ODBC 18 vs ODBC 17 in Windows Data Source Manager - odbc

I have a microsoft access front end connecting to a SQL database for the backend. I have been using this setup for the last 4 years and I have recently run into issues with new associates not being able to use the tool due to our company retiring ODBC driver 17 from our internal systems. I don't understand what is the difference between ODBC Driver 17 and 18 that would cause version 18 to fail.
How the driver is used:
in ODBC Data source manager a manual link to our database is created. The associate enters a specific name for the link "Our_link" and in the Driver name it states "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server"
Then inside of our access front end we link to that driver like so:
Const ConStrSQL As String = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQLServer};Server=OurServer;Database=Our_DB;UID=User();Trusted_Connection=Yes;"
The issue I am having is when I try to create the ODBC connection in the data source administrator using ODBC driver 18 I get an error that states:
[![`"Connection Failed: The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted"`]
Not sure if this extra information would help but I also see the following:
SQLState: 08001
SQL Server Error -2146893019
Client unable to establish connection
Is this something I need to reach out to our database admin group and ask if they installed driver 18 on the server side?

I'm guessing it has to do with the changes to the encryption behavior with version 18, specifically that encryption is required by default. The recommended fix is to install a trusted certificate on your server[1], but if you don't want to deal with the DB Admins you might be able to still connect by specifying No (or optional) to Encrypt in your connection string.[2]
There is a chance that won't work the server is set to Force Encryption, but it sounds like the change is all on the client end. Ideally you would want the encryption working all the time, so if you are using a self-signed certificate add the public key from the SQL server to trusted certificates on the client machines.
[1]: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/sql-server-blog/odbc-driver-18-0-for-sql-server-released/ba-p/3169228)
[2]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/odbc/dsn-connection-string-attribute?view=sql-server-ver16#encrypt

The 'fix' that was found with the help of one of my database admins is as follows:
In the data source manager there is an option to select that states "Trust Server Certificate"
Once that option is selected I was able to complete the rest of my DSM connection. One thing to note is I was receiving the previous error when trying to change the DEFAULT DATABASE option. The checkbox to "trust server certificate" is on the screen after that.. so I had to skip choosing my default database, check the box, then go back and select my default database for everything to work.
I haven't completed all my testing in Access to make sure everything works 100%, but my quick testing is very promising.


Credentials for AWS Athena ODBC connection

I want to access AWS Athena in Power BI with ODBC. I used the ODBC driver(1.0.3) that Amazon provides:
To access the AWS-Service I use the user=YYY and the password=XXX. To access the relevant data our administrator created a role “ExternalAthenaAccessRole#99999”.
99999 is the ID of the account where Athena runs.
To use the ODVC-driver in Power BI I created the following connection string:
Driver=Simba Athena ODBC Driver;AwsRegion=eu-central-1;S3OutputLocation=s3://query-results-bucket/testfolder;AuthenticationType=IAM Credentials;
But when I enter the User XXX with the password YYY It get the message “We couldn’t authenticate with the credentials provided. Please try again.”.
Normally I would think that I must include the role “ExternalAthenaAccessRole#99999” in the connection string, but I couldn’t find a parameter for it in the documentation.
Can anybody help me how I can change the connection string so that I can access the data with the ODBC driver in Power BI?
When using Secret Keys, do not specify "User / password", but instead always click on "default credentials" in Power Bi, to force it to use the Local AWS Configuration (e.g. C:/...$USER_HOME/.aws/credentials)
Summarized Guide for newbies:
AWSCli installed locally, on your laptop. If you don’t have this, just download the MSI installer from here:
Note: this quick guide is just to configure the connection using AWS Access Keys, and not federating the credentials through any other Security layer.
Configure locally your AWS credentials.
From the Windows command prompt (cmd), execute: aws configure
Enter your AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key and default region; for example "eu-west-1" for Ireland.
You can get these Keys from the AWS console, IAM service, Users, select your user, Security, Create/Download Access Keys.
You should never share these keys, and it’s highly recommended to rotate these, for example, every month.
Download Athena ODBC Driver:
Important: If you have Power Bi 64 bits, download the same (32 or 64) for the ODBC.
Install it on your laptop, where you have Power Bi.
Open Windows ODBCs, add a User DSN and select Simba-Athena as the Driver.
Use always "Default credentials" and not user/password, since it will use our local keys from Step 1.
Configure an S3 bucket, for the temporary results. You can use something like: s3://aws-athena-query-results-eu-west-1-power-bi
On the Power Bi app, click on Get Data and Type ODBC.
Choose Credentials "default", to use the local AWS keys (from step 1) and, optionally, enter a "select" query.
Click on Load the data.
Important concern: I’m afraid Power Bi will load all the results from the query into our local memory. So if, for example. we're bringing 3 months of data and that is equivalent to 3 GB, then we will consume this in our local laptop.
Another important concern:
- For security reasons, you'll need to implement a KMS Encryption keys. Otherwise, the data is being transmitted in clear text, instead of being encrypted.
Relevant reference (as listed above), where you can find the steps for this entire configuration process, but more in detail:
- https://s3.amazonaws.com/athena-downloads/drivers/ODBC/Simba+Athena+ODBC+Install+and+Configuration+Guide.pdf

