why product title does not print in my home page? - collections

I've been searching around on Google to find an accurate tutorial that explains how to display products on the home page but so far nothing is working! The for loop doesn't work; {% for product in collections[section.settings.featured_collection].products %} {{ product.title }} {% endfor %}


How display all top 1 product on collection list one one page?

I'm trying to display all top 1 product on the collection on one page. but I know how to do that.
I share upload three screenshots I want them to display on one page. Any tips?
There are a lot of ways to do this.
1 way. Start by creating a new collection with a condition, select product type is equal to top 1. In the product you want to appear in that collection, add top 1 to the type.
{% for collection in collections %}
{% for product in collection.products %}
{% if forloop.index == 1%}
{% comment %}display product{% endcomment %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %}
The above code will select first product on every collections in the shop. To control which to appear as first, go to the collection and select the sort orders.

swig to hbs for search results

Im relatively new to handlebars but am using it for a current project.
I need to show search results which I would usually show like this in swig:
{% for loan in data.loans %}
{% include 'loan.swig' %}
{% endfor %}
but that obviously won't work in hbs.
Can someone point me in the right direction as to what I should be putting?
Much appreciated.

Sensiolabs Insight : Twig templates should not contain business logic

I am actually running Sensiolabs Insight analysis on my Symfony 2.8 project.
I have a major issue with some of my Twig templates:
Twig templates should not contain business logic
The associated message is always the same :
Template too complex, depth of 10 is reached but only 5 is allowed.
For example this happens with the following template :
{% extends "FBNGuideBundle::layout.html.twig" %}
{% block title %}
{{ 'fbn.guide.page_title.bookmarks'|trans }}
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<div id="bookmarks" data-bookmark-ids="{{bookmarkIds|json_encode()}}">
{% if (restaurants|length > 0) %}
<div class="restaurants">
<h3>MES RESTOS</h3>
{% for bookmark in restaurants %}
<div class="bookmark" id="{{'bookmark-' ~ bookmark.id}}">
{{ bookmark.restaurant.name }}
<button>SUPPRIMER DES FAVORIS</button>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
I tried to include in a separated file the code contained inside <div id="bookmarks"></div> and the depth has been reduced, but it is not a solution. I suppose that the problem is the access to some properties through several objects using getters (i.e bookmark.restaurant.slug).
I have a free plan so I am not able to access the documentation related to this warning. Anyone knows how to solve the problem ?
When you have too much logic in the view, you can put it in a custom Twig Extension. An advantage is that you don't need to duplicate the html if you are reusing that part in another page and of course, the code is more clear :)
In your case, you can write a new Twig Extension that renders all the bookmarks.
If you didn't build somethng similar till now, you can read about it here http://symfony.com/doc/current/templating/twig_extension.html

Custom data collector for profile is visualy broken

I have created the custom data collector for profiler as described here http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/profiler/data_collector.html .
Now everything is working correctly except of {% block panel %} in template which defines the content area for my information. I have everything in place but on the screen tha page is almost without styles so its visualy broken.
When I compare my panel page and some other from profiler the mine lacks of cca. 200 lines of styles that Symfony is adding to the page header to style the page. I miss style for #content as an example. I tried to clear cache and refreshed everything but still now way. Any idea what is going to be wrong here?
This is waht I see in the browser ...
EDITED: Template
{% extends 'WebProfilerBundle:Profiler:layout.html.twig' %}
{% block toolbar %}
{% endblock %}
{% block head %}
{% endblock %}
{% block menu %}
<span class="label">
{% endblock %}
{% block panel %}
panel david
{% endblock %}
It is due to empty block of "head". Rust remove it or include parent block by {{parent()}}.
{% block head %}
{#if the web profiler panel needs some specific JS or CSS files #}
{% endblock %}

One django template not picking CSS, other templates are fine

I have two django templates in my one folder. The template for the url localhost:8000/people picks CSS correctly which is located at /m/css/style.css
The other template for the url localhost:8000/people/some-name in the same folder is trying to retrieve CSS from people/m/css/style.css
Why is this second template not picking CSS like the first one?
My erring second template is like this:
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block page_title %}{{ entry.name }} | {{ block.super }}{% endblock %}
{% block main %}
<h1>{{ entry.name }}</h1>
{{ entry.body|linebreaks }}
{% endblock main %}
As you can see there's nothing in the template that could cause problem.
It looks to me like your templates are looking for a stylesheet located at ../m/css/style.css. That's why the template in /people works - /people/../m/css/style.css refers to /m/css/style.css. However, /people/some-name/../m/css/style.cssrefers topeople/m/css/style.css`, not the desired address.
Make sure the templates are looking for /m/css/style.css - emphasis on the very first / character.
