I am writing the below code, and in the code the last() function does not work. I get the below error.
ERROR: UndefVarError: last not defined
But when I use last() outside of the function with same logic it works.
I am trying to write the below function -
function mergeOverlappingIntervals(intervals)
sort!(intervals, by = x -> intervals[1])
new_interval = intervals[1]
for i in range(2, length(intervals))
if last(new_intervals)[2] >= intervals[i][1]
last(new_intervals) = [minimum!(last(new_intervals)[1], intervals[i][1]), maximum!(last(new_intervals)[2], intervals[2])]
push!(new_interval, intervals[i])
Can you please help?
If you are trying to merge the intervals, note that your sort does not work since `by = x -> intervals[1] is a constant: you wanted to say by = x -> x[1]. and the default sort on vectors does that already.
You could instead do:
using Random
intervals = shuffle([[1, 2], [3, 5], [4, 6]])
function mergeintervals(intervals)
#assert length(intervals) > 1
a = [copy(intervals[begin])]
for v in #view intervals[begin+1:end]
if a[end][end] >= v[begin]
if a[end][end] < v[end]
a[end][end] = v[end]
push!(a, copy(v))
return a
#show mergeintervals(intervals) # [[1, 2], [3, 6]]
The reason last(x) does not work is that (unlike x[end]) it does not return an lvalue, that is, it does not produce a value or syntactic expression that you can assign to. So Julia thinks you are trying to redefine the function last(x) when you attempt to assign to it (as DNF pointed out). (An lvalue is something that can be used as the left hand side of an assignment, which in Julia does not mean it is a direct memory address: see below).
A straightforward implementation, after fixing two errors. last() cannot be assigned to as others said, and minimum or maximum are used with arrays, you want max here to compare scalars. Finally you should return the new merged stack of intervals.
function mergeIntervals(intervals)
stack = [intervals[1]]
for i in 2:length(intervals)
if stack[end][2] < intervals[i][1]
push!(stack, intervals[i])
stack[end][2] = max(stack[end][2], intervals[i][2])
return stack
Test an example:
intervals = [[6, 8], [1, 9], [2, 4], [4, 7]]
[[1, 9]]
I was able to solve the problem by taking the suggestions from all the answers posted. Thank you.
Below is the code -
function mergeOverlappingIntervals(intervals)
sort!(intervals, by = x -> intervals[1])
new_interval = [intervals[1]]
for i in range(2, length(intervals))
if new_interval[end][2] >= intervals[i][1]
new_interval[end] = [min(new_interval[end][1], intervals[i][1]), max(new_interval[end][2], intervals[i][2])]
push!(new_interval, intervals[i])
return new_interval
I am trying to create a code which identifies if the elements in an array are monotonic or not.
I wrote the below code and got the error -
function isMonotonic(array)
if length(array) <= 2
return true
check_up = []
check_down = []
for i in range(2, length(array))
if array[i] <= array[i-1]
append!(check_up, 1)
if array[i] >= array[i - 1]
append!(check_down, 1)
if sum(check_up) == length(array) - 1 || sum(check_down) == length(array) - 1
return true
return false
isMonotonic([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7])
I am getting the below error
Error: Methoderror: no method matching zero(::Type{Any})
I think it is because I am trying to sum up the empth array, I want to understand how to overcome this problem in general, I have a solution for the above code, but in genral I want to know the reason and how to use it. I do not want to first check if the array is empty or not and then do the sum.
If you wanted to save yourself lots of effort, the simplest solution would just be:
my_ismonotonic(x) = issorted(x) || issorted(x ; rev=true)
This will return true if x is sorted either forwards, or in reverse, and false otherwise.
We could maybe make it a little more efficient using a check so we only need a single call to issorted.
function my_ismonotonic(x)
length(x) <= 2 && return true
for n = 2:length(x)
if x[n] > x[1]
return issorted(x)
elseif x[n] < x[1]
return issorted(x ; rev=true)
return true
# Alternatively, a neater version using findfirst
function my_ismonotonic(x)
length(x) <= 2 && return true
ii = findfirst(a -> a != x[1], x)
isnothing(ii) && return true # All elements in x are equal
if x[ii] > x[1]
return issorted(x)
return issorted(x ; rev=true)
The loop detects the first occurrence of an element greater than or less than the first element and then calls the appropriate issorted as soon as this occurs. If all elements in the array are equal then the loop runs over the whole array and returns true.
There are a few problems of efficiency in your approach, but the reason you are getting an actual error message is because given the input, either this expression sum(check_up) or this expression sum(check_down) will effectively result in the following call:
There is no obvious return value for this since the array could have any type, so instead you get an error. If you had used the following earlier in your function:
check_up = Int[]
check_down = Int[]
then you shouldn't have the same problem, because:
julia> sum(Int[])
Note also that append! is usually for appending a vector to a vector. If you just want to add a single element to a vector use push!.
so I wrote a minimum example to show what I'm trying to do. Basically I want to solve a optimization problem with multiple variables. When I try to do this in JuMP I was having issues with my function obj not being able to take a forwardDiff object.
I looked here: and it seemed to do with the function signature :Restricting function signatures while using ForwardDiff in Julia . I did this in my obj function, and for insurance did it in my sub-function as well, but I still get the error
LoadError: MethodError: no method matching Float64(::ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{JuMP.var"#110#112"{typeof(my_fun)},Float64},Float64,2})
Closest candidates are:
Float64(::Real, ::RoundingMode) where T<:AbstractFloat at rounding.jl:200
Float64(::T) where T<:Number at boot.jl:715
Float64(::Int8) at float.jl:60
This still does not work. I feel like I have the bulk of the code correct, just some weird of type thing going on that I have to clear up so autodifferentiate works...
Any suggestions?
using JuMP
using Ipopt
using LinearAlgebra
function obj(x::Array{<:Real,1})
x1 = x[1]
x2 = x[2]
eye= Matrix{Float64}(I, 4, 4)
obj_val = tr(eye-kron(mat_fun(x1),mat_fun(x2)))
return obj_val
function mat_fun(var::T) where {T<:Real}
eye= Matrix{Float64}(I, 2, 2)
return eye
m = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
my_fun(x...) = obj(collect(x))
#variable(m, 0<=x[1:2]<=2.0*pi)
register(m, :my_fun, 2, my_fun; autodiff = true)
#NLobjective(m, Min, my_fun(x...))
# retrieve the objective value, corresponding x values and the status
Use instead
function obj(x::Vector{T}) where {T}
x1 = x[1]
x2 = x[2]
eye= Matrix{T}(I, 4, 4)
obj_val = tr(eye-kron(mat_fun(x1),mat_fun(x2)))
return obj_val
function mat_fun(var::T) where {T}
eye= Matrix{T}(I, 2, 2)
return eye
Essentially, anywhere you see Float64, replace it by the type in the incoming argument.
I found the problem:
in my mat_fun the type of the return had to be "Real" in order for it to propgate through. Before it was Float64, which was not consistent with the fact I guess all types have to be Real with the autodifferentiate. Even though a Float64 is clearly Real, it looks like the inheritence isn't perserved i.e you have to make sure everything that is returned and inputed are type Real.
using JuMP
using Ipopt
using LinearAlgebra
function obj(x::AbstractVector{T}) where {T<:Real}
x1 = x[1]
x2 = x[2]
eye= Matrix{Float64}(I, 4, 4)
obj_val = tr(eye-kron(mat_fun(x1),mat_fun(x2)))
return obj_val
function mat_fun(var::T) where {T<:Real}
eye= zeros(Real,(2,2))
return eye
m = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
my_fun(x...) = obj(collect(x))
#variable(m, 0<=x[1:2]<=2.0*pi)
register(m, :my_fun, 2, my_fun; autodiff = true)
#NLobjective(m, Min, my_fun(x...))
# retrieve the objective value, corresponding x values and the status
I'm very new to Julia but I've got a some background in Scheme/Rust/F#.
Today I wanted to make yesterday's AoC nicer without an explicit number of nested loops.
I arrived at this working solution, but I don't like the last if. In the languages mentioned above I would call a function (or use a computation expression) that gives me the first result that is not None. For Julia, I expected something to do that. It does, but unexpectedly in an eager fashion.
So When I tried return something(find(r, n, start + 1, which), find(r, n - 1, start + 1, extended)), that also evaluated the second argument when the first already had a result—and thus crashed.
Is there a macro/lazy version or something that I didn't find? How are you supposed to handle a case like that?
I also thought about (short-circuited) or'ing them together, but I guess Julia's strictness in that matter spoils that.
using DataStructures
function find(r::Array{Int}, n, start = 1, which = nil())::Union{Int,Nothing}
if start <= length(r)
extended = cons(start, which)
with_current = sum(i -> r[i], extended)
if with_current == 2020 && n == 1
return prod(i -> r[i], extended)
# Unfortunately no :(
#return something(find(r, n, start + 1, which), find(r, n - 1, start + 1, extended))
re = find(r, n, start + 1, which)
if isnothing(re)
return find(r, n - 1, start + 1, extended)
Let me comment more on it why it is not possible given the discussion in the comments.
In Julia function arguments are evaluated eagerly, so Julia evaluates both find(r, n, start + 1, which) and find(r, n - 1, start + 1, extended) before passing them to something function.
Now, with macros you have (I am not writing in a fully general case for simplicity and I hope I got the hygiene right :)):
julia> macro something(x, y)
local vx = $(esc(x))
isnothing(vx) ? $(esc(y)) : vx
#something (macro with 1 method)
julia> #something 1 2
julia> #something nothing 2
julia> #something 1 sqrt(-1)
julia> #something nothing sqrt(-1)
ERROR: DomainError with -1.0:
sqrt will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument. Try sqrt(Complex(x)).
(in a full-blown version of the macro varargs and Some should be handled to replicate something exactly)
Piqued by Bogumił's answer I wanted to write my first Julia macro. It took some time and numerous attempts to figure out syntax, hygiene and escaping but I'm quite happy now.
I thought it might be worth sharing and provide opportunity for suggestions/improvements.
A lazy #something analog to Base.something
function _something_impl(thing)
function _something_impl(thing, rest...)
local evalued = $(esc(thing))
if isnothing(evalued)
macro something(things...)
Version without exceptions
As I found exceptions raised from a macro like this not quite suitable, I also made a version that falls back to nothing.
function _something_nothing_impl(thing)
local evaluated = $(esc(thing))
if isa(evaluated, Some)
function _something_nothing_impl(thing, rest...)
local evalued = $(esc(thing))
if isnothing(evalued)
macro something_nothing(things...)
Now I guess the recursive middle function could also generated by a macro. :)
Right now I have an SML function:
val it = [[2,2,2],[3,3,3]] : int list list
but I need it to return:
val it = [[1,1,1,1],[2,2,2],[3,3,3]] : int list list
This is my current code:
- fun method2(L: int list) =
= if tl(L) = [] then [hd(L)] else
= if hd(tl(L)) = hd(L) then hd(L)::method(tl(L)) else [hd(L)];
- fun method(L: int list) =
= if tl(L) = [] then [] else
= if hd(tl(L)) = hd(L) then method(tl(L)) else
= method2(tl(L))::method(tl(L));
As you can see it misses the first method2 call. Any ideas on how I can fix this? I am completely stumped.
Your problem is here if hd(tl(L)) = hd(L) then method(tl(L)) else. This is saying if the head of the tail is equal to the head, then continue processing, but don't add it to the result list. this will skip the first contiguous chunk of equal values. I would suggest separating the duties of these functions a bit more. The way to do this is to have method2 strip off the next contiguous chunk of values, and return a pair, where the first element will have the contiguous chunk removed, and the second element will have the remaining list. For example, method2([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]) = ([1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 3, 3]) and method2([2, 2, 3, 3]) = ([2, 2], [3, 3]). Now, you can just keep calling method2 until the second part of the pair is nil.
I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do with your code. I would recommend creating a tail recursive helper function which is passed three arguments:
1) The list of lists you are trying to build up
2) The current list you are building up
3) The list you are processing
In your example, a typical call somewhere in the middle of the computation would look like:
helper([[1,1,1,1]], [2,2],[2,3,3,3])
The recursion would work by looking at the head of the last argument ([2,3,3,3]) as well as the head of the list which is currently being built up ([2,2]) and, since they are the same -- the 2 at the end of the last argument is shunted to the list being built up:
helper([[1,1,1,1]], [2,2,2],[3,3,3])
in the next step in the recursion the heads are then compared and found to be different (2 != 3), so the helper function will put the middle list at the front of the list of lists:
helper([[2,2,2], [1,1,1,1]], [3],[3,3])
the middle list is re-initialized to [3] so it will start growing
eventually you reach something like this:
helper([[2,2,2], [1,1,1,1]], [3,3,3],[])
the [3,3,3] is then tacked onto the list of lists and the reverse of this list is returned.
Once such a helper function is defined, the main method checks for an empty list and, if not empty, initializes the first call to the helper function. The following code fleshes out theses ideas -- using pattern-matching style rather than hd and tl (I am not a big fan of using those functions explicitly -- it makes the code too Lisp-like). If this is homework then you should probably thoroughly understand how it works and then translate it to code involving hd and tl since your professor would regard it as plagiarized if you use things you haven't yet studied and haven't made it your own work:
fun helper (xs, ys, []) = rev (ys::xs)
| helper (xs, y::ys, z::zs) =
if y = z
then helper(xs, z :: y :: ys, zs)
else helper((y::ys)::xs,[z],zs);
fun method [] = []
| method (x::xs) = helper([],[x],xs);
Suppose we have a Vector of tuples (Int64, Int64) in julia:
In [1] xx = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]
typeof(xx) == Vector{(Int64, Int64)}
Out[1] true
Now I want to construct a new vector of the first indices of the tuples.
In [2] indices = [x[1] for x in xx]
Out[2] Array{Any, 1}
I expect it to be an Array{Int64, 1} type. How can I fix this?
edit: I am using 0.3.9.
function f()
xx = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]
inds = [ x[1] for x in xx ]
y = f()
The last line of code returns Array{Int64, 1}.
The problem here is that you are working in global scope. For Julia's type inference to be able to do its magic, you need to work in a local scope. In other words, wrap all your code in functions. This rule is very, very, important, but, having come from a MatLab background myself, I can see why people forget it. Just remember, 90% of questions saying "Why is my Julia code slow?" occur because the user was working in global scope, not local scope.
ps, even in local scope, type inference of loop comprehensions can stumble in particularly complex cases. This is a known issue and is being worked on. If you want to provide the compiler with some "help" you can do something like:
inds = Int[ x[1] for x in xx ]
You can also use map and preserve the type:
#passing a lambda that takes the 1st element, and the iterable
inds = map( (x)-> x[1], xx)