How to create different component base on ListModel in QML - qt

There are 9 parameters that I need to use TextField1 to input value.
So I use
ListModel lstPara {
}...(9 Elements)
id: grid
anchors.fill: parent
columns: 3
spacing: 5
Repeater {
id: rpPara
model: lstPara
delegate: TextField1 {
But now there is a parameter that i need to use in another QML type to set the value, all others are used in TextField1.
I tried to define ListModel like this
ListModel lstPara{
ListElement {
text: "A";
type: 1";
value: "123"
ListElement {
text: "B";
type: 2";
value: "321"
...(9 Elements)
id: grid
anchors.fill: parent
columns: 3
spacing: 5
Repeater {
id: rpPara
model: lstPara
(some code : like this)
delegate: {
return type === 1 ?
TextField1 {
another QML type {
The code above can not run.
And I don`t want to write 8 TextField1 and 1 another QML type.
So, is there a way to use ListModel?

You can't directly use an Item declaration in a conditional expression like that, but you can do it with a Component. Here's an example of how to do it using a Loader as your delegate, and choosing which Component to load based on the model:
ListModel {
id: lstPara
ListElement {
text: "A"
type: 1
value: "123"
ListElement {
text: "B"
type: 2
value: "321"
Grid {
anchors.fill: parent
columns: 3
spacing: 5
Repeater {
id: rpPara
model: lstPara
delegate: Loader {
sourceComponent: type === 1 ? someText : otherText
onLoaded: {
item.text = text
item.value = value
Component {
id: someText
Text {
property string value
color: "blue"
Component {
id: otherText
Text {
property string value
color: "red"


How to bind to a property of a repeater-generated item outside of the repeater?

I would like to be able to bind to a property of an item generated by Repeater to do something with it, e.g. to show its coordinates. For that purpose I am using itemAt() like this:
ListModel {
id: modelNodes
ListElement { name: "Banana"; x: 100; y: 200 }
ListElement { name: "Orange"; x: 150; y: 100 }
Repeater {
id: foo
model: modelNodes
Rectangle {
x: model.x; y: model.y
width: textBox.implicitWidth + 20
height: textBox.implicitHeight + 20
color: "red" true
Text {
id: textBox
anchors.centerIn: parent
color: "white"
text: + ": " + foo.itemAt(index).x
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent parent
Text {
id: moo
Binding {
target: moo
property: "text"
value: foo.itemAt(0).x + " -> " + foo.itemAt(1).x
Inside the delegate this works fine, but when I attempt to use it outside of the Repeater (i.e. to bind moo's text to it), I get the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of null
How to fix this?
The reason the Binding object doesn't work outside of the Repeater is because the Repeater has not constructed its items yet when the binding is being evaluated. To fix this, you can move the binding into the Component.onCompleted handler. Then just use the Qt.binding() function to do binding from javascript (docs).
Text {
Component.onCompleted: {
text = Qt.binding(function() { return foo.itemAt(0).x + ", " + foo.itemAt(1).x })
You don't.
(or more precisely, you shouldn't)
Delegates shouldn't store state or data, just display it or be able to interact with it.
In your case what you are after is the data stored in the model.
Your solution should be to modify your model in your delegates and get the data from your model if you want.
I've created a small example of what I mean:
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
Window {
visible: true
width: 800
height: 640
ListModel {
id: modelNodes
ListElement { name: "Banana"; x: 50; y: 50 }
ListElement { name: "Orange"; x: 50; y: 100 }
Row {
anchors.centerIn: parent
spacing: 1
Repeater {
model: 2 // display 2 copy of the delegates for demonstration purposes
Rectangle {
color: "transparent"
width: 300
height: 300
border.width: 1
Repeater {
id: foo
model: modelNodes
Rectangle {
x: model.x; y: model.y
width: textBox.implicitWidth + 20
height: textBox.implicitHeight + 20
color: "red"
DragHandler {
dragThreshold: 0
onXChanged: model.x = x // modify model data when dragging
onYChanged: model.y = y
Text {
id: textBox
anchors.centerIn: parent
color: "white"
text: + ": " + foo.itemAt(index).x
Instantiator {
model: modelNodes
delegate: Binding { // the hacky solution to the initial problem.
target: myText
property: + "Point"
value: Qt.point(model.x, model.y)
Text {
id: myText
property point bananaPoint
property point orangePoint
anchors.right: parent.right
text: JSON.stringify(bananaPoint)
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: modelNodes
delegate: Text {
text: `${} - (${model.x} - ${model.y})`
I've used a hacky solution to your initial problem with an Instantiator of Bindings, I don't really understand the usecase so that might not be the ideal solution. Here it creates a binding for every element of your model but that's weird. If you only want data from your first row, you may want to do when: index === 0 in the Binding. I've created a third party library to get a cleaner code :
This will result in the following code for your outside Text (and allowing you to get rid of the weird Instantiator + Binding part):
Text {
readonly property var firstRowData:
text: firstRowData.x + ", " + firstRowData.y
Note that my point about not storing data in delegates (or accessing them from outside) still stands for whatever solution you chose.

QML property binding for repeater item

How do property bindings work for repeater items? I am trying to use a property binding on an element generated by a repeater, but the binding doesn't work:
id: root
property int currentLocation: 0
Button {
text: "Change location"
onClicked: root.currentLocation = (root.currentLocation + 1) % 2
Repeater {
id: locationlRepeater
model: locationModel
Item {
visible: root.currentLocation == model.location // Why doesn't this update on button click?
Text {
id: locationText
text: "Location: " + model.location
ListModel {
id: locationModel
ListElement {
location: 0
// etc.
ListElement {
location: 1
// etc.
Updated: using Qt 5.6.2

Qml Get the text of listElement using the mouseAera

I want to get the name of listElement (append dynamicaly with python) when I click for reuse this name with python function. How can I get this name ?
In this example I can only get the index 0 element...
QML part :
Rectangle {
id: listRowDb toolbar.bottom
width: head_row.width
ListModel {
id: listDb
ListElement {
name: ""
Component {
id: listDbDelegate
Row {
spacing: 100
Text { text: 'Nom de la DB : ' + name}
ListView {
id: listView1
anchors.fill: parent
model: listDb
delegate: listDbDelegate
#Don't work. When I click I get the index 0 name.
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {'example.speak2', [listDb.get(listView1.currentIndex).name], function(returnValue) {console.log(returnValue)});}
Python {
id: python
Component.onCompleted: {
importModule('example', function() {
console.log('module imported');
#Just a litlle test'example.speak', ['Hello World!'], function(returnValue) {
console.log('example.speak returned ' + returnValue);
#Python list all DB and append in listModel'example.listDb', [], function(returnValue) {
for(var i=0; i<returnValue.length; i++) {
The python part work (only print element name)
You have to set the MouseArea on the delegate:
Component {
id: listDbDelegate
Row {
spacing: 100
Text {
text: 'Nom de la DB : ' + name
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: console.log(name, index)
ListView {
id: listView1
anchors.fill: parent
model: listDb
delegate: listDbDelegate

Binding text from a TextField that belongs to a Repeater

My main.qml:
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
color: "grey"
anchors.fill: parent
columns : 2
rows : 2
id: rectRepeater
model: 3
text: "hi"
id: r1
width: 100
height: 100
x: 200
y: 200
border.color: "red"
id: t1
t1.text= rectRepeater.itemAt(0).text
The Text in the rectangle r1 displays the text at the start, but if I enter new text to the TextField, the rectangle will not be updated. How can I solve this?
A more elegant and maintainable solution is to implement a model that reflects the changes, and then make a binding of the first element with the text that shows Text:
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
color: "grey"
id: mymodel
Component.onCompleted: {
for(var i=0; i<3; i++){
mymodel.append({"text" : "hi"})
anchors.fill: parent
columns : 2
rows : 2
model: mymodel
id: tf
onTextChanged: model.text = tf.text
Component.onCompleted: tf.text= model.text
id: r1
width: 100
height: 100
x: 200
y: 200
border.color: "red"
Text {
id: t1
text: mymodel.count > 1 ? mymodel.get(0).text : ""
What you want, is to create a binding between the two.
t1.text = Qt.binding(function() { return rectRepeater.itemAt(0).text })
That being said, we would need to know exactly what you are trying to do, because creating bindings manually is an anti-pattern when not required. It is much better to bind directly, or to use signals.
Do you need the first elements, and the repeater, or is this just an test for you? What is your UI and what are you trying to achieve? This is some context worth giving for a proper answer.
One possible simpler solution
id: rectRepeater
model: 3
text: "hi"
// See also `onEditingFinished` and `onValidated`
onTextChanged: {
if (index == 0)
t1.text = text
For more details about the property thing, look at my answers from your other question: Qml Repeater with ids

How to catch the model update signal in ListView

Is there any way to catch the model update signal in qml.
here is my sample program. i have a rectangle on top of that there is listview.
on mouse i am updating the listmodel.
id: root
anchors.fill: parent
ListModel {
id: fruitModel
ListElement {
name: "Apple"
cost: 2.45
ListElement {
name: "Orange"
cost: 3.25
ListElement {
name: "Banana"
cost: 1.95
Component {
id: fruitDelegate
Row {
spacing: 10
Text { text: name }
Text { text: '$' + cost }
ListView {
id: list
anchors.fill: parent
model: fruitModel
delegate: fruitDelegate
onModelChanged: {
console.log("hi heloooo")
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
fruitModel.append({"cost": 5.95, "name":"Pizza"})//added new
fruitModel.remove(1) // deleted old. so count still same
On mouse click i am updating the model, i just want catch when ever there is a change in model.
What does it mean that you change the model? If you are interested in items added or removed, you can bind a listener to the onCountChanged signal of the ListView.
