How add ontology to `virtuoso-sparql-endpoint-quickstart`? - virtuoso

I'm new to Docker's world. I want to query an ontology locally. I have already configured
It works, and my endpoint is http://localhost:8890/sparql.
Now I want to query my own ontology (not DBpedia). So can I still use the same endpoint? How can I add my ontology to virtuoso?

Please note that an ontology is a vocabulary used to describe one or more classes of entities. The descriptions themselves are typically referred to as instance data, and queries are usually run over such instance data. (There are a few ontologies used to describe ontologies, and these descriptions are also instance data, and queries might be made against them.)
There are a number of ways to load data into Virtuoso. The most useful for most people is the Bulk Load facility. For most purposes, you'll want to load your data into one or more distinct Named Graphs, such that queries can be scoped to one, some, or all of the those Named Graphs.
Any and all queries can be made against the same http://localhost:8890/sparql endpoint. Results will vary depending on the Named Graphs identified in your query.


DynamoDB usable for largeish event table?

I'm thinking of re-architecting an RDS model to a DynamoDB one and it appears mostly to be working using a single-table design. We have, however a log table that can contain 5-10 million rows that are queried on many attributes.
Is there any pattern that might be applicable in migrating to DynamoDB or is this a case where full scans would be required and we would just be better off keeping the log stuff as a relational table?
Thanks in advance,
Those keywords and phrases "log" and "queried on many attributes" sound to me like DynamoDB is not the best solution for your log data. If the number of distinct queries is fairly limited and well-known in advance, you might be able to design your keys to fit your access patterns.
For example, if you commonly query on Color and Quantity attributes, you could design a key like COLOR#Red#QTY#25. And you could use secondary or global secondary indexes for queries involving other attributes similarly.
But it is not a great solution if you have many attributes that you need to query arbitrarily.
Alternative Solution: Another serverless option to consider is storing your log data in S3 and using Athena to query it using SQL.
You will likely be trading away a bit of latency and speed by taking this approach compared to RDS and DynamoDB. But queries against log data often don't need millisecond response times, so it can cover a lot of use cases.
Data modelling for DynamoDB
Write down all of your access patterns, in order of priority/most used
Research models which are similar to your use-case
Download NoSQL Workbench and create test models where you can visualize your ideas
Run commands against DynamoDB Local and test your access patterns are fulfilled.
Access Parterns
Your access patterns will ultimately decide if DynamoDB will suit your needs. If you need to query based on multiple fields you can have up to 20 Global Secondary Indexes which will give you some flexibility, but usually if you exceed 8-10 indexes then DynamoDB may not be a good choice or the schema is badly designed.
Use smart designs with sort-key and index-key overloading, it will allow you to group the data better and make your access patterns more efficient.
Log Data Use-case
Storing log data is a pretty common use-case for DynamoDB and many many AWS customers use it for that sole purpose. But I can't over emphasize the importance of understanding your access patterns and working backwards from those to create your model.
If you require query capability or free text search ability, then you could use DynamoDB integrations with OpenSearch (via Lambda/EventBridge) for example, with OpenSearch providing you the flexibility for your queries.
Doesn't seem like a good use case - I have done it and wasn't at all happy with the result - now I load 'log like' data into elasticsearch and much happier with the result.
In my case, I insert the data to dynamodb - to archive it - but also feed data in ES, but once in a while if I kill my ES cluster, I can reload all or some of the data from ddb.

Rails how to have models hit a different database dynamically

Looking to see if it's possible to have a Rails app hit multiple dbs dynamically. To be more precise:
I have an app that can operate in different regions.
Each request that comes in will identify the region.
In mysql, one region corresponds to exactly one db.
The dbs are identical in terms of the schema. Implying the AR models are all the same, it's just that depending on the request, I want the model object to be retrieved/updated from one of the per region dbs.
All of the data is isolated to that particular db. There is never any crossover, nor any need to query multiple dbs at the same time.
One way to avoid multiple db's is to add a "region" column to all the models/tables (don't really like that).
Another way to do this would simply be to fire up different instances for different regions. Again, don't really want to do that given all the config overhead (cloud servers, nginx, etc, etc).
Any ideas?
I found that Rails 6.1 introduced the notion of horizontal sharding. That was what I needed. And I found this article useful:

Practical usage for linked data

I've been reading about linked data and I think I understand the basics of publishing linked data, but I'm trying to find real world practical (and best practise) usage for linked data. Many books and online tutorials talk a lot about RDF and SPARQL but not about dealing with other peoples data.
My question is, if I have a project with a bunch of data that I output as RDF, what is the best way to enhance (or correctly use) other people's data?
If I create an application for animals and I want to use data from the BBC wildlife page ( what should I do? Crawl the BBC wildlife page, for RDF, and save the contents to my own triplestore or query the BBC with SPARQL (I'm not sure that this is actually possible with the BBC) or do I take the URI for my animal (owl:sameAs) and curl the content from the BBC website?
This also asks the question, can you programmatically add linked data? I imagine you would have to crawl the BBC wildlife page unless they provide an index of all the content.
If I wanted to add extra information such as location for these animals ( again what is considered the best approach? owl:habitat (fake predicate) Brazil? and curl the RDF for Brazil from the geonames site?
I imagine that linking to the original author is the best way because your data can then be kept up-to-date, which from these slides from a BBC presentation ( is what the BBC does, but what if the authors website goes down or is too slow? And if you were to index the author's RDF I imagine your owl:sameAs would point to a local RDF.
Here's one potential way of creating and consuming linked data.
If you are looking for an entity (i.e., a 'Resource' in Linked Data terminology) online, see if there is Linked Data description about it. One easy place to find this is DBpedia. For Snow Leopard, one URI that you can use is As you can see from the page, there are several object and property descriptions. You can use them to create a rich information platform.
You can use SPARQL in two ways. Firstly, you can directly query a SPARQL endpoint on the web where there might be some data. BBC had one for music; I'm not sure if they do for other information. DBpedia can be queried using snorql. Secondly, you can retrieve the data you need from these endpoints and load into your triple store using INSERT and INSERT DATA features of SPARQL 1.1. To access the SPARQL end points from your triple store, you will need to use the SERVICE feature of SPARQL. The second approach protects you from the inability to execute your queries when a publicly available end point is down for maintenance.
To programmatically add the data to your triplestore, you can use one of the predesigned libraries. In Python, RDFlib is useful for such applications.
To enrich the data with that sourced from elsewhere, there can again be two approaches. The standard way of doing it is using existing vocabularies. So, you'd have to look for the habitat predicate and just insert this statement:
dbpedia:Snow_leopard prefix:habitat geonames:Berlin .
If no appropriate ontologies are found to contain the property (which is unlikely in this case), one needs to create a new ontology.
If you want to keep your information current, then it makes sense to periodically run your queries. Using something such as DBpedia Live is useful is this regard.

Relational behavior against a NoSQL document store for ODBC support

The first assertion is that document style nosql databases such as MarkLogic and Mongo should store each piece of information in a nested/complex object.
Consider the following model
In the relational world this would be modeled as a patient table, claim table, and claim charge table.
Our primary desire is to simultaneously feed downstream applications with this data, but also perform analytics on it. Since we don't want to write a complex program for every measure, we should be able to put a tool on top of this. For example Tableau claims to have a native connection with MarkLogic, which is through ODBC.
When we create views using range indexes on our document model, the SQL against it in MarkLogic returns excessive repeating results. The charge numbers are also double counted with sum functions. It does not work.
The thought is that through these index, view, and possibly fragment techniques of MarkLogic, we can define a semantic layer that resembles a relational structure.
The documentation hints that you should create 1 object per table, but this seems to be against the preferred document db structure.
What is the data modeling and application pattern to store large amounts of document data and then provide a turnkey analytics tool on top of it?
If the ODBC connection is going to always return bad data and not be aware of relationships, then all of the tools claiming to have ODBC support against NoSQL is not true.
For your question: "What is the data modeling and application pattern to store large amounts of document data and then provide a turnkey analytics tool on top of it?"
The rule of thumb I use is that when I want to count "objects", I model them as separate documents. So if you want to run queries that count patients, claims, and charges, you would put them in separate documents.
That doesn't mean we're constraining MarkLogic to only relational patterns. In UML terms, a one-to-many relationship can be a composition or an aggregation. In a relational model, I have no choice but to model those as separate tables. But in a document model, I can do separate documents per object or roll them all together - the choice is usually based on how I want to query the data.
So your first assertion is partially true - in a document store, you have the option of nesting all your related data, but you don't have to. Also note that because MarkLogic is schema-agnostic, it's straightforward to transform your data as your requirements evolve (corb is a good option for this). Certain requirements may require denormalization to help searches run efficiently.
Brief example - a person can have many names (aliases, maiden name) and many addresses (different homes, work address). In a relational model, I'd need a persons table, a names table, and an addresses table. But I'd consider the names to be a composite relationship - the lifecycle of a name equals that of the person - and so I'd rather nest those names into a person document. An address OTOH has a lifecycle independent of the person, so I'd make that an address document and toss an element onto the person document for each related address. From an analytics perspective, I can now ask lots of interesting questions about persons and their names, and persons and addresses - I just can't get counts of names efficiently, because names aren't in separate documents.
I guess MarkLogic is a little atypical compared to other document stores. It works best when you don't store an entire table as one document, but one record per document. MarkLogic indexing is optimized for this approach, and handles searching across millions of documents easily that way. You will see that as soon as you store records as documents, results in Tableau will improve greatly.
Splitting documents to such small fragments also allows higher performance, and lower footprints. MarkLogic doesn't hold the data as persisted DOM trees that allow random access. Instead, it streams the data in a very efficient way, and relies on index resolution to pull relevant fragments quickly..

