K6: Dependant Scenarios - k6

Is it possible to run scenarios in series, with dependancy? I.E Output of one scenario as input to another?
From the documentation, it seems like scenarios can be made somewhat serial with startTime? But not sure about dependent scenarios. Is this possible?
I know that in a single scenario can have multiple APIs that can be serially tested with dependency.
The end goal is to have a summary for each API. In a single scenario, the average is given for the overall test and not each API.


Rails how to have models hit a different database dynamically

Looking to see if it's possible to have a Rails app hit multiple dbs dynamically. To be more precise:
I have an app that can operate in different regions.
Each request that comes in will identify the region.
In mysql, one region corresponds to exactly one db.
The dbs are identical in terms of the schema. Implying the AR models are all the same, it's just that depending on the request, I want the model object to be retrieved/updated from one of the per region dbs.
All of the data is isolated to that particular db. There is never any crossover, nor any need to query multiple dbs at the same time.
One way to avoid multiple db's is to add a "region" column to all the models/tables (don't really like that).
Another way to do this would simply be to fire up different instances for different regions. Again, don't really want to do that given all the config overhead (cloud servers, nginx, etc, etc).
Any ideas?
I found that Rails 6.1 introduced the notion of horizontal sharding. That was what I needed. And I found this article useful:

Gremlin: Which one is faster? within() or out().in()

I have a user search feature in my app where the searcher don't want to see some results, he does this by "blocking" a tag, when blocking a tag all users that are "subscribed" to that tag will be ignored in his search results.
I'm writing the query to filter the search results and I found 2 ways of getting the same:
Gremlify: https://gremlify.com/xnqhvtzo6b
One uses within() and the other performs 2 steps out() and in(), I want to know which one is faster so I can decide which one to use, these 2 options are possible in many queries of my application.
I ran both queries in the gremlin console with profile() step at the end but the >TOTAL field gives random time numbers from 0.300ms to 1.220ms for both queries, because of this I don't know how to compare the performance of 2 queries.
I will offer a general answer here that is largely derived from the comments on the question itself. It really isn't possible to profile() one graph and then project those results on another. They will each have different capabilities and performance characteristics. If you need to know which of two approaches to a query is better, then you must test both traversals on the graph system you intend to target.
I'd also be wary of going too far in a particular development direction without doing ongoing testing on the target graph. Just as you wouldn't do all your development on MySQL only to switch to Oracle when it was time to go to production, you really shouldn't try to build your entire application against a graph you don't intend to use. There are subtle differences in these systems that could make a significant differences to you.
As to the differences in profile() times on TinkerGraph, there is bound to be timing differences on the JVM for what I'm guessing is a test on a small dataset that resides in memory. Or perhaps for TinkerGraph there is no significant difference between the two approaches. Consider trying to execute the queries a few thousand times and average the time taken and compare that. Gremlin Console has a clock() function that helps with that. Of course, as I alluded to earlier what you learn there is no guarantee that you have the right solution on Neptune.
If you'd like a bit of analysis about your queries I could offer a few words (though I don't base this thinking on Neptune specifically). How each performs depends a lot on your graph structure, but I think I'd be the first query to be faster because it captures "blocked" vertices with:
and re-use it over and over for however many V().hasLabel('user') there are. That's just a gut feeling though. I'm guessing the blocked list will be relatively small for a single user so traversing the opposing way with:
would just be more expensive as you would have to traverse a lot more "blocked" edges that don't terminate with the initial vertex.

StatsD/Graphite Naming Conventions for Metrics

I'm beginning the process of instrumenting a web application, and using StatsD to gather as many relevant metrics as possible. For instance, here are a few examples of the high-level metric names I'm currently using:
...and there are many, many more. What I'm grappling with right now is establishing a consistent hierarchy and set of naming conventions for the various metrics, so that the current ones make sense and that there are logical buckets within which to add future metrics.
My question is two fold:
What relevant metrics are you gathering that you have found indespensible?
What naming structure are you using to categorize metrics?
This is a question that has no definitive answer but here's how we do it at Datadog (we are a hosted monitoring service so we tend to obsess over these things).
1. Which metrics are indispensable? It depends on the beholder. But at a high-level, for each team, any metric that is as close to their goals as possible (which may not be the easiest to gather).
System metrics (e.g. system load, memory etc.) are trivial to gather but seldom actionable because they are too hard to reliably connect them to a probable cause.
On the other hand number of completed product tours matter to anyone tasked with making sure new users are happy from the first minute they use the product. StatsD makes this kind of stuff trivially easy to collect.
We have also found that the core set of key metrics for any teamchanges as the product evolves so there is a continuous editorial process.
Which in turn means that anyone in the company needs to be able to pick and choose which metrics matter to them. No permissions asked, no friction to get to the data.
2. Naming structure The highest level of hierarchy is the product line or the process. Our web frontend is internally called dogweb so all the metrics from that component are prefixed with dogweb.. The next level of hierarchy is the sub-component, e.g. dogweb.db., dogweb.http., etc.
The last level of hierarchy is the thing being measured (e.g. renderTime or responseTime).
The unresolved issue in graphite is the encoding of metric metadata in the metric name (and selection using *, e.g. dogweb.http.browser.*.renderTime) It's clever but can get in the way.
We ended up implementing explicit metadata in our data model, but this is not in statsd/graphite so I will leave the details out. If you want to know more, contact me directly.

How to test two numbers that appear on different pages?

Have a stored procedure that produces a number--let's say 50, that is rendered as an anchor with the number as the text. When the user clicks the number, a popup opens and calls a different stored procedure and shows 50 rows in a html table. The 50 rows are the disaggregation of the number the user clicked. In summary, two different aspx pages and two different stored procedures that need to show the same amount, one amount is the aggregate and the other the disaggregation of the aggregate.
Question, how do I test this code so I know that if the numbers do not match, there is an error somewhere.
Note: This is a simplified example, in reality there are 100s of anchor tags on the page.
This kind of testing falls outside of the standard / code level testing paradigm. Here you are explicitly validating the data and it sounds like you need a utility to achieve this.
There are plenty of environments to do this and approaches you can take, but here's two possible candidates
SQL Management Studio : here you can generate a simply script that can run through the various combinations from the two stored procedures ensuring that the number and rows match up. This will involve some inventive T-SQL but nothing particular taxing. The main advantage of this approach is you'll have bare metal access to the data.
Unit Testing : as mentioned your problem is somewhat outside of the typical testing scenario where you would oridnarily Mock the data and test into your Business Logic. However, that doesn't mean you cannot write the tests (especially if you are doing any Dataset manipulation prior to this processing. Check out this link and this one for various approaches (note: if you're using VS2008 or above, you get the Testing Projects built in from the Professional Version up).
In order to test what happens when the numbers do not match, I would simply change (temporary) one of the stored procedure to return the correct amount +1, or always return zero, etc.

ArrayCollection fast filtering

I have the following situation: have a screen with 4 charts, each being populated with 59 array collections. Each array collection has 2000+ data points.
This construct needs to be filtered(by time), but the problem I'm encountering is the fact that it takes a long time for the filtering to finish(which is to expected given the amount of data points that need to filtered).
Filtering one chart at a time is not option, so I wanted to ask you what do you think would be the best approach? (should I use vector instead?). To generalize this question what would be the best way to filter large collections in flex/as3?
You'll have to squeeze out every bit of performance improvement that's possible and that's suited:
use Vector if possible, and as much as you can. It has (contrary to what www.flextras.com posits) a filter property which accepts a filtering function.
ArrayCollections are slow. (In general all flex native classes are unnecessarily slow) So if you really HAVE to use ArrayCollections, only use them to present the resulting Vectors.
if the problem is that the application "freezes" you can look into green threading so you can present the user with a progress bar, that way they at least have a sense of progress.
I would suggest to filter large collections on the server. This has several benefits:
you may be able to minimize network traffic because only the filtered data have to be transferred
server side computing can be parallelized and is typically faster, because of more performant hardware and the server's runtime language (e.g. Java).
services requests are done asynchronously, so your client application is not blocked
Use vector's wherever possible, use green threading if you still can't manage. Internally we use a lot of dictionaries to cache computed queries for later lookup. Dictionaries in as3 are one of the fastest objects around. So we pre-filter in the background and story the various filterted collections in a dictionary. Not sure if it works for your case.
Ok, so I googled around more for green threading and stumbled upon a project by gskinner (PerformanceTestv2). Testing the generation of data vs rendering time got me the following results:
[MethodTest name='Set gain series test: ' time=1056.0 min=1056 max=1056 deviation=0.000 memory=688] //filtering data source
[MethodTest name='Set gain series test: ' time=24810.0 min=24810 max=24810 deviation=0.000 memory=16488] //filtering + rendering.
Next I looked on how to improve rendering time of the chart, but not much improvement. However I did find a project based on Degrafa: Axis. This has been ported to flex 4, event 4.5([Axiss 4.5])3. I've integrated charts based on this framework and the results are really great so far.
