How to access data of QSqlQueryModel from a QML ListView delegate? - qt

I want to access data by a query in SQL database and present its results as list of elements in QML. However, I'm not sure if I'm accessing this data in the right way. Or maybe QSqlQueryModel presents its data in unusual way? How can I check this?
Here's code from my QML file:
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.1
import QtQuick.Layouts 2.0
import QtQml.Models 2.3
import DbInterface 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
id: main
width: 400
height: 800
visible: true
Component {
id: appCentralListDelegate
Row {
Text {
text: signature
Text {
text: name
DbInterface { id: appCentralListModel }
DelegateModel {
id: delegateModel
property var isSearchResult: function(item) {
return true;
// not implemented yet
model: appCentralListModel
delegate: appCentralListDelegate
function update() {
console.log("Starting update");
if (items.count > 0) {
items.setGroups(0, items.count, "items");
// Step 1: Filter items
var visible = [];
for (var i = 0; i < items.count; ++i) {
var item = items.get(i);
if (isSearchResult(item.model)) {
// Step 3: Add all items to the visible group:
for (i = 0; i < visible.length; ++i) {
item = visible[i];
item.inVisible = true;
if (item.visibleIndex !== i) {
visibleItems.move(item.visibleIndex, i, 1);
items.onChanged: update()
onIsSearchResultChanged: update()
groups: DelegateModelGroup {
id: visibleItems
name: "visible"
includeByDefault: false
filterOnGroup: "visible"
ListView {
id: appCentralListView
anchors.fill: parent
model: delegateModel
spacing: 0
Row {
TextField {
id: searchField
And here is a file where DbInterface is presented:
from PySide6.QtSql import QSqlQueryModel
from PySide6.QtQml import QmlElement
QML_IMPORT_NAME = "DbInterface"
class DbInterface(QSqlQueryModel):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(DbInterface, self).__init__(parent)
if self.lastError().isValid:
print("Query executed successfully.")


Multiselect QML ComboBox

I am building my first application and I want to have a combobox with certain options in it; when 1 of these options are selected, I want another combobox to be populated with certain options. Moreover if the user selects the second option in the first combobox, then the second gets populated with different options. Is this possible? I have been fooling around with it for a while and can't seem to find out how to do it.
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.2
ApplicationWindow {
id: rootWindow
visible: true
width: 1000
height: 800
title: qsTr("Hello World!")
id: country
model: ["USA", "India"]
onActivated: {
console.debug("CombBox.onActivated", index)
console.assert(currentIndex == index, "Assertion failed: property currentIndex not equal to actual parameter index")
id: state
model: ["California", "Assam"]
onActivated: {
console.debug("CombBox.onActivated", index)
console.assert(currentIndex == index, "Assertion failed: property currentIndex not equal to actual parameter index")
id: city
model: ["Los Angeles", "Dispur"]
onActivated: {
console.debug("CombBox.onActivated", index)
console.assert(currentIndex == index, "Assertion failed: property currentIndex not equal to actual parameter index")
id: zip
model: ["90001", "781005"]
onActivated: {
console.debug("CombBox.onActivated", index)
console.assert(currentIndex == index, "Assertion failed: property currentIndex not equal to actual parameter index")
Any idea on how to pass these signals will be highly appreciated
I would do that in the same way as in javascript:
import QtQuick 2.11
import QtQuick.Window 2.11
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.11
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
property var countryStateInfo: {
"USA": {
"California": {
"Los Angeles": ["90001", "90002", "90003", "90004"],
"San Diego": ["92093", "92101"]
"Texas": {
"Dallas": ["75201", "75202"],
"Austin": ["73301", "73344"]
"India": {
"Assam": {
"Dispur": ["781005"],
"Guwahati" : ["781030", "781030"]
"Gujarat": {
"Vadodara" : ["390011", "390020"],
"Surat" : ["395006", "395002"]
ColumnLayout {
anchors.centerIn: parent
ComboBox {
id: box1
currentIndex: -1
model: getData(countryStateInfo)
ComboBox {
id: box2
model: box1.currentIndex < 0 ? [] : getData(countryStateInfo[box1.displayText])
onModelChanged: currentIndex = -1
ComboBox {
id: box3
model: box2.currentIndex < 0 ? [] : getData(countryStateInfo[box1.displayText][box2.displayText])
onModelChanged: currentIndex = -1
ComboBox {
id: box4
model: box3.currentIndex < 0 ? [] : countryStateInfo[box1.displayText][box2.displayText][box3.displayText]
onModelChanged: currentIndex = -1
function getData(arr)
var retval = [];
for(var element in arr)
return retval;
Perhaps this code will require some refactoring, I just don't know how to use an associative array as a model

