I am working on an assignment, which tasks me to generate a list of data, using the below code.
##Use the make_data function to generate 25 different datasets, with mu_1 being a vector
x <- seq(0, 3, len=25)
make_data <- function(a){
n = 1000
p = 0.5
mu_0 = 0
sigma_0 = 1
sigma_1 = 1
y <- rbinom(n, 1, p)
f_0 <- rnorm(n, mu_0, sigma_0)
f_1 <- rnorm(n, mu_1, sigma_1)
x <- ifelse(y == 1, f_1, f_0)
test_index <- createDataPartition(y, times = 1, p = 0.5, list = FALSE)
list(train = data.frame(x = x, y = as.factor(y)) %>% slice(-test_index),
test = data.frame(x = x, y = as.factor(y)) %>% slice(test_index))
dat <- sapply(x,make_data)
The code looks good to go, and 'dat' appears to be a 25 column, 2 row table, each with its own data frame.
Now, each data frame within a cell has 2 columns.
And this is where I get stuck.
While I can get to the data frame in row 1, column 1, just fine (i.e. just use dat[1,1]), I can't reach the column of 'x' values within dat[1,1]. I've experimented with
But they only throw weird responses: error/null.
Any idea how I can pull the column? Thanks.
dat[1, 1] is a list.
class(dat[1, 1])
#[1] "list"
So to reach to x you can do
dat[1, 1]$train$x
dat[1, 1][[1]]$x
As a sidenote, instead of having this 25 X 2 matrix as output in dat I would actually prefer to have a nested list.
dat <- lapply(x,make_data)
#Access `x` column of first list from `train` dataset.
However, this is quite subjective and you can chose whatever format you like the best.
I have a dataframe that has two columns, x and y (both populated with numbers). I am trying to look at a moving window within the data, and I've done it like this (source):
# Extract just x and y from the original data frame
df <- dat_fin %>% select(x, y)
# Moving window creation
nr <- nrow(df)
windowSize <- 10
windfs <- lapply(seq_len(nr - windowSize + 1), function(i) df[i:(i + windowSize - 1), ])
This lapply creates a list of tibbles that are each 10 (x, y) pairs. At this point, I am trying to compute a single quantity using each of the sets of 10 pairs; my current (not working) code looks like this:
for (f in 1:length(windfs)) {
tsceps[f] = getCEP(windfs[f], accuracy = TRUE)
When I run this, I get the error:
Error in getCEP.default(windfs, accuracy = TRUE) : xy must be numeric
My goal is that the variable that I've called tsceps should be a 1 x length(windfs) data frame, each value in which comes from the getCEP calculation for each of the windowed subsets.
I've tried various things with unnest and unlist, all of which were unsuccessful.
What am I missing?
Working code:
df <- dat_fin %>% select(x, y)
nr <- nrow(df)
windowSize <- 10
windfs <- lapply(seq_len(nr - windowSize + 1), function(i) df[i:(i + windowSize - 1), ])
tsceps <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(windfs))
for (j in 1:length(windfs)) {
tsceps[j] <- getCEP(windfs[[j]], type = "CorrNormal", CEPlevel = 0.50, accuracy = TRUE)
ults <- unlist(tsceps)
ults_cep <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(ults))
for (k in 1:length(ults)) {
ults_cep[k] <- ults[[k]]
To get this working with multiple type arguments to getCEP, just use additional code blocks for each type required.
I have two datasets, each with 5 columns and 10,000 rows. I want to calculate y from values in columns between the two datasets, column 1 in data set 1 and column 1 in data set 2; then column 2 in data set 1 and column 2 in data set 2. The yneeds nonetheless to follow a set of rules before being calculated. What I did so far doesn't work, and I cannot figure it out why and if there is a easier way to do all of this.
Create data from t-distributions
mx20 <- as.data.frame(replicate(10000, rt(20,19)))
mx20.50 <- as.data.frame(replicate(10000, rt(20,19)+0.5))
Calculates the mean for each simulated sample
m20 <- apply(mx20, FUN=mean, MARGIN=2)
m20.05 <- apply(mx20.50, FUN=mean, MARGIN=2)
The steps 1 and 2_ above are repeated for five sample sizes from t-distributions rt(30,29); rt(50,49); rt(100,99); and rt(1000,999)
Bind tables (create data.frame) for each t-distribution specification
tbl <- cbind(m20, m30, m50, m100, m1000)
tbl.50 <- cbind(m20.05, m30.05, m50.05, m100.05, m1000.05)
Finally, I want to calculate the y as specified above. But here is where I get totally lost. Please see below my best attempt so far.
y = (mtheo-m0)/(m1-m0), where y = 0 when m1 < m0 and y = y when m1 >= m0. mtheo is a constant (e.g. 0.50), m1 is value in column 1 of tbl and m0 is value in column 1 of tbl.50.
ycalc <- function(mtheo, m1, m0) {
ifelse(m1>=m0) {
y = (mteo-m0)/(m1-m0)
} ifelse(m1<m0) {
} returnValue(y)
You can try this. I used data frames instead of data tables.
This code is more versatile. You can add or remove parameters. Below are the parameters that you can use to create t distributions.
params = data.frame(
n = c(20, 30, 50, 100, 1000),
df = c(19, 29, 49, 99, 999)
And here is a loop that creates the values you need for each t distribution. You can ignore this part if you already have those values (or code to create those values).
tbl = data.frame(i = c(1:10000))
tbl.50 = data.frame(i = c(1:10000))
for (i in 1:nrow(params)) {
mx = as.data.frame(replicate(10000, rt(params[i, 1], params[i, 2])))
m <- apply(mx, FUN=mean, MARGIN=2)
tbl = cbind(tbl, m)
names(tbl)[ncol(tbl)] = paste("m", params[i, 1], sep="")
mx.50 = as.data.frame(replicate(10000, rt(params[i, 1], params[i, 2])+.5))
m.50 <- apply(mx.50, FUN=mean, MARGIN=2)
tbl.50 = cbind(tbl.50, m.50)
names(tbl.50)[ncol(tbl.50)] = paste("m", params[i, 1], ".50", sep="")
tbl = tbl[-1]
tbl.50 = tbl.50[-1]
And here is the loop that does the calculations. I save them in a data frame (y). Each column in this data frame is the result of your function applied for all rows.
mtheo = .50
y = data.frame(i = c(1:10000))
for (i in 1:nrow(params)) {
y$dum = 0
idx = which(tbl[, i] >= tbl.50[, i])
y[idx, ]$dum =
(mtheo - tbl.50[idx, i]) /
(tbl[idx, i] - tbl.50[idx, i])
names(y)[ncol(y)] = paste("y", params[i, 1], sep="")
y = y[-1]
You could try this, if the first column in tbl is called m0 and the first column in tbl.50 is called m1:
mteo <- 0.5
ycalc <- ifelse(tbl$m1 >= tbl.50$m0, (mteo - tbl.50$m0)/(tbl$m1 - tbl.50$m0),
ifelse(tbl$m1 < tbl.50$m0), 0, "no")
Using the same column names provided by your code, and transforming your matrices into dataframes:
tbl <- data.frame(tbl)
tbl.50 <- data.frame(tbl.50)
mteo <- 0.5
ycalc <- ifelse(tbl$m20 >= tbl.50$m20.05, (mteo - tbl.50$m20.05)/(tbl$m20 - tbl.50$m20.05),
ifelse(tbl$m20 < tbl.50$m20.05, "0", "no"))
This results in:
[1] "9.22491706576716" "0" "0" "0" "0" "1.77027049630147"
I tried to create a matrix from a list which consists of N unequal matrices...
The reason to do this is to make R individual bootstrap samples.
In the example below you can find e.g. 2 companies, where we have 1 with 10 & 1 with just 5 observations.
Time <- c(10,5)
xv <- matrix(c(rnorm(10,5,2), rnorm(5,20,1), rnorm(10,5,2), rnorm(5,20,1)), ncol=2);
y <- matrix( c(rnorm(10,5,2), rnorm(5,20,1)));
z <- matrix(c(rnorm(10,5,2), rnorm(5,20,1), rnorm(10,5,2), rnorm(5,20,1)), ncol=2)
# create data frame of input variables which helps
# to conduct the rowise bootstrapping
data <- data.frame (y = y, xv = xv, z = z);
rows <- dim(data)[1];
cols <- dim(data)[2];
# create the index to sample from the different panels
cumTime <- c(0, cumsum (Time));
index <- findInterval (seq (1:rows), cumTime, left.open = TRUE);
# draw R individual bootstrap samples
bootList <- replicate(R = 5, list(), simplify=F);
bootList <- lapply (bootList, function(x) by (data, INDICES = index, FUN = function(x) dplyr::sample_n (tbl = x, size = dim(x)[1], replace = T)));
---------- UNLISTING ---------
Currently, I try do it incorrectly like this:
Example for just 1 entry of the list:
matrix(unlist(bootList[[1]], recursive = T), ncol = cols)
The desired output is just
as a matrix.
Do you have an idea how to do this & if possible reasonably efficient?
The matrices are then processed in unfortunately slow MLE estimations...
i found a solution for you. From what i gather, you have a Dataframe containing all observations of all companies, which may have different panel lengths. And as a result you would like to have a Bootstap sample for each company of same size as the original panel length.
You mearly have to add a company indicator
data$company = c(rep(1, 10), rep(2, 5)) # this could even be a factor.
L1 = split(data, data$company)
L2 = lapply(L1, FUN = function(s) s[sample(x = 1:nrow(s), size = nrow(s), replace = TRUE),] )
stop here if you would like to have saperate bootstap samples e.g. in case you want to estimate seperately
bootdata = do.call(rbind, L2)
Best wishes,
I've got a data.frame with 4 columns which I want to scale and then add some new columns (without scaling them). Then I perform some calculations after which I need to unscale only first 4 columns (as the remaining two weren't scaled in the first place). DMwR::unscale seems to allow for that with col.ids argument. But when I specify the fucntion like below it returns
Error in DMwR::unscale(cbind(scale(x), x2), scale(x), 1:4) :
Incorrect dimension of data to unscale.
x <- matrix(2*rnorm(400) + 1, ncol = 4)
x2 <- matrix(9*rnorm(200), ncol = 2)
DMwR::unscale(cbind(scale(x), x2), scale(x), 1:4)
What am I doing wrong? How can I unscale only selected 4 first columns of matrix?
The DMwR::unscale(vals, norm.data, col.ids) function requires that norm.data has a number of columns larger than that of vals.
I suggest to consider the following modified version of unscale:
myunscale <- function (vals, norm.data, col.ids) {
cols <- if (missing(col.ids)) 1:NCOL(vals) else col.ids
if (length(cols) > NCOL(vals))
stop("Incorrect dimension of data to unscale.")
centers <- attr(norm.data, "scaled:center")[cols]
scales <- attr(norm.data, "scaled:scale")[cols]
unvals <- scale(vals[,cols], center = (-centers/scales), scale = 1/scales)
unvals <- cbind(unvals,vals[,-cols])
attr(unvals, "scaled:center") <- attr(unvals, "scaled:scale") <- NULL
x <- matrix(2*rnorm(4000) + 1, ncol = 4)
x2 <- matrix(9*rnorm(2000), ncol = 2)
x_unsc <- myunscale(cbind(scale(x), x2), scale(x) , 1:4)
The mean values and the standard deviations of x_unsc are:
apply(x_unsc, 2, mean)
# [1] 0.9767037 0.9674762 1.0306181 1.0334445 -0.1805717 -0.1053083
apply(x_unsc, 2, sd)
# [1] 2.069832 2.079963 2.062214 2.077307 8.904343 8.810420
How can I create a data frame with 2 rows with this structure?
X1 Y1 Calc1 X2 Y2 Calc2 … Xn Yn Calcn
1 4 0.25 2 5 0.4 i i+3 i/i+3
I tried using this code:
dataRowTemp<-numeric(length = 0)
dataRow<-numeric(length = 0)
headerRowTemp<-character(length = 0)
headerRow<-character(length = 0)
for (i in 1:150){
X<- i
Y<- i+3
Calc <- X/Y
dataRowTemp <- c(X,Y,Calc)
headerRowTemp <- paste(c("X", i),c("Y", i),c("Calc", i),sep='')
unfortunately, I can’t create the a correct header (titleRow) and how can I combine them to data.frame later?
Is there an elegant and better way to do so?
Build a function to be used in each iteration.
myfun <- function(i) {
X <- i
Y <- i + 3
c(X = X, Y = Y, Calc = X/Y)
Set the number of iterations.
n <- 150
Apply the function to the numbers from 1 to n, use matrix(..., nrow = 1) to store the output in a matrix of only 1 row, and transform it into a data.frame (because it is what you say you aim at).
mydf <- data.frame(matrix(sapply(seq_len(n), myfun), nrow = 1))
Use paste0 in a loop to iteratively assign names to the column of your data.frame.
names(mydf) <- c(sapply(seq_len(n), function(i) paste0(c('X', 'Y', 'Calc'), i)))