How to add elements to a svelte writable store vector - svelte-store

I have this store:
export const flights = writable<APIResponse>([])
And I want to add elements at the end of that array. I tried his:
flights.set({, input })
But that doesn't add, it overwrites the existing elements, leaving only the one in input. How can I do that?
I am in a .ts. I'm taking over someone else's job who left the company and I'm new to all of this, I still don't have a clear idea of this mix of languages/frameworks.
When I print flights appears empty.
console.warn(flights store: + JSON.stringify(flights))
Some advances. It seems it was not empty. I wasn't printing it the correct way. I can see the elements added if I add them like this:
unconfirmed_flights.update((data) => {
return data
and print the content like this:
unconfirmed_flights .update((data) => {
return data
That prints something like: [{json_object}, {json_object}].
The thing is that in fact I have two stores:
export const flights = writable<APIResponse>([])
export const unconfirmed_flights = writable<APIResponse>([])
The code receives several items that are added to unconfirmed_flights correctly. Then a dialog opens and if the user presses accept I need to copy the items in unconfirmed_flights to flights. I do that like this. First I create an index (id) with the empty array:
flights.update((data) => {
data[id] = []
return data
Then I add all the elements in unconfirmed_flights:
unconfirmed_flights.update((uplan) => {
flights.update((data) => {
return data
return uplan
But the result, instead of
{"id": [{json_object}, {json_object}]}
{"id": [[{json_object}, {json_object}]]}
With that nested array. However, if I don't do the step of data[id] = [], I get a "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: data.push is not a function", that I read is because the index does not exist. How can I avoid that nested array?

const flights = writable([])
If you want to add a value to a store from a .js file use .update() where the current value is available
flights.update(value => [...value, newValue])
Inside a .svelte file the store variable can be prefixed with $ to access the value and the new value could be added like this
$flights = [...$flights, newValue]

After three days of unsuccessful attemps to add the content exactly as I needed, I found the help of a JS expert. There it goes the solution.
flights = {"1": { "name": "name1" } }
unconfirmed_flights = [ {"2": { "name": "name2" } }, {"3": { "name": "name3" } } ]
The goal was to add the unconfirmed_flights to flights:
flights = {"1": { "name": "name1" },
"2": { "name": "name2" },
"3": { "name": "name3" } }
And that was done like this:
flights.update((plan) => {
const uplan = get(unconfirmed_flights)
uplan.forEach((uplanItem) => {
plan = { ...plan, ...uplanItem }
return plan
export type APIResponse = { [key: string]: any }
export const flights = writable<APIResponse>([])
export const unconfirmed_flights = writable<APIResponse[]>([])


What is the way to update or insert a record on Firebase with Flutter?

I have a collection users like this:
'uid' : '1',
'favourites' : [
{ // fav1 },
{ // fav2 },
{ // fav3 },
'uid' : '2',
'favourites' : [
{ // fav1 },
{ // fav2 },
{ // fav3 },
In some situations I have to update the favourites collection with a new "fav" and I can do that in this way:
final doc = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('users').doc(userId);
doc.update({ 'favourites': FieldValue.arrayUnion([fav.toJson()]) });
however the item might be not there so I have to use doc.set to create a new item. As I am new with Firebase, what is a "best practice" for a problem like this (if the element is not there create it first, otherwise update it)?
You can specify a merge option to set, which does precisely what you want:
doc.set({ 'favourites': FieldValue.arrayUnion([fav.toJson()]) }, SetOptions(merge : true))
You can use a function that can check if there is a doc or not with that specific info. And you can create a if-else statement depends on if there is a doc named like that or not.
An example function for checking the doc:
Future<bool> checkIfDocExists(String stuffID) async {
try {
/// Check If Document Exists
// Get reference to Firestore collection
var collectionRef = FirebaseFirestore.instance
var doc = await collectionRef.doc(userId).get();
return doc.exists;
} catch (e) {
throw e;

How to order by child value in Firebase

I have data like this:
scores: {
uid1: {
score: 15,
displayName: "Uciska"
uid2: {
score: 3,
displayName: "Bob"
uid3: {
I want to rank them by score and keep only the top 100.
I did that by following the doc. But it does not work. It always returns the same order even if the score changes.
const query = firebase.database().ref('scores')
query.on('child_added', snapshot => {
const score = snapshot.val().score
I added that too in the rules to optimize but I'm not sure it's correct:
"scores": {
".indexOn": ["score"]
What is the right way to go?
Your code is correct and should show the desired result.
You may encounter difficulties to see the result due to the 'child_added' event since "the listener is passed a snapshot containing the new child's data", as detailed here in the doc.
You could use the once() method, as follows, which will show the result a bit more clearly since it will display the entire set of scores.
const query = firebase.database().ref('scores')
query.once('value', function (snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function (childSnapshot) {
var childKey = childSnapshot.key;
var childData = childSnapshot.val();
// ...
Also, your rule can be written as ".indexOn": "score" since there is only one parameter.

