Is this login form with possible with WebAuthn? - biometrics

I'm trying to plan a rewrite of my website and I want to make it that I can login passwordless with just Windows Hello, TouchID, or FaceID using WebAuthn. All the examples online have a whole popup situation but I want it done like my mockup. I also want my website to detect the default biometric and have the biometric icon change to the icon representing the default one, for example, face icon for FaceID. This website will be done using python-flask, ReactJS, MySQL, CSS, and HTML.

There's a few different points to hit on here -
We'll start with this one. Unfortunately the pop-ups that appear during the WebAuthn ceremony are part of the browsers implementation. Every time the get()/create() methods are called the pop-ups will be invoked. There is some work coming out from Google/Apple in their passkey implementation where this will look more like an "autofill" experience, but you will still be required to use their pop-ups.
Defaulting to Windows Hello, Touch ID, etc..
I'll start by suggesting that you shouldn't constrain your users to only the platform authenticators. Security keys still play a big role in WebAuthn and work really well for signing in across devices. Relying on platform authenticators could limit your users to the device they initially registered with, or limit users who don't have a biometric sensor on their device.
With that being said, you can explicitly invoke the use of only platform authenticators using the PublicKeyCreationOptions. In the property authenticatorSelection there is a field authenticatorAttachment. If you set this field to "platform" then your platform authenticator will be invoked (if one is available).
Here's an example of the request sent by the relying party (note the property authenticatorSelection towards the bottom):
"publicKey": {
"rp": {
"name": "Example Inc",
"id": ""
"user": {
"name": "user",
"displayName": "user",
"id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
"pubKeyCredParams": [***],
"excludeCredentials": [***],
"authenticatorSelection": {
"authenticatorAttachment": "platform"
"residentKey": "preferred",
"userVerification": "preferred"
"attestation": "direct",
"extensions": {}
Detecting default biometric
I have a React example here. Some things to note on this approach:
There are more elegant and accurate ways of determining what platform the user is on. This snippet will work a majority of the time, but there is a lot of assumption happening based only on the detected OS
There's no icons included, I would suggest adding an imgSrc field to the enums that includes a link to the source image
Hope this helps.


How to list all active rooms in Janus with SFU plugin?

I'm trying to build a simple Aframe chat hub like Mozilla Hubs using networked-aframe with janus as adapter. I've installed everything in one server and everything is working fine.
However, I'm trying to set a limit for max amount of users to be connected in one 'room' because otherwise the browser might crash because of too many avatars to render, then redirect new users to connect to a new randomly generated room automatically.
Is there a way to do so by using the available Janus API? So far I've tried this Janus Signalling API for SFU plugin because it's the only reference that mention how to get how many users in one room, although not directly.
The example request body:
"kind": "join",
"room_id": room ID,
"user_id": user ID,
"subscribe": [none|subscription object]
The example result, but I think it should not be done like this to achieve what I want because I need list of ALL rooms, not just 1 room:
"success": true,
"response": {
"users": {room_alpha: ["123", "789"]}

Custom FCM notification sound for unity android

In my unity project I want play custom sound when I get firebase cloud message, not system default sound.
So after I followed other answers my message looks like,
"to": "some_key",
"notification": {
"title": "Title",
"android_channel_id": "2",
"body": "Body",
"sound": "custom_sound.wav"
and I placed custom_sound.wav in Asset/Plugins/Android/res/raw. When I unzip my .apk, I can find my sound file is in right location.
But it keeps playing system default sound. Even after I remove sound field. Is there any other thing should I check?
First: a quick tip when debugging. If you select "Export Project", you can open the generated Gradle project with Android Studio:
Occasionally you have to update the gradle wrapper, but it helps a ton debug things like "is my sound file in res/raw" without having to decompress your APK and poke around.
I think that the issue you're running into now is that sounds are now associated with NotificationChannels (as of Android O) rather than individual notifications, as noted by this StackOverflow post expressing a similar issue. Since this isn't exposed via the Unity SDK.
Fortunately, you can add a channel with Unity.Notifications.Android.
It should be as simple as creating a new
public AndroidNotificationChannel(string id, string title, string description, Importance importance)
with your id set to "2" (to match your sample notification above. Since this is a string, I would recommend giving this a better name :D).
Then you can call RegisterNotificationChannel with that channel you create as your parameter.
For example, to get your notification above to work, I believe you can write:
var notificationChannel = new NotificationChannel("2", "Channel 2 (working title)", "This is the 2nd channel", Importance.Default);
Let me know if this helps!

Mobile data reported in GA Measurement Protocol appear in realtime but not in daily summary

I've been attempting to log activity on a mobile-like device using the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol. All of these attempts have validated using the validation URL, and I can see activity when I look at the real-time reports on the Analytics website. But when I look at the Home or Overview reports for the day - no activity is shown.
The view is set for "All Mobile App Data".
The POST body looks something like this:
The ua field is just a pre-defined string. I found that if I omitted it, the Real Time monitoring listed the hits as desktop hits, although I was in a Mobile report and the ds field was "app".
Am I missing a field that is required? Is there some reason why it is showing up in the real-time report, but not in a daily report? Is there some other way to diagnose why the data is vanishing, or confirm the data is actually being captured?
When i check the debug endpoint the hit is valid
"hitParsingResult": [ {
"valid": true,
"parserMessage": [ ],
"hit": "/debug/collect?v=1\u0026tid=UA-53766825-1\u0026ds=app\u0026qt=1601\u0026uid=uid-zzzzz\u0026t=screenview\u0026cd=Foo\u0026an=Foo%20App%20Name\\\u0026av=0.0.1\u0026ua=Mozilla%2F5.0%20(Linux%3B%20Android%207.0%3B%20SM-G930V%20Build%2FNRD90M)%20AppleWebKit%2F537.36%20(KHTML%2C%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome%2F59.0.3071.125%20Mobile%20Safari%2F537.36"
} ],
"parserMessage": [ {
"messageType": "INFO",
"description": "Found 1 hit in the request."
} ]
I cannot use one of the mobile libraries from Firebase - this is not one of the platforms they support. I do not wish to pretend this is a web page - there is no associated hostname or path. I do not wish to use Events since I can't do event Behavior Flow, which is one of the things I'm interested in seeing.
I'm aware that it can sometimes take "a day or so" for results to first appear. The site was setup over five days ago at this point, and has received data during that time.
Good thought about the anti-spam setting, however the setting appears to be correct:
I've also tried using GET instead of POST - no change, it still shows the hit in real-time, but then it vanishes.
However, I know that it can record hits permanently. There were two hits from a spammer in Russia that have shown up in the daily report (I wasn't there to see it show up in real-time). I don't know what they did, but would love to find out since it might help figure out how I can add a record.
In the real-time reports, it correctly points out the data center all the hits are coming from. Perhaps that is filtering it out somewhere out of my control?
Try adding Cid I know it says this is an optional parameter but for mobile accounts I belive it may be required.
Client ID
This field is required if User ID (uid) is not specified in the request. This anonymously identifies a particular user, device, or browser instance. For the web, this is generally stored as a first-party cookie with a two-year expiration. For mobile apps, this is randomly generated for each particular instance of an application install. The value of this field should be a random UUID (version 4) as described in
Example value: 35009a79-1a05-49d7-b876-2b884d0f825b
Although this says it needs to be a UUIDv4, it does work with other UUIDs (I've tested it with a v5, which is a hash against the value used for the uid parameter).

Using webhooks with Google Analytics

I'm trying to integrate my CRM with Google Analytics to monitor lead changes (from lead to sell) and so on. As I understood, I need to use Google Measurement Protocol, to receive webhooks from CRM and translate it to Analytics Conversions.
But in fact, I don't really understand how to do it. I need to make some script, to translate webhook code to analytics, but where I need to place that script? Are there some templates? And so on.
So, If you know some tutorials/courses/freelancers to help me with intergrating webhooks with Analytics - I need your advice.
Example of webhook from CRM:
"leads": {
"status": {
"id": "25399013",
"name": "Lead title",
"old_status_id": "7039101",
"status_id": "142",
"price": "0",
"responsible_user_id": "102525",
"last_modified": "1413554372",
"modified_user_id": "102525",
"created_user_id": "102525",
"date_create": "1413554349",
"account_id": "7039099",
"custom_fields": [
"id": "427183",
"name": "Checkbox custom field",
"values": ["1"]
"id": "427271",
"name": "Date custom field",
"values": ["1412380800"]
"id": "1069602",
"name": "Checkbox custom field",
"values": ["0"]
"id": "427661",
"name": "Text custom field",
"values": ["Валера"]
"id": "1075272",
"name": "Date custom field",
"values": ["1413331200"]
"Webhook" is a fancy way of saying that your CRM can call a web based service whenever something interesting happens (i.e. the CRM can "hook" into a web based application). E.g. if a new lead is created you can call an url with the lead details as parameters.
Specifics depend on your CRM, but when you set up a webhook there should be a field to set a url; the script that evaluates the CRM data is located at the URL.
You have that big JSON thing as your example - No real way to tell without knowing your system, but I assume that is sent as request body. So in your script you evaluate the request body, extract the parameters you want to send to analytics (be mindful that you are not allowed to store personally identifiable information) and sent it via the measurement protocol as described in the documentation linked in the other answer.
Depending on the system you might even be able to call the measurement protocol without having a custom script in between (after all the measurement protocol is an url with a few parameters).
This is an awfully generic answer, but then the question is really broad.
I've done just this in my line of work.
You need to first decide your data model on how you would like the CRM data to look within Google Analytics. This could be just mapping Google Analytics' event category, event label, event action to your data, or perhpas using custom dimensions and metrics.
Then to make it most useful, you would like to be able to link the CRM activity of a customer to their online activity. You can do this if they login online. In that case, you can set the cid and/or uid of the user to your CRM id.
Then, if you send in a GA hit with the same cid/uid in your Measurement Protocol hit, you will link the online sessions with your offline CRM activity.
To make the actual record hit Google Analytics, you will need to program something that takes the CRM data and turns it into a Measurement Protocol hit, which is essentially just a URL with the correct parameters. Look here for reference:
An example could be:
We usually have this as a seperate process, that fires when the CRM data is written to its database (the webhook in your example). If its a lot of data, you should probably implement checks to see if the hit was sucessful, and caching in case the service is not online - you have an optional parameter that gives you 4 hours leeway in sending data.
Hope this gets you at least started.

ServiceStack proper way to access routes and avoid markup

I think this question is more about best practices regarding web services and not necessarily limited to ServiceStack only. From what I've read here and on the SS wiki, the 'recommended' way to implement parent-child entities is to break them down via routes.
For example:
Where User is the logged on user, and entities are his/her items. I'm implementing jqueryui autocomplete and here is where I'm suspecting I'm not doing the right thing.
In the script the path needs the Userid, so I have to manually render it in the browser so that it reads:
type: "GET",
url: "svc/users/**8**/entities",
data: { "SearchTerm": request.term, "Format": 'json' },
This smells wrong to me. I have the UserID from the session and I can get it that way. So I wonder if there a better way to access these objects without having to render data directly into markup?
Am I doing this wrong?
On a side note: I know I could place this data in a hidden field and access it via script etc, I am just curious if there is a better/recommended way to do this via sessions while keeping the routes as is.
Generally this is done with another endpoint, Facebook for instance, uses /my/, but you could do what ever you want.
The reason being, it's very likely you will be returning different information for a user about themselves than you share about that user with someone else.
Let's pretend /user/{UserId}/books returns a user's favorite books. If I want to know what someone's favorite books are, I might be interested in the title, and a brief description, but if I want to see (and possibly manage) my list of favorite books then I might want more information, like the day I added the favorite book, or friends of mine that also like the book.
so /user/{UserId}/books returns:
{ "title":"Hary Potter", "desc":"A boy who is magic..." }
however /my/books returns:
"title":"Harry Potter",
"desc":"A boy who is magic...",
{ "id":1234, "name":"Bob" }
"personalCommentsAboutBookNotToBeShared":"This book changed my life..."
