Why is the standaone folder not created after next build - next.js

I am using next 12.1.*
I have both frontend components, as well as backend APIs served using next.
I have enabled the output file tracing, by adding output: 'standalone' to my next.js config
After next build, the standalone folder is not created, nor the minimalist server.js file mentioned.
What do I need to do to enable this?

I ran into this same issue today. Use the previous experimental attribute outputStandalone. I just tacked it on along with the proposed new way.
/** #type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
reactStrictMode: true,
output: 'standalone',
experimental: {
outputStandalone: true,
module.exports = nextConfig
Checked the issues and PRs for the repo and came across an update (https://github.com/vercel/next.js/pull/37994/commits/96d8e175c6e3679b3a4a26d224dd5fe6b6c39338) that was only a few days old so it hadn’t made its way into 12.1.6 yet. Then I also happened to notice the link to the with-docker example was on the canary branch.


Next js standalone mood not optimizing images?

I am create a next build with standalone output. I follow this answer- How to deploy NextJs (SSR) using "Output File Tracing" feature to Azure App Service?
After setting up I run my server like this node server.js
It works perfectly. But here image optimization not working. I found one error-
Error: 'sharp' is required to be installed in standalone mode for the image optimization to function correctly
I recheck package.json and I can see sharp is already installed. Then I add this to my .env file-
But not working. Please any help me. I need image opmization feature in standalone mood.
***Note: I use linux subsystem on windows. In linux subsystem, When I run production mode npm run start. Image optmization automatically work in this mode, I haven't to give .env also. When I start my project in standalone mood, image optimization is not working. Even when I give .env it's not working.
Here is my next.config.js-
/** #type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const withPWA = require("next-pwa")({
dest: "public",
register: true,
disable: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development"
const nextConfig = {
reactStrictMode: true,
swcMinify: true,
output: "standalone",
images: {
minimumCacheTTL: 2592000,
domains: ["dzzoo94ozikw5.cloudfront.net", "lh3.googleusercontent.com", "platform-lookaside.fbsbx.com"]
module.exports = withPWA(nextConfig)
yarn add sharp
npm install sharp

Unable to build project that includes a custom worker file

I'm facing a very strange issue with next-pwa. Whenever I try to build a next-pwa project that includes a custom worker js file, the build fails with the following error:
info - Creating an optimized production build ..buffer.js:333
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined
at Function.from (buffer.js:333:9)
at writeOut (C:\Users\sdqui\Desktop\next-pwa\examples\custom-worker\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\webpack\bundle4.js:56716:26)
at C:\Users\sdqui\Desktop\next-pwa\examples\custom-worker\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\webpack\bundle4.js:56735:7
at arrayIterator (C:\Users\sdqui\Desktop\next-pwa\examples\custom-worker\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\neo-async\async.js:1:14270)
at timesSync (C:\Users\sdqui\Desktop\next-pwa\examples\custom-worker\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\neo-async\async.js:1:5037)
at Object.eachLimit (C:\Users\sdqui\Desktop\next-pwa\examples\custom-worker\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\neo-async\async.js:1:14216)
at emitFiles (C:\Users\sdqui\Desktop\next-pwa\examples\custom-worker\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\webpack\bundle4.js:56617:13)
at C:\Users\sdqui\Desktop\next-pwa\examples\custom-worker\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\webpack\bundle4.js:36508:26
at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (fs.js:184:5) {
I have tried several things so far to fix this issue:
Clone the repo and updated all dependencies (i thought the issue might be webpack related)
Building the project without a custom worker file (works fine)
Downgrade to Node 10, 12, 14, 15, and re-install dependencies.
I've also tried the to use the code provided in the /example folder of the repo, but the same issue occurs there as well.
I'm not the only one facing this issue so i would appreciate help.
You can test it yourself using Gitpod, just open this link and navigate to the example, install dependencies and try yarn build.
Are you using webpack 5 or 4.x? I faced the same issue with webpack > 5 and fixed the same by passing the future object to withPWA " future: { webpack5: true }".
module.exports = withPWA({ future: { webpack5: true },
pwa: {
disable: false,
dest: "public",
//register: false,
skipWaiting: false,

Error: Image Optimization using Next.js default loader is not compatible with `next export`

I got this error when deploying Next.js to Netlify.
Error: Image Optimization using Next.js default loader is not compatible with `next export`.
Possible solutions:
6:47:15 AM: - Use `next start`, which starts the Image Optimization API.
6:47:15 AM: - Use Vercel to deploy, which supports Image Optimization.
6:47:15 AM: - Configure a third-party loader in `next.config.js`.
6:47:15 AM: - Read more: https://err.sh/next.js/export-image-api.
6:47:15 AM: at exportApp (/opt/build/repo/node_modules/next/dist/export/index.js:14:712)
The problem does not occur when deploying to Vercel.
use akamai
setting images.loader to 'imgix' caused dev and build errors.
i used this instead:
// next.config.js
module.exports = {
images: {
loader: 'akamai',
path: '',
it just works for all i care about.
possible values for images.loader are: [ default, imgix, cloudinary, akamai, custom ]
reference: https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/next/image#built-in-loaders
From Next.js 12.3, you can completely disable next/image Image Optimization using the unoptimized configuration in next.config.js. This avoids having to use a third-party provider to optimize the image when using next/export.
From the next/image documentation:
unoptimized - When true, the source image will be served as-is
instead of changing quality, size, or format. Defaults to false.
module.exports = {
images: {
unoptimized: true
Before Next.js 12.3 and from 12.2, the unoptimized configuration was still experimental and could be enabled under the experimental flag.
module.exports = {
experimental: {
images: {
unoptimized: true
Seems you use next/images.
But next/images don't work with static pages (generated with next export)
For static pages use this image-optimizer : next-optimized-images instead
I faced the same problem when using next export command. I still receive this error:
Error: Image Optimization using Next.js' default loader is not compatible with next export.
Possible solutions:
Use next start to run a server, which includes the Image Optimization API.
Use any provider which supports Image Optimization (like Vercel).
Configure a third-party loader in next.config.js.
Use the loader prop for next/image.
So, to make my custom loader working correctly, I needed
to set a path to an empty string:
module.exports = {
// https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/21079
// Remove this workaround whenever the issue is fixed
images: {
loader: 'imgix',
path: '',
BUT, when I open the resultant index.html file, none of the images or JS loaded.
So, for those who facing this also, please try to set the path to a / as such:
module.exports = {
// https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/21079
// Remove this workaround whenever the issue is fixed
images: {
loader: 'imgix',
path: '/',
This error is regarding Image/next, I was facing same error while "next build", than i use <img/> instead of <Image/> in the project and re-build it by npm run build and it resolves the error.

#Babylonjs (ES6) in Nextjs failes with unexpected token 'export'

I'm building my website with Nextjs and importing Bablyonjs was throwing up the following error.
syntaxError: Unexpected token 'export'
module.exports = require("#babylonjs/core")
I'm using the standard nextjs setup with tsconfig.json
I'm refering to this Babylon documentation and using the examples verbatim.
After a not so insignificant amount of time searching i finally learned the following.
#babylon (es6) is not compiled into javascript and is instead nicely defined (es6) typescript friendly library of source code. (helps when wanting to treeshake)
Nextjs out of the box isn't configured to compile anything in node_modules. It expects precompiled javascript ready to consume.
Point 2. is why i received the error, nextjs was expecting compiled js and it was getting uncompiled source.
To fix this you need to add a next.config.js and configure it with next-transpile-modules and next-compose-plugins.
yarn add next-transpile-modules
yarn add next-compose-plugins
//const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')(['#babylonjs']);
const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')(['#babylonjs/core']); // As per comment.
const withPlugins = require('next-compose-plugins');
const nextConfig = {
target: 'serverless',
webpack: function (config) {
/// below is not required for the problem described. Just for reference.(es6)
config.module.rules.push({test: /\.yml$/, use: 'raw-loader'})
return config
module.exports = withPlugins([withTM], nextConfig);
It compiled without error after this.
Handy links i came across solving this issue.
Links that helped some on the way to understanding the problem.
Test ES6 modules with Jest
For Next.js 11, I had to slightly revise the answer from Emile:
Install the following package:
yarn add next-transpile-modules
In your next.config.js file add the following:
const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')(["package2", "package2"]);
module.exports = withTM({
reactStrictMode: true
Put assets folder inside public folder. To access assets can be done by calling full path url.
await SceneLoader.Append(

Firebase Hosting: Function not working with ServerMiddleware (Vue/ Nuxt)

I am building a project that utilises ServerMiddleware to render some pages client side only (I can't find another way of getting this working well without ServerMiddleware. Problems on refreshing pages and so on...)
The problem: Unfortunately every time I try and deploy to my Firebase Function through 'firebase deploy' I get an error:
Error: Cannot find module '~/serverMiddleware/selectiveSSR.js'
The function builds OK if I exclude the following line. Nuxt/ Vue is not including ~/serverMiddleware/ as part of its build as far as I can see.
Here is the code in nuxt.config.js to reference my serverMiddleware:
serverMiddleware: ['~/serverMiddleware/selectiveSSR.js']
Adding either the directory or path (as above) to the file itself within Build in nuxt.config.js does not help either. Maybe I am doing it wrong?
Everything works perfectly when testing (Not building) locally.
Any ideas on how I can resolve this please?
Ok so for anyone else who hits this, here is how I got around it.
Firstly, I don't know if this is the fault of Firebase Hosting or Nuxt (I would guess Nuxt but I stand to be corrected), but here is what to do....
1) Remove any reference to ServerMiddleware from nuxt.config.js
2) Add the following to nuxt.config.js
modules: [
3) Create directory ~/local-modules/your-module-name in your project root
4) In the new directory, create a package.json:
"name": "your-module-name",
"version": "1.0.0"
and index.js - key thing, this.addServerMiddleware allows you to call middleware server-side
module.exports = function(moduleOptions) {
5) Create directory ~/serverMiddleware
6) Add your middleware function to index.js in the new directory:
export default function(req, res, next) {
next() // Always end with next()!
7) Update package.json with your new local module under "dependencies":
"your-module-name": "file:./local-modules/your-module-name"
Don't forget you need to do this within the functions directory too or Firebase will complain it can't find your new module
