I work on a website that sells some online courses and I prepared everything to send data to google analytics via GTM, but I've been having a problem recently that I can't find a solution.
On every e-commerce related event present on the website. The "items" information is being sent (since I can see which items are the most sold). But Analytics apparently isn't receiving the price information from each item since on my reports the Revenue for each item is 0. But the revenue for the purchases in general is being received correctly, the problem is only on the item level.
These are the parameters being sent to event as seen on our GTM:
{name: "currency", value: "EUR"},
name: "items",
value: [
item_name: "equivalencia-medica-Ginecologia",
price: "64.99",
quantity: "1",
currency: "EUR"
{name: "value", value: "64.99"}
When I use Analytics DebugView and try to add an item to the cart, I do receive the add_to_cart event, but it only shows the "currency" and "value" parameters. The "items" parameter is nowhere to be found.
Any ideas why every possible data is being stored but not the price of the items? Please comment if more code needed.
try removing quotes price: 64.99 . Try following documentation
So, ga4-ecommerce has the property "variant" for it's items:
(see https://developers.google.com/tag-manager/ecommerce-ga4)
event: "view_item_list",
ecommerce: {
items: [
item_name: "Triblend Android T-Shirt", // Name or ID is required.
item_id: "12345",
price: 15.25,
item_brand: "Google",
item_category: "Apparel",
item_category2: "Mens",
item_category3: "Shirts",
item_category4: "Tshirts",
item_variant: "Gray",
item_list_name: "Search Results",
item_list_id: "SR123",
index: 1,
quantity: 1
But somehow I don't seem to find the dimension for item.variant. Pretty much every other prop is represented by its own dimension in the API-Schema:
Is this by design and I can somehow retrieve aggregated metrics based on variant?
f.e. I want to retrieve aggregated data to see how much itemViews (metric) each itemVariant (the dimension I'm missing?) generated.
There is not a way to retrieve the itemVariant dimension in the GA4 Data API. The dimensions from the item array are prefixed with the string item in the API Dimensions & Metrics list.
The GA4 Data API presents most of the dimensions available in the GA4 UI; an Item Variant dimension is also not available in the GA4 UI.
I was setting up a new build and decided the best way to keep this was to drop "category 4" and use that instead. Understand this won't work for build's with historical data using the category 4/5 for their intended purposes!
So this is the structure of my Firebase DB right now, I am using the Firebase REST API:
"company": {
company1_id {
id: company_id,
userId: userid,
name: name
company2_id {
id: company_id,
userId: userid,
name: name,
Soo, right now I am getting the companies belonging to one user by calling :
This works perfectly fine and gets the corresponding data, but now I want it to order the companies alphabetically by name, and then i try this:
But this time, it returns no data! Even though i have added .indexOn: "name" to the company node.Any help will be aprreciated.
As explained in the doc, if you want to filter data you need to first "specify how you want your data to be filtered using the orderBy parameter", and then you need to "combine orderBy with any of the other five parameters: limitToFirst, limitToLast, startAt, endAt, and equalTo".
So if you added "an .indexOn: "name" to the company node", it means that you intend to query as follows:
You cannot order by (company) name and filter on userId.
If you want to get all the companies corresponding to a specific user and order them by the company name, you will need to use ?orderBy="userId"&equalTo=userId" and do the sorting in the client/application calling the REST API.
I have a table called Products, whose Key is a Range : orgzviceid + productid. It has a map attribute called "checkout" and a quantity storing attribute called "prod_stk_qty_i_i".
Say initially, for a product with Product ID 34, total available quantity is 10. As soon as a Cart checkout happens, assuming the Checkout ID is 5, and it has checked 2 quantities out a product id 34, then the product's (for productid 34) "checkout" map entry and "prod_stk_qty_i_i" in DynamoDB would be something like this:
"checkout" : { "5" : 2 },
"prod_stk_qty_i_i" : 8
If another checkout happens for the same product (say 1 quantity), and if that checkout ID is 7, then the checkout ooks like this:
"checkout" : { "5" : 2, "7" : 1 },
"prod_stk_qty_i_i" : 7
If payment is made, the checkout entry is removed, and quantity is increased.
Now, my requirement is to periodically after some timeout (30 minutes), release the Product Quantities which have been checked out, but not released. I do this by
Increasing the Quantity by "checkout."'s value
Removing the checkout. map entry
It is important that this operation not fail even if this operation is attempted multiple times, (idempotent), so its necessary that it only update if the checkout.checkoutID field exists. If not, it should simply ignore.
I tried the following:
"TableName": "Products",
"Key": {
"orgzviceid": {
"N": "3000161710"
"productid": {
"N": "11"
"UpdateExpression": "REMOVE #checkout.#checkoutID SET #prod_stk_qty_i_i = #prod_stk_qty_i_i + #checkout.#checkoutID",
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {
"#checkout": "checkout",
"#checkoutID": "235",
"#prod_stk_qty_i_i": "prod_stk_qty_i_i"
"ConditionExpression": "attribute_exists(#checkout.#checkoutID)",
"ReturnValues": "ALL_NEW"
However, it gives me an error in case the checkout entry is not found for checkout id 235. Note that I've written ConditionExpression to do the update only if attribute "condition.235" exists.
Error Logs:
conditional request failed ..."
So, how do I write a query such that if the map entry exist, then do the above operation, other wise not fail?
