How to order Icons for application (app+StatLib)? - icons

My solution consists of an MFC App + Static library (name StatLib).
My StatLib contains resources (including icons), included in the "app.rc2" file in this way:
#include "C:\Project\LIBS\StatLib\StatLib.rc"
like described in this page.
I sort the icon ID's in this way:
#define IDR_MAINFRAME 128
#define IDI_EM2D_ICON2 20018
#define IDI_EM2D_ICON3 20019
IDI_EM2D_ICON2 ICON "res\icon2.ico"
IDI_EM2D_ICON3 ICON "res\icon3.ico"
Like described in this page.
The problem is, the compiler automatically assigns to the exe the first icon it finds in the StatLib "icon2.ico" and not "MyApp.ico"


How to instruct cmake/automoc to find external header

I have a Qt widget C++ class that loads a ui file created in Qt Creator. The header and the source file for the class live in two separate directories. I have trouble instructing cmake/automoc to find the header for the class. cmake recognizes it needs to moc the C++ file but it cannot find the analogous header.
Is there something I can do to help cmake find the files?
Everything works fine if both the cpp and the header file are in the same directory. This only comes up when the headers are elsewhere.
My directory structure is
In src/include/Foo/Bar.h I have:
// Bar.h
#include <QtWidgets/QWidget>
namespace Ui { class Bar; }
class Bar : public QWidget {
In src/Foo/Bar.cpp file:
#include "Foo/Bar.h"
#include "moc_Bar.cpp"
#include "ui_Bar.h"
My CMakeLists.txt in src/lib/Foo is set up as follows:
# there is a project() call at the root that defines PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR
# Pick up public library headers
# Pick up private headers in library dir
# Set up Qt
find_package(Qt5Core REQUIRED)
find_package(Qt5Gui REQUIRED)
find_package(Qt5Widgets REQUIRED)
# Set up Qt forms/resources
qt5_wrap_ui(UI_OUT_FILES forms/Bar.ui)
qt5_add_resources(RESOURCE_FILE resources.qrc)
# Library cpp and header files
set(CORE_CPP_FILES Bar.cpp)
# Build library
target_link_libraries(Foo ${Qt5Widgets_LIBRARIES})
When I run cmake, I get the following error:
AUTOGEN: error: /automoc/src/lib/Foo/Bar.cpp The file includes the moc file "moc_Bar.cpp", but could not find header "Bar{.h,.hh,.h++,.hm,.hpp,.hxx,.in,.txx}" in /automoc/src/lib/Foo/
You have to wrap your header files manually.
Put it into your CMakeLists.txt:
file(GLOB HEADERS_TO_MOC src/include/Foo/ *.h)
OPTIONS --no-notes) # Don't display a note for the headers which don't produce a moc_*.cpp
target_sources(Foo PRIVATE ${PROCESSED_MOCS}) # This adds generated moc cpps to target
Real example of this approach
I find the workarounds for this can be simplified by just leaving AUTOMOC to its own devices. Here's what I do (which works for all of our supported CMake versions, currently 3.2...3.17):
Remove the #include "moc_Bar.cpp" line(s) from file(s) Bar.cpp
Add the external (to the current directory) header files as PRIVATE sources for the target:
target_sources(Foo PRIVATE
AUTOMOC will create a Foo_autogen output directory when it MOCs the files in question. moc_Bar.cpp and moc_Baz.cpp will be created in a randomly-named ABDEADBEEF subdirectory, and a mocs_compilation.cpp file will be created with content like the following:
// This file is autogenerated. Changes will be overwritten.
#include "ABDEADBEEF/moc_Bar.cpp"
#include "ABDEADBEEF/moc_Baz.cpp"
That file gets compiled and linked in with the final output of the target.
With CMAKE_AUTOMOC globally set True, each target will also receive its own target_autogen directory, though nothing will be generated there in targets that don't have any MOC'able classes. Still, it may be better to set the AUTOMOC target property only on the target(s) that need it:
The AUTOMOC process can even be told to avoid scanning certain source files (headers, actually), to avoid it doing unnecessary work at build time. To do that, set the SKIP_AUTOMOC property directly on the relevant files:
That will prevent moc from being run in an attempt to generate a moc_Bar.cpp for that header, if one isn't needed. (moc will typically recognize that it isn't needed and quickly skip over the header anyway, but perhaps projects with very large headers or a large number of non-Qt headers might see some benefits from not scanning all of them unnecessarily.)

