Need to get image tag in wechat mini program - wechat

I'm trying to get the image src from wxml. All of the image src should be obtained and replaced.
What should replace document.getElementsByTagName in Wechat Mini?

var that = this;
var query = wx.createSelectorQuery();'.classname').boundingClientRect(function (params) {

As for your original question, perhaps you could use a "custom property" (data-xxx) to get your src
<image src="{{src}}" data-src="{{src}}" bindtap="ontap" />
data: {
ontap:function(e) {
const {src} = e.currentTarget.dataset;


Customize Embedded Zoom Meeting SDK with Component View in 2.2.0

When working with Embedded Zoom Component, the Zoom SDK return an element which you need to place it inside an html element
the problem is how to resize and position the returned component inside my code after rendering
const client = ZoomMtgEmbedded.createClient();
function getSignature(e) {
// ... some code to get the signature
function startMeetingZoomMtgEmbedded(signature) {
let meetingSDKElement = document.getElementById('meetingSDKElement');
debug: true,
zoomAppRoot: meetingSDKElement,
language: 'en-US',
customize: {
meetingInfo: ['topic', 'host', 'mn', 'pwd', 'telPwd', 'invite', 'participant', 'dc', 'enctype'],
toolbar: {
buttons: [
text: 'Custom Button',
className: 'CustomButton',
onClick: () => {
console.log('custom button');
apiKey: apiKey,
signature: signature,
meetingNumber: meetingNumber,
password: passWord,
userName: userName,
userEmail: userEmail,
tk: registrantToken,
success: (success) => {
error: (error) => {
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Zoom Meeting SDK Sample React</h1>
{/* For Component View */}
<div id="meetingSDKElement"></div>
<button onClick={getSignature}>Join Meeting</button>
So my question is how to modify the style and the position of the component before or after the rendering of the code by the Zoom SDK.
For Resizing , You will find details in the following documentation link :
Zoom Documentation for resizing component view
For Positioning, You will find details in the following documentation link :
Zoom Documentation for positioning component view
The only way to resize camera view is editing #ZOOM_WEB_SDK_SELF_VIDEO id. So, you have to edit other classes also to make buttons, containers and etc resize like camera view does, but it is totally buggy and i don't think it is a good idea pay all this effort to a workaround, besides that, in next versions maybe they bring built in properties to do this job.
Just for example, this is the result when you change #ZOOM_WEB_SDK_SELF_VIDEO:
width: 720%;
height: 480%;
In general way, you can modify the style and position of your component by using reactive CSS styling.
In zoom way you can use (zoom web meeting SDK)
(a) "popper: {}" properties for positioning elements
(b) "viewSizes: {}" properties for default meeting canvas size
(c) for styling use "id" and "class" for reactive CSS styling
popper use:
customize: {
video: {
popper: {
anchorElement: meetingSDKElement,
placement: 'top'
viewSizes use:
customize: {
video: {
viewSizes: {
default: {
width: 1000,
height: 600,

In VueJS, is there a way to make your binded styling react to the size change of the screen?

I have a div that is conditionally binded to a class in vueJS. The formula for my computed variable uses Screen.width. It seems to work correctly when first loading, but if I change the size of the screen it doesn't rebind with the new screen size, unless I refresh the page. Is there a way I can get my conditionally binding to honor the change in screen?
<div class="div_1" v-bind:class="{ horizontalScroll : showScroll }"/>
If you wanna do it this way, you will probably have to register a 'resize' listener. Your code should look something like this:
data: () => ({
windowWidth: document.documentElement.clientWidth,
windowHeight: document.documentElement.clientHeight
mounted() {
window.addEventListener('resize', this.setDimensions);
methods: {
setDimensions() {
this.windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
this.windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
and don't forget to remove it:
beforeDestroy() {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.setDimensions);

