DevExpress GridView Cell combine checkbox and text - devexpress

i want combine a checkbox and random text inside a cell at the DevExpress GridViewCell
at the WinForms Project
Example: Checkbox + "RandomText"


Select checkbox of gridview with keyboard in

I am using GridView on my page, which retrieves data from SQL database.
The first column is named OK and has a Checkbox in each row.
I want to select each check box with the help of keyboard instead of mouse.
The shortcut for toggling a checkbox is the spacebar, so as long as you have the checkbox highlighted, you can use that to check each box.
Next, check out some articles on adding GridView keyboard navigation:
GridView column and row navigation using up/down/right and left arrows
GridView Rows Navigation Using Arrow (Up/Down) Keys
GridView Up and Down Navigation using jQuery

Datagrid Flex 3 Single Row Selected

I have one flex datagrid which contains number of rows and column. I want to make selected row editable by clicking on edit button. Is it possible? I have try many samples but on that either entire datagrid is editable or particular row's single column is editable. Is there any way to make selected row editable by clicking on edit button?
You can get the selected row with the grid.selectedIndex property. One thought to you problem:
Add an "editable" property to you items in the datagrid which is false by default
When clicking on the button, set grid.selectedItem.editable = true;
Change the grid's item renderer to a new one, which displays TextInput fields if an item is editable or just plain Label if it's not
You can change the item renderer at runtime like this:
grid.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(com.myapp.renderers.MyGridItemRenderer);

Best way to hide a row with contols of a grid view at runtime but controls should be enabled?

I want to hide a row with contols of a grid view at runtime but controls should be enabled.
I have a grid view which consists a checkbox, 2 textboxes and 1 dropdown list control for every row and i want that on a particular condition that grid view row should not be displayed but internally these controls should be enabled.
Set the row's css style to display: none.
See here: Selectively apply css to a row in a gridview


I have a grid view to show a listing of domestic sales and international sales. I share the same grid view for both. So if i select 'Domestic' radio button, i have to change the label of first column as 'SalesNo' and also set the sort expression as 'sales_No', if i select 'International' radio button, i have to change the label of first column as 'ExportNo' and also set the sort expression as 'export_No'. How can i do it using C# ?
add gridview command radio buttons after adding radio button create gridview command event.
after all these things now any radio button selected check its value and after checking the value make changes as you want.

Is there a sample using DevExpress to have a TreeView as the drop-down of a combo edit?

I need to place a DevExpress combo edit where the drop-down is a TreeView. DevExpress has a bunch of partial explinations of this, but no complete source. Anyone have a sample?
The solution is to use a PopupContainerEdit control. To do this you also create a PopupContainerControl, put a TreeView in the PopupContainerControl (set to fill size) and then have the PopupContainerEdit.Popup point to the PopupContainerControl.
Full source at DevExpress combo box with a TreeView dropdown
