How to change tick-marks for y-axis in base histogram? - r

I would like to change my Y axis of these histograms to start at 20 and end at 180 AND making it so there is always 20 between each number (20, 40, 80, ...). How should I do it?
I read about yaxis command, but I just dont know how to make it work as I am a total noob in coding (no education in that area).
This is the graph I am working on:
And this is the code I have:
orientation$head_linear <- ifelse(orientation$head > 180, 360 - orientation$head, orientation$head)
orientation$body_linear <- ifelse(orientation$body > 180, 360 - orientation$body, orientation$body)
par(mfrow = c(2,1))
hist(orientation$head_linear, main = NULL, ylim=c(20,180), ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL)
hist(orientation$body_linear, main = NULL, ylim=c(20, 180), ylab = NULL, xlab = " Odchylka od vletového otvoru ")
I have set the limit of Y axis with ylim code, but it doesnt seem to work (I have succesfully used it before in different work).

Maybe you mean the xaxt= argument whith which you can omit the y-axis. If you use it, you may create a custom axis afterwards. Use a seq(from=0, to=360, by=20) for it's at= argument.
par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
hist(orientation$head_linear, main=NULL, yaxt='n', ylab=NULL, xlab=NULL)
axis(side=2, at=seq(from=0, to=360, by=20))
hist(orientation$body_linear, main=NULL, yaxt='n', ylab=NULL, xlab=" Odchylka od vletového otvoru ")
axis(2, seq(0, 360, 20))
n <- 500
orientation <- data.frame(
head_linear=sample(360, n, replace=TRUE),
body_linear=sample(360, n, replace=TRUE)


How to change y-axis scale in R boxplot function

When I do a boxplot diagram with the R boxplotfunction, this function prints the y-axis automatically.
boxplot(cars[c('speed', 'dist')],
col = "lightgray")
In the ?boxplot I found the ylim parameter that change the y-axis limits, but not change the scale. So I tried to use the axis function to divide the scale from 0 to 120 every 10:
axis(4, at = seq(0, 120, 10)). But I'm not getting a satisfactory result.
I can't see where I'm making mistakes. Could someone help with this question?
Thanks in advance.
boxplot(cars[c('speed', 'dist')], col = "lightgray", ylim = range(0:120), yaxs = "i")
axis(4, at=seq(0, 120, 10))
The y-axis is on the right-hand side as you wanted I believe.
You could use ggpubr instead. It let's you treat it as a gg object.
df <- melt(cars)
p <- ggpubr::ggboxplot(data = df, x = "variable", y = "value", width = 0.8) +
ggtitle("Plot of car") +
xlab("my-xalabel") + ylab("my-ylabel")
If you want in log scale:
p + ggpubr::yscale("log2", .format = TRUE)
I am answering because the OP said in a comment that my comment did the job. I will also explain the code here.
There are two tricks to consider:
First plot without the yaxis by setting argument yaxt = "n".
Then plot the axis number 2, with the labels always perpendicular to the axis. This is done with las = 2.
So the final code is the following.
boxplot(cars[c('speed', 'dist')],
col = "lightgray", yaxt = "n")
axis(2, at = seq(0, 120, 10), las = 2)

Reverse the scale of the x axis in a plot

I have created a plot in R and my own custom x and y axes. I would like the x axis to be displayed in a reverse order (1-0 by -.02). I have read numerous posts and threads that suggest using xlim and reverse range but I just can't seem to make it work. Once plotted I am also converting the axes labels to percentages by multiplying by 100 (as you will see in the code). Here is what I have so far;
plot(roc.val, xlab = "Specificity (%)", ylab = "Sensitivity (%)", axes = FALSE)
axis(2, at = seq(0,1,by=.2), labels = paste(100*seq(0,1, by=.2)), tick = TRUE)
axis(1, at = seq(0,1,by=.2), labels = paste(100*seq(0,1, by=.2)), tick = TRUE)
How can I reverse the x axis scale so that the values begin at 100 and end at 0 with increments of 20?
I think this creates a plot in which the y-axis is in reverse order:
x <- seq(-4, 4, length = 10)
y <- exp(x) / (1 + exp(x))
plot(x,y, ylim = rev(range(y)))
This removes the axis values:
x <- seq(-4, 4, length = 10)
y <- exp(x) / (1 + exp(x))
plot(x,y, ylim = rev(range(y)), labels = FALSE)
I guess you can assign the axis values you want then with a variation of your lines:
axis(2, at = seq(0,1,by=.2), labels = paste(100*seq(0,1, by=.2)), tick = TRUE)
axis(1, at = seq(0,1,by=.2), labels = paste(100*seq(0,1, by=.2)), tick = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(x=seq(0,1, length.out=50), y=seq(0, 1, length.out=50))
df$x1 <- (max(df$x) - df$x)/ (max(df$x) - min(df$x))
plot(df$x1, df$y, axes=F, xlab = "Specificity (%)", ylab = "Sensitivity (%)")
axis(2, at = seq(0,1,by=.2), labels = paste(100*seq(0,1, by=.2)), tick = TRUE)
axis(1, at = seq(0,1,by=.2), labels = paste(100*seq(1,0, by=-.2)), tick = TRUE)
Adapting Mark Miller's answer to solve a similar problem (I found this topic by looking for the solution) and I found a variation of his solution in
Basically if you want to reverse the X-axis values in the plot, instead of using ylim=rev(range(y)), you can use xlim=rev(c(-4,4)).
x <- seq(-4, 4, length = 10)
y <- exp(x) / (1 + exp(x))
plot(x, y, ylim=range(y), xlim=c(-4, 4))
plot(x, y, ylim=range(y), xlim=rev(c(-4, 4)))
And if you want to keep the x-axis values in the true order, you can use this:
plot(x, y, ylim=range(y), xlim=c(-4, 4), axes=FALSE)
plot(-100, -100, ylim=range(y), xlim=c(-4, 4), axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", main="")
axis(1, at = seq(-4,4,by=1), labels = seq(-4,4,by=1), tick = TRUE)
axis(2, at = seq(0,1,by=.2), labels = paste(100*seq(0,1, by=.2)), tick = TRUE)
I'm posting this solution because I needed something very straightforward to solve my problem. And the solution for it needed the plot with the X-axis value in the correct order (and not reversed).
First, check out the ggplot2 library for making beautiful and extendable graphics. It is part of the Tidyverse approach to R and a gamechanger if you have not been exposed to it.
For example, to solve your issue using ggplot, you simply add the term scale_x_reverse() to your graphic.

Manipulating x axis labelling for a feather plot

I have some wind speed and direction data over a course of some time and I need to plot it into a feather plot.
After surfing the web for some time, I find a function someone wrote to plot the feather plot that works for me (Thank you if you are reading this!!). My problem now is that I don't know how to manipulate the labelling of the x-axis.
After the plotting, the figure looks like this:
Now the x-axis doesn't look too bad here, but imagine I have 200 data points (and thus ticks) instead of 10, and the axis ticks can get a bit confusing. So I was hoping someone can help me manipulate the x-axis, specifically messing with the ticks.
The code to plot the figure is:
stg <- scan(what="", sep="\n")
9/20/15_12:00 2.597058824 157.9411765
9/21/15_0:00 2.177192982 185.1754386
9/21/15_12:00 2.577391304 189.2173913
9/22/15_0:00 1.984955752 237.4336283
9/22/15_12:00 3.993859649 252.6315789
9/23/15_0:00 1.613392857 175.5357143
9/23/15_12:00 3.849166667 216.8333333
9/24/15_0:00 2.138135593 117.0338983
9/24/15_12:00 3.32605042 216.302521
9/25/15_0:00 1.490178571 239.8214286
df <- read.table(textConnection(stg), sep="")
colnames(df) <- c("Time", "wsp", "wdir")
df$PTime <- as.POSIXct(df$Time, format="%m/%d/%y_%H:%M")
feather.plot2 <- function (r, theta, xpos, yref = 0, use.arrows = TRUE, col.refline = "lightgray",
fp.type = "s", main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", xlabels = NULL,
if (missing(xpos))
xpos <- 1:length(theta)
if (fp.type == "m")
theta <- 5 * pi/2 - theta
x <- r * cos(theta)
y <- r * sin(theta)
xmult <- diff(range(xpos))/(diff(range(y)) * 2)
x <- x * xmult
xlim <- range(c(xpos, x + xpos))
ylim <- range(c(y, yref))
oldpin <- par("pin")
xdiff <- xlim[2] - xlim[1]
ydiff <- ylim[2] - ylim[1]
plot(0, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", main = main,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, axes = TRUE, xaxt = "n")
if (is.null(xlabels))
else axis(1, at = xpos, labels = xlabels)
abline(h = yref, col = col.refline)
if (use.arrows)
arrows(xpos, yref, xpos + x, y, length = 0.1, ...)
else segments(xpos, yref, xpos + x, y, ...)
par(pin = oldpin)
feather.plot2(df$wsp, df$wdir, fp.type="m", xlabels=df$PTime)
And what I want is something like having big ticks for 12:00, and smaller ticks for 0:00, like in this figure:
Although I don't know why the label for this figure comes out as "Sun - Thu" instead of dates...
The code for this figure is:
daterange=c(min(df$PTime), max(df$PTime))
plot(x=df$PTime, y=df$wsp, xaxt="n", type="l")
axis.POSIXct(1, at=seq(daterange[1], daterange[2], by="day"))
axis.POSIXct(1, at=seq(daterange[1], daterange[2], by="12 hours"), tcl = -0.3, labels=FALSE )
I've tried using using these axis commands on the feather plot, but it did not work. So I'd appreciate any help/advice. Thank you so much!!
I'm seeing two requests: Major and minor ticks; and More compact axis annotation of date-times. Step 1: Suppress the default axis creation. Step 2: The usual manor is to label the major ticks, so we would determine the proper location of those ticks and give a format specification to the labels. Step 3: place the minor tick marks. Most of this you've already figured out, and I would have thought the format problem was the easiest one to solve, so let's see:
plot(x=df$PTime, y=df$wsp, xaxt="n", type="l")
axis.POSIXct(1, at=seq(daterange[1], daterange[2], by="day"), format="%m-%d %H%P",
axis.POSIXct(1, at=seq(daterange[1], daterange[2], by="12 hours"),
tcl = -0.3, labels=FALSE )
Seems to succeed at what I think are your goals. The use of by = "day" may be what leads the interpreter to choose the three letter abbrev of day names. (I don't really know.)

Align axis ticks with bins in a lattice histogram

I plotted a histogram using Lattice
histogram(~Time |factor(Bila), data=flexi2, xlim= c(5, 15), ylim=c(0, 57),
scales=list(x=list(at=seq(5,15,1))), xlab="Time",
subset=(Bila%in% c("")))`
The bins I get do not match the exact hours, whereas I would like the bin to start at the exact hour, for example, 6,7 etc. I use lattice since I want conditional histograms. I have extracted here just one histogram to illustrate.
Here is a reproducible example (I hope) as was requested. As can be seen 0 for example is not at the limit of bins.
This happens because you specified the x axis scale with scales = list(x = list(at = 5:15)), but you didn't actually change the breakpoints. It happens in the default case as well: the default axis labels are integers, but the default breakpoints are determined programmatically and are not necessarily integers unless you have integer-valued data.
An easy fix would be to specify your own breaks in the breaks argument:
histogram(~Time |factor(Bila), data=flexi2, subset=(Bila %in% c("")),
xlim= c(5, 15), ylim=c(0, 57),
breaks = 5:15,
scales = list(x = list(at = 5:15)),
And an example:
x <- rnorm(1000)
x[abs(x) > 3] <- 3
x_breaks <- c(-3, -1.5, 0, 1.5, 3)
histogram(~ x,
title = "Defaults")
histogram(~ x, breaks = x_breaks,
title = "Custom bins, default tickmarks")
histogram(~ x, scales = list(x = list(at = x_breaks)),
title = "Custom tickmarks, default bins")
histogram(~ x, breaks = x_breaks, scales = list(x = list(at = x_breaks)),
title = "Custom tickmarks, custom bins")

How to do 3D bar plot in R

I would like to produce this kind of graph:
However, I don't know how to do it using R. I was wondering if someone knew a solution to do it in R?
I would use the package rgl.
# load your data
X= c(1:6)
Y=seq(10,70, 10)
Z=c(-70, -50, -30, -20, -10, 10)
# create an empty plot with the good dimensions
plot3d(1,1,1, type='n', xlim=c(min(X),max(X)),
xlab="", ylab="", zlab="", axe=F )
# draw your Y bars
for(i in X){ segments3d(x = rep(X[i],2), y = c(0,Y[i]), z=0, lwd=6, col="purple")}
# do the same for the Z bars
plot3d(X,0,Z, add=T, axe=F, typ="n")
for(i in X){segments3d(x = rep(X[i],2), y = 0, z= c(0,Z[i]), lwd=6, col="blue" )}
# draw your axis
mtext3d(text = "Time (days)", edge = "y+", line =3, col=1 )
mtext3d(text = "Change %", edge = "z++", line = 5, col=1 )
However I have found the width of the bars restricted to 6. That could be a limit. Better looking when you have more data.
Hope it could help.
