How to update two databases reference with a single trigger function in firebase RTDB? - firebase

Let's say we have firebase project in which we have to use RTDB.
In RTDB we have created multiple databases.
I created a cloud trigger function i.e .onCreate so that my both databases get updated whenever I update any of two. When I am creating anything in default database it is working completely fine but when I am trying to update through other database (other than default one) it doesn't update default one. So could you please help me on this?
/* eslint-disable */
import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
//this method is updating on creating data on database mentioned in instance id
export const newTest1=functions.database.instance('flysample-75b81-227ae').ref('/msg')
.onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
let app =;
return "done";
//this method is updating only by creating data on default database
export const newTest2=functions.database.ref('/msg')
.onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
let app =;
return "done";
//below 2 method works fine but i want to do this by single function
export const myFunTest1 = functions.database.instance('flysample-75b81').ref('/name')
.onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
let app =;
return "done";
export const myFunTest2 = functions.database.instance('flysample-75b81-227ae').ref('/name')
.onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
let app =;
return "done";

Your code is completely ignoring the asynchronous nature of writing to the database, which means there is no guarantee that any of the database writes completes before the instance gets terminated.
To ensure the writes don't get interrupted, wait for them to complete before returning a result with something like this:
export const newTest2=functions.database.ref('/msg')
.onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
let app =;
return Promise.all([
]).then(() => {
return "done";


RESTful API hosting on GCP

I have this multi layered application entirely hosted on GCP. At the moment, we only have the back-end part. Front-end and API are to be developed. For the front-end, the decision has been made - it will be a React.js app hosted on Firebase Hosting and the authentication method will be Email/password and users will be provisioned manually through the Firebase Hosting UI.
As we'd like to have a re-usable middle layer (API) we're in a process of making a decision what type of a solution to be used for our middle layer. The main request here is only logged in users to be able to call the API endpoints. Eventually, there will be also a native/mobile application which will have to also be able to make authenticated requests to the API.
My question here is, what type of GCP service is advised to pick here? I want it to be light, scalable and price optimized. Preferred programming language would be C# but Node.js would be also acceptable.
Firebase Functions would work well for this authenticated API. With a function, you can simply check for the existence of context.auth.uid before proceeding with the API call.
You'll want to use the .onCall() method to access this context.auth object.
Here's an example I took from one of my active Firebase projects which uses this concept:
Inside your functions>src folder, create a new function doAuthenticatedThing.ts
* A Firebase Function that can be called from your React Firebase client UI
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app';
import { connectFirestoreEmulator, getFirestore, getDocs, query, where, collection } from 'firebase/firestore';
import firebaseConfig from './firebase-config.json';
let isEmulator = false;
const doAuthenticatedThing = functions
enforceAppCheck: true,
memory: '256MB',
.https.onCall(async (_data, context) => {
// disable if you don't use app-check verify (you probably should)
if ( == undefined) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError(
'The function must be called from an App Check verified app.',
// checks for a firebase authenticated frontend user
if (context.auth == undefined) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError(
'The user must be authenticated.',
// establish firestore db for queries
const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
const db = getFirestore(app);
// start the emulator
if (process.env.MODE === 'development' && !isEmulator) {
connectFirestoreEmulator(db, '', 6060);
isEmulator = true;
// obtain the user's firebase auth UID
const uuid = context?.auth?.uid as string;
// do some database stuff
const ref = collection(db, 'collection-name');
const q = query(ref, where(uuid, '==', uuid));
const results = await getDocs(q);
if (results.empty) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError(
'There were no results found!',
// prepare document data
const data: Array<any> = [];
// gather chats, and an array of all chat uids
results.forEach((d) => {
data.push({ id:, data: });
return data;
export default doAuthenticatedThing;
Make sure to reference this new Firebase Function in the functions/src/index.ts file.
import doAuthenticatedThingFn from './doAuthenticatedThing';
export const doAuthenticatedThing = doAuthenticatedThingFn;
Create a frontend React Hook so any component can use any function you make. Call it useGetFunction.ts
import { getApp } from 'firebase/app';
import { getFunctions, HttpsCallable, httpsCallable } from '#firebase/functions';
const useGetFunction = (functionName: string): HttpsCallable<unknown, unknown> => {
const app = getApp();
const region = 'us-west1';
const functions = getFunctions(app, region);
return httpsCallable(functions, functionName);
export default useGetFunction;
Now you can simply get this function and use it in any React component:
const SomeComponent = () => {
const doAuthenticatedThing = useGetFunction('doAuthenticatedThing');
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
const results = await doAuthenticatedThing();
}, []);

