coded, like &lang=de, but since the Editor only translates the text of the link, the result then points at the wrong destination.
E.g. the english section of a text pointing to a source in german.
This is something I keep having to fix manually afterwards, because the Editor only offers translating destinations for Elementor widgets that declare the fields translateable, and even there it can be spotty, as I've found out.
Now I am wondering if there's something I could do to configure WPML to take those links inside the Text Editor element like it does with actual link elements, or if that's out of the question.
I'd really prefer to not have to routinely check the translation destinations, because as it stands do I not even know when WPML triggered an automatic translation because something about the layout changed, but no text changes happened.
So the changes to the link destinations could be just undone silently, which has happened before for a different part of the site.

Align text to the right in google forms

How I can align a text to the right in google forms to fit Arabic language?I changed language settings at google account to Arabic to align it to the right, but the text align to left again when i sent the link to another user. My link
I can't ask all respondents to change there settings. However I found a form at the web works well without changing the setting of my account/device. See the link
So there is a solution but I don't know the author of this form to ask him. Could you please help?
It is easy, turn your Google Drive language to Arabic, and everything will appear Right-to-Left, including your forms (Settings - Language - Arabic)

Google translate thinks my language is French because I have a .fr url

I have a blog at and have added the Widget, Google Translate. It thinks my text is French, which it is not and as a consequence, the language option drop down list leaves French out. If I click on English in the list and then check the list again French is there. Is there a way round this?
I found the answer myself! The problem so often is that the developer changes where they put things and some older advices were no longer valid.
Go to Settings and Language and change the language to English. It was set to French and it thinks the text (although in English) is French. Doh!!!

Google translate pages does not translate whole page

I am asking this question again, as no one was able to answer it before. I am including some updates.
Web-page -
In the right top corner there is google translate thingy. It translates the whole page correctly from any language but Swedish. In Swedish version, the main menu and some other items do not get translated. The "from" language is set correctly.
I tried everything, even removed all tags from menu (only the menu item words remained) but for some reason it does not translate the menu. I tried placing the menu in different place, tried to remove the javascript that animates it - no luck.
Does anyone have any idea what could the problem be? Please, help. I've been looking for the solution for a week already :)
The problem doesn't come from google translate, the problem comes from the personn that makes the page, the website does not use google translate to translate the page.
if you insert your page in google translate website, you will have the exactly the same elements that are translated in russian and swedish

File upload control text language in google chrome

I have a website in English. I am having a problem with the text of file upload control. I want to show its text in English to all users. But in chrome it shows message as per user's locale. If user's browser is set to display Google Chrome in danish it will show file upload text in danish.
Note: I know it is a stupid question as user has told chrome to show him in danish. But curious if there is any way. Because my all other page content is in English.
Apparently, the way to fix this is to modify the URL, either by switching the &hl=da parameter to &hl=en or by adding &hl=en if it does not exist there already.
See this:
