saltstack trying to update php.ini file - salt-stack

I am quite new to salt, but I am trying to update our PHP.ini file. Specifically I want to populate the timezone field:
; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
;date.timezone =
Following the saltstack docs, I am using SALT.STATES.INI_MANAGE
This was my latest attempt:
# set timezone in php.ini
- separator: '='
- sections:
"date.timezone": 'America/Chicago'
But receive the following error:
ERROR executing 'state.apply': 'Date' is an invalid keyword argument for 'ini.options_present'
I have tried several other iterations, but I keep getting errors on this very simple issue

It's an indentation issue. Following the documentation example, it should be:
- sections:
date.timezone: America/Chicago


How to change the interval of a plugin in telegraf?

Using: telegraf version 1.23.1
Thats the workflow Telegraf => Influx => Grafana.
I am using telegraf to check my metrics on a shared server. So far so good, i already could initalize the Telegraf uWSGI Plugin and display the data of my running django projects in grafana.
Now i wanted to check some folder size too with the [[inputs.filecount]] Telegraf Plugin and this works also well. However i do not need Metrics for every 10s for this plugin. So i change the interval like mentioned in the Documentation in the [[inputs.filecount]] Plugin.
interval = "10s"
round_interval = true
metric_batch_size = 1000
metric_buffer_limit = 10000
collection_jitter = "5s"
flush_interval = "10s"
flush_jitter = "0s"
# set different interval for this input plugin every 10min
# Default from Doc =>
directories = ["/home/myserver/logs", "/home/someName/growingData, ]
name = "*"
recursive = true
regular_only = false
follow_symlinks = false
size = "0B"
mtime = "0s"
After restarting Telegram with Supervisor it crashed because it could not parse the new lines.
Error running agent: Error loading config file /home/user/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf: Error parsing data: line 208: invalid TOML syntax
So that are these lines i added because i thought that is how the Doc it mention it.
# set different interval for this input plugin every 10min
So my question is. How can i change or setup the interval for a single input plugin in telegraf?
Or do i have to apply a different TOML syntax like [[inputs.filecount.agent]] or so?
I assume that i do not have to change any output interval also? Because i assume even though its currently 10s, if this input plugin only pulls/inputs data every 600s it should not matter, some flush cycle will push the Data to influx .
How can i change or setup the interval for a single input plugin in telegraf?
As the link you pointed to shows, individual inputs can set the interval and collection_jitter options. There is no difference in the TOML syntax for example I can do the following for the memory input plugin:
I assume that i do not have to change any output interval also?
Correct, these are independent of each other.
line 208: invalid TOML syntax
Knowing what exactly is on line 208 and around that line will hopefully resolve your issue and get you going again. Also make sure your quotes that you used are correct. Sometimes when people copy and paste quotes they get ” vs " which can cause issues!

How to refer tests to source/test files in utPLSQL?

I could use a little hand with utPLSQL.
I am trying to produce the test results so that Sonar would pick it up and scan them. so far, Sonar is picking up the report file, but the test executions are ignored because they are not referencing to the appropriate source files.
I am trying to make a reference to the source and test files when running; and our Jenkins does not have utPLSQL-cli installed. Short version: They said they will not install it.
To get a result for a single test, I tried the following:
spool sonar_results.xml;
exec, a_source_file_mapping => ut_file_mappings(ut_file_mapping(file_name => 'this_dir/get_something.fnc', object_owner=> 'GET_SOMETHING_OWNER', object_name=> 'GET_SOMETHING', object_type=>'FUNCTION'));
spool off;
And got the following error message:
Error starting at line : 4 in command -
BEGIN, a_source_file_mapping => ut_file_mappings(ut_file_mapping(file_name => 'this_dir/get_something.fnc', object_owner=> 'GET_SOMETHING_OWNER', object_name=> 'GET_SOMETHING', object_type=>'FUNCTION'));
Error report -
ORA-06550: line 1, column 219:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments to call to 'RUN'
ORA-06550: line 1, column 219
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
utPLSQL's documentation doesn't provide anything about referencing parameters like a_source_file_mapping or a_test_file_mapping.
I am a little stumped.

How to use Moment.js in ServiceNow?