Observable contains array of ID to call another observable

I have a data structure in firebase
"name": "Sample",
"category": ["123456", "789012"]
The array of category contains ID which refers to documents in another collection. I can get the above document as Observable. What I really what as the end result is the below data structure
"name": "Sample"
"category": [
"name": "Category 1"
"name": "Category 2"
How can I bring this data? I don't think switchMap works for this. If so, can someone give an example of that?
You can try using flatMap and forkJoin. FlatMap allows you to chain multiple async requests together and forkJoin allows you to wait for all observables to return a value before continuing.
And you could wright something like this:
var finalData;
firstRequest('sample').flatMap((data) => {
// assuming data = { name: "Sample", catagory: [ "23123", "31321", ... ] }
finalData = data;
var observables = [];
data.catagory.forEach((c) => {
return forkJoin(observables);
}).flatMap((results) => {
// assuming results is an array like [ { name: "Catagory 1", ... } ]
finalData.category = results;
return finalData;

Arangodb AQL recursive graph traversal

I have a graph with three collections which items can be connected by edges.
ItemA is a parent of itemB which in turn is a parent of itemC.
Elements only can be connected by edges in direction
"_from : child, _to : parent"
Currently I can get only "linear" result with this AQL query:
LET contains = (FOR v IN 1..? INBOUND 'collectionA/itemA' GRAPH 'myGraph' RETURN v)
"root": {
"id": "ItemA",
"contains": contains
And result looks like this:
"root": {
"id": "itemA",
"contains": [
"id": "itemB"
"id": "itemC"
But I need to get a "hierarchical" result of graph traversal like that:
"root": {
"id": "itemA",
"contains": [
"id": "itemB",
"contains": [
"id": "itemC"
So, can I get this "hierarchical" result running an aql query?
One more thing: traversal should run until leaf nodes will be encountered. So depth of the traversal is unknown in advance.
I have found solution. We decided to use UDF (user defined functions).
Here is a few steps to construct the proper hierarchical structure:
Register the function in arango db.
Run your aql query, that constructs a flat structure (vertex and corresponding path for this vertex). And pass result as input parameter of your UDF function.
Here my function just append each element to its parent
In my case:
1) Register the function in arango db.
String(function (root, flatStructure) {
if (root && {
var elsById = {};
elsById[] = root;
flatStructure.forEach(function (element) {
elsById[] = element;
var parentElId = element.path[element.path.length - 2];
var parentEl = elsById[parentElId];
if (!parentEl.contains)
parentEl.contains = new Array();
delete element.path;
return root;
2) Run AQL with udf:
LET flatStructure = (FOR v,e,p IN 1..? INBOUND 'collectionA/itemA' GRAPH 'myGraph'
LET childPath = (FOR pv IN p.vertices RETURN pv.id_source)
RETURN MERGE(v, childPath))
LET root = {"id": "ItemA"}
Note: Please don't forget the naming convention when implement your functions.
I also needed to know the answer to this question so here is a solution that works.
I'm sure the code will need to be customised for you and could do with some improvements, please comment accordingly if appropriate for this sample answer.
The solution is to use a Foxx Microservice that supports recursion and builds the tree. The issue I have is around looping paths, but I implemented a maximum depth limit that stops this, hard coded to 10 in the example below.
To create a Foxx Microservice:
Create a new folder (e.g. recursive-tree)
Create the directory scripts
Place the files manifest.json and index.js into the root directory
Place the file setup.js in the scripts directory
Then create a new zip file with these three files in it (e.g.
Navigate to the ArangoDB Admin console
Click on Services | Add Service
Enter an appropriate Mount Point, e.g. /my/tree
Click on Zip tab
Drag in the file you created, it should create without issues
If you get an error, ensure the collections myItems and myConnections don't exist, and the graph called myGraph does not exist, as it will try to create them with sample data.
Then navigate to the ArangoDB admin console, Services | /my/tree
Click on API
Expand /tree/{rootId}
Provide the rootId parameter of ItemA and click 'Try It Out'
You should see the result, from the provided root id.
If the rootId doesn't exist, it returns nothing
If the rootId has no children, it returns an empty array for 'contains'
If the rootId has looping 'contains' values, it returns nesting up to depth limit, I wish there was a cleaner way to stop this.
Here are the three files:
setup.js (to be located in the scripts folder):
'use strict';
const db = require('#arangodb').db;
const graph_module = require("org/arangodb/general-graph");
const itemCollectionName = 'myItems';
const edgeCollectionName = 'myConnections';
const graphName = 'myGraph';
if (!db._collection(itemCollectionName)) {
const itemCollection = db._createDocumentCollection(itemCollectionName);{_key: "ItemA" });{_key: "ItemB" });{_key: "ItemC" });{_key: "ItemD" });{_key: "ItemE" });
if (!db._collection(edgeCollectionName)) {
const edgeCollection = db._createEdgeCollection(edgeCollectionName);{_from: itemCollectionName + '/ItemA', _to: itemCollectionName + '/ItemB'});{_from: itemCollectionName + '/ItemB', _to: itemCollectionName + '/ItemC'});{_from: itemCollectionName + '/ItemB', _to: itemCollectionName + '/ItemD'});{_from: itemCollectionName + '/ItemD', _to: itemCollectionName + '/ItemE'});
const graphDefinition = [
"collection": edgeCollectionName,
const graph = graph_module._create(graphName, graphDefinition);
mainfest.json (to be located in the root folder):
"engines": {
"arangodb": "^3.0.0"
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"setup": "scripts/setup.js"
index.js (to be located in the root folder):
'use strict';
const createRouter = require('#arangodb/foxx/router');
const router = createRouter();
const joi = require('joi');
const db = require('#arangodb').db;
const aql = require('#arangodb').aql;
const recursionQuery = function(itemId, tree, depth) {
const result = db._query(aql`
FOR d IN myItems
FILTER d._id == ${itemId}
LET contains = (
FOR c IN 1..1 OUTBOUND ${itemId} GRAPH 'myGraph' RETURN { "_id": c._id }
RETURN MERGE({"_id": d._id}, {"contains": contains})
tree = result._documents[0];
if (depth < 10) {
if ((result._documents[0]) && (result._documents[0].contains) && (result._documents[0].contains.length > 0)) {
for (var i = 0; i < result._documents[0].contains.length; i++) {
tree.contains[i] = recursionQuery(result._documents[0].contains[i]._id, tree.contains[i], depth + 1);
return tree;
router.get('/tree/:rootId', function(req, res) {
let myResult = recursionQuery('myItems/' + req.pathParams.rootId, {}, 0);
.response(joi.object().required(), 'Tree of child nodes.')
.summary('Tree of child nodes')
.description('Tree of child nodes underneath the provided node.');
Now you can invoke the Foxx Microservice API end point, providing the rootId it will return the full tree. It's very quick.
The example output of this for ItemA is:
"_id": "myItems/ItemA",
"contains": [
"_id": "myItems/ItemB",
"contains": [
"_id": "myItems/ItemC",
"contains": []
"_id": "myItems/ItemD",
"contains": [
"_id": "myItems/ItemE",
"contains": []
You can see that Item B contains two children, ItemC and ItemD, and then ItemD also contains ItemE.
I can't wait until ArangoDB AQL improves the handling of variable depth paths in the FOR v, e, p IN 1..100 OUTBOUND 'abc/def' GRAPH 'someGraph' style queries. Custom visitors were not recommended for use in 3.x but haven't really be replaced with something as powerful for handling wild card queries on the depth of a vertex in a path, or handling prune or exclude style commands on path traversal.
Would love to have comments/feedback if this can be simplified.

How to set a DynamoDB Map property value, when the map doesn't exist yet

How do you "upsert" a property to a DynamoDB row. E.g. SET address.state = "MA" for some item, when address does not yet exist?
I feel like I'm having a chicken-and-egg problem because DynamoDB doesn't let you define a sloppy schema in advance.
If address DID already exist on that item, of type M (for Map), the internet tells me I could issue an UpdateExpression like:
SET #address.#state = :value
with #address, #state, and :value appropriately mapped to address, state, and MA, respectively.
But if the address property does not already exist, this gives an error:
ValidationException: The document path provided in the update expression is invalid for update
So.. it appears I either need to:
Figure out a way to "upsert" address.state (e.g., SET address = {}; SET address.state = 'MA' in a single command)
Issue three (!!!) roundtrips in which I try it, SET address = {}; on failure, and then try it again.
If the latter.... how do I set a blank map?!?
Ugh.. I like Dynamo, but unless I'm missing something obvious this is a bit crazy..
You can do it with two round trips, the first conditionally sets an empty map for address if it doesn't already exist, and the second sets the state:
UpdateExpression: 'SET #a = :value',
ConditionExpression: 'attribute_not_exists(#a)',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":value": {},
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#a': 'address'
}, ...);
UpdateExpression: 'SET #a.#b = :v',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#a': 'address',
'#b': 'state'
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':v': 'whatever'
}, ...);
You cannot set nested attributes if the parent document does not exist. Since address does not exist you cannot set the attribute province inside it. You can achieve your goal if you set address to an empty map when you create the item. Then, you can use the following parameters to condition an update on an attribute address.province not existing yet.
var params = {
TableName: 'Image',
Key: {
Id: 'dynamodb.png'
UpdateExpression: 'SET address.province = :ma',
ConditionExpression: 'attribute_not_exists(address.province)',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':ma': 'MA'
ReturnValues: 'ALL_NEW'
docClient.update(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) ppJson(err); // an error occurred
else ppJson(data); // successful response
By the way, I had to replace state with province as state is a reserved word.
Another totally different method is to simply create the address node when creating the parent document in the first place. For example assuming you have a hash key of id, you might do:
Item: {
id: 42,
address: {}
}, ...);
This will allow you to simply set the address.state value as the address map already exists:
UpdateExpression: 'SET #a.#b = :v',
AttributeExpressionNames: {
'#a': 'address',
'#b': 'state'
AttributeExpressionValues: {
':v': 'whatever'
}, ...);
Some kotlin code to do this recursively regardless how deep it goes. It sets existence of parent paths as condition and if condition check fails, recursively creates those paths first. It has to be in the library's package so it can access those package private fields/classes.
fun Table.updateItemByPaths(hashKeyName: String, hashKeyValue: Any, updateActions: List<UpdateAction>) {
val parentPaths = { it.pathOperand.path.parent() }
.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
.toSet() // to remove duplicates
try {
val builder = ExpressionSpecBuilder()
updateActions.forEach { builder.addUpdate(it) }
if (parentPaths.isNotEmpty()) {
var condition: Condition = ComparatorCondition("=", LiteralOperand(true), LiteralOperand(true))
parentPaths.forEach { condition = condition.and(attribute_exists<Any>(it)) }
this.updateItem(hashKeyName, hashKeyValue, builder.buildForUpdate())
} catch (e: ConditionalCheckFailedException) {
this.updateItemByPaths(hashKeyName, hashKeyValue, { M(it).set(mapOf<String, Any>()) })
this.updateItemByPaths(hashKeyName, hashKeyValue, updateActions)
private fun String.parent() = this.substringBeforeLast('.', "")
Here is a helper function I wrote in Typescript that works for this a single level of nesting using a recursive method.
I refer to the top-level attribute as a column.
await setKeyInColumn('customerA', 'address', 'state', "MA")
// Updates a map value to hold a new key value pair. It will create a top-level address if it doesn't exist.
static async setKeyInColumn(primaryKeyValue: string, colName: string, key: string, value: any, _doNotCreateColumn?:boolean) {
const obj = {};
obj[key] = value; // creates a nested value like {address:value}
// Some conditions depending on whether the column already exists or not
const ConditionExpression = _doNotCreateColumn ? undefined:`attribute_not_exists(${colName})`
const AttributeValue = _doNotCreateColumn? value : obj;
const UpdateExpression = _doNotCreateColumn? `SET ${colName}.${key} = :keyval `: `SET ${colName} = :keyval ` ;
const updateParams = {
TableName: TABLE_NAME,
Key: {key:primaryKeyValue},
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":keyval": AttributeValue
ReturnValues: "ALL_NEW",
const resp = await docClient.update(updateParams).promise()
if (resp && resp[colName]) {
return resp[colName];
//if the column already exists, then rerun and do not create it
if(ex.code === 'ConditionalCheckFailedException'){
return this.setKeyInColumn(primaryKeyValue,colName,key, value, true)
console.log("Failed to Update Column in DynamoDB")
return undefined
I've got quite similar situation. I can think of only a one way to do this in 1 query/atomically.
Extract map values to top level attributes.
Given I have this post item in DynamoDB:
"PK": "123",
"SK": "post",
"title": "Hello World!"
And I want to later add an analytics entry to same partition:
"PK": "123",
"SK": "analytics#december",
"views": {
// <day of month>: <views>
"1": "12",
"2": "457463",
// etc
Like in your case, it's not possible to increment/decrement views days counters in single query if analytics item nor views map might not exist (could be later feature or don't want to put empty items).
Proposed solution:
"PK": "123",
"SK": "analytics#december",
// <day of month>: <views>
"1": "12", // or "day1" if "1" seems too generic
"2": "457463",
// etc
Then you could do something like this (increment +1 example):
UpdateExpression: "SET #day = if_not_exists(#day, 0) + 1",
AttributeExpressionNames: {
'#day': "1"
if day attribute value doesn't exist, set default value to 0
if item in database doesn't exist, update API adds a new one