Syncing a paper-input with firebase using polymer

How is this for a solution for syning the data from a paper input to a firebase database.
properties: {
teamid: {
type: String,
value: null
formid: {
type: String,
value: null
metaName: {
type: String,
value: null,
observer: '_updateMetaName'
_updateMetaName: function(metaName) {
var path = 'formModel/' + this.teamid + '/' + this.formid + '/meta/name';
The data metaName comes from a a paper-input element
<paper-input value="{{metaName}}"></paper-input>
I'm using an observer over the on-change attribute because I hate the idea that a user must move out of an input for it to persist.
I've also chosen not to use PolymerFire because i dosen't have some features I need and its not production ready.
I also don't like the idea that the observer runs multiple times before any data has been changed. And that should, i thought, break it but its working to my surprise.
What other options do I have?
Are their any disadvantages to my current solution?
One disadvantage is that every keystroke fires off a request to Firebase, which could be inefficient (a waste of CPU and bandwidth).
To address this, you could debounce the callback with this.debounce(jobName, callback, wait), as shown in the following demo.
HTMLImports.whenReady(_ => {
"use strict";
is: 'x-foo',
properties : {
metaName: {
type: String,
value: 'Hello world!',
observer: '_metaNameChanged'
_setFirebaseMetaName: function(metaName) {
var path = 'formModel/' + this.teamid + '/' + this.formid + '/meta/name';
console.log('metaName', metaName);
_metaNameChanged: function(metaName) {
_ => this._setFirebaseMetaName(metaName),
<base href="">
<script src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="paper-input/paper-input.html">
<dom-module id="x-foo">
<paper-input label="Meta Name" value="{{metaName}}"></paper-input>
I've decided to go with on-keyup="_updateViewDesc" to stop a error occurring when multiple clients have the same page open. Using observers, when some data updates, it triggers the observer on all the connected clients. Causing characters to go missing.

How to add stylesheet to toolbar

Using the Firefox Addon SDK, I am creating a toolbar with several buttons and I want to create a mouseover effect for the buttons.
At first I thought to use a mouseover event, but then I would have to create a mouseout event to return it to normal, so I figured the best way would be to use css
In my old XUL version of my addon I was able to attach the stylesheet by linking to it in the XUL code and just add css for my #buttonID, which worked perfectly.
But how do I add the css stylesheet for my toolbar using the Addon SDK?
Here's what I've tried so far (which does not produce any errors), but I think this is just for content; if this is correct, then I'm not sure how to bind to the element:
const { browserWindows } = require("sdk/windows");
const { loadSheet } = require("sdk/stylesheet/utils");
//This is how to load an external stylesheet
for(let w of browserWindows){
loadSheet(viewFor(w), "./myStyleSheet.css","author" );
I've also tried this:
var Style = require("sdk/stylesheet/style").Style;
let myStyle = Style({source:'./myStyleSheet.css'});
for(let w of browserWindows){
attachTo(myStyle, viewFor(w))
And this:
var { attach, detach } = require('sdk/content/mod');
const { browserWindows } = require("sdk/windows");
var { Style } = require('sdk/stylesheet/style');
var stylesheet = Style({
for(let w of browserWindows){
attach(stylesheet, viewFor(w))
And here is my css:
#myButton:hover{list-style-image(url("./icon-16b.png")!important; }
Tested this in Browser Toolbox:
const { require } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/require.js"); // skip this in SDK
const { browserWindows: windows } = require("sdk/windows");
const { viewFor } = require("sdk/view/core");
const { attachTo } = require("sdk/content/mod");
const { Style } = require("sdk/stylesheet/style");
let style = Style({ source: "#my-button{ display: none!important; }" });
// let self = require("sdk/self");
// let style = Style({ uri:"style.css") });
for (let w of windows)
attachTo(style, viewFor(w));
The commented part allows to load from a stylesheet file in the addon data directory.
Notice that you need to import SDK loader to use it in the toolbox.
When in an SDK addon, just use require directly.
NB: there is a difference in spelling: vs { uri }
See self/data documentation.
NB2: SDK uses a custom widget ID scheme for toggle and action buttons so your button ID might not be what you expect:
const toWidgetId = id =>
('toggle-button--' + addonID.toLowerCase()+ '-' + id).replace(/[^a-z0-9_-]/g, '');
const toWidgetId = id =>
('action-button--' + addonID.toLowerCase()+ '-' + id).replace(/[^a-z0-9_-]/g, '');
using this code, you should be able to use the mouse over or hover to change how it looks.
#buttonID {
//Normal state css here
#buttonID:hover {
//insert css stuff here
This goes in the javascript file:
const { browserWindows } = require("sdk/windows");
const { viewFor } = require("sdk/view/core");
const { loadSheet } = require("sdk/stylesheet/utils");
const { ActionButton } = require("sdk/ui/button/action");
var StyleUtils = require('sdk/stylesheet/utils');
var myButton = ActionButton({
id: "mybutton",
label: "My Button",
icon: { "16": "./icon-16.png", "32":"./icon-32.png", "64": "./icon-64.png" },
onClick: function(state) {
console.log("mybutton '" + state.label + "' was clicked");
//this is how you attach the stylesheet to the browser window
function styleWindow(aWindow) {
let domWin = viewFor(aWindow);
StyleUtils.loadSheet(domWin, "chrome://myaddonname/content/myCSSfile.css", "agent");
windows.on("open", function(aWindow) {
And here is the css for that
//don't forget to add the .toolbarbutton-icon class at the end
#action-button--mystrippedadonid-mybuttonid .toolbarbutton-icon,{
background-color: green;
There are several gotchas here.
First, as of this posting, you should not use capital letters in the id for the button because they get completely removed - only lowercase letters and hyphens are allowed.
The id of the element is not the same as the id you gave it in the button declaration. See below for how to come up with this identifier.
To specify content in the url for the stylesheet file (in the loadSheet function call) you will also need to create a chrome.manifest in the root of your addon folder, and put this in it: content spadmintoolbar data/ where "data" is the name of a real directory in the root folder. I needed a data/ folder so I could load icons for the button declarations, but you need to declare your virtual directories in chrome.manifest which jpm init does not do for you.
How to get the element id for your css file:
The easy way to get the id for your button element for use in an external style sheet is by testing your addon and then using the browser-toolbox's inspector to locate the element, whence you can fetch the id from the outputted code.
However, if you want to figure it yourself, try this formula.
[button-class] = the sdk class for the button. An Action Button becomes action-button
[mybuttonid] = the id you gave the button in the sdk button declaration
[myaddonname] = the name you gave the addon in it's package.json file.
[strippedaddonid] = take the id you assigned the addon in the package.json file, and remove any # symbol or dots and change it to all lowercase.
Now put it all together (don't include the square brackets):
An example: action-button--myaddonsomewherecom-mybutton
Really simple isn't it?!
credit for the stylesheet attach code goes to mconley

