Push Notification for iOS Device not working - push-notification

I have a question for the push notification fcm for iOS device from server side ASPNetCore Web api.
When i send notification for the android device it was send successfully by using ServerKey and SenderID.
But when i send the push notification for the iOS Device i got error BadDeviceToken although when i using fcm which i received from the client and send directly from firebase console it's work but only from the server side i got BadDeviceToken.
Please can you tell me what is the problem is from server side?
var apnSettings = new ApnSettings();
apnSettings.ServerType = ApnServerType.Production;
apnSettings.AppBundleIdentifier = _notificationSettings.AppBundleIdentifier;
apnSettings.P8PrivateKey = _notificationSettings.P8PrivateKey;
apnSettings.P8PrivateKeyId = _notificationSettings.P8PrivateKeyId;
apnSettings.TeamId = _notificationSettings.TeamId;
Using Core Push Lib
thank you advance


FCM is not delivering push to client using HTTP v1

Does anyone facing issue with fcm to delivery push notification with HTTP v1?
I've an scenario in which I'm having strange issue. When I'm running an debug build or release build in my mobile, I'm able to receive push notification in device with high priority but when I'm sending push notification to those users who have downloaded same build from play store, they're not receiving push notification on device side.
While I'm not getting any error response from fcm service https://fcm.googleapis.com/.../projects/messages:send when sending push notification to client who have downloaded from play store. While using same API, it's delivering push to client's device who've installed direct .apk file.
Can anyone have an idea or might have faced similar issue in past?

How to send sms to customers mobiles using Azure Notification Hub with R?

I want send sms notification to customer mobiles using azure notification hub with R.I tried with twilio but in twilio we have to register mobile numbers first,I can't send messages with unregistered numbers.That's why i chosed azure notification hub.Can you suggest me how to send messages to android using azure notification hub with R?
Tried in twilio:
Sys.setenv(TWILIO_SID = "xxxxxxxxxxx")
Sys.setenv(TWILIO_TOKEN = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
# store the numbers in some variables
my_phone_number <- "zzzzzzzzzz" ###n user's number
twilios_phone_number <- "zzzzzzzzzz" ### given number by twilio
# Now we can send away!
tw_send_message(from = twilios_phone_number, to = my_phone_number,
body = "Hello from R đź‘‹")
Azure notification hub does not provide SMS messaging. It works with push notifications, but to leverage those, you need to have a mobile app in place. Here you can find more details.

Push Notifications on Samsung Gear S3 with Tizen

I am working on Push Notifications for Samsung Gear S3 using Tizen Wearable Web Application. My application got Approval from the Tizen team to use the Push Notifications. I followed the guidelines of Push Notifications and integrated the Push Notifications code in my application.
I am able to receive RegId using
Now when I am connecting to the Push Service using below method,
tizen.push.connectService(notificationCallback, errorCallback);
I am not receiving any notifications. I tried on both emulator and real device (Samsung Gear S3 Class
When I sent the push notification from the server, I got the success response from the push server
Request :
"regID": "XXXXXXXX",
"requestID": "273f0307",
"sender": "Madhu",
"message": "badgeOption=INCREASE&badgeNumber=1&action=ALERT&alertMessage=Hi I am a Test Notification"
Response :
{"results": [{"regID": "XXXXXXXXX","requestID": "273f0307","statusCode": 1000,"statusMsg": "Success"}]
Even though I am receiving success response from the Push Server its not delivering the Push Notifications to the device/emulator.
Please provide the solution how can I get the push notifications deliver to my application.
I was having a similar problem. I discovered an error in the logs that indicated that it was looking for the "appData" field. The documentation says that you can include EITHER "appData" or "message", but it appears that you must have BOTH present in 2.3.2. Tizen 3.0 doesn't seem to care.

Not recieving push notification in IOS in a Xamarin Forms Application using Notification Hub

We are trying to implement Push Notification in a Xamarin Forms Application using Azure Notification Hub. We have configured properly in Azure Notification Hub, and we are receiving notifications in Android and Windows. But in IOS we are not receiving any notification.
We have done the following for iOS:
We got required distribution provisioning profile and p12 file from Microsoft team with “push notification” capability.
We configured notifications in azure mobile app and notification is successfully sending from azure to APNS.
At client mobile app, RegisteredForRemoteNotifications method is getting hit and no errors in device registration.
But, DidReceiveRemoteNotification is not hitting.
It will be of great help if someone can suggest in understanding what is going wrong here. We followed this tutorial . Thanks for the help in advance.
Service Bus Explorer Screenshot

GCM: Message sent on a topic does not reach the browser

My setup include a webapp, a backend server and an android app.
I want to be able to chat between my android app and webapp.
Android app has subscribed to the topic /topics/chatGroupName
Similarly on browser, I get the registrationToken and send it to my server where I use code similar in https://github.com/ToothlessGear/node-gcm/pull/211/files (addToTopicNoRetry) to subscribe the browser to the topic: /topics/chatGroupName
When I send a message from the web, I use my backend server to send a GCM message on a topic like /topics/chatGroupName and the android app receives this message.
But when I send GCM message from Android app on this topic /topics/chatGroupName, I dont get any notification on the browser app.
Even my https://iid.googleapis.com/iid/info/REGISTRATION_TOKEN?details=true shows that this registration token has already subscribed to /topics/chatGroupName
Firebase has now released javascript library that supports FCM push notifications with support for topics.
Ref: https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/js/client
