allow Cash On Delivery Option only for specific cities - wordpress

I am using the follow code to allow Cash On Delivery option only for specific cities in WooCommerce. But I want to change it a bit and want that if billing city slightly matches with target city then system still allow COD. What's the alternate of exact match in arrays?
//COD for specific cities
add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_payment_gateways', 'payment_gateway_disable_country' );
function payment_gateway_disable_country( $available_gateways ) {
if ( is_admin() ) {
return $available_gateways;
if ( ! isset( $available_gateways['cod'] ) ) {
return $available_gateways;
global $woocommerce;
$targeted_cities = array( 'Lahore', 'Islamabad', 'Rawalpindi', 'Karachi', 'Gujranwala', 'Kamoki - Gujranwala', 'Faisalabad', 'Multan' );
if ( !in_array( $woocommerce->customer->get_billing_city(), $targeted_cities ) ) {
unset( $available_gateways['cod'] );
return $available_gateways;
And what should I do if I want to add allowed cities from the settings in dashboard?


Remove Woocommerce shipping option for one particular city

Need some help on this...Please :)
I have this site that is using the Woocommerce's shipping option for "Starken por pagar", that works globally for all cities
And right after that is "Envío Gratis" that is send it for my actual shipping plugin, that calculate free shipping "Envío Gratis" when one particular city is selected.
My idea is that I need to remove "Starken por pagar" when the user select one particular city (one only - the same that is used by my shipping plugin) and left only the "Envío Gratis" for that city.
Because now I dont need the users need to pay for some service that is free. And as you may know, some people barely read the things in front of ther eyes :P
I tried with this (Im not an expert, sorry)
function filter_woocommerce_package_rates( $rates, $package ) {
// Loop trough
foreach ( $rates as $rate_id => $rate ) {
// Checks if a value exists in an array, multiple can be added, separated by a comma
if ( in_array( $rate->method_id, array( 'local_pickup', 'free_shipping' ) ) ) {
unset( $rates['flat_rate:28'] );
return $rates;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'filter_woocommerce_package_rates', 10, 2 );
// Hide shipping in cart page.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_needs_shipping', 'disable_shipping_in_cart_page', 10, 2 );
function disable_shipping_in_cart_page( $needs_shipping, $product ){
if ( is_cart() )
$needs_shipping = false;
return $needs_shipping;
// Conditionally remove Flat Rate which qualifies for free shipping
add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'hide_flat_rate_when_free_is_available', 10, 3 );
function hide_flat_rate_when_free_is_available( $rates, $package ) {
$free = array();
$free_available = false;
foreach ( $rates as $rate_key => $rate ) {
if ( 'free_shipping' === $rate->method_id ){
$free_available = true;
foreach ( $rates as $rate_key => $rate ) {
if ( $free_available && 'flat_rate' === $rate->method_id )
return $rates;
Thank you :)

Woocommerce - change shipping cost via hooks (functions.php)

I'm using Woocommerce Subscriptions with Memberships and I would like to apply some discounts on the shipping cost according to the membership plan my user have. For example, silver members have a discount of -30% of all shipping method.
To check the current membership plan i use :
$user_id = get_current_user_id();// Get current user ID
if ( wc_memberships_is_user_active_member( $user_id, 'silver' ) ) {
//echo 'This is a special message only for Silver members!';
} else {
//echo 'I\'m sorry, you are not a silver member. There\'s nothing here for you!';
But I don't find any way to change the shipping cost with functions..
Is it possible ? Thanks
I have written some samples here:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'woocommerce_package_rates' );
function woocommerce_package_rates( $rates ) {
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
if ( ! wc_memberships_is_user_active_member( $user_id, 'silver' ) ) { return $rates; }
$discount_amount = 30; // 30%
foreach($rates as $key => $rate ) {
$rates[$key]->cost = $rates[$key]->cost - ( $rates[$key]->cost * ( $discount_amount/100 ) );
return $rates;
Above code will do what you want for all shipping methods.