Export Html Table to excel and keep css styles

I'm using excel web queries to export an html table (mvc view) to excel. How do I get it to carry across the css styles? If I set class="redLabel" it doesn't interpret that and make the label red. I have to use inline styles in my table for this to work. Any ideas?
As far as I know, most Office programs do NOT support included styling, but only inline styling.
It's likely that you'll be required to include your styling inline (exporting sucks, almost like mail styling).
Excel does support using css styling, but only if there is one class on the element. If there are multiple classes then it will not do any style on the element, see CSS style class not combining in Excel
Having said that, this is the code I put together to grab all the styles on a page and export an HTML table. It's a brute force, grab everything approach, but you could probably pair it down if you know the specifics. The function returns a jQuery Promise. From that you can do whatever with the result.
function excelExportHtml(table, includeCss) {
if (includeCss) {
var styles = [];
//grab all styles defined on the page
$("style").each(function (index, domEle) {
//grab all styles referenced by stylesheet links on the page
var ajaxCalls = [];
$("[rel=stylesheet]").each(function () {
ajaxCalls.push($.get(this.href, '', function (data) {
return $.when.apply(null, ajaxCalls)
.then(function () {
return "<html><style type='text/css'>" + styles.join("\n") + "</style>\n" + table.outerHTML + "</html>";
else {
return $.when({ owcHtml: table.outerHTML })
.then(function (result) {
return "<html>" + result.owcHtml + "</html>";
You can export table with outer css style. Here is my solution declare a document template:
var e = this;
var style = "<style></style"; //You can write css or get content of .css file
e.template = {
head: "<html xmlns:o=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\" xmlns:x=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\" xmlns=\"\"><head><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml><x:ExcelWorkbook><x:ExcelWorksheets>",
sheet: {
head: "<x:ExcelWorksheet><x:Name>",
tail: "</x:Name><x:WorksheetOptions><x:DisplayGridlines/></x:WorksheetOptions></x:ExcelWorksheet>"
mid: "</x:ExcelWorksheets></x:ExcelWorkbook></xml><![endif]-->>"+style+"</head><body>",
table: {
head: "<table>",
tail: "</table>"
foot: "</body></html>"
