Enforce a domain pattern that a service can use - nginx

I have a multi-tenant Kubernetes cluster. On it I have an nginx reverse proxy with load balancer and the domain *.example.com points to its IP.
Now, several namespaces are essentially grouped together as project A and project B (according to the different users).
How, can I ensure that any service in a namespace with label project=a, can have any domain like my-service.project-a.example.com, but not something like my-service.project-b.example.com or my-service.example.com? Please keep in mind, that I use NetworkPolicies to isolate the communication between the different projects, though communication with the nginx namespace and the reverse proxy is always possible.
Any ideas would be very welcome.
I made some progress as have been deploying Gatekeeper to my GKE clusters via Helm charts. Then I was trying to ensure that only Ingress hosts of the form ".project-name.example.com" should be allowed. For this, I have different namespaces that each have labels "project=a" or similar and each of these should only allow to use ingress of the form ".a.example.com". Hence I need that project label information for the respective namespaces. I wanted to deploy the following resources
apiVersion: templates.gatekeeper.sh/v1
kind: ConstraintTemplate
name: k8srequiredingress
kind: K8sRequiredIngress
# Schema for the `parameters` field
type: object
type: array
type: string
- target: admission.k8s.gatekeeper.sh
rego: |
package k8srequiredingress
operations := {"CREATE", "UPDATE"}
ns := input.review.object.metadata.namespace
violation[{"msg": msg, "details": {"missing_labels": missing}}] {
input.request.kind.kind == "Ingress"
not data.kubernetes.namespaces[ns].labels.project
msg := sprintf("Ingress denied as namespace '%v' is missing 'project' label", [ns])
violation[{"msg": msg, "details": {"missing_labels": missing}}] {
input.request.kind.kind == "Ingress"
host := input.request.object.spec.rules[_].host
project := data.kubernetes.namespaces[ns].labels.project
not fqdn_matches(host, project)
msg := sprintf("invalid ingress host %v, has to be of the form *.%v.example.com", [host, project])
fqdn_matches(str, pattern) {
str_parts := split(str, ".")
count(str_parts) == 4
str_parts[1] == pattern
apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: K8sRequiredIngress
name: ns-must-have-gk
- apiGroups: [""]
kinds: ["Ingress"]
apiVersion: config.gatekeeper.sh/v1alpha1
kind: Config
name: config
namespace: "gatekeeper-system"
- group: ""
version: "v1"
kind: "Namespace"
However, when I try to setup everything in the cluster I keep getting:
kubectl apply -f constraint_template.yaml
Error from server: error when creating "constraint_template.yaml": admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request: invalid ConstraintTemplate: invalid data references: check refs failed on module {template}: errors (2):
disallowed ref data.kubernetes.namespaces[ns].labels.project
disallowed ref data.kubernetes.namespaces[ns].labels.project
Do you know how to fix that and what I did wrong. Also, in case you happen to know a better approach just let me know.

Alternative to other answer, you may use validation webhook to enfore by any parameter present in the request. Example, name,namespace, annotations, spec etc.
The validation webhook could be a service running in the cluster or External to cluster. This service would essentially make a logical decision based on the logic we put. For every request Sent by user, api server send a review request to the webhook and the validation webhook would either approve or reject the review.
You can read more about it here, more descriptive post by me here.

If you want to enforce this rule on k8s object such as configmap or ingress, I think you can use something like OPA
In Kubernetes, Admission Controllers enforce semantic validation of objects during create, update, and delete operations. With OPA you can enforce custom policies on Kubernetes objects without recompiling or reconfiguring the Kubernetes API server.


How do I add an nginx load balancer to a kubernetes cluster on Jelastic?

I have the following jps manifest:
jpsVersion: 1.3
jpsType: install
id: my-app
name: My App
version: 0.0
- name: envName
caption: Env Name
type: string
required: true
- name: topo
type: radio-fieldset
0-dev: '<b>Development:</b> one master (1) and one scalable worker (1+)'
1-prod: '<b>Production:</b> multi master (3) with API balancers (2+) and scalable workers (2+)'
default: 0-dev
- name: k8s-version
type: string
caption: k8s manifest version
default: v1.16.3
- installKubernetes
jps: https://github.com/jelastic-jps/kubernetes/blob/${settings.k8s-version}/manifest.jps
envName: ${settings.envName}
displayName: ${settings.envName}
deploy: cc
topo: ${settings.topo}
dashboard: version2
ingress-controller: Nginx
storage: true
api: true
monitoring: true
version: ${settings.k8s-version}
jaeger: false
Now, I'd like to add a load balancer in front of the k8s cluster, something like
- nodeGroup: bl
nodeType: nginx-dockerized
tag: 1.16.1
displayName: Node balancing
count: 1
fixedCloudlets: 1
cloudlets: 4
Of course, the above kubernetes jps installation creates a topology. Therefore, there is no way I can call the above env section. How can I add a new node to the topology created by the jelastic kubernetes jps? I found addNodes, but it does not seem to allow to define what comes into the bl node group.
In the Jelastic API, I was able to find the EditNodeGroup method, which I believe would solve my problem. However, the documentation is not very clear, it's kind of missing an example from which I could guess how to fill up the parameters. How do I use that method to add an nginx load balancer to my k8s environment?
The EditNodeGroup method is of no use for that problem. I think, currently, my best option is to fork the jelastic-jps/kubernetes and adapt the beforeinstall for my needs. Do I have any other option? I browsed the API and found no way to add my nginx load balancer.
The environment topology cannot be changed during an external manifest invocation, since it's created within that manifest. But it can be altered after the manifest finish.
The whole approach is:
- installKubernetes
- addBalancer
jps: https://github.com/jelastic-jps/kubernetes/blob/${settings.k8s-version}/manifest.jps
envName: ${settings.envName}
- install:
envName: ${settings.envName}
type: update
name: Add Balancer Node
- addNodes:
Please refer https://github.com/jelastic-jps/kubernetes/blob/ad62208a5b3796bb7beeaedfce5c42b18512d9f0/addons/storage.jps example on how to use "addNodes" action in the manifest.
Also, the reference https://docs.cloudscripting.com/creating-manifest/actions/#addnodes describes all fields that can be used.
The latest published version of K8s for Jelastic is: v1.16.6, so you could use it in your manifest.
But, please note, that via this Balancer instance you will be accessing the default Kubernetes ingress controller, i.e. the same ingresses/paths that you currently have at "http(s)://".
Of course, you can assign a public ip to added BL, and access the same functionality not via Shared Balancers as before, but via public IP from now on.
In a nutshell, Jelastic Balancer instance currently doesn't provide a Kubernetes service LoadBalancer functionality — if you need exactly this one. The K8S LoadBalancer functionality will be added in the next release: public IPs added to "cp" worker can be automatically used for LoadBalancers created inside the Kubernetes cluster. We expect this functionality be added to 1.16.8+
Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Upgrading Kubernetes NGINX to use StackDriver new resource model in External Metrics

I have successfully set up NGINX as an ingress for my Kubernetes cluster on GKE. I have enabled and configured external metrics (and I am using an external metric in my HPA for auto-scaling). All good there and it's working well.
However, I have a deprecation warning in StackDriver around these external metrics. I have come to discover that these warnings are because of "old" resource types being used.
For example, using this command:
kubectl get --raw "/apis/external.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/default/custom.googleapis.com|nginx-ingress-controller|nginx_ingress_controller_nginx_process_connections" | jq
I get this output:
"metricName": "custom.googleapis.com|nginx-ingress-controller|nginx_ingress_controller_nginx_process_connections",
"metricLabels": {
"metric.labels.controller_class": "nginx",
"metric.labels.controller_namespace": "ingress-nginx",
"metric.labels.controller_pod": "nginx-ingress-controller-[snip]",
"metric.labels.state": "writing",
"resource.labels.cluster_name": "[snip]",
"resource.labels.container_name": "",
"resource.labels.instance_id": "[snip]",
"resource.labels.namespace_id": "ingress-nginx",
"resource.labels.pod_id": "nginx-ingress-controller-[snip]",
"resource.labels.project_id": "[snip]",
"resource.labels.zone": "[snip]",
"resource.type": "gke_container"
"timestamp": "2020-01-26T05:17:33Z",
"value": "1"
Note that the "resource.type" field is "gke_container". As of the next version of Kubernetes this needs to be "k8s_container".
I have looked through the Kubernetes NGINX configuration to try to determine when (or if) an upgrade has been made to support the new StackDriver resource model, but I have failed so far. And I would rather not "blindly" upgrade NGINX if I can help it (even in UAT).
These are the Docker images that I am currently using:
Could anyone help out here?
Thanks in advance,
Ok this has nothing to do with NGINX and everything to do with Prometheus (and specifically the Prometheus sidecar prometheus-to-sd).
For future readers if your Prometheus start-up looks like this:
- name: prometheus-to-sd
image: gcr.io/google-containers/prometheus-to-sd:v0.9.0
- name: profiler
containerPort: 6060
- /monitor
- --stackdriver-prefix=custom.googleapis.com
- --source=nginx-ingress-controller:http://localhost:10254/metrics
- --pod-id=$(POD_NAME)
- --namespace-id=$(POD_NAMESPACE)
Then is needs to look like this:
- name: prometheus-to-sd
image: gcr.io/google-containers/prometheus-to-sd:v0.9.0
- name: profiler
containerPort: 6060
- /monitor
- --stackdriver-prefix=custom.googleapis.com
- --source=nginx-ingress-controller:http://localhost:10254/metrics
- --monitored-resource-type-prefix=k8s_
- --pod-id=$(POD_NAME)
- --namespace-id=$(POD_NAMESPACE)
That is, include the --monitored-resource-type-prefix=k8s_ option.

Using x-google-endpoints OpenAPI extension with multiple API versions in Cloud Endpoints

I'm trying to deploy two API versions to Google Cloud Endpoints but end up facing configuration issues during the deployment.
API definition api-1.yaml looks like this:
swagger: "2.0"
description: "API"
title: "API"
version: "1.0.0"
host: "api.endpoints.GCP_PROJECT.cloud.goog"
basePath: "/v1"
x-google-api-name: v1
- name: "api.endpoints.GCP_PROJECT.cloud.goog"
target: "IP_ADDRESS"
This works just fine if deployed alone. However if api-2.yaml is added:
swagger: "2.0"
description: "API"
title: "API"
version: "2.0.0"
host: "api.endpoints.GCP_PROJECT.cloud.goog"
basePath: "/v2"
x-google-api-name: v2
- name: "api.endpoints.GCP_PROJECT.cloud.goog"
target: "IP_ADDRESS"
This leads to deployment error: OpenAPI spec is invalid. Multiple endpoint entries are defined in the extension \'x-google-endpoints\'. At most one entry is allowed.
Removing x-google-endpoints extension from one yaml file works but it leaves another yaml file as incomplete and thus, not optimal solution.
Could there be and issue with combining/validating yaml files during deployment? Can x-google-endpoints extension be used to define .cloud.goog domain for versioned API's?
There are two ways to do this:
1) version is in the domain name, such as v1-api.endpoints.GCP_PROJECT.cloud.goog.
You define and deploy two services; one for v1 and another for v2. Each has its own IP, proper service name and its own backend. This is most straightforward way and easy approach.
2) version is in the path, such as api.endpoints.GCP_PROJECT.cloud.goog/v1. You can only define and deploy one service. But you have two backends. This is tricky one. You can use x-google-backend extension in the OpenApi spec and deploy one Cloud Endpoint service.
You are using two ESP proxy as: v1_esp -> v1, v2_esp -> v2.
Each proxy has its own IP and you are trying to bind a domain name to two IPs. This is not supported.
My suggestion is to use one ESP as such:
esp -> v1 + v2 by using x-google-backend.
With the following:
In the openApi.yaml
address: v1_host
# do above for all your path/methods
address: v2_host
# do above for all your path/methods
- name: "api.endpoints.GCP_PROJECT.cloud.goog"
target: "IP_ADDRESS"
add --enable_backend_routing and --rewrite to remove /v1 and /v2 prefix before sending the request to your backends.
We have not tested such deployment, but you can try it.

