Good way to learn drupal 9 in 2022 - drupal

I am new to Drupal and I am trying to learn the new version 9. But the website of drupal itself is really confusing me up. I went to Documentation and as a developer I want a guide that guides me trough the CMS. Learning how to code stuff for the CMS as a web developer. A guide only for the CMS is good to learn but I want more as a web developer. I tried to look around, but I could only find links that lead to the same (user guide) page. This is the only page from now on I could find that is having some content to learn: But it is mostly only CMS. And not, how to make a theme in Drupal.
But my question is, is Drupal one of the biggest CMS for developers not having a guide like other Open Source Software;
If there is a guide that is more structured and makes sense for a web developer, let me know, it will help a lot!


Frontend for making website like Product Hunt/ Reddit

I'm working on a web app which is kinda like Product Hunt. I got the back-end API working, and for the front-end I have angular js working. Thing is I don't have any experience with the look and feel of the site. Should I go about creating the css from scratch or look for an open source template online? If I go the template way, can anyone point me to a reddit/product hunt type template? Any help is appreciated.
It's kind of a personal decision, but I would suggest to go with creating it on your own with Bootstrap CSS/JS. You tagged Bootstrap in the question, so I'm assuming you have a general understanding of what it is.
Because of how popular it is, it's a great skill to learn regardless and will be useful for any web development project now and in the forseeable future. The other plus is that the learning curve isn't as steep as other parts of web development.

Where can I find a very broad Drupal tutorial?

There are tons of Drupal tutorials out there - theming, modules, database interaction, taxonomy, etc. etc. Most that I find are extremely in-depth, but none give a big-picture, site-level overview.
Are there any good tutorials (videos and/or text-based) that show the creation of a simple website, with a simple administrative section? Not ridiculous reams of configuration, or complex, arcane modules...just a simple website with basic pages (i.e. about us, people, news, etc.) that are admin-configurable, and that doesn't look like the default Drupal install.
Obviously to be an effective Drupal dev, I would need to learn these ins and outs, and I certainly plan to. What I need right now though is enough of an overview to give a presentation on Drupal in several days to non-technical people on how we can use Drupal to architect their website. I've already purchased Pro Drupal 7 Development, and have perused the Drupal API docs and tutorials on their website, but these are all too micro - where's the macro?
Maybe the book Using Drupal is a good start for you. It's less about "How does this dark corner of the API work?" but more about tasks you need to accomplish when building a certain type of site (a blog, a wiki, an online store...).
To get you started....
Creating a Content Type

Drupal-7 + zen cart

I would like to know if it is possible to integrate zen cart to Drupal 7+ ?
I know that there was a Drupal zen cart integration project
but it seems only support in Drupal 5.x
I'm afraid it's very unlikely, efforts for e-commerce in Drupal 7 have been very firmly moved into the Commerce module which is still a wee bit unstable and without a full complement of add-ons as yet.
There's also the Ubercart module which as it happens I'm grappling with myself at the moment. It's fairly complete but be prepared to get stuck in and do some coding if you want it to do anything that's not 'out-of-the-box'.
Drupal is great as long as it is not fully ecommerce. If the site has content plus little bit of selling, then drupal is OK. If you are serious about online shopping for your site, then magneto or a paid software might be a solution.
Magneto is not totally free, the free one is not easy and it is slow.
I have experienced zencart and it is OK if you are going to use it as the main cart integrated with forum or content management systems, the integration is not always easy. zencart is badly designed for a framework point of view, examples, inserting inline css in the template doesn't allow flexibility in overriding especially if the markup output is the result of a module.
I would generally prefer to use drupal for CMS/social network, zencart for online shop, phpbb for forums.
I chose zencart because I am an experienced web developer and I can work around badly designed table-based module output. The main templates are easy to edit. check
It is the case in all CMS framework that you have to deal with them the way they are. If you are willing to extensively customize, then programming your own software might be easier.

Can anyone suggest good websites for self learning Drupal?

Am a beginner in Drupal.Can anyone suggest self learning websites for beginners with good examples?
some quickstart:
you can find everithing in drupal planet:
and my third favorite:
It depends very much on what you define as "learning websites".
You can roughly use Drupal for three things:
Edit content in a site that someone built for you (Drupal enduser)
Set up your own site, without programming (Drupal user)
Develop your own modules, themes and such (Drupal as a development framework).
Once you have clear in what corner you want to start, I suggest looking at Lullabot, a Drupal training company. Their free content is very scattered, and not very well organised, but it offers a lot of snippets of good information. Mostly development related.
For using and configuring Drupal, there are various screencasts at
For end-user there is really no good general guide. That is, because Drupal can be (and will be) configured, specialised for you. No site has exactly the same administration as another site. Such manuals should be provided by the people building your site.

I would like to convert Joomla CMS to as there is no CMS like Joomla in .net. Would that be a good idea?

I have this idea boggling my head since a long time.
As a developer, I get a lot from the community and feel like giving back something to the community.
And after knowing and working on Joomla i found Joomla CMS as the most flexible, easy and user friendly cms.
As a developer, I like most of the features of it.
Now, i want to have a version of joomla, available free to the community.
I wanted to start it from scratch and it would be a copy/same as joomla.
Would that be a good idea to go with it?
Are there any CMS (same as Joomla) available in
I would like to have suggestions and advice from my community developers.
Critics are welcomed ;)
Checkout CMSWire. They have the language platform for most of the CMS packages along with a bunch of other attributes.
I think every web developer writes a CMS at some point in their career. I'm working on one right now. But a project the size of Joomla or Dotnetnuke is way too big for one person, even fulltime.
Btw, my favorite CMS ( based of demos ) that I've seen so for is Umbraco.
I've had the same idea as well but like people say it is a huge task.
However it's not as big as creating a CMS in a language like PHP from scratch becuase you can use features like rich data controls, Membership, profiles, themes, masterpages, webparts etc.
For that reason I would not een bother trying to convert joomla's php to c# but rather create a feature list and write code from that.
The only CMS that I've found comes close to joomla is Kentico mainly because of the use of webparts.
You might look at DOTNETNUKE (
That is the only major .NET based CMS that I know of. I also use Joomla and have used DOTNETNUKE as well and they offer many of the same features. If .NET is the way you need to go, this is really the only .NET CMS Open Source player out there.
