I'm attempting to send a batch of PartiQL statements in the NodeJS AWS SDK v3. The statement works fine for a single ExecuteStatementCommand, but the Batch command doesn't.
The statement looks like
const statement = `
FROM "my-table"
WHERE "partitionKey" = '1234'
AND "filterKey" = '5678'
This code snippet works as expected:
const result = await dynamodbClient.send(new ExecuteStatementCommand(
{ Statement: statement}
The batch snippet does not:
const result = await dynamodbClient.send(new BatchExecuteStatementCommand({
Statements: [
Statement: statement
The batch call produces the following error:
"Code": "ValidationError",
"Message": "Select statements within BatchExecuteStatement must specify the primary key in the where clause."
Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to reading my question!
Seems like what I needed was a rubber duck.
DynamoDB primary keys consists of partition key + sort key. My particular table has a sort key, which is missing from the statement. Batch jobs cannot handle filtering of responses, and each statement must match a single item in the database.
Is there any way of supplying multiple values for a DynamoDB table's Sort Key whilst doing a query in Boto3?
For a single SK value to search on, I'm doing this:
KeyConditionExpression=Key('my_gsi_pk').eq({pk value}) & Key('my_gsi_sk').eq({sk value}),
FilterExpression={filter expression}
... which works.
However, my scenario involves searching on one of a couple of potential SK values, so I'd like to, in SQL terms, do something like this:
WHERE my_gsi_pk = {pk value}
AND my_gsi_sk IN ({sk value 1}, {sk value 2})
I've looked in the Boto3 documentation in the .query() section and concentrated upon the KeyConditionExpression syntax but can't identify whether this is possible or not.
The query API does not support the IN operator in the KeyConditionExpression.
Use the execute_statement API instead. This executes a PartiQL statement, which does accept the IN operator in query operations for the Partition and Sort keys:
sk = ["Foo", "Bar"]
res = client.execute_statement(
Statement=f'SELECT * FROM "my_table"."my_gsi" WHERE my_gsi_pk = ? AND my_gsi_sk IN [{",".join(["?" for k in sk])}]',
Parameters= [{"S": "1"}] + [{"S": k} for k in sk]
This creates a PartiQL Statement like SELECT * FROM "my_table"."my_gsi" WHERE my_gsi_pk = ? AND my_gsi_sk IN [?, ?] and substitution Parameters like [{"S": "1"}, {"S": "Foo"}, {"S": "Bar"}].
Please note that the PartiQL will spend much more RCU than the Query. You can check this by requesting ReturnConsumedCapacity = ReturnConsumedCapacity.TOTAL
I am migrating data from SQL to COSMOS DB through Azure cosmos DB Data Migration Tool
Can someone please help help to migrate data in Sub-Documents, how to specify in nesting separator
SELECT TOP 5 P.ProjectDocumentId, P.ProjectId, PU.UpdatedByFullName
FROM [Docs].[ProjectDocuments] P
INNER JOIN [Docs].[ProjectDocumentUpdate] PU ON P.ProjectDocumentID = PU.ProjectDocumentID
WHERE P.ProjectDocumentId = '7DA0011B-7105-4B6C-AF13-12B5AC50B608'
Expected Document in Cosmos DB:
"ProjectDocumentId": "7da0011b-7105-4b6c-af13-12b5ac50b608",
"ProjectId": "ed1e0e47-ff1c-47be-b5e9-c235aef76161",
"ProjectDocumentUpdate": {
"UpdatedByFullName" : "Unnati"
}, {
"UpdatedByFullName" : "Eugene"
"UpdatedByFullName" : "Meghana"
According to your description,your need is not simple producing nested JSON data into cosmos db.You wanna producing JSON contains Json array group by some columns.Something like merge UpdatedByFullName by same ProjectDocumentId and ProjectId.
Based on my test and some researches on the Migration Tool document,it seems that Import data from SQL SERVER feature can't handle with producing json array group by some columns.
So,i figure out a workaround which is lead by this case:SQL to JSON - Grouping Results into JSON Array and this doc.My sample data as below:
select s1.name,
'ageArr' = (
age AS 'age'
dbo.student as s2
where s2.name = s1.name
from dbo.student as s1
group by s1.name
Output as below:
Then you have such json output so that you can import it into cosmos db simply.
I am trying to implement an upsert of an item into DynamoDB with optimistic locking. I have the update portion working with a ConditionExpression to check the version. But this fails the save portion as the ConditionExpression is false for saving. Is it possible to write the ConditionExpression so that it will handle both situations?
