How to deploy an nextjs on cpanel the app uses (i18next for internationalization)? - next.js

I'm trying to deploy an app build with nextjs on cpanel file manager,I'm using next export command so that I can take the index.html file and put it in the file manager directory on cpanel dashboard, but when I run that command (next export) I got an error says
Error: i18n support is not compatible with next export. See here for more info on deploying:
when I followed the link but it didn't have any useful info regarding i18next.
SO is there a way to deploy my nextjs app on cpanel without next export?, or should I remove i18next package at all and search for an alternative?


I installed using npm after which my main NextJS app is showing errors when trying to run it on localhost

This is the error I am getting on browser when trying to run my NextJS app which was running fine until I installed using npm. There was a new folder created for sanity in my nextjs app which had its own node_modules, I tried going back to when my app was working fine by deleting this sanity folder from my nextjs app. I also tried deleting the node_module folder which originally was present in my next js folder and then ran npm install, however, that does not seem to solve the problem.
Also getting this error in terminal:

Firebase server side rending example for nuxt.js

I have created small nuxtjs app using firebase. I'm having hard time setting up nuxtjs build with firebase cloud function. I found this video but it is outdated (
Any help or guidance or documentation would be helpful.
Here is link for the repo which. Also I mentioned steps which I tried to follow.
Here are the things that I've tried with this repo:
1. Install dependencies inside src using yarn install
2. Install dependencies in functions folder
3. Run yarn build inside src it will create nuxt folder inside folder.
4. Copy and move all contents from functions/nuxt/dist/client folder to public/client folder.
5. Now run functions serve --only functions,hosting -p 5004
6. You should see build firebase hosting running and build running.
7. Deploy firebase deploy --only functions,hosting.
This is the link which I able to deploy after it is running. As you can see vuetify is not working properly. I'm getting few issues.
Deployed link

Wordpress on Appengine - Plugins not installing

I'm trying to install plugins locally with add new > upload plugin. I get these errors ...
(1) With App Engine WP Plugin activated:
Fatal error: make_call(): Remote implementation for app_identity_service.GetAccessToken failed in C:\dev\google-cloud-sdk\platform\google_appengine\php\sdk\google\appengine\runtime\RealApiProxy.php on line 48
(2) With App Engine WP Plugin deactivated:
Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads/2017/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
(Note I have linked a service account to the storage bucket and given write permission)
Install them on your local machine to insure that they are saved in the GitHub repo that you push to appengine.. (it is not clear how you are doing it.

Meteor helper for Visual Studio Code: what is a meteor project directory

I am trying to use Visual Studio Code as an alternative to Webstorm to edit and debug a toy Meteor app. After installing the MeteorHelper extension which is announced as provided "Meteor CLI integration into VSCode" and try to run any Meteor command I get the error msg:
"X is not a meteor project directory, check your workspace definition".
I don't know whether the problem is the LOCATION of my directory X, or its CONTENT (something is missing?). I changed the meteorhelper.relativeProjectPath string in the settings.json file to various possible values to no avail.
Has anyone out there tried to use VSCode to edit and debug a Meteor app and got that error?
A Meteor project directory is what gets created when using the command:
meteor create my-app
This command creates a folder that contains your Meteor applications' code. Typically, the directory structure looks something like this:
The error you're describing would be encountered while attempting to run a project-specific meteor command from outside of a Meteor project. In the above example, I would access the project directory by first entering
cd my-app
on the command line.

`firebase deploy` just hangs

I'm trying to deploy a site to firebase.
firebase init worked fine. I then ran firebase bootstrap and chose the tetris template. So far so good. But when I run firebase deploy I get Preparing to deploy Public Directory... and then it just hangs forever.
How can I figure out what's going wrong?
Random info in case it helps:
My firebase-tools is version 1.0.1; node is version 0.8.20; npm is version 1.4.23. I ran sudo npm install -g firebase-tools to get the CLI. I'm running on a debian chroot on Android 4.4.3 device. My wifi works fine. On a lark I even tried running sudo firebase deploy in case it depends on ICMP packets or something, but there was no difference.
Firstly, the main reason it's not working is that Node.js version 0.10 or greater is required.
However, even once you've upgraded Node (and I'd recommend getting the latest of firebase-tools too) you're likely to be attempting to deploy the directory that you ran the initial firebase init command from, or at least the folder you specified in the setup (which defaults to the folder you ran the command from).
You should change directory and run the firebase deploy command from the folder that was created by the bootstrap command - which would have been named after the name of the Firebase it was created with, and you can delete the firebase.json file created in the parent directory.
The reason is that firebase init and firebase bootstrap are two different ways of doing the same thing - getting a folder in a deployable state. firebase init is for existing projects with files that will eventually be deployed, and firebase bootstrap is for creating a project from one of the existing templates. By running both, the initial firebase init would have created a firebase.json file containing the settings specified by the prompts, and then the firebase bootstrap command would have created a whole new sub-folder with its own firebase.json for the different settings.