Locating a valid NGINX template for nginx-ingress-controller? (Kubernetes)

I am trying to follow this tutorial on configuring nginx-ingress-controller for a Kubernetes cluster I deployed to AWS using kops.
When I run kubectl create -f ./nginx-ingress-controller.yml, the pods are created but error out. From what I can tell, the problem lies with the following portion of nginx-ingress-controller.yml:
- name: tls-dhparam-vol
secretName: tls-dhparam
- name: nginx-template-volume
name: nginx-template
- key: nginx.tmpl
path: nginx.tmpl
Error shown on the pods:
MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "nginx-template-volume" : configmaps "nginx-template" not found
This makes sense, because the tutorial does not have the reader create this configmap before creating the controller. I know that I need to create the configmap using:
kubectl create configmap nginx-template --from-file=nginx.tmpl=nginx.tmpl
I've done this using nginx.tmpl files found from sources like this, but they don't seem to work (always fail with invalid NGINX template errors). Log example:
I1117 16:29:49.344882 1 main.go:94] Using build: https://github.com/bprashanth/contrib.git - git-92b2bac
I1117 16:29:49.402732 1 main.go:123] Validated default/default-http-backend as the default backend
I1117 16:29:49.402901 1 main.go:80] mkdir /etc/nginx-ssl: file exists already exists
I1117 16:29:49.402951 1 ssl.go:127] using file '/etc/nginx-ssl/dhparam/dhparam.pem' for parameter ssl_dhparam
F1117 16:29:49.403962 1 main.go:71] invalid NGINX template: template: nginx.tmpl:1: function "where" not defined
The image version used is quite old, but I've tried newer versions with no luck.
- name: nginx-ingress-controller
image: gcr.io/google_containers/nginx-ingress-controller:0.8.3
This thread is similar to my issue, but I don't quite understand the proposed solution. Where would I use docker cp to extract a usable template from? Seems like the templates I'm using use a language/syntax incompatible with Docker...?
To copy the nginx template file from the ingress controller pod to your local machine, you can first grab the name of the pod with kubectl get pods then run kubectl exec [POD_NAME] -it -- cat /etc/nginx/template/nginx.tmpl > nginx.tmpl.
This will leave you with the nginx.tmpl file you can then edit and push back up as a configmap. I would recommend though keeping custom changes to the template to a minimum as it can make it hard for you to update the controller in the future.
Hope this helps!

How to disable interception of errors by Ingress in a Tectonic kubernetes setup

I have a couple of NodeJS backends running as pods in a Kubernetes setup, with Ingress-managed nginx over it.
These backends are API servers, and can return 400, 404, or 500 responses during normal operations. These responses would provide meaningful data to the client; besides the status code, the response has a JSON-serialized structure in the body informing about the error cause or suggesting a solution.
However, Ingress will intercept these error responses, and return an error page. Thus the client does not receive the information that the service has tried to provide.
There's a closed ticket in the kubernetes-contrib repository suggesting that it is now possible to turn off error interception: https://github.com/kubernetes/contrib/issues/897. Being new to kubernetes/ingress, I cannot figure out how to apply this configuration in my situation.
For reference, this is the output of kubectl get ingress <ingress-name>: (redacted names and IPs)
Name: ingress-name-redacted
Namespace: default
Default backend: default-http-backend:80 (<none>)
Host Path Backends
---- ---- --------
/ service-name:80 (<none>)
rewrite-target: /
service-upstream: true
use-port-in-redirects: true
Events: <none>
I have solved this on Tectonic 1.7.9-tectonic.4.
In the Tectonic web UI, go to Workloads -> Config Maps and filter by namespace tectonic-system.
In the config maps shown, you should see one named "tectonic-custom-error".
Open it and go to the YAML editor.
In the data field you should have an entry like this:
custom-http-errors: '404, 500, 502, 503'
which configures which HTTP responses will be captured and be shown with the custom Tectonic error page.
If you don't want some of those, just remove them, or clear them all.
It should take effect as soon as you save the updated config map.
Of course, you could to the same from the command line with kubectl edit:
$> kubectl edit cm tectonic-custom-error --namespace=tectonic-system
Hope this helps :)
