How to get current route via useRoute outside of router-view component - vuejs3

How can I get the current route using useRoute for a component that's outside of the <router-view />? Is this possible?
<script setup>
import {useRoute} from 'vue-router'
const route = useRoute()
console.log( // undefined
<Breadcrumbs />
<router-view />
The alternative is that I have to put <Breadcrumbs /> at the top of every single view component, and I was hoping to avoid that and instead just include it once in my App.vue is undefined in your example because that's the initial value when the component is rendered before the route has resolved.
For the component to reactively update based on the current route, use a watcher (e.g., watch or watchEffect):
import { watchEffect } from 'vue'
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router'
const route = useRoute()
watchEffect(() => {

In your main file, try to mount app like this
router.isReady().then(() => {
then useRoute() should be ready in your component


How can I get props code hints in vscode(volar) when I use Vue3 component as a property of an object?

I write an vue component, and has two ways to import.
import Root from './src/components/Root.vue'
import Anchor from './src/components/Anchor.vue'
export default {
export const PopperRoot = Root
export const PopperAnchor = Anchor
So I can import and use in two ways
import Popper, { PopperRoot, PopperAnchor } from './src/components/popper'
<Popper.Anchor />
<PopperAnchor />
only the latter one can get prompt when input props.
I'm confused, I don't know what volar's code hints are based on and how do I fix it?

Vue 3 rellax.js usage

i have installed rellax.js in vue3 project.
import App from './App.vue'
import VueRellax from 'vue-rellax'
but when i add rellax class on any components template tags its not working
<section class="rellax section portfolio-section pd-34" id="portfolio">
<PortfolioComponent />
not working when i add class rellax in component class even doesnot show in inspect
It looks like vue-rellax was never rewritten for Vue 3. You're likely better off to use the rellax library and import it into your components or as a window variable.
<script setup>
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import Rellax from 'rellax'
onMounted(() => {
let rellax = new Rellax('.rellax');

Vue - using props on custom elements fails using createApp and mount?

We would like to pass props to custom elements that uses createApp
// index.html
<div id="my-root">
<my-element prop1="abc"></my-element>
// my-element.vue
<script lang="ts" setup>
const props = defineProps<{ prop1: number }>();
This works fine, but as our custome element get bigger we would like to register components and use e.g pinia and other tools. Do use those we need to add createApp and mount it. But then prop1 is always undefined
// main.ts
import ...<lots of imports>
import AppCe from "./AppWebComponent.ce.vue";
import { createPinia } from "pinia";
// Adding code below is causing prop1 to be undefined - if we skip this part, prop1 works fine
const pinia = createPinia();
const app = createApp(App);
app.component(...<lots of components>);
const ceApp = defineCustomElement(AppCe);
customElements.define("my-element", ceApp);
Here's a sample without:
And here's a sample with the createApp:
Any idea on how we could solve this?
We have a fallback, that is to do a getElementById and read the attribute value in the mounted callback - but that is not an optimal solution.
Thanks for any ideas!
Here's an attempt using #duannex suggestion. We're getting closer, the app is availible, components registered, but still no sigar. :
Based on update2 with the wrapped defineCustomElement; Just pass the props to the render function:
render() {
return h(component, this.$props)

React-tooltip and Next.js SSR issue

I use the react-tooltip library in my Next.js app.
I noticed that every time I refresh a website while visiting a page that uses the tooltip I get an error:
react-dom.development.js:88 Warning: Prop `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` did not match.
CSS classes are different on the client and on the server
The weird part is I do not get that error while navigating from a random page to a page that uses the react-tooltip.
The tooltip related code:
<StyledPopularityTooltipIcon src="/icons/tooltip.svg" alt="question mark" data-tip="hello world" />
I had the same issue, I had to use state to detect when component has been mounted, and show the tooltip only after that.
P.S. You don't see the error when navigating, because the page is not rendered on server when you navigate, it's all front-end :)
In case you are using any server-side rendering (like Next.js) - you will need to make sure your component is mounted first before showing the react-tooltip.
I fixed this by using the following:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
const [isMounted,setIsMounted] = useState(false); // Need this for the react-tooltip
useEffect(() => {
return (<div>
{isMounted && <ReactTooltip id={"mytip"} effect={"solid"} />}
<span data-tip={"Tip Here"} data-for={"mytip"}>Hover me</span>
You should wrap your JSX in the following component:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
const NoSsr = ({ children }): JSX.Element => {
const [isMounted, setMount] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return <>{isMounted ? children : null}</>;
export default NoSsr;
Like this:
<YourJSX />
If you are working with NEXTJS this might be a good approach, you can check the documentation here as well, also if you are working with data-event, globalEventOff or any other prop and is not hiding or not working in your localhost, this only occurs in Development Strict Mode. ReactTooltip works fine in Production code with React 18. So you can set reactStrictMode : false, in your next.config.js to test it locally and then set it back to true, hope this helps :) info reference here
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
const ReactTooltip = dynamic(() => import('react-tooltip'), { ssr : false });
function Home() {
return (
data-event="click focus"
onClick={():void => ()}
<ReactTooltip id="toolTip" globalEventOff="click"/>
export default Home

How can I use single file vue component with symfony 4?

What I want to do is:
1) in app.js to be able to use
import Vue from 'vue'
import Time from './vue/components/Time'
Vue.component('vue-time', {
template: '<span class="foo bar">Hi</span>'
new Vue({
el: 'header',
components: { Time }
2) in Time.vue:
<div>current time</div>
module.exports = {
Is this possible? All is implemented using encore-webpack and symfony4.
in app.js registered 2 components:
Time - registered localy
vue-time - registered global
if you want register Time global add in app.js this:
*do not use name Time
Vue.component(`Time`, Time)
in app.js delete this:
components: { Time }
then use tag <time></time> anywhere in your application