QML GridView hide one cell

It's possible to hide certain cell in GridView? I set delegate, but I still got empty place for this GridView element. It's possible to do this?
visible: false
width: 0
height: 0
As was said in the comment, you can indeed use a QSortFilterProxy model, but here is another solution. You could implement a pure-QML FilterProxyModel, using DelegateModel and DelegateModelGroup
import QtQuick 2.10
import QtQml.Models 2.3
DelegateModel {
property var filterAccepts: function(item) {
return true
onFilterAcceptsChanged: refilter()
function refilter() {
hidden.setGroups(0, hidden.count, "default")
items.setGroups(0, items.count, "default")
function filter() {
while (unsortedItems.count > 0) {
var item = unsortedItems.get(0)
item.groups = "items"
item.groups = "hidden"
items.includeByDefault: false
groups: [
DelegateModelGroup {
id: default
name: "default"
includeByDefault: true
onChanged: filter()
DelegateModelGroup {
id: hidden
name: "hidden"
Explanation: Every time an item is added to the model, it is added in the "default" group, which triggers the onChanged handler that will call filter().
Filter() will look for items in the default group, and move them either in the items group (which will make them visible) or to the hidden group, depending on the result of the filterAccepts function.
When filterAccept changes, the SortProxyModel will move every item to the default group to trigger a global refiltering.
You can then use your proxy model like this:
id: filterProxyModel
model: <YourBaseModel>
delegate: <YourDelegate>
filterAccepts: function(item) {
// Eg: Only "small" items will be displayed
return item.size == "small"
anchors.fill: parent
model: filterProxyModel
cellHeight: 100
cellWidth: 100
Another simplified solution with QML only, based on hiding items.
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
Window {
id: window
title: "test"
visible: true
width: 400
height: 400
GridLayout {
id: layout
anchors.fill: parent
columns: 4
Repeater {
id: container
model: 20
Rectangle {
id: item
property int itemIndex: index
Layout.fillWidth: true
height: 60
color: Qt.rgba(Math.random(),Math.random(),Math.random(),1)
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
item.visible = false;
function doIt(index)
var item = container.itemAt(index);
item.visible = false;
for(var i = index - 1;i >= 0;i --)
var prev_item = container.itemAt(i);
if(prev_item.visible) {
prev_item.Layout.columnSpan ++;

Get active Tab from TabView and change item property

In the context of a dual-pane file manager, I have two TabView items side by side, each contains multiple tabs of course, and each Tab loads a TableView showing the content of a specific directory using FolderListModel.
My current task is to implement a toolbar button to toggle the showHidden property of the FolderListModel instance shown in the active tab. Therefore, I need a way to find out what the currently active tab is.
Next, once I get the active Tab, I need to change Tab.item.some_property, in particular, the property of interest is show_hidden, which is an alias to the showHidden property of the underlying FolderListModel. For example, a hard-coded scenario would be:
ToolButton {
onClicked: {
tab1.item.show_hidden = false;
tab1.destroy(); // need "refresh" instead
First I need to get tab1 based on whether it is active, and second, after I change show_hidden, the view doesn't refresh by itself, so I need to call some kind of reload function, but which? Or maybe reload isn't the best way to do it? Is it possible to do it using a custom signal handler? (Again I can only think conceptually without knowing how to implement it.)
As suggested I'm posting a running example below:
/* main.qml */
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 1280
height: 700
toolBar: ToolBar {
RowLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
ToolButton {
onClicked: { // TODO toggle folderModel.showHidden property
tab1A.item.show_hidden = false;
// tab1A.destroy(); // fixme how to refresh the view?
Item {
anchors.fill: parent
SplitView {
id: splitView
anchors.fill: parent
TabView {
id: tabView1
width: splitView.width / 2
Tab {
id: tab1A
title: qsTr("Home")
source: "dirview.qml"
onLoaded: {
item.folder_url = "file:///tmp";
Tab {
title: qsTr("Folder")
source: "dirview.qml"
onLoaded: {
item.folder_url = "file:///home";
TabView {
id: tabView2
Tab {
title: qsTr("Home")
source: "dirview.qml"
onLoaded: {
item.folder_url = "file:///home";
/* dirview.qml */
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 2.1
TableView {
property alias folder_url: folderModel.folder
property alias show_hidden: folderModel.showHidden
id: tableView
anchors.fill: parent
TableViewColumn {
role: "fileName"
title: qsTr("Name")
width: tableView.width * 0.7
TableViewColumn {
role: "fileSize"
title: qsTr("Size")
width: tableView.width * 0.2
FolderListModel {
id: folderModel
nameFilters: ["*"]
showHidden: true
showDirsFirst: true
showDotAndDotDot: true
model: folderModel
Thank you.
Noticed something weird: Tab.item.folder_url has the right info, however, Tab.item.show_hidden is always false, even if I remove the line where I manually set it to false. This is hard to understand as I initially set FolderListModel.showHidden to true in dirview.qml.
ToolButton {
onClicked: { // TODO toggle folderModel.showHidden property
var cur_tab_idx = tabView1.currentIndex;
Here is an explanation of how I have got it to work.
I solved first problem using focus flag. When current Tab in TabView changes one Tab gains focus and the other one looses. So by using onFocusChanged() signal you can know exactly when one Tab becomes active or inactive.
The focus of Tab does not change when focus of whole TabView changes. Because of this I created an Array (named tabs in code) containing references to every TabView and Tab it contains. With this when TabView becomes inactive I can set focus of its Tab objects to false using simple for.
Second problem was more tricky. I see no other option of turning showHidden flag off than destroying and creating a new FolderListModel. We cannot (or I could not :) ) provide model to TableView dynamically so I made a ListModel. Advantage of regular ListModel compared to FolderListModel is that it can be cleared and refilled with data. Every time folder_url or show_hidden changes I destroy current FolderListModel and create a new one. After it is created I rewrite its data to the ListModel.
Here is the working code.
/* main.qml */
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 1280
height: 700
property var tabs: [
[tabView1, [tab1A, tab1B]],
[tabView2, [tab2A]]
toolBar: ToolBar {
RowLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
ToolButton {
onClicked: { // TODO toggle folderModel.showHidden property
tab1A.item.show_hidden = false;
// tab1A.destroy(); // fixme how to refresh the view?
Item {
anchors.fill: parent
SplitView {
id: splitView
anchors.fill: parent
TabView {
id: tabView1
width: splitView.width / 2
Tab {
id: tab1A
title: qsTr("Home")
source: "dirview.qml"
onLoaded: {
item.folder_url = "file:///tmp";
onFocusChanged: {
item.show_hidden = focus
onFocusChanged: {
if (!focus)
for (var i = 0 ; i < tabs[0][1].length ; i++)
tabs[0][1][i].focus = false
Tab {
id: tab1B
title: qsTr("Folder")
source: "dirview.qml"
onLoaded: {
item.folder_url = "file:///home";
onFocusChanged: {
item.show_hidden = focus
TabView {
id: tabView2
Tab {
id: tab2A
title: qsTr("Home")
source: "dirview.qml"
onLoaded: {
item.folder_url = "file:///tmp";
onFocusChanged: {
item.show_hidden = focus
onFocusChanged: {
if (!focus)
for (var i = 0 ; i < tabs[1][1].length ; i++)
tabs[1][1][i].focus = false
/* dirview.qml */
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 2.1
TableView {
property string folder_url
property bool show_hidden
id: tableView
anchors.fill: parent
TableViewColumn {
role: "fileName"
title: qsTr("Name")
width: tableView.width * 0.7
TableViewColumn {
role: "fileSize"
title: qsTr("Size")
width: tableView.width * 0.2
ListModel {
id: secondListModel
property var fm
property int folderModelCount
onFolder_urlChanged: {
onShow_hiddenChanged: {
onFolderModelCountChanged: {
function reloadFolderModel() {
folderModelCount = 0
if (typeof(fm) !== "undefined")
var component = Qt.createComponent("foldermodel.qml")
if (component.status === Component.Ready)
fm = component.createObject(
tableView, {"folder_url": folder_url, "show_hidden": show_hidden})
folderModelCount =
Qt.binding(function(){return fm.folderModel.count})
function resetSecondListModel() {
for (var i = 0 ; i < folderModelCount ; i++) {
"fileName": fm.folderModel.get(i, "fileName"),
"filePath": fm.folderModel.get(i, "filePath"),
"fileURL": fm.folderModel.get(i, "fileURL"),
"fileBaseName": fm.folderModel.get(i, "fileBaseName"),
"fileSuffix": fm.folderModel.get(i, "fileSuffix"),
"fileSize": fm.folderModel.get(i, "fileSize"),
"fileModified": fm.folderModel.get(i, "fileModified"),
"fileAccessed": fm.folderModel.get(i, "fileAccessed"),
"fileIsDir": fm.folderModel.get(i, "fileIsDir")
model: secondListModel
foldermodel.qml (add this file)
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 2.1
Item {
property string folder_url
property bool show_hidden
property alias folderModel: folderModelObject
FolderListModel {
id: folderModelObject
nameFilters: ["*"]
folder: folder_url
showHidden: show_hidden
showDirsFirst: true
showDotAndDotDot: true
Now you understand why QML is not very flexible. :)
Solution to finding the current Tab in the active TabView (pane): declare a property of SplitView to store the TabView that has activeFocus.
A StatusBar is added to demo the functionality.
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 1280
height: 700
toolBar: ToolBar {
RowLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
ToolButton {
onClicked: { // TODO toggle folderModel.showHidden property
// Demo: get the current tab of the active pane
var active_pane = splitView.activePane;
var cur_tab_idx = active_pane.currentIndex;
var cur_tab_item = active_pane.getTab(cur_tab_idx).item;
testLabel.text = cur_tab_item.folder_url;
SplitView {
id: splitView
property TabView activePane: tabView1
anchors.fill: parent
TabView {
id: tabView1
width: splitView.width / 2
onActiveFocusChanged: {
if (activeFocus) {
splitView.activePane = tabView1;
Tab {
title: qsTr("tmp")
source: "dirview.qml"
onLoaded: {
item.folder_url = "file:///tmp";
Tab {
title: qsTr("home")
source: "dirview.qml"
onLoaded: {
item.folder_url = "file:///home";
TabView {
id: tabView2
onActiveFocusChanged: {
if (activeFocus) {
splitView.activePane = tabView2;
Tab {
title: qsTr("bin")
source: "dirview.qml"
onLoaded: {
item.folder_url = "file:///bin";
statusBar: StatusBar {
RowLayout {
Label {
text: (splitView.activePane === tabView1) ? "Pane 1" : "Pane 2"
Label {
id: testLabel