Azure login to user db with pyodbc from a Azure webjob

I am trying to login to Azure sql server with pyodbc which logs me in a master db rather than the userdb like 'xyzdb' that i provide in the connection string. The solution to this seems changing to a DSN less based logins that needs configuring the dsn on windows machine.
But i require to run the python script with pyodbc connection from a Azure webjob so configuring dsn is not possible. Hence not able to use the user database as intended. Any solution?
After login to master db i thought to change to user db with "USE xyzdb;" Sql command to which the azure sql server responded 'USE cannot be used to switch between databases' hence xyzdb login cannot be made. I am stuck :).
I made the azure sql server with xyzdb database. Then i tried connection string for newly created server:
pyodbc.connect('Driver={ ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=tcp:abc.database.windows.net,1433;Database=xyzdb;
Uid=ur_username;Pwd=ur_password;Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no;Connection Timeout=30;')
This connection string logged me in masterdb not in xyzdb as intended. And As Sql server are physically maintained in stack in data center interconnection is not everytime feasible unless using something as pool elastic. So 'USE xyzdb;' Sql statement from master DB was providing 'USE cannot be used for switching between databases'.
for 3 days i tried with other methods but it didn't worked,so i posted the question.Then i tried the connection string as:
pyodbc.connect('Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=tcp:abc.database.windows.net,1433;
Uid=ur_username;Pwd=ur_password;Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no;Connection Timeout=30;Database=xyzdb')
moving the Database field at the end of the string thinking it will first make a connection with server then it will log me in database xyzdb and It logged me in the xyzdb database.It worked the first time itself.
Now if i try with any of the 2 strings above its working as expected. Don't know what was the issue?.Looks like i wasted time of others as well :). we can remove the question i presume, as i can login the userdb. Thanks.

SQL Server 2017 ODBC via Rstudio or R on SSMS gets connected only to master database

I have been working on SQL Server 2017 via R (on Rstudio as well as R on SSMS) and i am unable to connect to a specific database. I mention the database name in the connection prompt but, it gets connected only to the master database. Is there something that I am missing while connecting?
The syntax I use for connection is:
conn = "Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};server=;Uid=uid; pwd=pwd;Database = mydb"
I am trying to use both RevoscaleR as well as ODBC() package in Rstudio to connect to a specific database but, it still gets connected to master database. Using RStudio connections pane, if i try to explore the other databases, it shows only dbo schemas and no other schemas even if they exist. Can someone help me in figuring out what might have gone wrong?
Most likely the login you use (the uid) is not authorized for that particular database (it is not created as a user in that database).
Some example code you can run in SSMS as - for example - sa:
--switch over to the database in question
USE mydb
The above code creates a user in the database in question with the same name as the login.
Hope this helps!

Pull Sybase data into SQL Server

I have an ASP.NET app that uses a SQL Server database. I now need to pull data from Sybase ASE into that SQL Server database for my app to consume, and I'm not having any success with my ideas.
Has anyone done this? Any ideas/suggestions/tips?
You can configure a linked server from SQL Server to Sybase. It should be fairly vanilla using the Sybase provider on the MS side.
Okay, I've finally (through lame trial and error) found out how to link my Sybase ASE (12.5) server to my SQL Server (2008) which will allow the integration I want. Here's roughly how I did it:
Logged in to Sybase ASE OLE DB Configuration Manager (this is like the Sybase version of Windows' ODBC Data Sources) and added an OLE DB data source. I believe you must be an admin on the PC to do this.
In SQL Server 2008 Management Studio, went to Server Objects > Linked Servers. Right click and select "New Linked Server".
In the Linked Server Properties, I set the following properties:
--Linked server: the name of your linked server as you want it to appear in your linked server list
--Provider: Select Sybase ASE OLE DB Provider from the dropdown list.
--Product name: The exact name of the OLD DB data source you just created in Sybase ASE OLE DB Configuration Manager.
--Data source: Same as Product name.
--Provider string: I left this blank
--Location: I left this blank
--Catalog: The default database (master or whatever) to log on to.
--You need to map a valid SQL Server logon to a valid Sybase logon. I did not use impersonation (which does a credentials pass-thru).
--I chose my connection Be made without using a security context.
Server Options:
--All the defaults worked for me.
Throughout, the standard SQL Server help worked fairly well as a guide. Though not always true, F1 was my friend here.
I can now do distributed queries, DTS or SSIS packages, and use SSRS. This takes a lot of the suck out of Sybase ASE.
Of course the above can be done via the command line using sp_linkserver, but the GUI is more comfortable for a lowly dev like me.
Use Management Studio or Enterprise Manager to import the data using the data importation wizard. That should be it, just make sure you pick the right data provider in the wizard and you should be good to go.
If you want this to be a live feed create a small windows service to manage the exchange of information. It should be relatively simple to do, just a little bit of leg work on your end. If you are adverse to that there are plenty of off the shelf solutions that can do this for you.
The question is a little vague on specifics:
Is this a one time conversion or part of a repeated process.
Is the source machine "reachable" from your destination machine (can you connect the two or do you need to read in files)
With most conversions there are two parts:
Physically getting data from the source into the destination.
Mapping data from the source to the destination tables.
It is hard to make any recommendations without more info. What would be fine for a one time conversion would not work if you need to read in data all day every day. Also, if the source database can not be connected to and you have to pass files, they methods change.

BizTalk SSO configuration and SQL Error 18456, Severity 14, State 16

I'm having a major issue trying to configure a new install of BizTalk Server 2006 (not R2). The server had BizTalk installed on it before, and it was working fine. I've uninstalled BizTalk, removed the databases and jobs from the SQL server, which is a separate machine, and re-installed BizTalk. The install was successful, with no errors during the install, and nothing in the install logs.
I'm configuring the BizTalk server to be the SSO master secret server, along with creating a new BizTalk group and registering the BizTalk runtime. The process always errors out on creating the SSO database on the SQL server. In the ConfigLog, there are a couple of warnings that the MSSQLServerOLAPService does not exist, then it shows errors on creating the SSO database. There are 4 in a row. In order, they are:
Error ConfigHelper] [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
Error ConfigHelper] SQL error: 08001 Native error code: 17
Error ConfigHelper] c:\depotsetupv2\private\common\configwizard\confighelper\sqlhelper.cpp(1176): FAILED hr = 80004005
Error ConfigHelper] c:\depotsetupv2\private\common\configwizard\confighelper\sqlhelper.cpp(918): FAILED hr = 80004005
It then has similar errors trying to create each of the BizTalk databases.
On the SQL server, there are corresponding errors in the SQL Server Logs - 2 for each attempt
Login failed for user '[USERNAME]'.[CLIENT: [IP ADDRESS]]
Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 16
The first error from the SQL logs also shows up as a failure audit in the SQL server's application event log.
The biggest issue I am having with this is that the user I am logged on to the BizTalk server is a local admin on both the BizTalk server and the SQL server, and is in the SQL sysadmin group. The user that I am configuring the BizTalk services to run under is also a local admin on both servers and in the sysadmin group on the SQL server. I've checked the MSDTC settings on both machines and made sure they are set as the BizTalk documentation recommends. SQL Browser is running on the SQL machine, and I've verified that network access is allowed using the SQL Surface Area Configuration tool.
Can anyone help me find something that I might have missed?
Re: Igal:
Yes, all of the servers and users are on the same domain. I've run across that posting on SQL protocols in researching this, but I tried to select a count from one of the tables in the default database of the logged in user while connected to another database. I had no problems at all running that query.
Re: Yossi:
I'm installing BizTalk on Windows Server 2003 R2 SP1. Yes, I have removed the SSODB (Wouldn't out it past myself to miss something like that though!). I will make sure I am providing the usernames correctly and check out the sources you linked and get back to you.
A few of pointers:
Check out the two points at the end of the Configuring Enterprise SSO Using the Configuration Manager page on MSDN:
When configuring the SSO Windows
accounts using local accounts, you
must specify the account name without
the computer name.
When using a local SQL Server named
instance as data store, you must use
LocalMachineName\InstanceName instead
of LocalMachineName\InstanceName,
Check out the relevant installation guide (don't worry about the fact that it relates to R2, they seems to have hidden the 'R1' documentation, but they are the same), and specifically the section around "Windows Groups and Service Accounts"
also - just to be sure - when you have uninstalled BizTalk and removed the databases - you have removed the SSODB as well, right?! :-)
The log files are very confusing - especially when deciding which error is the acutal problem - have you tried looking up any other errors you've had? (check out this blog entry, for example)
I had everything set up properly. Unfortunately for me, the answer was the standard "Windows" answer - reboot and try again. As soon as I rebooted the SQL server, I was able to configure BizTalk just fine.
I am going to set Yossi's answer as accepted, however, since that would be the most relevant for anyone else who may be reading this question.
Just remember to reboot after all setting changes!
Make sure the BizTalkMgmtDb and BizTalkMsgBoxDb have your local admin account as DB OWNER.
Right click on the databases --> Properties --> Files --> Owner:
