How to get the full attendees list of Google Calendar Events - google-calendar-api

I'm developing an application which works with the Google Calendar API. When I request that event in the context of individual attendee calendars, then the attendee list will differ across each attendee. A few of the attendees are never seen in the lists of the other participants. Not even the organizers attendees list contains all attendees. I really need to find a user context (organizer I assumed) from which I can retrieve a full list of all attendees.
I'm using a service account in Google to access the desired data.
I tried to vary the request parameters of the Google Calendar events list request (e.g. maxAttendees) and changed the scopes of the service account.
Does anybody know how I can make a request which gives me the full list of all participants of an event?
Best regards
A generic example of the problem might be:
An event has the attendees A1 (organizer), A2, A3, A4, and 6 more: G6. Requesting the event
with A1 calendarId leads to an attendee list A1 + G6
with Ax calendarId to an attendee list of Ax + A1 + G6 where x is 2, 3, 4
with a calendarId of one of G6 leads to an attendee list A1 + G6


Firestore Analytics - Is there a limit to the number of parameter's values in one event?

So let's say for example, I have user_id#1234 in chat room_id#4321 and I'm keeping track of:
The total number of messages for this particular room_id#4321, and
The total number of messages user_id#1234 sends in this room - (It's important to associate the user's messages with the room because I need to track the total user's message count PER each chat room.)
Here's the approach I got so far in my attempt to keep it to one event: On Firestore Analytics, I've created a custom dimension with the event "room_messages" and I'm able to log the events like so every time a message is sent:
.logEvent("room_messages", {
room_id: room_id,
user_room: `${user_id}-${room_id}`,
But particularly for the user_room parameter, since there could be so many users and rooms, is there a limit on the number of parameter values? ie there could be a ton of the event (room_messages) -> parameter (user_room) -> value (user_id-room_id)
And on top of that, how do you even view these events and their parameters for insights? Whether on Firestore or Google Analytics, it seems like I can view all the total events that have occurred just fine, but for viewing the events AND their parameters, I am only able to view that from what events were triggered in the last 30 minutes.
Appreciate any help!
Update: The parameter has to also be defined using Custom Definitions. Now the room_id tracking information shows up on the room_messages event page.

Google Analytics shows real time goal hits but they are not reflected on the conversions report after >72 hours

I am trying to send events from my backend to Google Analytics via measurement API. Nodejs code below.
const url = '' + tid + '&uid=' + uid + '&ec=' + ec + '&ea=' + ea + '&el=' + el+ '&ev=' ev;
const response = await;
The uid is a system generated UUID assigned to the user.
In Google Analytics real-time view, I can see the event and conversion reported but the goal values aren't updated in the other reports (waited over 3 days - and in another instance, over a week). I checked the Google Analytics Query Explorer but the events aren't retrieved there either.
I've already verified that the date range is selected correctly on the reports and tried creating another view but to the same effect. It is worth noting that client/browser side events are reported normally on this account/property/view.
Any idea why that might happen please?
If you are sending the only uid parameter without the cid you will be able to see those hits only in your User-ID view (if exists). If you want to see the data in the normal view reports you have to send a clientId (cid).

Outlook events sent to a google calendar - event ids change unexpectedly?

I am creating a meeting series from an outlook client, on an office365 mailbox.
The invited user is on g-suite (email, calendar...).
My code connects to google calendar via the API and periodically checks of event changes \ new events \ cancelled etc.
I store the event ids in my database and use them to match to the event IDs I read from google calendar.
When a whole meeting series is changed - for instance a weekly series gets a new starting time - the event IDs returning from google calendar APIs - change!
I am not sure if the IDs are generated by office\outlook or by g-suite.
I am not sure what's the right way to match the events I stored with their old IDs, to the new events coming in.
If you read the Google API Documentation, it states that recurring events are composed of instances. The recurring event is a parent and individual instances are its children. Each child has a recurringEventId which identifies its parent. Their individual instance ids might change when they are changed.
See the following:

Get all real analytics data having condition 'custom:user_id="XYZ"'?

I tried to automate test to validate GA events.
My approach is :-
List item use google analytics real time reporting api.
Before the test ends i will hit this api and collect the last 30 mins data
This data will be a huge chunk of formattedJson string
and in this string i will search my GA events which was supposed to push.
This approach seems to be in-efficient.
My issue is to find the analytics data which corresponds to test user.
Each user has unique user id, hence, i am trying for making the request such that api returns me the filtered data based on some custom dimension "custom:user_id='user_unique_id'" .
Is it possible to get all data having condition e.g 'custom:user_id="XYZ"'.
Please advise, how to get all ga events data for a specific event label / custom dimension ? Also, does it support dimensionFilterClauses like reporting api v4 ?
We can do it by filtering.
e.g rt:eventCategory==ProductPage
earlier i was using quote, rt:eventCategory=='ProductPage' which wasn't supported.

eventId and icalUID of event is getting different, created between outlook calendar and google calendar

Events created in outlook calendar with google calendar participants
and trying to fetch events from outlook and google calendar separately, but these are getting different id's and icalUID
Is there a way to find these two calendars having same events?
The mapping between iCalUID and EventId is not 1:1 (see ).
You can search by iCalUID through calendar API's events.list() with parameter iCalUID:
