Dividing table without using split in R - r

I have a datatable for a time period of 21 days with data measured every 10 seconds which looks like
TimeStamp ActivePower CurrentL1 GeneratorRPM RotorRPM WindSpeed
2017-03-05 00:00:10 2183.650 1201.0 1673.90 NA 10.60
2017-03-05 00:00:20 2216.200 1224.0 1679.70 NA 11.00
2017-03-05 00:00:30 2176.500 1203.5 NA 16.05 11.90
2017-03-25 23:59:40 2024.20 1150.0 1687.00 16.15 10.35
2017-03-25 23:59:50 1959.05 1106.0 1661.15 15.90 8.65
2017-03-26 00:00:00 1820.55 1038.0 1665.70 15.80 9.20
I want to divide it into 30 minute blocks and my colleague said I shouldn't use the split function since the data can also have timestamps where there is no data and that I should manually make a 30 minute interval duration.
I have done this so far:
datei <- file.choose()
data_csv <- fread(datei)
datatable1 <- as.data.table(data_csv)
datatable1 <- datatable1[turbine=="UTHA02",]
datatable1[, TimeStamp:=as.POSIXct(get("_time"), tz="UTC")]
setkey(datatable1, TimeStamp)
startdate <- datatable1[1,TimeStamp]
enddate <- datatable1[nrow(datatable1), TimeStamp]
durationForInterval <- 30*60 #in seconds
curr <- startdate
datatable1[TimeStamp >= curr & TimeStamp < curr + durationForInterval]
So I manually made a 30 minute interval duration and got the first interval
time ActivePower CurrentL1 GeneratorRPM RotorRPM WindSpeed
1: 2017-03-05 00:00:10 2183.65 1201.0 1673.90 NA 10.60
2: 2017-03-05 00:00:20 2216.20 1224.0 1679.70 NA 11.00
3: 2017-03-05 00:00:30 2176.50 1203.5 NA 16.05 11.90
4: 2017-03-05 00:00:40 2267.95 1256.5 1685.85 NA 10.60
5: 2017-03-05 00:00:50 2533.15 1408.0 1693.30 16.20 12.40
176: 2017-03-05 00:29:20 2750.35 1531.0 1694.40 16.20 11.45
177: 2017-03-05 00:29:30 2930.40 1630.5 1668.25 NA 12.65
178: 2017-03-05 00:29:40 2459.55 1367.0 1680.25 15.90 12.15
179: 2017-03-05 00:29:50 2713.80 1508.5 1681.15 16.20 12.25
180: 2017-03-05 00:30:00 2395.20 1333.0 1667.75 16.00 11.75
But I only could do it for the first interval and I dont know how to do it for the rest. Is there something that I am missing or am I overthinking? Any help is appreciated!

This will create a column interval with a unique value for every 30 minutes.
datatable1[, interval := as.integer(TimeStamp, units = "secs") %/% (60L*30L)]
You could split on that column or use it for grouping operations.
split(datatable1, datatable1$interval) # or split(datatable1, by = "interval")


How to calculate time elapsed between rows in R

I have date and time as separate columns, which i combined into a single column using library(lubridate)
Now i want to create a new column that would calculate the elapsed time between two consecutive rows for each unique ID
I tried diff, however the error i am getting is that the new column has +1 rows compared to original data set
s1$DT<-with(s1, mdy(Date.of.Collection) + hm(MILITARY.TIME))#this worked - #needs the library lubridate
Subject.ID time DT Time elapsed
1 Dose 8/1/2018 8:15 0
1 time point1 8/1/2018 9:56 0.070138889
1 time point2 8/2/2018 9:56 1.070138889
2 Dose 9/4/2018 10:50 0
2 time point1 9/11/2018 11:00 7.006944444
3 Dose 10/1/2018 10:20 0
3 time point1 10/2/2018 14:22 1.168055556
3 time point2 10/3/2018 12:15 2.079861111
From your comment, you don't need a "diff"; in conventional R-speak, a "diff" would be T1-T0, T2-T1, T3-T2, ..., Tn - Tn-1.
For you, one of these will work to give you T1,2,...,n - T0.
Base R
by(patients, patients$Subject.ID, function(x) {
x$elapsed <- x$realDT - x$realDT[1]
units(x$elapsed) <- "hours"
# Subject.ID time1 DT Time elapsed realDT
# 1.1 1 Dose 8/1/2018 8:15 0.000000 hours 2018-08-01 08:15:00
# 1.2 1 time_point1 8/1/2018 9:56 1.683333 hours 2018-08-01 09:56:00
# 1.3 1 time_point2 8/2/2018 9:56 25.683333 hours 2018-08-02 09:56:00
# 2.4 2 Dose 9/4/2018 10:50 0.000000 hours 2018-09-04 10:50:00
# 2.5 2 time_point1 9/11/2018 11:00 168.166667 hours 2018-09-11 11:00:00
# 3.6 3 Dose 10/1/2018 10:20 0.000000 hours 2018-10-01 10:20:00
# 3.7 3 time_point1 10/2/2018 14:22 28.033333 hours 2018-10-02 14:22:00
# 3.8 3 time_point2 10/3/2018 12:15 49.916667 hours 2018-10-03 12:15:00
patients %>%
group_by(Subject.ID) %>%
mutate(elapsed = `units<-`(realDT - realDT[1], "hours")) %>%
patDT <- copy(patients)
patDT[, elapsed := `units<-`(realDT - realDT[1], "hours"), by = "Subject.ID"]
The "hours" in the $elapsed column is just an artifact of dealing with a time-difference thing, it should not affect most operations. To get rid of it, make sure you're in the right units ("hours", "secs", ..., see ?units) and use as.numeric.
The only reasons I used as.POSIXct as above are that I'm not a lubridate user, and the data as provided is not in a time format. You shouldn't need it if your Time is a proper time format, in which case you'd use that field instead of my hacky realDT.
On similar lines, if you do calculate realDT and use it, you really don't need both realDT and the pair of DT and Time.
The data I used:
patients <- read.table(header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, text="
Subject.ID time1 DT Time elapsed
1 Dose 8/1/2018 8:15 0
1 time_point1 8/1/2018 9:56 0.070138889
1 time_point2 8/2/2018 9:56 1.070138889
2 Dose 9/4/2018 10:50 0
2 time_point1 9/11/2018 11:00 7.006944444
3 Dose 10/1/2018 10:20 0
3 time_point1 10/2/2018 14:22 1.168055556
3 time_point2 10/3/2018 12:15 2.079861111")
# this is necessary for me because DT/Time here are not POSIXt (they're just strings)
patients$realDT <- as.POSIXct(paste(patients$DT, patients$Time), format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")

lubridate converting midnight timestamp returns NA: how to fill missing timestamp

I have a data frame in R that I have imported from a CSV. The "time" format in the csv is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" like so:
> head(btc_data)
time btc_price
1 2017-08-27 22:50:00 4,389.6113
2 2017-08-27 22:51:00 4,389.0850
3 2017-08-27 22:52:00 4,388.8625
4 2017-08-27 22:53:00 4,389.7888
5 2017-08-27 22:56:00 4,389.9138
6 2017-08-27 22:57:00 4,390.1663
When I run str(btc_data) the time column comes back as a factor. So, I have converted this to datetime using the lubridate package as follows:
btc_data$time <- ymd_hms(as.character(btc_data$time))
The problem is the data collected at midnight (5 rows) fail to parse and return NA values like this (in the original data the timestamp is missing from these rows so 2017-08-29 00:00:00 is listed simply as 2017-08-29) -
724 2017-08-28 23:59:00 4,439.3313
725 NA 4,439.6588
726 2017-08-29 00:01:00 4,440.3050
Moreover, the second data frame is organized differently:
> str(eth_data)
'data.frame': 1081 obs. of 2 variables:
$ time : Factor w/ 1081 levels "8/28/17 16:19",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ eth_price: num 344 344 344 344 343 ...
When I try:
> eth_data$time <- mdy_hms(as.character(eth_data$time))
I get the following error:
Warning message: All formats failed to parse. No formats found.
EDIT: I have isolated the code issue that is causing the problem:
> btc_data[721:726,]
time btc_price
721 2017-08-28 23:57:00 4,439.8163
722 2017-08-28 23:58:00 4,440.2363
723 2017-08-28 23:58:00 4,440.2363
724 2017-08-28 23:59:00 4,439.3313
725 2017-08-29 4,439.6588
726 2017-08-29 00:01:00 4,440.3050
So, each time the clock strikes midnight- the timestamp is not recorded. The CSV is being created via a data stream and is constantly growing, so this issue will continue to occur with each new day unless I can find a workaround. Any suggestions?
If the '00:00:00' is completely missing in the original data to begin with, you can use grep to find those cases, then paste '00:00:00' before using the ymd_hms() or mdy_hm() function.
First case, where date/time format is 'YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS':
test <- fread("time, btc_price
2017-08-28 23:57:00, 4439.8163
2017-08-28 23:58:00, 4440.2363
2017-08-28 23:58:00, 4440.2363
2017-08-28 23:59:00, 4439.3313
2017-08-29 , 4439.6588
2017-08-29 00:01:00, 4440.3050")
test$time[grep("[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$",test$time)] <- paste(
time btc_price
1: 2017-08-28 23:57:00 4439.816
2: 2017-08-28 23:58:00 4440.236
3: 2017-08-28 23:58:00 4440.236
4: 2017-08-28 23:59:00 4439.331
5: 2017-08-29 00:00:00 4439.659
6: 2017-08-29 00:01:00 4440.305
#Now you can use ymd_hms(as.character(df$date)) as usual.
Second case, where date/time format is 'm/dd/yy HH:MM':
#Step 1 is to find/replace:
test <- fread("time, btc_price
8/28/17 23:57, 4439.8163
8/28/17 23:57, 4440.2363
8/28/17 23:57, 4440.2363
8/28/17 23:57, 4439.3313
8/28/17 , 4439.6588
8/29/17 00:01, 4440.3050")
test$time[grep("[0-9]{1}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}$",test$time)] <- paste(
time btc_price
1: 8/28/17 23:57 4439.816
2: 8/28/17 23:57 4440.236
3: 8/28/17 23:57 4440.236
4: 8/28/17 23:57 4439.331
5: 8/28/17 00:00 4439.659
6: 8/29/17 00:01 4440.305
#Step 2 is to adjust your mdy_hms() command; you need to leave off the 's':
#Ex. before:
mdy_hms(as.character("8/28/17 16:19"))
[1] NA
Warning message:
All formats failed to parse. No formats found.
test <- c("8/28/17 16:19","8/28/17 00:00")
[1] "2017-08-28 16:19:00 UTC" "2017-08-28 00:00:00 UTC"
In general, it's also good practice to have numbers be formatted without commas in R; so 4,439.3313 should be 4439.3313. Otherwise, R might interpret that as a comma separation between columns.

Count time stamps in different time intervals - issue with interval which spans midnight

I have a dataframe ("observations") with time stamps in H:M format ("Time"). In a second dataframe ("intervals"), I have time ranges defined by "From" and "Till" variables, also in H:M format.
I want to count number of observations which falls within each interval. I have been using between from data.table, which has been working without any problem when dates are included.
However, now I only have time stamps, without date. This causes some problems for the times which occurs in the interval which spans midnight (20:00 - 05:59). These times are not counted in the code I have tried.
Example below
interval.data <- data.frame(From = c("14:00", "20:00", "06:00"), Till = c("19:59", "05:59", "13:59"), stringsAsFactors = F)
observations <- data.frame(Time = c("14:32", "15:59", "16:32", "21:34", "03:32", "02:00", "00:00", "05:57", "19:32", "01:32", "02:22", "06:00", "07:50"), stringsAsFactors = F)
# From Till
# 1: 14:00:00 19:59:00
# 2: 20:00:00 05:59:00 # <- interval including midnight
# 3: 06:00:00 13:59:00
# Time
# 1: 14:32:00
# 2: 15:59:00
# 3: 16:32:00
# 4: 21:34:00 # Row 4-8 & 10-11 falls in 'midnight interval', but are not counted
# 5: 03:32:00 #
# 6: 02:00:00 #
# 7: 00:00:00 #
# 8: 05:57:00 #
# 9: 19:32:00
# 10: 01:32:00 #
# 11: 02:22:00 #
# 12: 06:00:00
# 13: 07:50:00
adply(interval.data, 1, function(x, y) sum(y[, 1] %between% c(x[1], x[2])), y = observations)
# From Till V1
# 1 14:00 19:59 4
# 2 20:00 05:59 0 # <- zero counts - wrong!
# 3 06:00 13:59 2
One approach is to use a non-equi join in data.table, and their helper function as.ITime for working with time strings.
You'll have an issue with the interval that spans midnight, but, there should only ever be one of those. And as you're interested in the number of observations per 'group' of intervals, you can treat this group as the equivalent of the 'Not' of the others.
For example, first convert your data.frame to data.table
## set your data.frames as `data.table`
Then use as.ITime to convert to an integer representation of time
## convert time stamps
interval.data[, `:=`(FromMins = as.ITime(From),
TillMins = as.ITime(Till))]
observations[, TimeMins := as.ITime(Time)]
## you could combine this step with the non-equi join directly, but I'm separating it for clarity
You can now use a non-equi join to find the interval that each time falls within. Noting that those times that reutrn 'NA' are actually those that fall inside the midnight-spanning interval
, on = .(FromMins <= TimeMins, TillMins > TimeMins)
# From Till FromMins TillMins Time
# 1: 14:00 19:59 872 872 14:32
# 2: 14:00 19:59 959 959 15.59
# 3: 14:00 19:59 992 992 16:32
# 4: NA NA 1294 1294 21:34
# 5: NA NA 212 212 03:32
# 6: NA NA 120 120 02:00
# 7: NA NA 0 0 00:00
# 8: NA NA 357 357 05:57
# 9: 14:00 19:59 1172 1172 19:32
# 10: NA NA 92 92 01:32
# 11: NA NA 142 142 02:22
# 12: 06:00 13:59 360 360 06:00
# 13: 06:00 13:59 470 470 07:50
Then to get the number of observatins for the groups of intervals, you just .N grouped by each time point, which can just be chained onto the end of the above statement
, on = .(FromMins <= TimeMins, TillMins > TimeMins)
, .N
, by = .(From, Till)
# From Till N
# 1: 14:00 19:59 4
# 2: NA NA 7
# 3: 06:00 13:59 2
Where the NA group corresponds to the one that spans midnight
I just tweaked your code to get the desired result. Hope this helps!
adply(interval.data, 1, function(x, y)
if(x[1] > x[2]) return(sum(y[, 1] %between% c(x[1], 23:59), y[, 1] %between% c(00:00, x[2]))) else return(sum(y[, 1] %between% c(x[1], x[2]))), y = observations)
Output is:
From Till V1
1 14:00 19:59 4
2 20:00 05:59 7
3 06:00 13:59 2