Firebase Function Unable to Find userId and tweetId

I am using Firebase functions for Firestore database. I am trying to update a field based on the new tweet being added.
Here is my Firebase Function on production:
const admin = require('firebase-admin')
const db = admin.firestore()
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
functions.logger.log("START OF FUNCTION");
exports.myFunction = functions.firestore
.onCreate((change, context) => {
const userId = context.params.userId
const tweetId = context.params.tweetId
db.doc(`/timelines/${userId}/tweets/${tweetId}`).update({likeCount: 200})
I am triggering it through an iPhone app. I am logged in to my account and I add a new Tweet. The Firebase function does get called but userId and tweetId are undefined. I am not sure why they are undefined. Any ideas?
Without knowing your client-side logic it's difficult to know if there are other issues. I would suggest adding some error handling to narrow down the cause. You could also try pulling it from the data response instead of context (assuming the schema matches).
Also note using 'snap' instead of 'change' as change is generally reserved for 'onWrite' and 'onUpdate' hooks.
exports.myFunction = functions.firestore
.onCreate(async (snap, context) => {
try {
const { userId, tweetId } =;
return await db.doc(`/timelines/${userId}/tweets/${tweetId}`).update({ likeCount: 200 });
catch (error) {

FIREBASE FATAL ERROR: Database initialized multiple times

I have multiple database instances in my firebase app. I am trying to write into three database instances in firebase cloud functions. My understanding by following this document is no need to initialize multiple apps for each database instance. We can initialize one and pass in the database url. As a side note, I have another function with similar kind of functionality where I have trigger event in one database and write data to other database instance and it works fine.
import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
const app =;
export const onStart =
.onCreate(async (snapshot, context) => {
return await onCreate('my-db-1',snapshot,context);
export const onStartDb01 = functions.database.instance('my-db-2')
.onCreate(async (snapshot, context) => {
return await onCreate('my-db-2', snapshot, context);
async function onCreate(dbInstance: string, snapshot:
functions.database.DataSnapshot, context: functions.EventContext):
Promise<any> {
const defaultDb = app.database(defaultDbUrl);
const actvDb = app.database(actvDbUrl);
await defaultDb.ref('path')
.then(snap => {
const val = snap.val();
---do something and write back---
await actvDb.ref('path')
.then(snap => {
const val = snap.val();
---do something and write back---
return true;
But when a db event is fired, it logs the error as below
Error: FIREBASE FATAL ERROR: Database initialized multiple times. Please make sure the format of the database URL matches with each database() call.
You'll need to initialize a separate app() for each database instance.
Based on Doug's answer here that should be something like this:
const app1 = admin.initializeApp(functions.config().firebase)
const app2 = admin.initializeApp(functions.config().firebase)
And then:
const defaultDb = app1.database(defaultDbUrl);
const actvDb = app2.database(actvDbUrl);

How to delete document collection and all nested data from auth.user.onDelete trigger

Currently, the logic for deleting user data is the following:
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
const firestore_tools = require('firebase-tools');
const Auth = admin.auth();
const UsersCollection = admin.firestore().collection(`users`);
exports.deleteUserDocuments = functions.auth.user().onDelete((user) => {
const userID = user.uid;
.catch(error => {
return error
But since the user document record contains nested collections that contain other documents and collections they are still preserved due to the fact:
When you delete a document, Cloud Firestore does not automatically delete the documents within its sub-collections
I've researched a bit and found a documentation on how to create a callable function:
But I wonder is it possible to have this logic instead executed from the auth.user.onDelete trigger?
Update with the Solution
const firestore_tools = require('firebase-tools');
exports.deleteUserDocuments = functions.auth.user().onDelete((user) => {
const userID = user.uid;
const project = process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT;
const token = functions.config().ci_token;
const path = `/users/${userID}`;
console.log(`User ${userID} has requested to delete path ${path}`);
return firestore_tools.firestore
.delete(path, {
recursive: true,
yes: true,
.then(() => {
console.log(`User data with ${userID} was deleted`);
You can run whatever code you want in whatever trigger you want. The type of the trigger doesn't have any bearing on the type of code you can run.

Firebase Funcions missing logs

I have a simple function uploaded to Firebase Functions, that uses an external dependency (jimp). My code has some "console.log()" to trace what is happening when the function is triggered (by a 'write' action in Firstore).
According to the logs I can see in the firebase console,
every step of the function is running correctly, until it reaches the first call to the jimp object. At this point, no more logs on the console.
const Jimp = require('jimp');
const os = require('os');
exports.manageImage2 = functions.firestore
.onWrite(event => {'event triggered:', event);
console.log('tmpDir', os.tmpdir());
const originalUrl = data.original_file_url;
const imageSize = data.size;
if (imageSize > maxSize) {
console.log(`Image is too big (${imageSize})`);, (err, image) => {
I guess there is something wrong with the dependency, but I have no clue what it can be.
I obviously ran my code locally with any issue and also made sure the library is correctly listed in the dependencies of package.json
Any idea? is a callback styled asynchronous function. Use promise for adapt it to functions.
exports.manageImage2 = functions.firestore
.onWrite(event => {'event triggered:', event);
console.log('tmpDir', os.tmpdir());
const originalUrl = data.original_file_url;
const imageSize = data.size;
if (imageSize > maxSize) {
console.log(`Image is too big (${imageSize})`);
return new Promise(resolve =>, (err, image) => {
// …
// resolve(result);
For explanation read this:
