Rust: async is not concurent - asynchronous

Here's the example from the Rust book.
async fn learn_and_sing() {
// Wait until the song has been learned before singing it.
// We use `.await` here rather than `block_on` to prevent blocking the
// thread, which makes it possible to `dance` at the same time.
let song = learn_song().await;
async fn async_main() {
let f1 = learn_and_sing();
let f2 = dance();
// `join!` is like `.await` but can wait for multiple futures concurrently.
// If we're temporarily blocked in the `learn_and_sing` future, the `dance`
// future will take over the current thread. If `dance` becomes blocked,
// `learn_and_sing` can take back over. If both futures are blocked, then
// `async_main` is blocked and will yield to the executor.
futures::join!(f1, f2);
fn main() {
And it's says
In this example, learning the song must happen before singing the song, but both learning and singing can happen at the same time as dancing.
But I can't get this point. I wrote a short code in Rust
async fn learn_song() -> &'static str {
"some song"
async fn sing_song(song: &str) {
async fn dance() {
async fn learn_and_sing() {
let song = learn_song().await;
async fn async_main() {
let f1 = learn_and_sing();
let f2 = dance();
let f3 = learn_and_sing();
futures::join!(f1, f2, f3);
fn main() {
And it seems like all the async functions in the async_main executed synchronously.
The output is
If they run asynchronously, I would expect to get something like this in my output
If I add an extra call of learn_and_sing it would steel be printed like in a synchronous function.
The question Why so? Is it possible to make a real async using only async/.await and no threads?

Like tkausl's comment states, std::thread::sleep makes the whole thread sleep, which prevents any code on the thread from executing during the sleeping duration. You could use async_std::task::sleep in this situation, as it is an asynchronous version of the sleep function.
async fn learn_song() -> &'static str {
"some song"
async fn sing_song(song: &str) {
async fn dance() {
async fn learn_and_sing() {
let song = learn_song().await;
async fn main() {
let f1 = learn_and_sing();
let f2 = dance();
let f3 = learn_and_sing();
futures::join!(f1, f2, f3);


How to extract values from async functions to a non-async one? [duplicate]

I am trying to use hyper to grab the content of an HTML page and would like to synchronously return the output of a future. I realized I could have picked a better example since synchronous HTTP requests already exist, but I am more interested in understanding whether we could return a value from an async calculation.
extern crate futures;
extern crate hyper;
extern crate hyper_tls;
extern crate tokio;
use futures::{future, Future, Stream};
use hyper::Client;
use hyper::Uri;
use hyper_tls::HttpsConnector;
use std::str;
fn scrap() -> Result<String, String> {
let scraped_content = future::lazy(|| {
let https = HttpsConnector::new(4).unwrap();
let client = Client::builder().build::<_, hyper::Body>(https);
.and_then(|res| {
res.into_body().concat2().and_then(|body| {
let s_body: String = str::from_utf8(&body).unwrap().to_string();
}).map_err(|err| format!("Error scraping web page: {:?}", &err))
fn read() {
let scraped_content = future::lazy(|| {
let https = HttpsConnector::new(4).unwrap();
let client = Client::builder().build::<_, hyper::Body>(https);
.and_then(|res| {
res.into_body().concat2().and_then(|body| {
let s_body: String = str::from_utf8(&body).unwrap().to_string();
println!("Reading body: {}", s_body);
}).map_err(|err| {
println!("Error reading webpage: {:?}", &err);
fn main() {
let content = scrap();
println!("Content = {:?}", &content);
The example compiles and the call to read() succeeds, but the call to scrap() panics with the following error message:
Content = Err("Error scraping web page: Error { kind: Execute, cause: None }")
I understand that I failed to launch the task properly before calling .wait() on the future but I couldn't find how to properly do it, assuming it's even possible.
Standard library futures
Let's use this as our minimal, reproducible example:
async fn example() -> i32 {
Call executor::block_on:
use futures::executor; // 0.3.1
fn main() {
let v = executor::block_on(example());
println!("{}", v);
Use the tokio::main attribute on any function (not just main!) to convert it from an asynchronous function to a synchronous one:
use tokio; // 0.3.5
async fn main() {
let v = example().await;
println!("{}", v);
tokio::main is a macro that transforms this
async fn main() {}
Into this:
fn main() {
.block_on(async { {} })
This uses Runtime::block_on under the hood, so you can also write this as:
use tokio::runtime::Runtime; // 0.3.5
fn main() {
let v = Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(example());
println!("{}", v);
For tests, you can use tokio::test.
Use the async_std::main attribute on the main function to convert it from an asynchronous function to a synchronous one:
use async_std; // 1.6.5, features = ["attributes"]
async fn main() {
let v = example().await;
println!("{}", v);
For tests, you can use async_std::test.
Futures 0.1
Let's use this as our minimal, reproducible example:
use futures::{future, Future}; // 0.1.27
fn example() -> impl Future<Item = i32, Error = ()> {
For simple cases, you only need to call wait:
fn main() {
let s = example().wait();
println!("{:?}", s);
However, this comes with a pretty severe warning:
This method is not appropriate to call on event loops or similar I/O situations because it will prevent the event loop from making progress (this blocks the thread). This method should only be called when it's guaranteed that the blocking work associated with this future will be completed by another thread.
If you are using Tokio 0.1, you should use Tokio's Runtime::block_on:
use tokio; // 0.1.21
fn main() {
let mut runtime = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().expect("Unable to create a runtime");
let s = runtime.block_on(example());
println!("{:?}", s);
If you peek in the implementation of block_on, it actually sends the future's result down a channel and then calls wait on that channel! This is fine because Tokio guarantees to run the future to completion.
See also:
How can I efficiently extract the first element of a futures::Stream in a blocking manner?
As this is the top result that come up in search engines by the query "How to call async from sync in Rust", I decided to share my solution here. I think it might be useful.
As #Shepmaster mentioned, back in version 0.1 futures crate had beautiful method .wait() that could be used to call an async function from a sync one. This must-have method, however, was removed from later versions of the crate.
Luckily, it's not that hard to re-implement it:
trait Block {
fn wait(self) -> <Self as futures::Future>::Output
where Self: Sized, Self: futures::Future
impl<F,T> Block for F
where F: futures::Future<Output = T>
After that, you can just do following:
async fn example() -> i32 {
fn main() {
let s = example().wait();
println!("{:?}", s);
Beware that this comes with all the caveats of original .wait() explained in the #Shepmaster's answer.
This works for me using tokio:

How to run multiple Tokio async tasks in a loop without using tokio::spawn?

I built a LED clock that also displays weather. My program does a couple of different things in a loop, each thing with a different interval:
updates the LEDs every 50ms,
checks the light level (to adjust the brightness) every 1 second,
fetches weather every 10 minutes,
actually some more, but that's irrelevant.
Updating the LEDs is the most critical: I don't want this to be delayed when e.g. weather is being fetched. This should not be a problem as fetching weather is mostly an async HTTP call.
Here's the code that I have:
let mut measure_light_stream = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(1));
let mut update_weather_stream = tokio::time::interval(WEATHER_FETCH_INTERVAL);
let mut update_leds_stream = tokio::time::interval(UPDATE_LEDS_INTERVAL);
loop {
tokio::select! {
_ = measure_light_stream.tick() => {
let light = lm.get_light();
light_smooth.sp = light;
_ = update_weather_stream.tick() => {
let fetched_weather = weather_service.get(&config).await;
// Store the fetched weather for later access from the displaying function. = fetched_weather.clone();
_ = update_leds_stream.tick() => {
// Some code here that actually sets the LEDs.
// This code accesses the weather_clock, the light level etc.
I realised the code doesn't do what I wanted it to do - fetching the weather blocks the execution of the loop. I see why - the docs of tokio::select! say the other branches are cancelled as soon as the update_weather_stream.tick() expression completes.
How do I do this in such a way that while fetching the weather is waiting on network, the LEDs are still updated? I figured out I could use tokio::spawn to start a separate non-blocking "thread" for fetching weather, but then I have problems with weather_service not being Send, let alone weather_clock not being shareable between threads. I don't want this complication, I'm fine with everything running in a single thread, just like what select! does.
Reproducible example
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time::{interval, sleep};
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut slow_stream = interval(Duration::from_secs(3));
let mut fast_stream = interval(Duration::from_millis(200));
// Note how access to this data is straightforward, I do not want
// this to get more complicated, e.g. care about threads and Send.
let mut val = 1;
loop {
tokio::select! {
_ = fast_stream.tick() => {
println!(".{}", val);
_ = slow_stream.tick() => {
println!("Starting slow operation...");
// The problem: During this await the dots are not printed.
val += 1;
You can use tokio::join! to run multiple async operations concurrently within the same task.
Here's an example:
async fn measure_light(halt: &Cell<bool>) {
while !halt.get() {
let light = lm.get_light();
// ....
async fn blink_led(halt: &Cell<bool>) {
while !halt.get() {
// LED blinking code
async fn poll_weather(halt: &Cell<bool>) {
while !halt.get() {
let weather = weather_service.get(&config).await;
// ...
// example on how to terminate execution
async fn terminate(halt: &Cell<bool>) {
async fn main() {
let halt = Cell::new(false);
If you're using tokio::TcpStream or other non-blocking IO, then it should allow for concurrent execution.
I've added a Cell flag for halting execution as an example. You can use the same technique to share any mutable state between join branches.
EDIT: Same thing can be done with tokio::select!. The main difference with your code is that the actual "business logic" is inside the futures awaited by select.
select allows you to drop unfinished futures instead of waiting for them to exit on their own (so halt termination flag is not necessary).
async fn main() {
tokio::select! {
_ = measure_light() => {},
_ = blink_led() = {},
_ = poll_weather() => {},
Here's a concrete solution, based on the second part of stepan's answer:
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time::sleep;
async fn main() {
// Cell is an acceptable complication when accessing the data.
let val = std::cell::Cell::new(1);
tokio::select! {
_ = async {loop {
println!(".{}", val.get());
}} => {},
_ = async {loop {
println!("Starting slow operation...");
// The problem: During this await the dots are not printed.
val.set(val.get() + 1);
}} => {},
Playground link

Rust tokio alternative to fold and map to run a function concurrently with different inputs

I need a way to run the same function many times with different inputs.
And since the function depends on a slow web API, I need to run it concurrently and collect the results in one variable.
I use the following:
use tokio_stream::StreamExt;
async fn run(input: &str) -> Vec<String> {
vec![String::from(input), String::from(input)]
async fn main() {
let mut input = tokio_stream::iter(vec!["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8"]);
let mut handles = vec![];
while let Some(domain) = {
let mut results = vec![];
let mut handles = tokio_stream::iter(handles);
while let Some(handle) = {
I know there is a way with the futures crate, but I don't know if I can use it with tokio. Also tokio_stream::StreamExt contains fold and map methods but I can't find a way to use them without calling await.
What is the best way to do this?
IIUC what you want, you can use tokio::spawn to launch your tasks in the background and futures::join_all to wait until they have all completed. E.g. something like this (untested):
async fn run(input: &str) -> Vec<String> {
vec![String::from(input), String::from(input)]
async fn main() {
let input = vec!["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8"];
let handles = input.iter().map (|domain| {
tokio::spawn (async move { run (domain).await })
let results = futures::join_all (handles).await;

What happens to an async task when it is aborted?

Rust has async methods that can be tied to Abortable futures. The documentation says that, when aborted:
the future will complete immediately without making any further progress.
Will the variables owned by the task bound to the future be dropped? If those variables implement drop, will drop be called? If the future has spawned other futures, will all of them be aborted in a chain?
E.g.: In the following snippet, I don't see the destructor happening for the aborted task, but I don't know if it is not called or happens in a separate thread where the print is not shown.
use futures::executor::block_on;
use futures::future::{AbortHandle, Abortable};
struct S {
i: i32,
impl Drop for S {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("dropping S");
async fn f() -> i32 {
let s = S { i: 42 };
fn main() {
println!("first test...");
let (abort_handle, abort_registration) = AbortHandle::new_pair();
let _ = Abortable::new(f(), abort_registration);
println!("second test...");
let (_, abort_registration) = AbortHandle::new_pair();
let task = Abortable::new(f(), abort_registration);
Yes, values that have been created will be dropped.
In your first example, the future returned by f is never started, so the S is never created. This means that it cannot be dropped.
In the second example, the value is dropped.
This is more obvious if you both run the future and abort it. Here, I spawn two concurrent futures:
create an S and waits 200ms
wait 100ms and abort future #1
use futures::future::{self, AbortHandle, Abortable};
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time;
struct S {
i: i32,
impl S {
fn new(i: i32) -> Self {
println!("Creating S {}", i);
S { i }
impl Drop for S {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("Dropping S {}", self.i);
async fn main() {
let create_s = async {
let s = S::new(42);
println!("Creating {} done", s.i);
let (abort_handle, abort_registration) = AbortHandle::new_pair();
let create_s = Abortable::new(create_s, abort_registration);
let abort_s = async move {
let c = tokio::spawn(create_s);
let a = tokio::spawn(abort_s);
let (c, a) = future::join(c, a).await;
println!("{:?}, {:?}", c, a);
Creating S 42
Dropping S 42
Ok(Err(Aborted)), Ok(())
Note that I've switched to Tokio to be able to use time::delay_for, as you should never use blocking operations in an async function.
See also:
Why does Future::select choose the future with a longer sleep period first?
What is the best approach to encapsulate blocking I/O in future-rs?
If the future has spawned other futures, will all of them be aborted in a chain?
No, when you spawn a future, it is disconnected from where it was spawned.
See also:
What is the purpose of async/await in Rust?

Is there any way to create a async stream generator that yields the result of repeatedly calling a function?

I want to build a program that collects weather updates and represents them as a stream. I want to call get_weather() in an infinite loop, with 60 seconds delay between finish and start.
A simplified version would look like this:
async fn get_weather() -> Weather { /* ... */ }
fn get_weather_stream() -> impl futures::Stream<Item = Weather> {
loop {
let weather = get_weather().await;
yield weather; // This is not supported
// Note: waiting for get_weather() stops the timer and avoids overflows.
Is there any way to do this easily?
Using tokio::timer::Interval will not work when get_weather() takes more than 60 seconds:
fn get_weather_stream() -> impl futures::Stream<Item = Weather> {
.then(|| get_weather())
If that happens, the next function will start immediately. I want to keep exactly 60 seconds between the previous get_weather() start and the next get_weather() start.
Use stream::unfold to go from the "world of futures" to the "world of streams". We don't need any extra state, so we use the empty tuple:
use futures::StreamExt; // 0.3.4
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time; // 0.2.11
struct Weather;
async fn get_weather() -> Weather {
const BETWEEN: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
fn get_weather_stream() -> impl futures::Stream<Item = Weather> {
futures::stream::unfold((), |_| async {
let weather = get_weather().await;
Some((weather, ()))
async fn main() {
.for_each(|_v| async {
println!("Got the weather");
% time ./target/debug/example
Got the weather
Got the weather
Got the weather
real 3.085 3085495us
user 0.004 3928us
sys 0.003 3151us
See also:
How do I convert an iterator into a stream on success or an empty stream on failure?
How do I iterate over a Vec of functions returning Futures in Rust?
Creating a stream of values while calling async fns?
