Spatial rolling functions (min, max, mean) - r

I'm currently working on a project where I need to calculate the rolling minimum over a spatial window of 30 meters (it's a square around the central point). On my data frame for each point I have the X and Y coordinates and the variable Z for which I'm trying to get the rolling minimum.
So far I have accomplished it using for loops with conditionals and data table filtering. This takes some time, specially when the data bases have over a million points. I would really appreciate if you could help me with some tips of how to improve the performance of this code.
d = 1
op1 = NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {
ifelse(POINT_Y<=POINT_Y[i]+d, Z, Z[i]),Z[i]),Z[i]),Z[i]), na.rm = T)}
#### OPTION 2 - SUBSET ####
local_min = function(i){
x = POINT_X[i]
y = POINT_Y[i]
base = data[POINT_X %inrange% c(x-d,x+d)&
POINT_Y %inrange% c(y-d,y+d)]
local_min = min(base$Z, na.rm=T)
op2 = NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {
op2[i]<- local_min(i)}
I've tried other alternatives but the most common type of rolling statistic functions on R are based on index windows rather than values of other variables. Here's some data for you to try the the code above with d=1. I would be really grateful if you could help me improve this process.
data = data.frame(POINT_X=rep(1:5, each =5),
The desired output should look like this:
> op1
[1] 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 11 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19
I think it's important to note that currently the option 1 is faster than the option 2. Thanks in advance for your attention. :)

You could use a non-equi join :
d = 1
data[,`:=`(xmin = POINT_X-d,
xmax = POINT_X+d,
ymin = POINT_Y-d,
ymax = POINT_Y+d)]
data[data,on=.(POINT_X >= xmin,
POINT_X <= xmax,
POINT_Y >= ymin,
POINT_Y <= ymax)][
#[1] 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 11 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19


R: Find out which observations are located in each "bar" of the histogram

I am working with the R programming language. Suppose I have the following data:
a = rnorm(1000,10,1)
b = rnorm(200,3,1)
c = rnorm(200,13,1)
d = c(a,b,c)
index <- 1:1400
my_data = data.frame(index,d)
I can make the following histograms of the same data by adjusting the "bin" length (via the "breaks" option):
hist(my_data, breaks = 10, main = "Histogram #1, Breaks = 10")
hist(my_data, breaks = 100, main = "Histogram #2, Breaks = 100")
hist(my_data, breaks = 5, main = "Histogram #3, Breaks = 5")
My Question: In each one of these histograms there are a different number of "bars" (i.e. bins). For example, in the first histogram there are 8 bars and in the third histogram there are 4 bars. For each one of these histograms, is there a way to find out which observations (from the original file "d") are located in each bar?
Right now, I am trying to manually do this, e.g. (for histogram #3)
histogram3_bar1 <- my_data[which(my_data$d < 5 & my_data$d > 0), ]
histogram3_bar2 <- my_data[which(my_data$d < 10 & my_data$d > 5), ]
histogram3_bar3 <- my_data[which(my_data$d < 15 & my_data$d > 10), ]
histogram3_bar4 <- my_data[which(my_data$d < 15 & my_data$d > 20), ]
index d
1001 1001 4.156393
1002 1002 3.358958
1003 1003 1.605904
1004 1004 3.603535
1006 1006 2.943456
1007 1007 1.586542
But is there a more "efficient" way to do this?
hist itself can provide for the solution to the question's problem, to find out which data points are in which intervals. hist returns a list with first member breaks
First, make the problem reproducible by setting the RNG seed.
a = rnorm(1000,10,1)
b = rnorm(200,3,1)
c = rnorm(200,13,1)
d = c(a,b,c)
Now, save the return value of hist and have findInterval tell the bins where each data points are in.
h1 <- hist(d, breaks = 10)
f1 <- findInterval(d, h1$breaks)
# [1] -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
#[1] 6 7 7 7 7 6
The first six observations are intervals 6 and 7 with end points 8, 10 and 12, as can be seen indexing d by f1:
#[1] 8.07743 10.26174 10.26174 10.26174 10.26174 8.07743
As for whether the intervals given by end points 8, 10 and 12 are left- or right-closed, see help("findInterval").
As a final check, table the values returned by findInterval and see if they match the histogram's counts.
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# 2 34 130 34 17 478 512 169 24
#[1] 2 34 130 34 17 478 512 169 24
To have the intervals for each data point, the following
bins <- data.frame(bin = f1, min = h1$breaks[f1], max = h1$breaks[f1 + 1L])
# bin min max
#1 6 8 10
#2 7 10 12
#3 7 10 12
#4 7 10 12
#5 7 10 12
#6 6 8 10