Wordpress: Cash on Delivery restrict to one country only

I am selling products to 4 countries; US, Canada, UK and France. I have enabled 2 checkout methods; Cash on Delivery (cod) and Paypal. I want to restrict cod to Canada only and hide from other countries. I have tried the below code but it makes cod disappear from all countries (including Canada).I know i am doing something wrong here, i am not an expert so need ur help. Thanks
* #snippet WooCommerce Disable Payment Gateway for a Specific Country
function payment_gateway_disable_country( $available_gateways ) {
global $woocommerce;
if ( isset( $available_gateways['cod'] ) && $woocommerce->customer->get_country() <> 'France' ) {
unset( $available_gateways['cod'] );
} else if ( isset( $available_gateways['cod'] ) && $woocommerce->customer->get_country() == 'France' ) {
unset( $available_gateways['cod'] );
return $available_gateways;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_payment_gateways', 'payment_gateway_disable_country' );
This should do it.
function payment_gateway_disable_country( $available_gateways ) {
global $woocommerce;
if ( isset( $available_gateways['cod'] ) && $woocommerce->customer->get_country() <> 'Canada' ) {
unset( $available_gateways['cod'] );
return $available_gateways;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_payment_gateways', 'payment_gateway_disable_country' );

Woocommerce custom coupon type with custom discount always return 0;

what I am trying to do is creating custom coupon type with custom programmatically discount in woocommerce using hooks. This what my code looks like
//add new coupon type called "custom_discount"
function custom_discount_type( $discount_types ) {
$discount_types['custom_discount'] =__( 'custom discount', 'woocommerce' );
return $discount_types;
// add the hooks
add_filter( 'woocommerce_coupon_discount_types', 'custom_discount_type',10, 1);
//function to get coupon amount for "custom_discount"
function woocommerce_coupon_get_discount_amount($discount, $discounting_amount, $cart_item, $single, $coupon) {
if ($coupon->type == 'custom_discount'){ //if $coupon->type == 'fixed_cart' or 'percent' or 'fixed_product' or 'percent_product' The code Works
$discount = 85;
return $discount;
} else {
return $discount;
//add hook to coupon amount hook
add_filter('woocommerce_coupon_get_discount_amount', 'woocommerce_coupon_get_discount_amount', 10, 5);
the coupon always return with 0(Zero) discount amount. Am I missing something.
Thanks for helping =)
Ok so this topic lead me on the road to making my own coupon type so I thought I should answer it to help others.
I tried out your code and was wondering why any normal coupon showed "-£xx" before the remove button, but the custom coupon type just was lank, no minus, no pound sign jut empty. Turns out it's an issue with how WooCommerce validates the coupon on cart products. It will become active if the coupon is valid regardless if the item in the cart are.
Your coupon needs to be either valid and valid for a product, or valid for the entire cart. However when Woocommerce checks to see if your product is valid for the product it ONLY checks if the coupon type is fixed_product or 'percent_product'. If it's anything else it runs the woocommerce_coupon_is_valid_for_product hook with the existing data but defaulting to false, so your woocommerce_coupon_get_discount_amount hook will not fire.
So you need to hook into woocommerce_coupon_is_valid_for_product and validate the product to make sure it's valid. In my case I just copied the default valid function and changes $this to $coupon.
// Check if coupon is valid for product
add_filter('woocommerce_coupon_is_valid_for_product', 'woocommerce_coupon_is_valid_for_product', 10, 4);
function woocommerce_coupon_is_valid_for_product($valid, $product, $coupon, $values){
if ( ! $coupon->is_type( array( 'bogof' ) ) ) {
return $valid;
$product_cats = wp_get_post_terms( $product->id, 'product_cat', array( "fields" => "ids" ) );
var_dump( $coupon->product_ids );
// Specific products get the discount
if ( sizeof( $coupon->product_ids ) > 0 ) {
if ( in_array( $product->id, $coupon->product_ids ) || ( isset( $product->variation_id ) && in_array( $product->variation_id, $coupon->product_ids ) ) || in_array( $product->get_parent(), $coupon->product_ids ) ) {
$valid = true;
// Category discounts
if ( sizeof( $coupon->product_categories ) > 0 ) {
if ( sizeof( array_intersect( $product_cats, $coupon->product_categories ) ) > 0 ) {
$valid = true;
if ( ! sizeof( $coupon->product_ids ) && ! sizeof( $coupon->product_categories ) ) {
// No product ids - all items discounted
$valid = true;
// Specific product ID's excluded from the discount
if ( sizeof( $coupon->exclude_product_ids ) > 0 ) {
if ( in_array( $product->id, $coupon->exclude_product_ids ) || ( isset( $product->variation_id ) && in_array( $product->variation_id, $coupon->exclude_product_ids ) ) || in_array( $product->get_parent(), $coupon->exclude_product_ids ) ) {
$valid = false;
// Specific categories excluded from the discount
if ( sizeof( $coupon->exclude_product_categories ) > 0 ) {
if ( sizeof( array_intersect( $product_cats, $coupon->exclude_product_categories ) ) > 0 ) {
$valid = false;
// Sale Items excluded from discount
if ( $coupon->exclude_sale_items == 'yes' ) {
$product_ids_on_sale = wc_get_product_ids_on_sale();
if ( isset( $product->variation_id ) ) {
if ( in_array( $product->variation_id, $product_ids_on_sale, true ) ) {
$valid = false;
} elseif ( in_array( $product->id, $product_ids_on_sale, true ) ) {
$valid = false;
return $valid;
This question may be a little old, but there are two main coupon types, and you should add another filter based on the coupon you're adding. The filter for woocommerce_cart_coupon_types is for cart discounts, while woocommerce_product_coupon_types is for product discounts.
What you want to use is the second one woocommerce_product_coupon_types when you want WooCommerce to automatically validate the product/category_in and product/category_exclude fields etc.
You can still use the answer submitted by Chris for any manual validation, without using the above filters as required, however, please note that there are two validation functions to use/filter: $coupon->is_valid_for_cart() and $coupon->is_valid_for_product().

