add other then default footer in WordPress v6.0 - wordpress

I am new in WordPress,
I want to know how to add footer other then default footer
( example: Footer file name - home-footer.php and need to use for home page, same as contact-us-footer.php for contact us page ). let me how i can achieve this.

if you are adding your files in theme or WordPress core files then this will automatically remove when your WordPress will be updated unless you creat child theme so just better to create to footers with any page builder I recommend elementor and then hide that with page id you will find that in the body tag of every page like this
.page-id-111 .footer{
Let me know if you don't understand anything

You have to name the file footer-home.php. Then you can call this footer in the page template (i.e. page-home.php) using get_footer('home').
Wordpress will use the right file, if it is named correctly starting with footer-*.php.


Can't seem to import bootstrap into wordpress

I am trying to import a page I made in bootstrap into Wordpress and I can't seem to figure it out.
I would like someone to give me some hands-on support if they have the time. I get different results with different attempts.
I changed my index.html to home.php and suddenly the entire site goes down. Restored it again and did something else and then the site showed up without its CSS. i understood i had to create a functions.php file where i call the stylesheets but im not getting any further.
What do i need to do to succesfully import a bootstrap page as theme in wordpress?
You need to create a WP theme, or just a WP page template (in case of just one page.)
In your current theme, if you have page.php , duplicate it by saying e.g. page-custom.php
In the template header section name the template:
<?php /* Template Name: Example Template */ ?>
Below it add your bootstrap page's code, you may need to fix paths to css/js files but I am sure you will figure that out by googling.
Once you have that page as WP template. Now create a page in WordPress to which you want to apply that bootstrap template.. and in the page edit sidebar, there is section you can select that custom template you created.
see this photo:
Now if you will visit the page on the front-end , that page will have bootstrap design applied from your custom template.

Trying to change CSS on New-Post page (WP-admin)

I’m inside the New Post page on WP-Admin, where you can create a new post.
At the right column, there’s the category selector, in which you select the category for that new post.
I have something like 15 categories, and therefore the category box is showing with a scrolling bar. Since I need to automate some post creation, I need all the categories to be visible right away, without having to scroll.
So I found the css file that manages the height of the category box (it’s inside /wp-admin/css/edit.css and //wp-admin/css/edit-rtl.css) and there I changed the CSS files to allow a bigger height by default on that box.
However when I open the new post page, it still shows the small box in categories, and when I see the CSS rule, the change I made is not visible. It’s like the CSS is cached or something. I already made sure that my browser is not caching it.
The problem I think it’s because the CSS rules are not pulled directly from CSS files, but from this file:,admin-bar,buttons,media-views,common,forms,admin-menu,dashboard,list-tables,edit,revisions,media,themes,about,nav-menu&load%5B%5D=s,widgets,site-icon,l10n,wp-auth-check&ver=4.7
That file seems to go and gather the CSS information from some place (which I assumed was the CSS files in the wp-admin/css/ folder, in which I could find the exact same CSS rules that were applied to the category box) but for some reason, it’s not retreiving the updated CSS file. Or something else is happening (Server side caching the PHP response and therefore retreiving all the time the old response?)
I wouldn't recommend tampering with core admin files, as any changes you make could be lost from a WordPress update.
The proper way to do it is through a custom function added to your theme or child-theme functions.php file:
add_action('admin_head', 'custom_admin_css');
function custom_admin_css() {
echo '<style>
/* remove scrollbar from categories panel */
.categorydiv div.tabs-panel { max-height: none !important; }
Another options that will allow you to have CSS for individual pages is to use this OH header/footer plugin. Once you install the plugin you can then add your CSS in the header textarea of the pages admin. Just make sure you enclose your CSS within a <style></style> tag.

creating wordpress custom php page

I'm trying my make my first theme for wordpress.
Is there any possibility to create custom php page to display custom content?
Pretty much adding to WordPress another copy of the likes of single.php, post.php or 404.php.
All I want just a page to display the custom content on it.
Every tutorial I found so far uses just creating new page within WordPress.
I want to avoid it and for custom page to be enabled straight after theme activation.
The Idea is to have something like my_custom_page.php and to be able link to it after.
Is there any way of doing it?
here is the solution to what I was looking for
To achieve custom page functionality you can use page template concept of wordpress. Creating a page template is extremely easy. Create any new file in your theme and start the file with a comment block like so:
Template Name: My Awesome Custom Page
<h1>Hello There</h1>
You need paste php code inside this template file. When you submit for then redirection action will be page with custom template page.
Referance :
Video :

wordpress. error creating content for custom templates with twentytwelve theme

i'm using the twentytwelve theme and i have to write custom content into my example template.
I want to maintain my header content so the main structure is the following
header = id page, wrapper = primary, content
footer = close wrapper, close id page
If i have understood correctly, if i want to insert content into the middle of my page i have to do it into my template page (that is a copy of the main page.php), that is in the middle between my header and my footer
For example i want to insert a div into which insert the loop of such category.
The problem is that it displays me nothing, like i've wrote nothing. I can only see the contents if i erase all the originary div, but it's not what i want to do, just because the only div is the page which is my container.
I can't catch what i have to do.
Can you tell me what i forgot to do?
page.php is a "master" document. header.php, footer.php and (if it exists) sidebar.php are all imported into page.php. Twenty Twelve also uses atomized content templates. You may need to add your div to content-page.php, which is also imported into page.php. content-page.php is used inside the wordpress loop, and encapsulates the code that pulls in the actual article elements from the wordpress database.
If you are trying to add straight HTML to the templates, ensure that you are not adding code between the php brackets:
<?php // don't add html here ?>
<div>do add html here</div>
Depending upon the type of wordpress page you are trying to display, you may need to consult the Wordpress Template hierarchy to determine the proper Wordpress naming convention for your template file (the copy of page.php).
Technically speaking, everything in content-page.php can be put into page.php replacing the get_template_part function. All the 'content' pages are totally not required and can be combined into one file if you want simplicity.
In my opinion, it's easier to start from scratch when learning Wordpress rather than try and re-work something. The default wordpress themes don't lend themselves to be beginner friendly.

wordpress edit specific page html

For example I'm create new page in wordpress "page3" I want edit html and css of this page and add for example my contacs, how to do this ?
I'm searching in theme options, but no resut.
You can edit the page.php file but what you do to it will effect all other pages. Or you can duplciate the page.php file and call it page-3.php (Or whatever your "Page3" page ID number is). Be sure to keep the calls for the header and footer and the tops and bottoms of your page .