My code:
result = copy.copy(user)
table = get_db_table()
current_version = result.get_version()
except ClientError as error:
"Saving to db failed with '%s'",
# Restore version
raise Exception(ErrorCode.DB_SAVE) from error
return result
Basically, you need to make sure the attribute exists before you can compare something to it. Your condition expression string should be
does_not_exist(current_version) or current_version = expected_current_version
Using Boto3, you can create this using
Attr(result.get_version_key()).not_exists() | Attr(result.get_version_key().eq(current_version))
I'm having some strange feeling abour sqlite3 parameters that I would like to expose to you.
This is my query and the fail message :
'SELECT id FROM ? WHERE key = ? AND (userid = '0' OR userid = ?) ORDER BY userid DESC LIMIT 1;'
#error message, fails when calling sqlite3_prepare()
error: 'near "?": syntax error'
In my code it looks like:
// Query is a helper class, at creation it does an sqlite3_preprare()
Query q("SELECT id FROM ? WHERE key = ? AND (userid = 0 OR userid = ?) ORDER BY userid DESC LIMIT 1;");
// bind arguments
q.bindString(1, _db_name.c_str() ); // class member, the table name
q.bindString(2, key.c_str()); // function argument (std::string)
q.bindInt (3, currentID); // function argument (int)
I have the feeling that I can't use sqlite parameters for the table name, but I can't find the confirmation in the Sqlite3 C API.
Do you know what's wrong with my query?
Do I have to pre-process my SQL statement to include the table name before preparing the query?
Ooookay, should have looked more thoroughly on SO.
- SQLite Parameters - Not allowing tablename as parameter
- Variable table name in sqlite
They are meant for Python, but I guess the same applies for C++.
You can't pass the table name as a parameter.
If anyone have a link in the SQLite documentation where I have the confirmation of this, I'll gladly accept the answer.
I know this is super old already but since your query is just a string you can always append the table name like this in C++:
std::string queryString = "SELECT id FROM " + std::string(_db_name);
or in objective-C:
[#"SELECT id FROM " stringByAppendingString:_db_name];
I am having trouble using AWS Boto3 to query DynamoDB with a hash key and a range key at the same time using the recommend KeyConditionExpression. I have attached an example query:
import boto3
from boto3 import dynamodb
from boto3.session import Session
dynamodb_session = Session(aws_access_key_id=AWS_KEY,
dynamodb = dynamodb_session.resource('dynamodb')
request = {
'ExpressionAttributeNames': {
'#n0': 'hash_key',
'#n1': 'range_key'
'ExpressionAttributeValues': {
':v0': {'S': MY_HASH_KEY},
':v1': {'N': GT_RANGE_KEY}
'KeyConditionExpression': '(#n0 = :v0) AND (#n1 > :v1)',
'TableName': TABLE_NAME
response = table.query(**request)
When I run this against a table with the following scheme:
Table Name: TABLE_NAME
Primary Hash Key: hash_key (String)
Primary Range Key: range_key (Number)
I get the following error and I cannot understand why:
ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the Query operation: Invalid KeyConditionExpression: Incorrect operand type for operator or function; operator or function: >, operand type: M
From my understanding the type M would be a map or dictionary type and I am using a type N which is a number type and matches my table scheme for the range key. If someone could explain why this error is happening or I am also open to a different way of accomplishing the same query even if you cannot explain why this error exists.
The Boto 3 SDK constructs a Condition Expression for you when you use the Key and Attr functions imported from boto3.dynamodb.conditions:
response = table.query(
KeyConditionExpression=Key('hash_key').eq(hash_value) & Key('range_key').eq(range_key_value)
Reference: Step 4: Query and Scan the Data
Hope it helps
Adding this solution as the accepted answer did not address why the query used did not work.
TLDR: Using query on a Table resource in boto3 has subtle differences as opposed to using client.query(...) and requires a different syntax.
The syntax is valid for a query on a client, but not on a Table. The ExpressionAttributeValues on a table do not require you to specify the data type. Also if you are executing a query on a Table resource you do not have to specify the TableName again.
Working solution:
from boto3.session import Session
dynamodb_session = Session(aws_access_key_id=AWS_KEY,aws_secret_access_key=AWS_PASS,region_name=DYNAMODB_REGION)
dynamodb = dynamodb_session.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamodb.Table(TABLE_NAME)
request = {
'ExpressionAttributeNames': {
'#n0': 'hash_key',
'#n1': 'range_key'
'ExpressionAttributeValues': {
':v0': MY_HASH_KEY,
'KeyConditionExpression': '(#n0 = :v0) AND (#n1 > :v1)',
response = table.query(**request)
I am the author of a package called botoful which might be useful to avoid dealing with these complexities. The code using botoful will be as follows:
import boto3
from botoful import Query
client = boto3.Session(
results = (
.key(hash_key=MY_HASH_KEY, range_key__gt=GT_RANGE_KEY)