Our team is trying to use Moment.js in our instance, but can't seem to get it to work. Here are a couple questions we have about it:
We noticed that there is a dependency out of the box called moment-timezone-with-data-2010-2020-v0.5, is this the same as moment.js? If so, does this mean we don't need to bring in moment.js as a new dependency?
We tried using the above ootb dependency AND tried to bring in moment.js to use in a widget, and we keep getting a console error saying that moment is undefined. Can someone provide some instructions on how to correctly get either one of these dependencies to work?
If we wanted to use moment.js on a platform business rule, what do we have to do to make that happen? Are you able to access a dependency via business rule?
Here's how I was able to do it:
Create a Script Include with the following attributes:
script name is "moment" (it needs to have this exact name)
scope is either global or the same scope as your project (I used global)
set as client callable
Paste the code from MomentJS 2.22.1 into the script body.
To verify that you can access your Script Include, open a Background Script and run the following test code:
var calendar = moment().add(1, 'days').calendar();
gs.log("calendar test: " + calendar);
var dayCount = moment().diff('1809-02-12', 'days');
gs.log('Abraham Lincoln was born ' + dayCount + " days ago!");
To answer your question on moment-timezone-with-data-2010-2020-v0.5: no's it's not the same; here's a link to Moment Timezone which is a different library by the same organization.
As of the time of this post, 2.22.1 is the newest version that runs in ServiceNow. There are newer versions of MomentJS, but they're too new for the SN interpreter.
You can also create a UI Script with version 2.22.1.
Load the code for Moment.js into a script include and then you can call that like any other script include.
If you are going to use the timezone functions you would need to rewrite the calls to moment from the timezone javascript to use the above script include.
On April 1st, 2022, the most recent version of moment.js to work on SNOW San Diego is 2.22.1:
Any version > 2.22.1 will give you the following error:
Could not save record because of a compile error: JavaScript parse error at line (1) column (37954) problem = missing name after . operator (<refname>; line 1)
On April 1st, 2022, the most recent version of moment-timezone.js to work in SNOW San Diego is 0.5.28:
Any version > 0.5.28 will give you the following error:
Could not save record because of a compile error: JavaScript parse error at line (1) column (236) problem = missing name after . operator (<refname>; line 1)
sadly you can not use momentjs on the server side in ServiceNow. Here are the installation instruction for momentjs for Rhino (the javascript interpreter SNOW uses):
As you can see you would need to write new Java classes which SNOW will not allow you to do.
On the Client on the other hand you can use it, just copy paste the "Browser" implementation and include it as a global ui script:

Error when inserting a UUID into YAML using "!!python/object"

For an automated test script, I would like to generate random UUID values at runtime, so I added some YAML that looks like this:
nationalId: !!python/object:uuid.uuid4
However, this generates an error when I try to yaml.load the value:
ConstructorError: expected a mapping node, but found scalar
in "<unicode string>", line 4, column 17:
nationalId: !!python/object:uuid.uuid4
How do I inject a UUID value via YAML tags?
I found the error message a bit intimidating at first, but after some thought, I was able to unpack it.
The parser is expecting a "mapping" node, not a scalar. So, what happens if I add a mapping?
>>> yaml.load('''---
... applicant:
... idNumbers:
... nationalId: !!python/object:uuid.uuid4 {}''')
{'applicant': {'idNumbers': {'nationalId': UUID('71e09d1d-e84e-4ea6-855d-be1a2e91b60a')}}}
Additional info:

XCode4 can not Watch value of variables

It's a bit annoying that when I hit a break point in XCode 4, values of Watch Expressions are always grayed out. I have to create dummy variables pointing to the thing I want to watch in order to get around it.
The log says the following errors when I run the app:
warning: Unable to read symbols for /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/4.3.3 (8J2)/Symbols/System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/IOKit (file not found).
warning: Tried to remove a non-existent library: /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/4.3.3 (8J2)/Symbols/System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/IOKit
Current language: auto; currently objective-c++
warning: Unable to read symbols for /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/4.3.3 (8J2)/Symbols/Developer/usr/lib/libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib (file not found).
How can I fix this?
As for myself, I debug variables using two handy GDB console commands. You can enter them when in debug mode in debug console after GDB mark. I use "p" command for printing basic C type variables:
p [[[self pointerToMyClass] anotherPointerToOtherClass] someIntValue]
And I use "po" command for printing content of arrays, for checking objects:
po [[[self pointerToMyClass] anotherPointerToOtherClass] someNSArray]
po [[[self pointerToMyClass] anotherPointerToOtherClass] myUIImageView]
