How to add mentions or tagging a person in Linkedin post from linkedin share URL? - linkedin

We can create a post with a message prefilled from the URL using the below way
but when we mention a person in the text, it won't auto-detect, again we need to click on that and select the person from the given list of people.
Is there any way to auto-detect the person that we trying to tag


Is it possible to pass a special query parameter value to a WooCommerce product link?

I am looking to use WooCommerce in a bit of a strange way, and I'm wondering if there is any way to make this possible. Here's my desired workflow:
Step #1: From a different site subdomain, provide a link to a certain virtual product, but with a query parameter with a unique user id number.
Explanation: The user is at, and they get a link to buy a product in a WooCommerce store set up with a wordpress site at
However, this product will be a payment to unlock something on the site which has its own user and authentication system. (Firebase)
Would it be possible to pass a user id from the by way of a url query parameter and then have that included in the order info?
ie. From the someone could be given a link to the product like this, with 00000000000000000 being their user id at
Then if that userid query value could be included in the order, the following steps should be doable.
Step #2: Have a webhook that fires when the product is purchased, telling a server managing the users for that the user with userid 00000000000000000 has made a successful purchase of that product.
Is there a way to accept custom values like this to the order? Or is this totally out of the scope of WooCommerce's functionality?
Thanks so much.
I believe that it can be done by using a redirection/link directly to the checkout page, like: "" (tested)
In the example, "checkout" stands for the name of your checkout page, "PRODUCTID" stands for the id of desired product, "000000" stands for the user id of redirected person in the other website.
Then you can add a hidden input field to the checkout page (into checkout form, so you will see this value in order) and using the URL you can assign the "000000" (user id) to the value of this field.
I hope that works. If you have any problems with implementation, you can ask me.
- Useful link for hidden input field addition:
- Useful link for getting value from current URL using JS:
- Useful link for getting value from current URL using PHP/Wordpress Core:
- Useful link (contains 4 parts) for adding a custom field to checkout & validating this field & saving this field to order fields & displaying the value of this field in order page:

LinkedinApi: get person data by url or name, surname

Is there a possibility to get a person's info (name, current job, title, etc.) from the LinkedIn API?
I found a search endpoint(, but it only allows to search by person id, which I have no clue how to get){person ID})
I have for a link, for example:
How to get person id according to that link (using the LinkedIn API)?
well i couldnt find the endpoint but i can tell you that all V2 api's of linkedin require you to be a partner with linkedin. so that means you have to accuire a partnership and you have to specify which api's you are gonna use to get access.
and normally you get an ID from people that like/comment on a certain post. so if you get posts via the API you also recieve an ID of a person.

MailChimp - Variable Content based on the FirstNames in the List

I have a list named "Students" of 500 members. Email will be sent to each member. Two things in the email content will be specific to each member. First one is:
Dear Michael
Michael will be replaced by each members First Name. Second is:
Click here
Click here will have a link behind redirecting each member to different target.
Followed this How to Create a campaign in MailChimp using ASP.Net
I am able to create a campaign using API, but I need to go further with or without API.
I've done this before for an email using personalisation. I didn't send it through MailChimp but I found this article that could help you:
In your list if you add a field for the student's first name and another field for the the link then you should be able to use merge tags to add that data to wherever you want it to be in your email.

How to retrieve date of birth of all connections in linkedIn API?

I want to get the date of birth of connections using LinkedIn api.I got some informations using,first-name,last-name,location)
If i am trying to add dateOfBirth or date-of-birth parameter to this api but it is not working. Can anyone please help me to get the date of birth of all connections?
headline,first-name,last-name,location are comes under basic profile but date-of-birth comes under full profile. So you have add the permission(r_fullprofile) for this one. Try Like this
NSArray *grantedAccess = #[#"r_basicprofile ",#"r_fullprofile", #"r_network"];
According to this document, you will need to apply to be able to retrieve the full profile information, like date of birth:
Member profile fields available to Apply with LinkedIn developers
The following selection of profile fields are only available to applications that have applied and been approved for the Apply with LinkedIn program:
Full Profile Fields
For more information, visit the Apply with Linkedin page.
Note: This is an old question but things may have changed, so this is for future reference.

How do I get a twitter feed via a "username" query?

I currently have the following URL but it searchs for a keyword rather than just the users feed.
I want my users to be able to provide there username only and a feed be displayed on their profile.
What url should i use to obtain a users feed including old posts?
I think what you're looking for is:
Where %USERID% is the ID of the user in question.
For example, the url to my own timeline is:
with 16979198 being my user id number.
According to the Twitter API, you can also do the same with the users username as follows:
Where %USERNAME% is the username of the person who's feed you'd like to view.
For example:
You can also replace the .rss portion of the link with other data types such as .json .atom
For further information on the Twitter API and Timelines, visit here:
