Problem with IIS for creating file on Servers Folder -

I have an AspNet App (Blazor) running on IIS server.
I would like to create a txt file on the server, but it doesn't work.
I changed the AppPool identity to a domain user accound and the directories in E: have full permissions for this account.
It works in VisualStudio IIS Express, but not in IIS.
Anyone here who can help me? A permission problem`?
C# Code for creating txt file:
File.WriteAllText(#"E:\Publish\Export\Test.txt", "Hello World");

If you want to save to a specific path, use MapPath (or Server.MapPath) to get the physical path corresponding to the application. Because by default the web server (IIS or local development server) will save to its working directory.
Also you need to make sure the account running IIS has read/write permissions to the directory you need to write to. If you're looking for user accounts, go to "Advanced Settings" under Application Pools and check what's set for "Identity".


IIS forgets virtual directory permissions - An error occurred loading a configuration file: Failed to start monitoring changes

I have a website with a virtual directory that contains PDFs.
Users access the PDFs by using a URL such as, where PDFs is a virtual directory mapped to \\\actualPhysicalServerName\PDFsDirectory\.
This works.
I routinely re-deploy the application. Once the application is redeployed and the website restarted, users can no longer access the virtual directory until IIS is restarted.
Accessing the above URL gives the following error:
An error occurred loading a configuration file: Failed to start monitoring changes to \\\actualPhysicalServerName\PDFsDirectory\web.config because access is denied.
at System.Web.FileChangesMonitor.FindDirectoryMonitor(String dir, Boolean addIfNotFound, Boolean throwOnError)
at System.Web.FileChangesMonitor.StartMonitoringFile(String alias, FileChangeEventHandler callback)
at System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationHost.StartMonitoringStreamForChanges(String streamName, StreamChangeCallback callback)
at System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.MonitorStream(String configKey, String configSource, String streamname)
at System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.InitConfigFromFile()
Restarting the application pool does not help.
I have to restart IIS.
Once IIS is restarted, the virtual directory can be accessed as expected.
Is this expected behavior? Have I set up my virtual directories incorrectly?
I am using IIS 7.5, Windows 7 server, and .NET 4.5.
I solved this problem this way:
Created new pool with "No managed code" and "Classic" settings.
Converted virtual directory to application, connecting with a user account with permissions on the share
Have application use the new pool
For anyone else frustrated with the same issue - while I did not find the crux of the problem, I did figure out that this problem was related to the Identity of the Application Pool that the website was running under.
In my case, the solution was to change the App Pool identity from the ApplicationPoolIdentity Built-in account to a custom account that is an administrator on all of the machines involved.
To do this
Right click on the application pool in IIS, Choose Advanced Properties.
Under ProcessModel->Identity , choose Identity. Choose Custom Account (Built-in account, Application Pool Identity is the default in IIS 7.5)
Switch to using a Custom Domain account, that is an administrator on this machine, as well as the machine where the virtual directory is hosted.
Restart the Application Pool.
I had a Virtual directory pointing to images on UNC share. All was working fine until we updated parent app to .NET 4.5.
We had to convert the VirDir to Virtual Application with 4.0 Integrated Application Pool.
Old topic but I was able to solve it by following these instructions (basically add ASPNET and IUSR to permissions:
In Windows Explorer, browse to the application folder or to the virtual directory that contains the content (for example, c:\inetpub\wwwroot\xx).
Right-click the folder, and then click Properties.
On the Security tab, click Add.
On the "Select Users or Groups" window, click on Advance
Click on Find Now button, you will see List of users
Select ASPNET and IUSR_(machinename) then click OK to close the"Select Users or Groups" window
Allow the following permissions for the ASPNET and IUSR_(machinename) account:
-Read & Execute
-List Folder Content

How to grant rights properly to a folder on IIS 7.5 Express

I'm getting a quite common exception: Access to the path 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Content\Images\Uploads\<there goes my hashed guid as a subfolder name which is created dynamically>'
I'm using IIS Express 7.5. I'm using WA authentication in my application. Impersonation's disabled both in web.config and on IIS.
I looked at application pool the site is running (which is ASP.NET 4.0). Application pool identity: Network Service. I have given full control rights to the Uploads folder for IIS AppPool\ASP.NET 4.0. Also did this for authenticated users. Checked I did this for subfolders.
Helped a little
I have created the folder: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Content\Images\Uploads. It wasn't present on my C drive before). Then I added full control permissions for Network Authority on the folder and successfully uploaded a file to the path.
So I'm just curious where should I keep my project folder? Now I keeping it on other drive, not C.
Ok. I understood. All this is connected to my code where Server.MapPath is called.
You must give permission to the Uploads folder for NetworkService witch is the ASP.NET 4.0 identity.

access denied for deployed on iis

I Have an web application that access files on shared folder from remote host,
when the web application is run from vs2008 it retrives the image files and display ever when i deploy the same project in IIS using virtual directory, the application couldn't access the files on the shared folder it says access denied.
is there any persmission setting i needed to add, I have already add the and network service to the project files on the phsical path where the virtual path is pointing too.
string pic3 = #"\\M37350\temp\GraphicUserImage.jpg";
FileInfo f = new FileInfo(pic3);
if (f.Exists)
Image1.ImageUrl = pic3;
Image1.Visible = true;
VS2008 is using your credentials when executing web application. You will need to set up an account (one that has access to the remote folder) in your IIS virtual directory.
you'll need to set the Application Pool's Identity to a domain account (domain\user) with access to this shared folder, the built-in "Network Service" account doesn't have access to a remote shared folder.
To change your App Pool Identity:
you'll need to know which Application Pool your website is using by going to the Website properties "Home Directory" tab (Application Pool is the last item)
Close out the Website properties and under Application Pools in IIS find the corresponding Application Pool, open properties and go to the "Identity" tab to change the user.
Might also check this answer on Permission for ASP.NET application on web server to access shared folder on another server
And this step by step for setting custom app pool identity ASP.Net and IIS Support Team Blog for Microsoft France
You need to chmod the shared folder so it is readable and writable to you and/or others. Usually the host has an interface for this. As far as I know, the permissions cannot be set from code.

ASP.NET/IIS7.5 Writing Log File Not Working (Permissions, UAC, Config., ???)

We're having trouble migrating our ASP.NET applications to Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 and IIS7.5. The problem is that our ASP.NET apps write log files, and these log files are not being written. The only way the apps write their log files is if I'm logged into the server as the local Administrator user or if I right click and run IE as Run as Administrator, neither of which is an acceptable solution for us.
Our platform is:
Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 (UAC setting is the default setting)
ASP.NET 4.0 (using Windows authentication and impersonation, both on in web.config)
Our app gets installed to:
[appnameWebSite] (all the .aspx, .dll, etc. files are in here)
\Log (the app tries to write the log file to this folder)
On the server:
Created new App Pool (name: [appname], .NET 4.0, Managed Pipeline Mode: Classic, Identity: ApplicationPoolIdentity, Load User Profile: False, all other properties are the defaults)
Created IIS application pointing to D:[appname][appnameWebSite] and added it the the new App Pool (Full trust level)
Have a domain user in local Administrators group
With all the configuration and default settings listed above, the ASP.NET app will not write the log file. The app appears to work fine in the browser, but no log.txt file.
To try to "fix" this issues, we've tried many things:
Tried Application Pool setting: Managed Pipeline Mode: Integrated
Tried Application Pool setting: Identity: NetworkService
Tried Application Pool setting: Identity: LocalSystem
Tried Application Pool setting: Load User Profile: True
Gave Users group full control to file system for our application folder structure (tried appname folder, tried Log folder only, tried appnameWebSite and Log folders only)
Gave IIS AppPool[appname] (matching the new App Pool) user full control to file system for our application folder structure (tried appname folder, tried Log folder only, tried appnameWebSite and Log folders only)
None of these things helped. Again, the app would run fine, just no log file created.
As mentioned above, the only way that the log file is created when the app runs is if we log into the server using the local Administrator account (which makes sense since he's a super user) or if we run IE as administrator and elevate privileges.
Any suggestions? Help? Questions?
I tried granting every permission possible and still wasn't getting any log files. Finally I came across this which suggested changing the ownership of my logfiles directory. I checked, and the directory ownership was set to SYSTEM. I changed it to Administrators and applied the change recursively. I bounced IIS, hit a webpage from the site in the browser, and now I have log files. Hooray!
Note: the thing that tipped me off was checking the System event log. I was getting 15006 errors saying "Owner of the log file or directory C:\inetpub\logfiles\W3SVC1\some.log is invalid. This could be because another user has already created the log file or the directory."
Well, after days of trying every IIS option, user and group accounts, file system permissions, Process Explorer, etc., I think we got it working:
We reset all our IIS app pool and web site settings to their default values
We also reset the folder/file system permissions on our Log folder to the default settings
Then we turned off Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration on the server
And success! The log file is written as expected no matter what user is using the ASP.NET application, and no matter if they're running it on the server itself or from a workstation.
I don't know if turning off Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration on the server is the "correct" thing to do or if it violates any best practices, but it seems to work for us.
Does anyone have anything to add?
I struggled with this one for a while. The ApplicationPoolIdentity is a member of the Users group and the Users group has limited access.
From Explorer, right-click on the folder where you are trying to write and go to Security. Click the Advanced button. you will see that Users have Read and Execute permission and the Users group may or may not have Special permissions. If not, Click on Change Permissions and give Users the ability to Create files / write data and Create folders / append data. This is restricted to this folder. I usially use a subfolder so that I not provide write access to my whole website.
Try creating log files again. This is the only permission that I needed to set to make it work.
For me the trick was giving write access for SYSTEM and Administrators not only to the log folder itself, but also every folder in the path. This is not how permissions usually work in Windows, but IIS appears to be really rather particular about it. Not that there is a good reason to remove these two from the ACLs to begin with.
If you suspect this to be the problem, check the Event Log under Windows Logs / System. This issue manifests itself as an Error entry from source HttpEvent, and reads "Unable to create log file C:\path\to\logs\W3SVC1\u_extend1.log. Make sure that the logging directory is correct and this computer has write access to that directory."
P.S. This is true for IIS 10 but may apply to other versions too.