Integrate functions for depth integrated species abundance

I am trying to calculate the organisms quantity per class over the entire depth range (e.g., from 10 m to 90 m). To do that I have the abundance at certain depths (e.g., 10, 30 and 90 m) and I use the integrate function which calculate:
the average of abundance between each pair of depths, multiplied by the difference of the pairs of depths. The values are summed up over the entire depth water column to get a totale abundance over the water column.
See an example (only a tiny part of bigger data set with several locations and year, more class and depths):
Class Depth organismQuantity
1 Ciliates 10 1608.89
2 Ciliates 30 2125.09
3 Ciliates 90 1184.92
4 Dinophyceae 10 0.00
5 Dinoflagellates 30 28719.60
6 Dinoflagellates 90 4445.26
integrate = function(x) {
averages = (x$organismQuantity[1:length(x)-1] + x$organismQuantity[2:length(x)]) / 2
sum(averages * diff(x$Depth))
result = ddply(df, .(Class), integrate)
But I got these result and warning message for lines with NA value :
Class V1
1 Ciliates 136640.1
2 Dinoflagellates NA
3 Dinophyceae 0.0
Warning messages:
1: In averages * diff(x$Depth) :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
I don't understand why Dinoflagellates got NA value... It is the same for several others class in my complete data set (for some class abundance the integration equation applies for others I got the warning message).
thank you for the help!!
Here is a way using function trapz from package caTools, adapted to the problem.
# library(caTools)
# Author(s)
# Jarek Tuszynski
# Original, adapted
trapz <- function(DF, x, y){
x <- DF[[x]]
y <- DF[[y]]
idx <- seq_along(x)[-1]
as.double( (x[idx] - x[idx-1]) %*% (y[idx] + y[idx-1]) ) / 2
ddply(df, .(Class), trapz, x = "Depth", y = "organismQuantity")
# Class V1
#1 Ciliates 136640.1
#2 Dinoflagellates 994945.8
#3 Dinophyceae NA
df <- read.table(text = "
Class Depth organismQuantity
1 Ciliates 10 1608.89
2 Ciliates 30 2125.09
3 Ciliates 90 1184.92
4 Dinophyceae 10 0.00
5 Dinoflagellates 30 28719.60
6 Dinoflagellates 90 4445.26
", header = TRUE)

Normalize/scale data set

I have the following data set:
these are the test scores which students obtained, a student could get a maximum of 15 or a minimum of 0 in this test (by the way, nobody got the max or the min), however the lowest score obtained in this test was 1 and the highest was 14.
Now, I want to normalize/scale this data to the scale of 0 to 20.
How to achieve this in excel? or in R?
My final goal is to normalize the scores in this test to the above scale and to compare them with another set of data for which the max and min is 5 and 0 respectively.
How to compare these two different scaled data sets correctly against each other?
What I tried:
I went through many stuff on the internet, and came up with this:
which I got it from the wikipedia.
Is this method reliable?
In your case I would use the feature scale formula you posted on your question. The (x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x)) will essentially convert your test marks to the range between 0-1.
Since your edges are indeed 0 and 15 and not 2 and 14, your min(x)=0 and your max(x)=15. Once you have your marks between 0-1 using the above, you just multiply by 20.
tests <- read.table(header=T, file='clipboard')
tests2 <- (tests - 0) / (15 - 0) #or equally tests / 15
And multiply by 20 to get marks between 0-20:
> tests2 * 20
1 13.333333
2 10.666667
3 2.666667
4 9.333333
5 13.333333
6 13.333333
7 1.333333
8 13.333333
9 18.666667
10 12.000000
11 2.666667
12 8.000000
13 13.333333
14 10.666667
15 13.333333
16 10.666667
17 13.333333
18 13.333333
19 9.333333
20 14.666667
21 13.333333
The results are intuitive and the function is reliable. For example the person who scored 14/15 should get the highest mark (and very close to 20) which is the case here (after the transformation they scored 18.6666).
In Excel, if you want the normalized data to have a min of 0 and and max of 20, then we need to solve:
y = A * x + b
for two points.
Put the max of the raw data in C1:
Put the min of the raw data in C2:
Put the desired max in D1 and the desired min in D2. Put the formula for the A-coefficient in C3:
and the formula for the B-coefficient in C4:
Finally put the scaling formula in B1:
and copy down:
Naturally, if you want the scaling to be independent of the raw max or min, you would use 15 in C1 and 0 in C2.
You can scale between 0 to 20 with this command in R:
newvalue <- 20/(max(score)-min(score))*(score-min(score))
The math way is fairly straightforward if the floor for all scales is 0.
new_value = new_ceiling * old_value / old_ceiling
The next formula will account for different floors on each scale:
new_value = new_floor + (new_ceiling - old_ceiling) * ((old_value-old_floor)/(old_ceiling-old_floor)) which is actually the formula you posted from Wikipedia. ;)
Hope this helps!
That is very simple. Due to the fact that both of those grades are linear, that a simple multiple ratio will do the work. Or in other word each grade in your set needs to be *20/15.
Here's a little r function which can help you run this if you need to repeat the operation and give you some flexibility on what you rescale to. Also one must be careful of NA values because min() and max() do not drop them by default which will then return NA. Therefore I provided an option on to handle NA values (drops them by default).
# function rescales data from 0 to 1 and optionally multiplies by new max
rescale <- function(x, new_max = 1, na.rm = T) {
as.vector(new_max * scale(x,
center = min(x, na.rm = na.rm),
scale = (max(x, na.rm = na.rm) - min(x, na.rm = na.rm))))
# old scores
scores <- c(10,8,2,7,10,10,1,10,14,9,2,6,10,8,10,8,10,10,7,11,10)
# new scores
data.frame(old = scores,
new = rescale(scores, new_max = 20))
#> old new
#> 1 10 13.846154
#> 2 8 10.769231
#> 3 2 1.538462
#> 4 7 9.230769
#> 5 10 13.846154
#> 6 10 13.846154
#> 7 1 0.000000
#> 8 10 13.846154
#> 9 14 20.000000
#> 10 9 12.307692
#> 11 2 1.538462
#> 12 6 7.692308
#> 13 10 13.846154
#> 14 8 10.769231
#> 15 10 13.846154
#> 16 8 10.769231
#> 17 10 13.846154
#> 18 10 13.846154
#> 19 7 9.230769
#> 20 11 15.384615
#> 21 10 13.846154
Created on 2022-03-10 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

approx() without duplicates?

I am using approx() to interpolate values.
x <- 1:20
y <- c(3,8,2,6,8,2,4,7,9,9,1,3,1,9,6,2,8,7,6,2)
df <-,y)
> df
x y
1 1 3
2 2 8
3 3 2
4 4 6
5 5 8
6 6 2
7 7 4
8 8 7
9 9 9
10 10 9
11 11 1
12 12 3
13 13 1
14 14 9
15 15 6
16 16 2
17 17 8
18 18 7
19 19 6
20 20 2
interpolated <- approx(x=df$x, y=df$y, method="linear", n=5)
gets me this:
[1] 1.00 5.75 10.50 15.25 20.00
[1] 3.0 3.5 5.0 5.0 2.0
Now, the first and last value are duplicates of my real data, is there any way to prevent this or is it something I don't understand properly about approx()?
You may want to specify xout to avoid this. For instance, if you want to always exclude the first and the last points, here's how you can do that:
specify_xout <- function(x, n) {
seq(from=min(x), to=max(x), length.out=n+2)[-c(1, n+2)]
plot(df$x, df$y)
points(approx(df$x, df$y, xout=specify_xout(df$x, 5)), pch = "*", col = "red")
It does not prevent from interpolating the existing point somewhere in the middle (exactly what happens on the picture below).
approx will fit through all your original datapoints if you give it a chance (change n=5 to xout=df$x to see this). Interpolation is the process of generating values for y given unobserved values of x, but should agree if the values of x have been previously observed.
The method="linear" setup is going to 'draw' linear segments joining up your original coordinates exactly (and so will give the y values you input to it for integer x). You only observe 'new' y values because your n=5 means that for points other than the beginning and end the x is not an integer (and therefore not one of your input values), and so gets interpolated.
If you want observed values not to be exactly reproduced, then maybe add some noise via rnorm ?

Grouping R variables based on sub-groups

I have a data formatted as
That describes basically when a PERSON_A met a PERSON_B at time MEET and they said "bye" to each other at moment LEAVE. The time is expressed in seconds, and there is a small part of the data on (simple.dat).
What I need is to count the number of meetings grouping it by day. At the moment, I have a code that works, the appearance is not beautiful. Anyway, I'd like a help in order to transform it in a code that reflects the grouping Im trying to do, e.g, using ddply, etc. Therefore, my main aim is to learn from this case. Probably there are many mistakes in this code regarding good practices in R.
data = read.table("simple.dat", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
min_interval = min(MEET)
max_interval = max(LEAVE)
interval = max_interval - min_interval
day = 86400
number_of_days = floor(interval/day)
g = data.frame(MEETINGS=c(0:number_of_days)) # just to store the result
g[,1] = 0
start_offset = min_interval # start of the first day
for (interval in c(0:number_of_days)) {
end_offset = start_offset + day
meetings = (length(data[data$MEET >= start_offset & data$LEAVE <= end_offset, ]$PERSON_A) + length(data[data$MEET >= start_offset & data$LEAVE <= end_offset, ]$PERSON_B))
g[interval+1, ] = meetings
start_offset = end_offset # start next day
This code iterates over the days (intervals of 86400 seconds) and stores the number of meetings on the dataframe g. The correct output (shown bellow) of this code when executed on the linked dataset gives for each line (day) the number o meetings.
1 38
2 10
3 16
4 18
5 24
6 6
7 4
8 10
9 28
10 14
11 22
12 2
13 .. 44 0 # I simplified the output here
45 2
Anyway, I know that I could use ddply to get the number of meetings for each pair o nodes:
contacts <- ddply(data, .(PERSON_A, PERSON_B), summarise
, CONTACTS = length(c(PERSON_A, PERSON_B)) /2
but there is a huge hill for me between this and the result I need.
As a end note, I read How to make a great R reproducible example? and tried my best :)
try this:
> d2 <- transform(data, m = floor(MEET/86400) + 1, l = floor(LEAVE/86400) + 1)
> d3 <- subset(d2, m == l)
> table(d3$m) * 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 45
38 10 16 18 24 6 4 10 28 14 22 2 2
floor(x/(60*60*24)) is a quick way to convert second into day.
