Two differ web api project on same port need to deploy -

Can we deploy two web api project in same port because due to some instruction, is it possible? because there is a past work deploy in that port we not have their updated version so we create new project and deploy that on same?

If you host the application on the IIS , you could consider hosting it as nest application.
One application could contains multiple nested application, you could use way to publish two application inside one IIS web sites.
More details, you could refer to below image:


How to deploy a solution with two projects to Azure App Service?

I am trying to minimize the cost of running my web app in Azure App Service. I have a Visual Studio 2017 solution with two Web Projects: Web and API (both .NET Core). The entire solution is part of a single GitHub Repo. Before adding the API project, the build and deployment to Azure App Service was automated. My goal is to deploy both projects under the same App Service (to minimize cost) with two subdomains (e.g. and and keep everything automated.
Is this something that can be done? Can somebody please help me understand how this can be done? Can those settings be commited?
An Azure App Service Plan can contain multiple web apps. Normally when you use the Azure portal to connect it to source control, Kudu (the tool behind App Service Plans), will create a deployment script for that site.
In case you want to deploy two projects of a single solution (and git repo) to different Web Apps you have to do the following:
Create two web apps under the same App Service Plan
Connect both of them to the same git repo for automated deployments
Modify the deployment parameters
I'm going to suppose you know how to do the first two steps.
To modify the deployment parameters, you could either modify the deployment script by downloading it through Kudu and adapting it or, much simpler, configure it through the portal:
Go the App1 => Application Settings => Add setting PROJECT with value
Go the App2 => Application Settings => Add setting PROJECT with value <path>\<path-to-app2>.csproj
Every time you push up a change, both web apps will receive an update, but they will deploy a different part to the web site.
More information can be found here (see last paragraph):

Reference web projects from other web projects in solution

I am working in Visual Studio 2013/2015. I have three web projects in my solution. I want these web projects to be able to make calls to each other, which means that they need to know at what port they are hosted on during development.
I am hosting in IIS Express, which by default means that they get auto-assigned ports. This is good because if a port is unavailable, another port will be used. Since the port is determined at runtime I cannot have a configuration file in each projects which says where the other projects are hosted.
Other than manually assigning ports, is it possible to somehow reference these other web projects from one web project and then make calls where the used port is substituted?

How to deploy a single solution with multiple projects?

I have developed a well-decoupled website using WebAPI and AngularJS as follows:
|—— WEB.API Project
|—— Website pages Project
'—— Other projects related to functionalities
This setup is on my own computer.
Now I'm here wanting to deploy to my web server (iis 7.5, privately owned, WebDeploy installed). It is possible to deploy both projects on a single web site? (other projects are class libraries, so no hassle)
For what I know, I have to deploy the WebAPI part to a website, and the UI part to another website. May I put them on a single website?
You can put the Web API project in a virtual directory under the main web site. That's what we are actually doing in our current project.
You can, but you should be worried when files conflict. If both projects have a web.config for example, this could break either of them.
If not, it should be possible, but I wouldn't immediately recommend it. I would split them off in separate virtual directories so you can maintain the two separate projects easily.
You could also self-host the Web API using OWIN, so you wouldn't then need to set up a project in IIS etc and you could then have multiple clients talking to the same API.
There's a tutorial here which is more advanced.
I have a near identical project setup. Personally I picked 2 separate apps, I have a multi server setup with load balancers - the choice may have been different if I had a single server or low amount of expected traffic.
This gives the advantage:
I expected my WebAPI to have a larger amount of traffic than the web pages, due to mobile clients also consuming the WebAPI as well as the front end webpages. Because the API is in its own website, it has its own app pool - this means that each application has its own resource pool (app can grow to use more memory and CPU better), not shared like they would be on a virtual directory.
Because there is two separate app pools, I have one bound to port 80 and the other to port 8080. As I had a large server farm to roll this out on, I already had a load balancer in front of the webservers - hence to make the URL pretty (i.e. drop the port 8080 from the URL) i added a load balancer config to allow traffic to come in on a given url on port 80 and be redirected to port 8080 on the internal webservers. This isn't really a issue if you don't mind ports in your URL's.

Deploy to an Azure WebRole without Visual Studio

Is there a way I can deploy my entire website/webapp to an Azure WebRole without the need of Visual Studio?
Context: We have a test environment where there's an IIS hosted web app where our testers test (of course). The thing is, we want to grab that exact tested web app folder and deploy it "as is" to a WebRole.
Please avoid commenting on our procedure, we have been looking at it and we will eventually change it if we have to, I just need a 'simple' yes(how)/no answer.
IIS Web Deploy can be used to package/migrate/restore IIS applications. It can be enabled while deploying a web role as described in this article and allows to update the web role with the application as deployed in your test environment.
Be aware that only single instance cloud services are supported and that in case of a maintenance operation by the fabric controller, your service will be rolled back to the state created by the initial azure package deployment. (There once was a tool for syncing between multi-instance web deployments but sadly that did not work out too well and is no longer supported. Do not attempt to use or rebuild it.)
Installing and Configuring Web Deploy shows the steps to get web deploy for your local testing IIS while articles on using web deploy like this one show examples for calling the tool.
Another option to evaluate are azure websites and git deployment. This could provide you with a documented and reproducible form of deployment that is not prone to unwanted rollbacks while allowing the service to scale to multiple instances. This option might not work out if the application it too tied to the web roles infrastructure or contains code not suitable for the more restricted web sites environment.
A third option to look at is using CSPack as presented in this article. You basically create a service definition and package up the webapp manually without building it in Visual Studio or TFS.
Yes - make sure you have enabled Remote Access on your webrole. Then copy your web app from your local IIS folder to F:\sitesroot\0 (NOTE - may be E:\sitesroot\0 on same web roles).
Yes, you can write a programmatic interface against Web Deploy from your C# code. If you're deploying to Azure Web Sites, you could also use the Windows Azure Management Libraries to spin up new web sites or clouand deploy them.

How to deploy an webApp to multiple servers?

How to deploy an webApp to multiple servers?
Deploy Web Applications Using the Copy Web Tool
also check thread
What method do you use to deploy ASP.Net applications to the wild?
It depends how many servers you're talking about.
For less than about 4 or 5 servers, I just zip the application, copy to each server, unzip into a new folder, and tell IIS to look at the new folder, using IIS Manager. In a load-balanced environment, it also means taking all servers except one offline, and then updating them one at a time, and bringing them back online afterwards.
For more servers than that, I prefer to use Windows Deployment Services (WDS).