How to Hide Payment Method in Woocommerce based on Postal Code

In this woocommerce setup, I have 2 Payment methods, Paypal and Cash on Delivery.
Now how can Cash on Delivery be hidden/disabled for certain Postal codes only.
This is the code I found on Gist
// Disable gateway based on country
function payment_gateway_disable_country( $available_gateways ) {
global $woocommerce;
if ( isset( $available_gateways['ccavenue'] ) && $woocommerce->customer->get_country() <> 'IN' ) {
unset( $available_gateways['ccavenue'] );
} else if ( isset( $available_gateways['paypal'] ) && $woocommerce->customer->get_country() == 'IN' ) {
unset( $available_gateways['paypal'] );
return $available_gateways;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_payment_gateways', 'payment_gateway_disable_country' );
Gist Link
To disable/hidden "Cash on Delivery", Place this code in your theme's function.php .
For more detail: woocommerce-hide-payment-gatway-based-on-visitors-country
// Disable gateway based on country
function payment_gateway_disable_country( $available_gateways ) {
global $woocommerce;
if ( isset( $available_gateways['cod'] ) && $woocommerce->customer->get_country() <> 'IN' ) {
unset( $available_gateways['cod'] );
return $available_gateways;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_payment_gateways', 'payment_gateway_disable_country' );
In the "checkout page" user can have two addresses - billing and shipping one.
To work correctly only with changes of Shipping one if it's filled I changed a bit the code. You have to test shipping countrycode if it's set, if not just user countrycode:
function payment_gateway_disable_country( $available_gateways ) {
global $woocommerce;
$country = !empty($woocommerce->customer->get_shipping_country()) ? $woocommerce->customer->get_shipping_country() : $woocommerce->customer->get_country();
if ( isset( $available_gateways['cod'] ) && $country <> 'CZ' ) {
unset( $available_gateways['cod'] );
return $available_gateways;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_payment_gateways', 'payment_gateway_disable_country' );
In the code above you used country code to disable payment gateway by, but you mentioned you would like to do it by Postal Code.
You're right about using woocommerce_available_payment_gateways, but instead of using $woocommerce->customer->get_country() you have to use WC()->customer->get_shipping_postcode() (or WC()->customer->get_billing_postcode() for some situations).
You mentioned PayPal and Cash on Delivery payment gateway, we need their IDs, there are paypal and cod accordingly.
In the code below let's deactivate Cash on Delivery for a couple postal codes, for example '1234' and '5678':
add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_payment_gateways', function( $available_gateways ) {
// if Cash on Delivery is already disabled, let's exit the function
if( empty( $available_gateways['cod'] ) ) {
return $available_gateways['cod'];
// get postal code
$postal_code = WC()->customer->get_billing_postcode();
// deactivate payment method
if( in_array( $postal_code, array( '1234', '5678' ) ) ) {
unset( $available_gateways['cod'] );
return $available_gateways;
} );
Code can be inserted to your current theme functions.php file or a custom plugin. More info you can find in this tutorial:
