Advanced Custom Fields: Display As Bullet Points - wordpress

I have a custom checkbox field created in Wordpress where the user can select various facilities available at a listed property.
I am building a page template using Elementor.
When I import the data from ACF, it displays as a comma separated list.
Is there any way I can instead get this to display as as a bulleted list?

Here is a code to get the output data from ACF as a bulleted list -
$arr = get_the_field('field_name');
$str = explode (",", $arr);
echo '<ul>';
foreach($str as $s){
echo '<li>'.$s.'</li>';
echo '</ul>';
I hope this is what you are looking for.

You could try using a plugin that let's you create php code snippets and run them with a shortcode such as this:
Once you created the php snippet you could try to run it with a shortcode using Elementor's shortcode widget.

I'd slightly adjust Tahmid's excellent answer. In order to allow for empty lines (without a bullet) use this in you functions.php file:
* create a ACF text field with bullets
* Empty lines stay empty
* #param string $field_name Name of the field to bullet
function acf_bullets(string $field_name): void {
$format_acf_bullet = function(
string $value,
int $post_id,
array $form ):string {
if( empty($value) ) {
return '';
$lines = explode( "\n", $value );
$result = "<ul class=\"theme-ul\">\n";
foreach( $lines as $line) {
if( strlen($line)<=1 ) { // empty line, start a new list
$result .= "</ul><p/><ul class=\"theme-ul\">\n";
} else {
$result .= "<li>".$line."\n";
$result .= "</ul>\n";
return $result;
add_filter("acf/format_value/name=$field_name", $format_acf_bullet, 10, 3);
Call this with acf_bullets('your-fieldname-here');


get_post_meta() returns empty

I'm doing a basic shortcode for translating a text in the footer of a wordpress site, and I'm using the get_post_meta() for identifing the language in a meta tag (which I'm adding with a plug in for inserting html code in the header) but it returns empty I'm wondering if this is because the plugin and the order in which he creates the elements(first he executes my shortcode and then the plugin) or if it is something else.
function text_Footer($atts, $content=null){
'id' => ''
), $atts));
$ID = get_the_ID();
$lang = get_post_meta(ID,'language',true);
if($lang == 'portuguese')
$output='<p>Text in portuguese</p>';
//echo $lang."nope";
$output = '<p>Text in spanish</p>';
return $output;
get_the_ID() function must be within The Loop.
if you want to extract id from shortcode, just need to use it in write way: $lang = get_post_meta($id,'language',true);

Use postmeta in wordpress shortcode

Trying to get my post meta from posts using shrotcodes and then displaying it on the content.This is the code that's trying to do this:
$string = '';
$custom_content = get_post_custom($post->ID);
if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();
$content = get_the_content();
$bonus = $custom_content["bonus"];
$string .= $content . $bonus . '<br>';
return $string;
It's not working as the custom content returns empty. Whats wrong? Thanks in advance
I don't think you got the shortcode idea, you should read some info about add_shortcode() also you can use get_post_meta() to retriev the metadata from the database.
Here is an example on how you can achieve this but this will only work with the main loop (as default):
//you can put this code in functions.php or you can build a plugin for it
function metadata_in_content($attr) {
//this is the function that will be triggerd when the code finds the proper shortcode in the content; $attr is the parameter passed throw the shortcode (leave null for now)
global $wpdb, $wp_query;
//we need global $wpdb to query the database and to get the curent post info
if (is_object($wp_query->post)) {
$post_id = $wp_query->post->post_id;// here we save the post id
$metadata = get_post_meta( $post_id, $key, $single ); // here we get the needed meta, make sure you place the correct $key here, also if you don't want to get an array as response pass $single as "true"
return $metadata; // this finally replaces the shortcode with it's value
add_shortcode('insert_metadata', 'metadata_in_content');
//the above code hooks the metadata_in_content function to the [insert_metadata] shortcode
Now all it's left to do is to place [insert_metadata] in the post content and things should work.

