When i generate SQL querys from views, i would want them to be created in a new query instead of overwriting the active one. Is that an option somewhere?
Is there any way to know wheather new database is created or connected to existing one, when calling window.openDatabase() ? I think i have to create tables only when newly created.
Don't worry about the openDatabase() command. Instead modify your SQL so it only creates the tables if they don't exist like so:
Anybody know if it's possible to;
Dynamically create LINQ classes for tables/columns that change regularly?
If that creation can be used in DynamicData.
A web app we are developing creates tables and columns in SQL. We want to edit these tables in DynamicData.
Depending on what type of Database you are running, but you could always have a linq statement that queries the systems schema table and have it return the tables and columns. Then could use what you return and then use another linq query to break out the information from each table.
I used sqlmetal.exe from the SDK, it's a winner.
Can someone help me answer these questions on EntityFramework?
Does it do anything special to the database? (like extra tables)
Can I add data directly with SQL without breaking EF?
Can I add tables and fields without breaking EF?
Yes you can access database with plain SQL when using EF.
No. EF just uses database. There is one exception in code first approach where EF can create one additional table for its own purpose called EdmMetadata.
Yes you can add data directly with SQL. If both your entity model and database are defined correctly it will not break EF.
Yes you can add new tables directly but EF will not know about them. You should not change existing tables because it can break EF.
You can do it with:
var context = new YourObjectContext();
var s = context.ExecuteStoreCommand("some query");
if your query create a table, this only create a table on db and not effected on EF
I successfully retrieved data from an already populated table of a live database using mvc3 and linq 2 SQL. The table is defined in the DataClasses1.dbml.
Now I have to retrieve data from other tables with the same identical structure of DataClasses1 but from different databases on the same SQL Server( DB1.Customers DB2.Customers ecc), and display them grouped by database name.
1) How can I do that without creating N DataClassesN.dbml ? I guess since it's the same table structure I can avoid doing it.
2) (Optional): How can I automatically retrieve data also from tables of new created databases?
3) (Not relevant): How can I define a strongly type view? Seems I can do it using EF but I cannot do it using LINQ 2 SQL.
I already thought of creating a view on the database with all the customers tables, but it seems it's a too heavy view!
I have a query that returns all the database names (Select name from master..syttables), is it useful?
Thanks in advance
You just pass a different connection string to the data context when you create it. If the databases are truly identical, including all the foreign key relationships, then just do something like:
var dc = new DataClasses1(db1connectionstring);
// Do your display of database 1 data
var dc2 = new DataClasses1(db2connectionstring);
// Do your display of database 2 data
I have no idea what you mean by #2. Data doesn't retrieve itself.
You can't obviously join results from 2 databases in SQL so you'd probably have to use 2 queries (one to each database) with one of them selecting into a new Entity of the other database and then join the results in memory using LINQ afterwards. So one query returns DB1.EntityName and the other returns DB2.EntityName but with a select mapping this to new DB1.EntityName entities and then join the two. It's not a pretty solution but is the best I can think of off the top of my head.
If you just want each database to have a set of results each then obvioulsy you can just return 2 result sets. Let me know if I misunderstood your question.
I have a datatable with the records.I'm inserting records into Sql table using SqlBulkCopy.It works fine.Next time when get the datatable with same records with few changed values SqlBulkCopy is inserting another set of records without updating the previous details.How can I update the Sql table using SqlBulkCopy ?? Please help.
SqlBulkCopy is only used for inserting records, not updating them as explained here. You'd need to use a different technique to do bulk updates.
e.g. you could SqlBulkCopy into a staging table, then run some SQL to update from there to the main table.
Truncate the table and perform Bulkcopy.
Avoid Truncate table and Create a new temporary table, which BTW consume more space and memory.
I created a Trigger with INSTEAD OF INSERT and use inside MERGE statement.
But don't forget add the parameter SqlBulkCopyOptions.FireTriggers in the SqlBulkCopy.
This is my two cents.
Like mentioned by AdaTheDev, SqlBulkCopy can only insert however there is an alternative library which allow to perform Upsert operations.
Disclaimer: I'm the owner of the project Bulk Operations
The Bulk Operations library has a method "BulkMerge" which Insert or Update rows based on the specified key.
var bulk = new BulkOperation(connection);
bulk.ColumnMappings.Add("ID", true);