R : how to get the rolling mean of a variable over the last few days but only at a given hour?

Consider this
time <- seq(ymd_hms("2014-02-24 23:00:00"), ymd_hms("2014-06-25 08:32:00"), by="hour")
group <- rep(LETTERS[1:20], each = length(time))
value <- sample(-10^3:10^3,length(time), replace=TRUE)
df2 <- data.frame(time,group,value)
> head(df2)
time group value
1 2014-02-24 23:00:00 A 246
2 2014-02-25 00:00:00 A -261
3 2014-02-25 01:00:00 A 628
4 2014-02-25 02:00:00 A 429
5 2014-02-25 03:00:00 A -49
6 2014-02-25 04:00:00 A -749
I would like to create a variable that contains, for each group, the rolling mean of value
over the last 5 days (not including the current observation)
only considering observations that fall at the exact same hour as the current observation.
In other words:
At time 2014-02-24 23:00:00, df2['rolling_mean_same_hour'] contains the mean of the values of value observed at 23:00:00 during the last 5 days in the data (not including 2014-02-24 of course).
I would like to do that in either dplyr or data.table. I confess having no ideas how to do that.
Any ideas?
Many thanks!
You can calculate the rollmean() with your data grouped by the group variable and hour of the time variable, normally the rollmean() will include the current observation, but you can use shift() function to exclude the current observation from the rollmean:
library(data.table); library(zoo)
df2[, .(rolling_mean_same_hour = shift(
rollmean(value, 5, na.pad = TRUE, align = 'right'),
n = 1,
type = 'lag'),
time), .(hour(time), group)]
# hour group rolling_mean_same_hour time
# 1: 23 A NA 2014-02-24 23:00:00
# 2: 23 A NA 2014-02-25 23:00:00
# 3: 23 A NA 2014-02-26 23:00:00
# 4: 23 A NA 2014-02-27 23:00:00
# 5: 23 A NA 2014-02-28 23:00:00
# ---
#57796: 22 T -267.0 2014-06-20 22:00:00
#57797: 22 T -389.6 2014-06-21 22:00:00
#57798: 22 T -311.6 2014-06-22 22:00:00
#57799: 22 T -260.0 2014-06-23 22:00:00
#57800: 22 T -26.8 2014-06-24 22:00:00

Create a time interval of 15 minutes from minutely data in R?

I have some data which is formatted in the following way:
time count
00:00 17
00:01 62
00:02 41
So I have from 00:00 to 23:59hours and with a counter per minute. I'd like to group the data in intervals of 15 minutes such that:
time count
00:00-00:15 148
00:16-00:30 284
I have tried to do it manually but this is exhausting so I am sure there has to be a function or sth to do it easily but I haven't figured out yet how to do it.
I'd really appreciate some help!!
Thank you very much!
For data that's in POSIXct format, you can use the cut function to create 15-minute groupings, and then aggregate by those groups. The code below shows how to do this in base R and with the dplyr and data.table packages.
First, create some fake data:
dat = data.frame(time=seq(as.POSIXct("2016-05-01"), as.POSIXct("2016-05-01") + 60*99, by=60),
count=sample(1:50, 100, replace=TRUE))
Base R
cut the data into 15 minute groups:
dat$by15 = cut(dat$time, breaks="15 min")
time count by15
1 2016-05-01 00:00:00 22 2016-05-01 00:00:00
2 2016-05-01 00:01:00 11 2016-05-01 00:00:00
3 2016-05-01 00:02:00 31 2016-05-01 00:00:00
98 2016-05-01 01:37:00 20 2016-05-01 01:30:00
99 2016-05-01 01:38:00 29 2016-05-01 01:30:00
100 2016-05-01 01:39:00 37 2016-05-01 01:30:00
Now aggregate by the new grouping column, using sum as the aggregation function:
dat.summary = aggregate(count ~ by15, FUN=sum, data=dat)
by15 count
1 2016-05-01 00:00:00 312
2 2016-05-01 00:15:00 395
3 2016-05-01 00:30:00 341
4 2016-05-01 00:45:00 318
5 2016-05-01 01:00:00 349
6 2016-05-01 01:15:00 397
7 2016-05-01 01:30:00 341
dat.summary = dat %>% group_by(by15=cut(time, "15 min")) %>%
dat.summary = setDT(dat)[ , list(count=sum(count)), by=cut(time, "15 min")]
UPDATE: To answer the comment, for this case the end point of each grouping interval is as.POSIXct(as.character(dat$by15)) + 60*15 - 1. In other words, the endpoint of the grouping interval is 15 minutes minus one second from the start of the interval. We add 60*15 - 1 because POSIXct is denominated in seconds. The as.POSIXct(as.character(...)) is because cut returns a factor and this just converts it back to date-time so that we can do math on it.
If you want the end point to the nearest minute before the next interval (instead of the nearest second), you could to as.POSIXct(as.character(dat$by15)) + 60*14.
If you don't know the break interval, for example, because you chose the number of breaks and let R pick the interval, you could find the number of seconds to add by doing max(unique(diff(as.POSIXct(as.character(dat$by15))))) - 1.
The cut approach is handy but slow with large data frames. The following approach is approximately 1,000x faster than the cut approach (tested with 400k records.)
# Function: Truncate (floor) POSIXct to time interval (specified in seconds)
# Author: Stephen McDaniel # PowerTrip Analytics
# Date : 2017MAY
# Copyright: (C) 2017 by Freakalytics, LLC
# License: MIT
floor_datetime <- function(date_var, floor_seconds = 60,
origin = "1970-01-01") { # defaults to minute rounding
if(!is(date_var, "POSIXct")) stop("Please pass in a POSIXct variable")
if(is.na(date_var)) return(as.POSIXct(NA)) else {
return(as.POSIXct(floor(as.numeric(date_var) /
(floor_seconds))*(floor_seconds), origin = origin))
Sample output:
test <- data.frame(good = as.POSIXct(Sys.time()),
bad1 = as.Date(Sys.time()),
bad2 = as.POSIXct(NA))
test$good_15 <- floor_datetime(test$good, 15 * 60)
test$bad1_15 <- floor_datetime(test$bad1, 15 * 60)
Error in floor_datetime(test$bad, 15 * 60) :
Please pass in a POSIXct variable
test$bad2_15 <- floor_datetime(test$bad2, 15 * 60)
good bad1 bad2 good_15 bad2_15
1 2017-05-06 13:55:34.48 2017-05-06 <NA> 2007-05-06 13:45:00 <NA>
You can do it in one line by using trs function from FQOAT, just like:
df_15mins=trs(df, "15 mins")
Below is a repeatable example:
# Time NO
#1 2017-05-01 01:00:00 0.0376578
#2 2017-05-01 01:01:00 0.0341483
#3 2017-05-01 01:02:00 0.0310285
#4 2017-05-01 01:03:00 0.0357016
#5 2017-05-01 01:04:00 0.0337507
#6 2017-05-01 01:05:00 0.0238120
aqi_15mins=trs(aqi[,c(1,2)], "15 mins")
# Time NO
#1 2017-05-01 01:00:00 0.02736549
#2 2017-05-01 01:15:00 0.03244958
#3 2017-05-01 01:30:00 0.03743626
#4 2017-05-01 01:45:00 0.02769419
#5 2017-05-01 02:00:00 0.02901817
#6 2017-05-01 02:15:00 0.03439455