QML XmlListModel messes sorting when delegated

I'm trying to get a Canvas to draw lines in the same order as presented in this xml-file:
QML-file with XmlListModel:
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import QtQuick.XmlListModel 2.0
Page {
id: page
property alias startx : coords.mX
property alias starty : coords.mY
Item {
id: coords
property int mX: 0
property int mY: 0
XmlListModel {
id: myxml
source: "/home/nemo/filename.xml"
query: "/root/doc"
XmlRole { name: "nopeus"; query: "nopeus/string()" }
XmlRole { name: "aika"; query: "aika/string()" }
ListView {
model: myxml
anchors.fill: page
Item {
Chart {
xc: coords.mX;
yc: coords.mY;
xd: aika;
yd: nopeus;
import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
id: myrect
width: 540
height: 960
color: "transparent"
property int xd: 0
property int yd: 0
property int xc: 0
property int yc: 0
Canvas {
id: mycanvas
width: myrect.width; height: myrect.height;
onPaint: {
var context = getContext('2d')
context.strokeStyle = "#FF0000"
context.lineWidth = 2
startx = xd
starty = yd
The question is why is the resulting path messed up when inserted in the ListView via delegates? I have tried to sort the path items separately, via a function and another ListModel but the result is the same.
Here is a screenshot:
Delegates are created for each item in a model. Your model contains eight items (as of your input). Hence, you create eight Canvases (each one as a ListView item, i.e. at (theoretical) increasing y w.r.t. ListView origin coordinates).
Combile these problems with the (probably wrongly set) starting points...and you get a random mess! You can't see that, since the Canvases tend to overlap due to sizing/constraints set on the component.
In this case you just need one Canvas on which each myxml item is painted. Here is a (naive) adaptation of your code which correctly shows the path stored in the xml file:
// main.qml
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.XmlListModel 2.0
Window {
visible: true
width: 600
height: 600
XmlListModel {
id: myxml
source: "qrc:/filename.xml" // added to the resources
query: "/root/doc"
XmlRole { name: "nopeus"; query: "nopeus/string()" }
XmlRole { name: "aika"; query: "aika/string()" }
onStatusChanged: {
if(status === XmlListModel.Ready)
comp.mod = myxml // set the model ASA it is ready to be used
Chart {
id: comp
anchors.fill: parent
mod: myxml
// Chart.qml
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.XmlListModel 2.0
Item {
property var mod: undefined
onModChanged: {
mycanvas.requestPaint() // repaint only when the model is available
Canvas {
id: mycanvas
width: parent.width; height: parent.height;
onPaint: {
var context = getContext('2d')
context.strokeStyle = "#FF0000"
context.lineWidth = 2
// iterate over all the point to print them
for(var i = 0; i < mod.count; i++)
var point = mod.get(i)
context.lineTo(point.aika, point.nopeus)
The resulting path rendered:

Dynamically create QML ListElement and content

So I am trying to dynamically create ListElements in a ListModel. This works fine until I try writing some content in the ListElements to be loaded dynamically.
I tried making an own file with the ListElement within and the hour as a property, but the model then I got an error saying that ListElements can not be nested.
The error for running the code below is:
Cannot assign to non-existent property "hour"
How can I solve this?
import QtQuick 2.0
id: listModel
for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++)
var object = createListElement(listModel)
function createListElement(parent)
var object = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; ListElement { hour: "01" }', parent);
return object;
Change the code line in the function to:
var object = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; ListElement { property string hour: "23" }', parent);
Now I get no errors, but the elements are still not showing in the list.
I'm not sure why that doesn't work, but using plain old JavaScript objects does the job:
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
Window {
width: 400
height: 400
ListView {
id: listView
anchors.fill: parent
model: listModel
delegate: Rectangle {
width: listView.width
height: listView.height / 4
Text {
text: hour
anchors.centerIn: parent
ListModel {
id: listModel
Component.onCompleted: {
for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
function createListElement() {
return {
hour: "01"
