mnrval Matlab function in R - r

Can someone please help me with the equivalent of the mnrval function in R? I have not been able to find one where predicted probabilities are returned based on arguments, coefficient estimates and predictor values. I tried to rewrite the Matlab function in R but was unable to because one of the inner functions that was used was private. I would highly appreciate your help on this.
The documentation page on mnrval() states
MNRVAL Predict values for a nominal or ordinal multinomial regression model.
PHAT = MNRVAL(B,X) computes predicted probabilities for the nominal
multinomial logistic regression model with predictor values X. B is the
intercept and coefficient estimates as returned by the MNRFIT function. X
is an N-by-P design matrix with N observations on P predictor variables.
MNRVAL automatically includes intercept (constant) terms in the model; do
not enter a column of ones directly into X. PHAT is an N-by-K matrix of
predicted probabilities for each multinomial category.


Does the function multinom() from R's nnet package fit a multinomial logistic regression, or a Poisson regression?

The documentation for the multinom() function from the nnet package in R says that it "[f]its multinomial log-linear models via neural networks" and that "[t]he response should be a factor or a matrix with K columns, which will be interpreted as counts for each of K classes." Even when I go to add a tag for nnet on this question, the description says that it is software for fitting "multinomial log-linear models."
Granting that statistics has wildly inconsistent jargon that is rarely operationally defined by whoever is using it, the documentation for the function even mentions having a count response and so seems to indicate that this function is designed to model count data. Yet virtually every resource I've seen treats it exclusively as if it were fitting a multinomial logistic regression. In short, everyone interprets the results in terms of logged odds relative to the reference (as in logistic regression), not in terms of logged expected count (as in what is typically referred to as a log-linear model).
Can someone clarify what this function is actually doing and what the fitted coefficients actually mean?
nnet::multinom is fitting a multinomial logistic regression as I understand...
If you check the source code of the package, and, you will see that the multinom function is indeed using counts (which is a common thing to use as input for a multinomial regression model, see also the MGLM or mclogit package e.g.), and that it is fitting the multinomial regression model using a softmax transform to go from predictions on the additive log-ratio scale to predicted probabilities. The softmax transform is indeed the inverse link scale of a multinomial regression model. The way the multinom model predictions are obtained, cf.predictions from nnet::multinom, is also exactly as you would expect for a multinomial regression model (using an additive log-ratio scale parameterization, i.e. using one outcome category as a baseline).
That is, the coefficients predict the logged odds relative to the reference baseline category (i.e. it is doing a logistic regression), not the logged expected counts (like a log-linear model).
This is shown by the fact that model predictions are calculated as
fit <- nnet::multinom(...)
X <- model.matrix(fit) # covariate matrix / design matrix
betahat <- t(rbind(0, coef(fit))) # model coefficients, with expicit zero row added for reference category & transposed
preds <- mclustAddons::softmax(X %*% betahat)
Furthermore, I verified that the vcov matrix returned by nnet::multinom matches that when I use the formula for the vcov matrix of a multinomial regression model, Faster way to calculate the Hessian / Fisher Information Matrix of a nnet::multinom multinomial regression in R using Rcpp & Kronecker products.
Is it not the case that a multinomial regression model can always be reformulated as a Poisson loglinear model (i.e. as a Poisson GLM) using the Poisson trick (glmnet e.g. uses the Poisson trick to fit multinomial regression models as a Poisson GLM)?

Calculating VIF for ordinal logistic regression & multicollinearity in R

I am running an ordinal regression model. I have 8 explanatory variables, 4 of them categorical ('0' or '1') , 4 of them continuous. Beforehand I want to be sure there's no multicollinearity, so I use the variance inflation factor (vif function from the car package) :
mod1<-polr(Y ~ X1+X2+X3+X4+X5+X6+X7+X8, Hess = T, data=df)
but I get a VIF value of 125 for one of the variables, as well as the following warning :
Warning message: In vif.default(mod1) : No intercept: vifs may not be sensible.
However, when I convert my dependent variable to numeric (instead of a factor), and do the same thing with a linear model :
mod2<-lm(Y ~ X1+X2+X3+X4+X5+X6+X7+X8, data=df)
This time all the VIF values are below 3, suggesting that there's no multicollinearity.
I am confused about the vif function. How can it return VIFs > 100 for one model and low VIFs for another ? Should I stick with the second result and still do an ordinal model anyway ?
The vif() function uses determinants of the correlation matrix of the parameters (and subsets thereof) to calculate the VIF. In the linear model, this includes just the regression coefficients (excluding the intercept). The vif() function wasn't intended to be used with ordered logit models. So, when it finds the variance-covariance matrix of the parameters, it includes the threshold parameters (i.e., intercepts), which would normally be excluded by the function in a linear model. This is why you get the warning you get - it doesn't know to look for threshold parameters and remove them. Since the VIF is really a function of inter-correlations in the design matrix (which doesn't depend on the dependent variable or the non-linear mapping from the linear predictor into the space of the response variable [i.e., the link function in a glm]), you should get the right answer with your second solution above, using lm() with a numeric version of your dependent variable.

Linear predictor from coefficients of Cox PH model

I need to calculate the linear predictor of a Cox PH model by hand.
I can get continuous and binary variables to match the output of predict.coxph (specifying 'lp') but I can't seem to figure out how to calculate it for categorical variables with more than 2 levels.
My aim is to assess calibration of a published model in my own data-I only have coefficients so need to be able to do this by hand.
This previous post describes how to calculate for continuous variables...
(Coxph predictions don't match the coefficients)
Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks

beta coefficient in Anova with R and XLStat

I’m working with the software R and XLStat. I’ve conducted an one-way ANOVA (my categorical variable is 3 modal (1,2,3) and my response variable is quantitative on scale 1-10).
I’ve conducted this ANOVA on R and XLStat and the outputs for the F fisher, p-value, coefficient estimations, t-values, std error … are exactly the same.
However, XLstat offers an extra output : the standardized coefficients (called too beta coefficients). Firstly, I was surprised, because I didn’t think we could calculate beta coefficient for a categorical variable and according to the bibliography I read, it doesn’t have any sense.
Anyway, I tried to find these coefficients with R, thanks to the unique formula I found : beta = estimate * sd(x)/sd(y). sd(x) being the standard deviation of the categorical variable (which is automatically transformed as numeric variable with R, in order to calculate sd(x), seems logical ) and sd(y) being the standard deviation of my response variable.
The first beta I obtained with R is the same than in XLstat , but not the second and the third. Given that the first one is the same with R and XLStat, I suppose that Xlstat convert too the categorical variable in numeric variable (which is senseless but this is not the question).
Moreover, I conducted the anova on Statistica in order to see if XLStat did any mistake but its outputs for the beta coefficients are the same than in Xlstat …
So, my question is this one : what is the formula to obtain the beta coefficient in a one way Anova ?
Then, I would like to ask you about the relevance of these beta coefficients for a categorical variable. According to my thoughts and publications I read, it doesn't have any sense …
ps contrasts in R and Xlstat are sum(ai)=0. For beta coefficients, XLStat remove the intercept. I guess this fact could be important but I don't know somehow
The formula for obtaining beta coefficients from metric coefficients for an ANOVA is the same as for a linear regression. The coefficients have no sensible interpretation (for categorical variables), but standardized coefficients are useful in comparing the relative effects of IVs with different metrics.
In R, either use scale() to transform the data to z-scores before fitting the model, or use lm.beta() instead of lm().
It is not clear why you would obtain different beta coefficients with XLStat, but it could have something to do with degrees of freedom if it's not an error. This example compares the lm.beta() function in R with SAS and obtains the same coefficients.

R, Multinomial Regression: How to Find Conditional Probabilities?

In R, given a multinomial linear logit regression, I would need to obtain the conditional probability given some values of the predictors.
For example, using the function multinom from the package nnet, imagine to have computed fit <- multinom(response ~ predictor). From fit, how can I obtain the probability weights of the different response classes, given a certain value of the predictor?
I thought of using something like predict(fit,newdata,type=???), but I have no idea about how to continue.
I found a possible solution: predict(fit, newdata = predictor, "probs"). In this way, I was able to find the probability weights for all the values of the predictor: every row corresponds to a certain value.