Wordpress Gallery Shortcode Pregreplace

Basically I need to remove the gallery shortcode from the Wordpress content, I'm using
echo preg_replace('/\[gallery ids=[^\]]+\]/', '', get_the_content() );
It is removing the gallery shortcode successfully, but also the paragraph tags which I need to keep. The idea is that I want to output everything in the content except the gallery.
You could use Wordpress strip_shortcode function.
Look at the example in the Codex.
You can create a filter that strips shortcodes:
function remove_shortcode_from($content) {
$content = strip_shortcodes( $content );
return $content;
and call it when you need (in your template):
add_filter('the_content', 'remove_shortcode_from');
remove_filter('the_content', 'remove_shortcode_from')
Another way to get that (and answering you comment) you can use Wordpress apply_filters function in the content after remove the undesirables shortcodes.
//within loop
$content = get_the_content();
$content = preg_replace('/\[gallery ids=[^\]]+\]/', '', $content );
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $content );
echo $content;
But I would not recommend to you to do that. I think forcing your site to modify the content of a post could make that hard to understanding. Maybe you should work with Wordpress Excerpt and avoid any problem.
A link that helped me
to remove a shortcode or a particular list of shortcode you can use this code.
global $remove_shortcode;
* Strips and Removes shortcode if exists
* #global int $remove_shortcode
* #param type $shortcodes comma seprated string, array of shortcodes
* #return content || excerpt
function dot1_strip_shortcode( $shortcodes ){
global $remove_shortcode;
if(empty($shortcodes)) return;
$shortcodes = explode(',', $shortcodes);
foreach( $shortcodes as $shortcode ){
$shortcode = trim($shortcode);
if( shortcode_exists($shortcode) ){
$remove_shortcode[$shortcode] = 1;
add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'strip_shortcode' );
add_filter( 'the_content', 'strip_shortcode' );
function strip_shortcode( $content) {
global $shortcode_tags, $remove_shortcode;
$stack = $shortcode_tags;
$shortcode_tags = $remove_shortcode;
$content = strip_shortcodes($content);
$shortcode_tags = $stack;
return $content;
dot1_strip_shortcode( 'gallery' );
Accepts single, comma seprated shortcode string or array of shortcodes.

Change the page title using a short code

I am coding a plugin and I use a short code to render a page content. I want to change the page title. I used this:
// Change the title of the page of the charts to add the current month.
add_filter('the_title', 'charts_title', 10, 2);
function charts_title($title, $id) {
$title .= ' ' . date('F Y');
return $title;
But it does that for all the posts and pages. Can I do that only for the pages that contains the short code I created ? I tried to do that, but it doesn't work.
add_shortcode('charts-vote', 'charts_vote');
function charts_vote($atts) {
// Add the filter only in the short code function callback.
add_filter('the_title', 'charts_title', 10, 2);
// ... //
return $content;
Can someone please help me ?
I understand that the specifics of your set up may require checking for the Shortcode, but maybe a Custom Field could be used for that:
add_filter( 'the_title', 'charts_title_so_15312385', 10, 2 );
function charts_title_so_15312385( $title, $post_id )
// Admin area, bail out
if( is_admin() )
return $title;
// Custom field not set, bail out
$mod_title = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'mod_title', true );
if( !$mod_title )
return $title;
// Ok, modify title
$title .= ' ' . date( 'F Y' );
return $title;
The Shortcode could even "talk" with the Custom Field for extended configurations.
For ease of use, you could make a Custom Meta Box or use a plugin like Advanced Custom Fields.

FeedWordPress - Save string as Custom Field

I am using the FeedWordPress plugin to pull posts from one site to another.
I have written a filter that after some help from Stack users successfully scans the $content and extracts the image URL into $new_content
define('FWPASTOPC_AUTHOR_NAME', 'radgeek');
/*hook=*/ 'syndicated_item_content',
/*function=*/ 'fwp_add_source_to_content',
/*order=*/ 10,
/*arguments=*/ 2
function fwp_add_source_to_content ($content, $post) {
// Use SyndicatedPost::author() to get author
// data in a convenient array
$content = $post->content();
// Authored by someone else
if( preg_match( '/<img[^>]+src\s*=\s*["\']?([^"\' ]+)[^>]*>/', $content, $matches ) ) {
$new_content .= 'URL IS '.$matches[0].'';
return $new_content;
What I wanted to do now was save this URL into a custom field instead of just returning it. Has anyone achieved anything similar?
So as I understand it, the plugin grabs content from external RSS feeds and creates them as posts in your website.
If this is the case, using your filter you should be able to grab the post ID within the $post variable.
So all you need is the add_post_meta() function to add a custom field to the specific post.
So including your code above it should look something like:
define('FWPASTOPC_AUTHOR_NAME', 'radgeek');
/*hook=*/ 'syndicated_item_content',
/*function=*/ 'fwp_add_source_to_content',
/*order=*/ 10,
/*arguments=*/ 2
function fwp_add_source_to_content ($content, $post) {
// Use SyndicatedPost::author() to get author
// data in a convenient array
$content = $post->content();
// Authored by someone else
if( preg_match( '/<img[^>]+src\s*=\s*["\']?([^"\' ]+)[^>]*>/', $content, $matches ) ) {
$new_content .= 'URL IS '.$matches[0].'';
//Add custom field with author info to post
add_post_meta($post->ID, 'post_author', $new_content);
return $new_content;