Riak solution for querying data by books or unique pages

Consider a set of data called Library, which contains a set of Books and each book contains a set of Pages.
Let's say you are using Riak to store this data, and you need to be access the data in two possible ways:
- Query for a particular page (with a unique id)
- Query for all pages in a particular book (with a unique name)
Additionally, you need to be able to easily update and delete pages of a particular Book.
What would be the best way to accomplish this in Riak?
Obviously Riak Search will do the trick, but maybe is inefficient for what I am trying to do. I am wondering if it makes sense to set up buckets where each bucket can be a Book (which would make for potentially millions of "Book" buckets). Maybe that is a bad idea...
Can this be accomplished with secondary indexes?
I am trying to keep this simple...
I am new to Riak and I am trying to find the best way to accomplish something that is probably relatively simple. I would appreciate any help from the Stack Overflow community. Thanks!
A common way to model master-detail relationships in Riak is to have the master record contain a list of detail record IDs, possibly together with some information about the detail record that may be useful when deciding which detail records to retrieve.
In your example, you could have two buckets called 'books' and 'pages'. The master record in the 'books' bucket will contain metadata and information about the book as a whole together with a list of pages that are included in the book. Each page would contain the ID of the 'pages' record holding the page data as well as the corresponding page number. If you e.g. wanted to be able to query by chapter, you could also add information about which chapters a certain page belongs to.
The 'pages' bucket would contain the text of the page and possibly links to images and other media data that are included on that page. This data could be stored in yet another bucket.
In order to get a specific page or a range of pages, one would first retrieve the master record from the 'books' bucket and then based on the contents of the record the appropriate pages. Even though this requires several GET operations, they are all direct lookups based on keys, which is the most efficient and scalable way to retrieve data from Riak, so it is will perform and scale well.
This approach also makes it simple to change the order of pages and/or chapters as only the master record needs to be updated. Adding, deleting or modifying pages would however require both the master record as well as one or more detail records to be updated, added or deleted.
You can most certainly also solve this problem by adding secondary indexes to the objects and query based on this. Secondary index queries in Riak does however have to include processing on a covering set (generally ring size / n_val) of partitions in order to fulfil the request, and therefore puts a bit more load on the system and generally results in higher latencies than retrieving a single object containing keys through a direct key lookup (which only needs to involve the partitions where the object is actually stored).
Although maintaining a separate object containing indexes adds a bit of extra work when inserting or deleting pages/entries, this approach will generally result in more efficient reads, as only direct key lookups are required. If your application is heavy on reads, it probably makes sense to use this approach, while secondary indexes could be more efficient for a write heavy application as inserts and modifications are made cheaper at the expense of more expensive reads. You can however always add secondary indexes just in case in order to keep your options open.
In cases like this I would usually recommend performing some benchmarks to test the solutions and chech which solution that best matches you particular performance and scaling requirements.
The most efficient way will be to store hole book as an one object, and duplicate it's pages as another separate objects.
you will be able to select any object by its key(the most cheapest op
in riak is kv query)
any query will be predicted by latency
this is natural way of storing for riak
If you need to update any page you must update whole book, and then page. As riak doesn't have atomic ops, you must to think how to recover any failure situation (like this: book was updated, but page was not).
Riak is about availability predictable latency, so if you will use something like 2i to collect results, it will make unpredictable time query, which will grow with page numbers