Error 500.19 - IIS 7.5 Site based on UNC - File Permissions Problem

I'm trying to get a website in my IIS 7.5 (Win 7 Pro machine) to run via a UNC path to the code for one of the default website and an underlying App. This is the first time I've ever tried to set up a site/app in IIS 7.5 based off a UNC path: a folder on another server in the same domain.
I've tried various things to try to get this resolved. The app pool is running under ApplicationPoolIdentity on my Win 7 Pro PC where I have this site set up.
The runtime error I get when trying to run the app in the browser via http://localhost/TheAppName is:
Module: IIS Web Core
Notification: Unknown
Handler: Not Yet Determined
Error Code: 0x800700005
Config Error: Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions
Config File: \\?\UNC\theServerName\www\TheAppName
Requested URL: http://localhost:80/TheAppName
Physical Path: (nothing showing up here)
Logon Method: Not yet determined
Logon User: Not yet determined
I put in fake names for the server and app name above for privacy for this post.
So it's having trouble reading the web.config found in that UNC path for this site.
I tried to add a local user on the target server and then then gave that user permissions to the web.config and then used that user RemoteServerName\LocalUserICreated as the app pool's Identity on my machine but it had no effect.
No clue what to do here and how to go about it.
I assume the UNC path is to a different server?
If so are both servers in the same domain? If so then IIS needs to run the website under a user account that has permissions to read the files.
If not you need to create identical user accounts (same username, same password) on the web server and the file storage server and then change IIS to run the website under this user account.
Hope this helps/works.
When you create a web application or virtual directory from a UNC path, you need to provide the credentials to IIS for the connection.
In the Add Application dialog, below the Physical path section is the "Connect as..." button - you can then choose either "Application user (pass-through authentication)" or "Specific user".
Which ever you choose, they have to be credentials that will be recognised by the remote server - "Pass-through" will try and use the current desktop (or browser) credentials to authenticate the user which (if you're connecting via a VPN as per your comments) almost certainly won't be valid. In this case you should use "Specific user" and provide (ideally) a domain user with suitable permissions to run the site.
When we've needed to do this in the past, we'd create an account on the domain that the local AppPools would run under, and then this could be used in these situations as well.
If you've already created the application, the dialog can be reached using the "Basic Settings..." action link.
I took me a few hours to finally solve the same issue for myself. Turned out I used the wrong slashes in my physical path. It should be \ these, not // these.
Zhaph and Alan both identify the work-around suggested by Microsoft. Here's the rest of the information from Microsoft's page on your problem:
IIS 6.0 uses the hosting worker-process identity to connect to a remote directory. Then, IIS 6.0 authenticates the user against the remote directory. However, IIS 7.0 introduces delegation scenarios. In IIS 7.0, you can delegate Web-site settings and application-level settings to a Web.config file.
For pass-through authentication, the Web.config file is stored in a UNC directory. Therefore, the default-process identity in IIS 7.0 must examine the Web.config file first to determine whether any security-related settings must be applied before the authentication process starts. The default-process identity in IIS 7.0 does not have sufficient permissions to open the Web.config file. Therefore, the Web request is rejected.
If there is no Web.config file in the UNC directory, IIS 7.0 uses the rules that are defined for the parent directory. For the Web content to be served in this scenario, the worker-process identity must have access to the whole content directory. Otherwise, the Web request is rejected.
To resolve this behavior and to make sure that pass-through authentication works correctly, follow these steps:
Make sure that all the user accounts that access the UNC directory have at least the Read permission for the UNC directory.
Note This behavior is the same as the behavior in IIS 6.0.
Make sure that the IIS worker-process identity is running under a domain account or under a workgroup account that also exists on the UNC file server. If it is necessary, create an account on the UNC file server that has the same user name and the same password as the IIS worker-process identity.
This behavior differs from the behavior in IIS 6.0.
By default, the DefaultAppPool application pool runs under the Network Service account. This account is local to the computer, and this account does not exist on another computer. Therefore, make sure that you configure the DefaultAppPool application pool to use an account that is a domain user. Then, you can use the same account on the UNC file server. Alternatively, you can create a workgroup account on the UNC file server and on the computer that is running IIS 7.0.
If there is a Web.config file in the UNC directory, edit the discretionary access control list (DACL) for the Web.config file so that the DACL contains the account that you verified in step 2. Alternatively, edit the DACL for the Web.config file so that the DACL contains the account that you created in step 2.
If there is no Web.config file in the UNC directory, edit the DACL for the UNC directory so that the DACL contains the account that you verified in step 2. Alternatively, edit the DACL for the UNC directory so that the DACL contains the account that you created in step 2.
Note This behavior differs from the behavior in IIS 6.0.