Setting Application Information in Qt

I have now pretty much finished my application in Qt. I want to deploy it and among other things I would like to set the application information when someone right clicks the executable file and looks at the details.
The best source of information I found was this link: Setting application info in a Qt executable file on Windows
However, in Qt5, after creating a .qrc file and a prefix, I couldn't get it to work. If the .qrc file is edited outside of Qt, an unknown error always occurs when opening it inside Qt.
Can anybody please provide me with an working example? The way it's shown in the link above is exactly what I would like to do.
Thanks in advance!
Just create file "resources.rc" with Qt Creator "File"->"New File of Project.."->"General"->"Text file" or with any text editor in your project folder with this context:
#include <windows.h>
#include "version.h"
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904E4"
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252
You should also have header file "version.h" in your project:
#ifndef VERSION_H
#define VERSION_H
#define VER_FILEVERSION 1,0,0,0
#define VER_PRODUCTVERSION 1,0,0,0
#define VER_COMPANYNAME_STR "Your Organization"
#define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "CoolApplication"
#define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "CoolApplication"
#define VER_LEGALCOPYRIGHT_STR "Copyright © 2010 Your Organization"
#define VER_LEGALTRADEMARKS1_STR "All Rights Reserved"
#define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "coolapplication.exe"
#define VER_PRODUCTNAME_STR "CoolApplication"
#endif // VERSION_H
Then in your *.pro file add
RC_FILE = file_prop_detail.rc
That is all. This aproach worked for me with Qt 5.4.

wxWidgets Title bar icon

I want to change the default icon that shows up at the top left corner of the frame.
I have tried many approaches- xpm, ico, bmp,
using SetIcon(wxIcon(wxT("icon.xpm"))); as suggested here.
I tried different icon sizes, 16x16, 24x24 and 32x32.
I've also tried adding MYICON1 ICON "Logo.ico" in the resource.rc file, #define MYICON1 101 in the resource.h file and SetIcon(wxIcon(MYICON1)); to the frame constructor..
btw, i'm using wxwidgets 2.8 on visual studio 2010
I've also tried adding MYICON1 ICON "Logo.ico" in the resource.rc file, #define MYICON1 101 in the resource.h file and SetIcon(wxIcon(MYICON1)); to the frame constructor..
With this approach, I get an error in the wxIcon(int) constructor..
1>xsframe.cpp(17): error C2248: 'wxString::wxString' : cannot access private member declared in class 'wxString'
1> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\wx/string.h(682) : see declaration of 'wxString::wxString'
1> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\wx/string.h(659) : see declaration of 'wxString'
PS, xsframe is my main frame. whose icon i'm trying to change.
in file gdicmn.h ,line 166
/* Useful macro for creating icons portably, for example:
wxIcon *icon = new wxICON(sample);
expands into:
wxIcon *icon = new wxIcon("sample"); // On Windows
wxIcon *icon = new wxIcon(sample_xpm); // On wxGTK/Linux
I am quoting Vaclav's answer from here:
You can set your main frame's icon with wxFrame::SetIcon. Application
icon can be changed by adding a new icon resource to your .rc file:
appicon ICON "myapp.ico"
#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"
Note that this icon must be the first icon in your .rc file and it
must be the first one when you sort your icons alphabetically. This is
because MS developers weren't able to make their mind on how to
determine app's icon: it is the first one in .rc file under Windows 9x
and the alphabetically first one under NT (or vice versa).
Most people usually miss this. Hope that fixes things.
You wrote: MYICON1 ICON "Logo.ico" in the resource.rc file, and SetIcon(wxIcon(MYICON1)); to the frame constructor
That is the approach I use.
There is an extra step you need to do. In the resource.h file you need to define MYICON1 Something like this:
#define MYICON1 101
You have to ensure that the icon file contain ALL the required resolutions - I always ensure it has 16by16, 32by32 AND 256by256 The more the merrier!
It is a good idea if the application icon is the FIRST icon in the resource file.
I recommend upgrading to wxWidgets v2.9.4 - lots of things start working better.
Use the string name of the icon, not the numeric identifier. Look at any wxWidgets sample for an example.
A quick and dirty, non-portable, only-Windows solution (worked for me in Windows 7, wxWidgets 3.0.4, vc110):
#ifdef __WXMSW__
#include "wx/msw/private.h" //for wxGetInstance()
//in Frame's constructor:
HWND hWnd = this->GetHandle();
HINSTANCE hInstance = wxGetInstance();
HICON hIcon = ExtractIcon(hInstance, L"someicon.ico", 0);
SetClassLongPtr(hWnd, GCLP_HICONSM, (LONG_PTR)hIcon);
Could be useful for doing some other tricks on the window?

Unicode characters in qt app dont show up

I'm trying to display different language strings in my qt app by inserting each language into a QMap<QString, QString> so it can be re-used in several places and put into different combo Boxes across the application. I do this by
creating the QMap like so in the CTOR:
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"English"), "english");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Dansk"), "dansk");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Nederlands"), "dutch");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Čeština"), "czeck");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Slovenský"), "slovak");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Magyar"), "hungarian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Român"), "romanian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Latviešu"), "latvian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Lietuvių"), "lithuanian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Polski"), "polish");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Português"), "portuguese");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Español"), "spanish");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Français"), "french");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Italiano"), "italian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Svenska"), "swedish");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Русский"), "russian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Українська"), "ukranian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Русский"), "russian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"中文"), "chinese");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"日本語"), "japanese");
I then insert them into the combo box:
QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it = m_langMap.begin();
while (it != m_langMap.end())
When the app runs, I see the following:
However, if I create a separate .ui file and insert the map the same way, I see the following (even if I include this separate Dialog class into the same application), so clearly there is no font issue as far as the App not knowing how to render the different character sets....yet I cant figure out why the first one won't render the character sets?
Can someone tell me why the first doesn't work but the second does? I checked the Designer and its Locale is set to 'C, Default' in both ui files I've shown below. I can't seem to figure out what else is causing the difference for the first not to work, and the second does work within the same application.
Thanks for any help!
The other test Dialog:
Your code is correct, but the problem is that your source file cannot contain Unicode characters - apparently it is using different coding.
Save file as UTF-8 and everything should work!
In the first screenshot the font used by the combobox is much larger than in the second screenshot. My guess is that you have changed the font either in the GUI designer or in the code and the second (working) screenshot is using the default font. It might be that when you have changed the font size, you have also changed the font to something that doesn't contain all the required Unicode characters. Try changing the font used by the combobox to something else.

How to include an already written library to a custom library in Arduino

I'm creating a new library to control the keypad and LCD together. Most of the code seems to compile, but when it reaches the line where I define the LiquidCristal variable, it says:
'LiquidCrystal' does not name a type when creating a custom library
This is the extract of content of my LCDKeypad.h
// Include types & constants of Wiring core API
#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WProgram.h"
#include "WConstants.h"
// Include LCD library
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
The error is in this line:
LiquidCrystal lcd( 8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7 ); // <<-- Error
Alright, I was reading a lot and I found a very interesting article about this subject:
Including multiple libraries
It says that the compiler does not search for libraries that are not included in the sketch file. The way to hack this is to force the compiler to link them before loading your libraries, including, in my case LiquidCrystal.h in the sketch.
Let's say my library "LCDkeypad" requires LiquidCrystal.
My main program (sketch) needs to include LiquidCrystal in order to load it for my library "LCDKeypad".
Now, one interesting thing is using forward declaration, so in my LCDKeypad.h I will declare
"Class LiquidCrystal" but not include the library. I will do it in LiquidCrystal.cpp and in the sketch.
I hope this is clear.
There are two ways of doing it
If you are writing your own code Just create header file .h extension and relevant c code as name_c.While adding into main program, you need to specify header file name in double quotes.
#ifndef LCD_H
#define LCD_H
//Declaration of variable /functions
If you are trying to download from link. Then you need paste the code into D:\arduino\arduino\libraries
Error problem:
overlapping of multiple declaration of variable.
overlapping of library functions