Obviously, one bad hack is to first check in a GetItem query if the checkout entry exists for the provided CheckoutID, and then only do this, however, it just does not seem right
I believe your using conditional expressions incorrectly. The point of the conditional is to fail if certain criteria is not met. WHy do you have the conditional at all? Without the conditional it would just execute the update expression and if the item does not exist I would not expect you to get an error. Like querying for an item that does not exist. You should simply get an empty set back. Not an error.
Your approach will not work because you are mixing "Attribute" and "AttributeValue" together in your conditional expression. Let me explain:
"ConditionExpression": "attribute_exists(#checkout.#checkoutID)"
In your table, checkout is an attribute in dynamo db, whereas checkoutID is in no way related to the table schema. So for dynamo DB, checkoutID is part of the attribute's value and not the attribute itself.
Therefore, to having the condition that you do will not work.
A conditional expression for your use case would be something which says attribute checkout exists and it's value is . However, in order to do that, you'd need to pass the expected map which boils down to reading the record before updating.
I do think that reading the record, updating the value and persisting it should be the way to go ahead in this case (and is not necessarily a bad idea)
Do consider using some kind of optimistic locking in this case to prevent against dirty reads and writes.
I know Firebase does not support JOINs between nodes (like SQL Server does between tables), but that is exactly what I need to accomplish. Here's my situation:
I have a transactions node in Firebase like this (where I am including the category name for each transaction):
payee: "McDonalds", amount: "2.35", category: "Eating Out"
payee: "Walmart", amount: "78.12", category: "Household"
payee: "CapitalOne", amount: "150.00", category: "Debt"
payee: "FootLocker", amount: "107.54", category: "Personal Blow"
payee: "Starbucks", amount: "2.88", category: "Eating Out"
And I have a Categories node like this (where I am including the transactions under each category):
categoryname: "Eating Out",
categorytype: "Expense"
"transactions": {
"-Jruazf35b9a_AgvNWCq": {
payee: "McDonalds", amount: "2.35"
So far so good. My data is flat. I'm able to show the list of transactions with the category name (screenshot below) and I can show the list of transactions under each category in the expenses per category section (screenshot not shown here).
The problem I have is that if I rename a category the change is only reflected for future transactions. Past transactions show the old category name.
This is obvious due to the way I'm saving the data. So my first logical reaction was to save the category unique ID in the transactions node instead of the category name. However, that presents the challenge where, in my SQL Server little brain, I would need a JOIN so I can get the list of transactions and also include the name of the category for each transaction.
How can I structure my data so that I can:
show a list of transactions including the name of the category (as it does today)
allow a user to rename a category and show the change reflected for ALL transactions (past and future)
show a list of transactions under each category (I think the current approach would still be valid)
Joining data from two lists is inherently a slow operation, especially on NoSQL databases.
I would recommend keeping the categoryName and adding a categoryId. That way you can show your current screen with a single read, but also link to the category. For how to deal with updating the categoryName in each transaction, see How to write denormalized data in Firebase and https://medium.com/#collardeau/es6-promises-with-firebase-76606f36c80c.
Alternatively: the list of categories is likely to be relatively small. So you could also pre-load it and perform a client-side lookup while you're iterating the transactions.
I'm developing a shopping cart mobile application using ionic framework and FIREBASE as back-end . I have a requirement that I need to join JOIN, SORT, FILTER and PAGINATE by multiple data attributes.
Sample data structure is given below.
products : {
name: Samsung-s4,
type: pro,
category: Phone,
created_datetime: 1426472828282,
user: user1,
price: 400
name: iPhone 5s,
type: pro,
category: Phone,
created_datetime: 1426472635846,
user: user2,
price: 500
name: HP Laptop i3,
type: regular,
category: Computer,
created_datetime: 1426472111111,
user: user1,
price: 600
user_profiles : {
name: abc_user,
display_name: ABC,
email: abc#mail.com
name: xyz_user,
display_name: XYZ,
email: xyz#mail.com
I need to query the products using multiple ways. two simple examples given below.
1) Get all products with Pagination, where type is "pro" then join with user_profiles and SORT by created date.
2) Get all products with Pagination, filter by category then join with user_profiles and SORT by created date.
Like above there will be more and more filtering options coming in Eg: price.
My main problem is, I couldn't find straight forward way of doing this using FIREBASE query options. Also I referred firebase util documentation but there also I don't see a way of getting this done.
As far as I see only way to get this done is, do the majority of processing in client end by getting all the data (or majority of the data) in to client side and do the SORT / FILTER / PAGINATE in client end.
But we are expecting thousands of records in these schemas, therefore there will be a huge performance impact if we do the processing in client end !!
Appreciate your expertise/support to solve this problem.
Thank you in advance.
I changed the data structure (as webduvet explained) and tried with firebase-util but failed to achieve what i want. CRITERIA :Products -> Filter By type/pro -> Sort By products.created_date
type: {
product1: user1,
product3: user1,
firebase-util - angularfire code
var list = $firebase(new Firebase.util.NormalizedCollection(
{key: "products.name" , alias: 'name'}
"products" will have hundred thousand records, so we have to make sure we restrict as much possible in firebase end rather than handling in client end.
Please help !
This has to be done not by queries but by database design. You need to store data in de-normalised way for example:
type: {
product1: user1,
product3: user1,
the above structure will give you option to query all pro products and retrieve the user id as well. Firebase offer good sorting mechanism so there should not be a problem. The more complex query you require the more complex the data structure will be needed and the more denormalized data you will have.
But as pointed out by #Swordfish0321 sql type of db might suit you much better after all.